140 research outputs found

    Análisis de la alimentación de estadios larvarios de Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) en el mar Cantábrico central

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    Diet analysis of larval fish may clarify the role that zooplankton—not only its abundance but also its size structure and taxonomic composition—may have on larval growth and subsequent recruitment levels. Taking into account the increase in size during larval stages, we followed a larval size-dependent approach for the analysis of prey size in the diet of larval sardine (Sardina pilchardus). Studies on feeding patterns of clupeid larvae typically involve a problem due to regurgitation and defecation of gut contents during capture. Therefore, an alternative sampling method was tested in this study, but no significant differences from conventional methods were found. Despite the low feeding incidence observed (23%), we found a circadian feeding pattern with the highest mean gut contents after dawn, decreasing during the day and with the lowest values at night. Diet was mostly composed of copepod developmental stages, mainly nauplii, and prey size increased with larval size following a power function. Maximum and mean prey size were related to larval mouth gape, though other factors may be restricting the maximum prey size ingested, since most prey width values were between 20 and 40% of larval mandible width.El análisis de la dieta de las larvas de peces puede clarificar el papel que el zooplancton, no solo su abundancia sino también su estructura de tamaños y su composición taxonómica, pueden tener en el crecimiento larvario y los subsecuentes niveles de reclutamiento. Teniendo en cuenta el incremento de tamaño durante los estadíos larvarios, hemos seguido una aproximación dependiente del tamaño para el análisis del tamaño de presa en la dieta de larvas de sardina (Sardina pilchardus). Los estudios sobre los patrones de alimentación de las larvas de clupeidos suelen presentar problemas debido a la regurgitación y defecación de los contenidos digestivos durante la captura. En este sentido, en el presente estudio se probó un nuevo método de muestreo pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas respecto a los métodos convencionales. A pesar de la baja incidencia alimenticia observada (23%), encontramos un patrón alimenticio circadiano con valores medios de contenidos digestivos más elevados después del amanecer, que decrecen durante el día y se minimizan por la noche. La dieta se compuso fundamentalmente de estadíos de desarrollo de copépodo, sobre todo nauplii, y el tamaño de presa aumentó con el tamaño de larva siguiendo una función potencial. El tamaño máximo y medio de presa se relacionó con la apertura bucal de las larvas, aunque otros factores pueden restringir el tamaño máximo de presa ingerida, ya que el tamaño de la mayoría de las presas se encontró entre el 20 % y el 40 % de la anchura de mandíbula larvaria

    Field Trials for the Empirical Characterization of the Low Voltage Grid Access Impedance From 35 kHz to 500 kHz

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    The access impedance of low-voltage (LV) power networks is a major factor related to the performance of the narrow-band power line communications (NB-PLCs) and, in a wider sense, to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) performance. Up to date, there is still a lack of knowledge about the frequency-dependent access impedance for frequencies above 9 kHz and up to 500 kHz, which is the band where the NB-PLC operates. The access impedance affects the transmission of the NB-PLC signal, and it determines the propagation of the non-intentional emissions that may disturb other electrical devices, including malfunctioning or reduced lifetime of equipment. This paper presents the results of field measurements of the LV access impedance up to 500 kHz in different scenarios, with measurement locations close to end users and near transformers. The results provide useful information to analyze the characteristics of the LV access impedance, including variation with frequency, ranges of values for different frequency bands, and analysis of specific phenomena. Moreover, the results reveal a diverse frequency-dependent behavior of the access impedance in different scenarios, depending on the grid topology, the number of end users (that is, number and type of connected loads), and the type of transformation center. Overall, the results of this paper offer a better understanding of the transmission of NB-PLC signals and EMC-related phenomena.The authors would like to thank Iberdrola for the availability and the collaboration of authorized staff for carrying out the field trials

    Underdosing of Surfactant for Preterm Babies with Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Clinical Practice : A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    This study was supported by Chiesi España, S.A.U., Barcelona, Spain.Objective: To evaluate the initial doses of surfactant administered to preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Study Design: This is a retrospective cohort study of 206 preterm infants admitted in four level III neonatal intensive care units of acute tertiary care hospitals in Spain between 2013 and 2015. Results: The mean initial dose of surfactant was 173.9 (37.3) mg/kg, and 47.5% of infants received a dose of 200 mg/kg ± 10% (180-220 mg/kg), 47% less than 180 mg/kg (-10%), and 5.4% more than 220 mg/kg (+10%). Very preterm infants (32 weeks). Conclusion: Administration of surfactant below the prescribed dose is a frequent error in clinical practice. Inadvertently rounding down doses seems a plausible explanation

    Multitasking Compensatory Saccadic Training Program for Hemianopia Patients: A New Approach With 3-Dimensional Real-World Objects

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose: To examinewhether a noncomputerized multitasking compensatory saccadic training program (MCSTP) for patients with hemianopia, based on a reading regimen and eight exercises that recreate everyday visuomotor activities using threedimensional (3D) real-world objects, improves the visual ability/function, quality of life (QL), and functional independence (FI). Methods: The 3D-MCSTP included four in-office visits and two customized homebased daily training sessions over 12weeks. A quasiexperimental, pretest/posttest study designwas carried out with an intervention group (IG) (n = 20) and a no-training group (NTG) (n = 20) matched for age, hemianopia type, and brain injury duration. Results: The groups were comparable for the main baseline variables and all participants (n = 40) completed the study. The IGmainly showed significant improvements in visual-processing speed (57.34% ± 19.28%; P < 0.0001) and visual attention/retention ability (26.67% ± 19.21%; P < 0.0001), which also were significantly greater (P < 0.05) than in the NTG. Moreover, the IG showed large effect sizes (Cohen’s d) in 75% of the totalQL and FI dimensions analyzed; in contrast to the NTGthat showed negligiblemean effect sizes in 96% of these dimensions. Conclusions: The customized 3D-MCSTP was associated with a satisfactory response in the IG for improving complex visual processing, QL, and FI. Translational Relevance: Neurovisual rehabilitation of patientswith hemianopia seems more efficient when programs combine in-office visits and customized home-based training sessions based on real objects and simulating real-life conditions, than no treatment or previously reported computer-screen approaches, probably because of better stimulation of patients´ motivation and visual-processing speed brain mechanisms

    Outflows, envelopes, and disks as evolutionary indicators in Lupus YSOs

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    By studying 7 objects in the Lupus clouds we aim to test if a coherence exists between commonly used evolutionary tracers. We present ALMA observations of the continuum and molecular line emission that probe the dense gas and dust of cores and their associated molecular outflows. Our source selection in a common environment allows for a consistent comparison across different evolutionary stages. The quality of the ALMA molecular data allows us to reveal the nature of the molecular outflows by studying their morphology and kinematics. The images in IRAS15398-3359 appear to show that it drives a precessing episodic jet-driven outflow with at least 4 ejections separated by periods of time between 50 and 80 years, while data in IRAS16059-3857 show similarities with a wide-angle wind model also showing signs of being episodic. The outflow of J160115-41523 could be better explain with the wide-angle wind model as well, but new observations are needed to explore its nature. We find that the most common evolutionary tracers are useful for broad evolutionary classifications, but are not consistent with each other to provide enough granularity to disentangle different evolutionary stage of sources that belong to the same Class. Outflow properties used as protostellar age tracers (mass, momentum, energy, opening angle) may suffer from differences in the nature of each outflow, thus detailed observations are needed to refine evolutionary classifications. We found both AzTEC-lup1-2 and AzTEC-lup3-5 to be in the pre-stellar stage, although the latter could be more evolved. IRAS15398-3359, IRAS16059-3857 and J160115-41523, which have clearly detected outflows, are Class 0 sources, although we are not able to determine which is younger and which is older. Sz102 and Merin28 are the most evolved sources and show signs of having associated flows, not as well traced by CO as for the younger sources.Fil: Vazzano, María Mercedes. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez Lopez, Manuel. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Plunkett, Adele. National Radio Astronomy Observatory; Estados UnidosFil: de Gregorio Monsalvo, Itziar. European Southern Observatory Chile.; ChileFil: Santamaría Miranda, Alejandro. European Southern Observatory Chile.; ChileFil: Takahashi, Satoko. Joint Alma Observatory; ChileFil: Lopez, Cristian. Joint Alma Observatory; Chil

    Durability testing of a newly developed hydrophilic anti-soiling coating for solar reflectors

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    Anti-soiling coatings for solar reflectors are one of the most useful technical tools to reduce the amount of soiling accumulated on the reflector surfaces, contributing to reduce the water consumption and to increase efficiency in concentrating solar fields. A new anti-soiling coating formulation based on the hydrophilic effect has been recently developed by Tekniker and Rioglass. Reflector samples with this innovative coating were assessed through an accelerated aging test campaign as well as an outdoor exposition at the PSA by CIEMAT and DLR. According to the results obtained, the coating exhibited an appropriate behavior, which implies that the new product represents a promising solution to reduce water consumption

    Lipidómica de membrana aplicada a la personalización de alimentos

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    III Congreso de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Combinar la nutrición comunitaria y personalizada: nuevos retos

    Visual processing speed in hemianopia patients secondary to acquired brain injury: a new assessment methodology

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: There is a clinical need to identify diagnostic parameters that objectively quantify and monitor the effective visual ability of patients with homonymous visual field defects (HVFDs). Visual processing speed (VPS) is an objective measure of visual ability. It is the reaction time (RT) needed to correctly search and/or reach for a visual stimulus. VPS depends on six main brain processing systems: auditory-cognitive, attentional, working memory, visuocognitive, visuomotor, and executive. We designed a new assessment methodology capable of activating these six systems and measuring RTs to determine the VPS of patients with HVFDs. Methods: New software was designed for assessing subject visual stimulus search and reach times (S-RT and R-RT respectively), measured in seconds. Thirty-two different everyday visual stimuli were divided in four complexity groups that were presented along 8 radial visual field positions at three different eccentricities (10o, 20o, and 30o). Thus, for each HVFD and control subject, 96 S- and R-RT measures related to VPS were registered. Three additional variables were measured to gather objective data on the validity of the test: eye-hand coordination mistakes (ehcM), eye-hand coordination accuracy (ehcA), and degrees of head movement (dHM, measured by a head-tracker system). HVFD patients and healthy controls (30 each) matched by age and gender were included. Each subject was assessed in a single visit. VPS measurements for HFVD patients and control subjects were compared for the complete test, for each stimulus complexity group, and for each eccentricity. Results: VPS was significantly slower (p < 0.0001) in the HVFD group for the complete test, each stimulus complexity group, and each eccentricity. For the complete test, the VPS of the HVFD patients was 73.0% slower than controls. They also had 335.6% more ehcMs, 41.3% worse ehcA, and 189.0% more dHMs than the controls. Conclusions: Measurement of VPS by this new assessment methodology could be an effective tool for objectively quantifying the visual ability of HVFD patients. Future research should evaluate the effectiveness of this novel method for measuring the impact that any specific neurovisual rehabilitation program has for these patients

    Safety and Biocompatibility of a New High-Density Polyethylene-Based Spherical Integrated Porous Orbital Implant: An Experimental Study in Rabbits

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    Purpose. To evaluate clinically and histologically the safety and biocompatibility of a new HDPE-based spherical porous orbital implants in rabbits. Methods. MEDPOR (Porex Surgical, Inc., Fairburn, GA, USA), OCULFIT I, and OCULFIT II (AJL Ophthalmic S.A., Vitoria, Spain) implants were implanted in eviscerated rabbis. Animals were randomly divided into 6 groups (n=4 each) according to the 3 implant materials tested and 2 follow-up times of 90 or 180 days. Signs of regional pain and presence of eyelid swelling, conjunctival hyperemia, and amount of exudate were semiquantitatively evaluated. After animals sacrifice, the implants and surrounding ocular tissues were processed for histological staining and polarized light evaluation. Statistical study was performed by ANOVA and Kaplan-Meier analysis. Results. No statistically significant differences in regional pain, eyelid swelling, or conjunctival hyperemia were shown between implants and/or time points evaluated. However, amount of exudate differed, with OCULFIT I causing the smallest amount. No remarkable clinical complications were observed. Histological findings were similar in all three types of implants and agree with minor inflammatory response. Conclusions. OCULFIT ophthalmic tolerance and biocompatibility in rabbits were comparable to the clinically used MEDPOR. Clinical studies are needed to determine if OCULFIT is superior to the orbital implants commercially available
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