45 research outputs found

    Sentidos de prática pedagógica em ações de formação inicial de professores de Biologia

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    No presente trabalho investigamos os sentidos de prática pedagógica construídos em um projeto de formação de professores de biologia no Brasil. Nossa pesquisa ancora-se na perspectiva sócio-histórica. Os discursos sobre a prática pedagógica durante a formação de professores constroem significados, os quais são reproduzidos e ressignificados nos cotidianos escolares, nos percursos formativos de professores de ciências, nas concepções de sucesso e fracasso da escola. A partir dos modelos de «ação» propostos por Jürgen Habermas, identificamos que a prática pedagógica é majoritariamente referida como ação estratégica, mas está permeada por sentidos de ação normativa e dramatúrgica. Dessa forma os discursos emergidos no programa de formação de professores estudado constroem significados de forma complexa e híbrida

    Sentidos de prática pedagógica na produção brasileira sobre formação inicial de professores de ciências (2000-2010)

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    In this work, we propose an analytical framework to characterize the meanings of practice constructed in teacher education research, analyzing the production in science teacher education in Brazil. Our research is founded on the perspective that the context of scientific research on teacher education constructs meanings, which are reproduced and reinterpreted in school everyday, in the training pathways of science teachers and undergraduates, in the notions of success and failure in schools. Therefore, our work has the potential to contribute to understanding how views about teachers in training and about their practice are structured. Using the models of action proposed by Jürgen Habermas, we develop an analysis of how the object of study pedagogical practice is constructed in the articles published in nationalQualis A journals of science education in the period 2000-2010. The results of our analyzes indicate that there is a tendency to understand practice as a strategic action aimed at the world of school objects, its methods and materials. Practice as communicative action, which aims at the school as belonging simultaneously to the objective, dramatic world and to the world of standards, is substantially present in the becomings of the educational practice.No presente trabalho, pretendemos propor um quadro analítico para caracterizar os sentidos de prática construídos no campo de pesquisa da formação de professores, a partir da análise da produção sobre formação de professores de ciências no Brasil. Nossa investigação ancora-se na perspectiva de que o contexto da pesquisa científica sobre formação de professores constrói significados, os quais são reproduzidos e ressignificados nos cotidianos escolares, nos percursos formativos de professores de ciências e licenciandos, nas concepções de sucesso e fracasso da escola. Nosso trabalho, portanto, tem o potencial de contribuir para compreendermos como são estruturadas visões sobre o professor em formação e sobre sua prática. A partir dos modelos de ação propostos por Jürgen Habermas, desenvolvemos uma análise de como o objeto de estudo prática pedagógica é construído nos textos de artigos publicados em periódicos nacionaisQualis A de educação em ciências no período de 2000-2010. Os resultados de nossas análises indicam que há uma tendência a compreender a prática como ação estratégica direcionada ao mundo dos objetos escolares, seus métodos e seus materiais. A prática como ação comunicativa, a qual se direciona à escola como pertencente, simultaneamente, aos mundos objetivo, dramático e das normas, é sensivelmente presente nos devires da prática pedagógica

    Influential Factors for Hospital Management Maturity Models in a post-Covid-19 scenario - Systematic Literature Review

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    The importance of Maturity Models in the health area was proven to support, monitor and direct health organizations to better plan and execute to their investments and developments. In this work, two reviews of the literature were collected: one of them focuses on identifying the main maturity models developed in the health area, the similarities, and gaps between them, identifying which are the Influencing Factors and, the other one, is to identify the lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a pandemic scenario, the health sectors demonstrated the importance of the resilience, in which health systems had to adapt abruptly, considering physical structures; professional management; patient safety; supply chain and; technologies. Technologies, played an essential role to mitigating the pressure that health systems faced due to the increase in health costs, growth of chronic diseases, population aging, population’s expectation for more personalized health and, added to that, the confrontation of Covid-19 pandemic. In this sense, we identified the lack of maturity models that address the adversities that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic in health systems for better hospital management and avoid the pressure to which they could be subjected again.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Socio-environmental impact with inadequate destination of chemical residues pharmaceuticals: project with alternative of receiving and processing of residues generated by the city of Araruama in the Region of Lakes of Rio de Janeiro: Impacto socioambiental com destino inadequado dos resíduos químicos farmacêuticos: projeto com alternativa de recebimento e processamento dos resíduos gerados pela cidade de Araruama na Região dos Lagos do Rio de Janeiro

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    Many pharmaceutical chemical residues (PCR) have shown great potential to pollute the environment, especially in marine habitats. The conjecture stems from direct participation of human beings. Toxicological studies carried with drugs showed the possibility of appearance of physiological sexual alterations already observed in certain species of fish and other marine animals, in addition to the increase of resistant bacteria. In this way, evidence drives the reduction or interruption of exposure to CRP in the environment. The objective of this work is to propose a project to receive expired medicines and other therapeutic products, without use or leftovers from inappropriate uses by several individuals. To achieve these objectives, we will carry out the following methodologies: (i) Conduct a literature review on the subject, to consolidate the problem; (ii) present an advertising plan using social communication vehicles, such as radio, television and social networks, for information and awareness of society about the PCR disposal campaign correctly, using the motto "save the world so you don't lose anyone you love” (iii) To officially request the support of the Municipal Environment Department of Araruama city and the CRF-RJ to standardize and delimit the processing of PCR collected, as a result, several studies were found that indicate and reinforce the socio-environmental impact associated with disposal of PCRs, as well as the evolutionary trend of aggravation of this socio-environmental issue. The introduction of different programs to encourage the proper and rational management and treatment of PCRs with the direct mobilization of different social ties such as the media and especially the different levels of government of the direct and/or indirect administration presents itself as an important tool to achieve of measures that can reduce the social impacts caused by PCRs

    Position statement on nutrition therapy for overweight and obesity: nutrition department of the Brazilian association for the study of obesity and metabolic syndrome: ABESO 2022

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    © The Author(s) 2023. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Obesity is a chronic disease resulting from multifactorial causes mainly related to lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, inadequate eating habits) and to other conditions such as genetic, hereditary, psychological, cultural, and ethnic factors. The weight loss process is slow and complex, and involves lifestyle changes with an emphasis on nutritional therapy, physical activity practice, psychological interventions, and pharmacological or surgical treatment. Because the management of obesity is a long-term process, it is essential that the nutritional treatment contributes to the maintenance of the individual's global health. The main diet-related causes associated with excess weight are the high consumption of ultraprocessed foods, which are high in fats, sugars, and have high energy density; increased portion sizes; and low intake of fruits, vegetables, and grains. In addition, some situations negatively interfere with the weight loss process, such as fad diets that involve the belief in superfoods, the use of teas and phytotherapics, or even the avoidance of certain food groups, as has currently been the case for foods that are sources of carbohydrates. Individuals with obesity are often exposed to fad diets and, on a recurring basis, adhere to proposals with promises of quick solutions, which are not supported by the scientific literature. The adoption of a dietary pattern combining foods such as grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy, fruits, and vegetables, associated with an energy deficit, is the nutritional treatment recommended by the main international guidelines. Moreover, an emphasis on behavioral aspects including motivational interviewing and the encouragement for the individual to develop skills will contribute to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Therefore, this Position Statement was prepared based on the analysis of the main randomized controlled studies and meta-analyses that tested different nutrition interventions for weight loss. Topics in the frontier of knowledge such as gut microbiota, inflammation, and nutritional genomics, as well as the processes involved in weight regain, were included in this document. This Position Statement was prepared by the Nutrition Department of the Brazilian Association for the Study of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (ABESO), with the collaboration of dietitians from research and clinical fields with an emphasis on strategies for weight loss.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contaminações alimentares por Aspergillus spp. e o papel do nutricionista: uma revisão

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    Aspergillus spp. is a cosmopolitan fungus with great occurrence in tropical and subtropical regions due to favorable climatic conditions, as it occurs in Brazil. Fungi are more relevant in foodborne diseases due to the production of mycotoxins, produced when food is stored in poor conditions, in humid environments, without adequate ventilation, or with the presence of insects and rodents that damage the grains and facilitate the proliferation of fungi, like Aspergillus. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the occurrence of the genus Aspergillus and the diseases associated with the presence of its mycotoxins in food. In addition, it was demonstrated the important role of the nutritionist in the control of food quality to ensure the safety of diners. For this, it was consolidated data available in databases such as LILACS, SCIELO, BVS and PUBMED, using the following descriptors: Aflatoxins, ochratoxins and aspergillosis, as well as the data related to the maximum tolerated limits (LMT) for Aflatoxins and Ocratoxins in Brazil, established by ANVISA through RDC n. 7/2011 and RDC n. 138/2017. In this way, it was highlighted the great relevance of food contamination by fungi, which is estimated to reach around 25% of agricultural products worldwide. The Aspergillus genus stands out among toxigenic fungi, mainly the species A. flavus, since its toxin (Aflatoxin) is one of the most frequent in cases of food poisoning by mycotoxins. But some species of this genus can also cause infections to humans and animals, such as the occurrence of aspergillosis, a lung disease that can evolve to an invasive form. For the prevention and control of this and other foodborne diseases, the application of quality control tools in the production of food is essential, and the nutritionist is a qualified technical agent to act both in the food industry and in the services and units of food and nutrition.Aspergillus spp. é um fungo cosmopolita com grande ocorrência em regiões tropicais e subtropicais devido as condições climáticas favoráveis, como ocorre no Brasil. Os fungos apresentam maior relevância nas contaminações alimentares pela produção de micotoxinas, produzidas quando os alimentos são armazenados em más condições, em ambientes úmidos, sem ventilação adequada, ou com a presença de insetos e roedores que danificam os grãos e facilitam a proliferação dos fungos, como Aspergillus. Assim o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a ocorrência do gênero Aspergillus e as patogenias associadas a presença de suas micotoxinas em alimentos. Além disso, demonstrar o importante papel do profissional nutricionista no controle de qualidade alimentar para garantir a segurança dos comensais. Para isso, foram consolidados dados disponíveis em bases de dados como LILACS, SCIELO, BVS e PUBMED, utilizando os seguintes descritores: Aflatoxinas, ocratoxinas e aspergilose, assim como os dados referente aos limites máximos tolerados (LMT) para Aflatoxinas e Ocratoxinas no Brasil, estabelecidos pela ANVISA através das RDC n. 7/2011 e RDC n. 138/2017. Desta forma, foi evidenciado a grande relevância das contaminações alimentares por fungos, que estima-se atingir cerca de 25% dos produtos agrícolas em todo o mundo. O gênero Aspergillus se destaca entre os fungos toxigênicos, principalmente a espécie A. flavus, uma vez que a sua toxina (Aflatoxina) é uma das mais frequentes nos casos de intoxicações alimentares por micotoxinas. Mas algumas espécies desse gênero também podem ocasionar infecções ao homem e animais, como a ocorrência de aspergilose, doença pulmonar que pode evoluir para a forma invasiva. Para a prevenção e controle desta e de outras contaminações alimentares é imprescindível a aplicação de ferramentas de controle de qualidade na produção de alimentos, sendo o profissional nutricionista é agente técnico capacitado para atuar tanto na indústria de alimentos como nos serviços e unidades de alimentação e nutrição

    Restrição alimentar de glúten e caseína em pacientes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista

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    O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é enquadrado nos transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento, e cursa com sintomas centrais no comprometimento de, principalmente, três áreas: comunicativa, social e comportamental. Trata-se de um transtorno mais prevalente no sexo masculino e geralmente manifestado até o terceiro ano de vida. O objetivo desse estudo foi abordar os aspectos da restrição alimentar de glúten e caseína em pacientes com o transtorno, tendo em vista a complexidade de manejo terapêutico do TEA desde seu diagnóstico. Foi realizada revisão de literatura, a partir da busca por artigos nas bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), Scientific Eletronic Online (Scielo) e PubMed, por meio dos descritores: “Transtorno do Espectro Autista”, “Caseína”, “Glúten”, “Restrição”, e 8 artigos foram utilizados para o desenvolvimento do trabalho. Os resultados evidenciaram a falta de dados comprobatórios para a eficácia da restrição alimentar de glúten e caseína na melhora dos sintomas em pacientes com TEA. Ademais, foi visto que tal restrição só deve ser considerada em casos de intolerância ou alergia, pois as restrições alimentares sem indicação efetiva podem estar relacionadas a rejeição social, estigmatização e dificuldades de socialização e integração e potencializar efeitos do transtorno. Conclui-se, portanto, a necessidade de novos estudos com metodologia eficaz e organizada para, então, considerar tal prática como medida terapêutica