2,291 research outputs found

    Warm molecular gas, dust and ionized gas in the 500 central pc of the Galaxy

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    We present infrared and millimeter observations of molecular gas, dust and ionized gas towards a sample of clouds distributed along the 500 central pc of the Galaxy. The clouds were selected to investigate the physical state, in particular the high gas temperatures, of the Galactic center region (GCr) clouds located far from far-infrared of thermal radio continuum sources. We have found that there is ionized gas associated with the molecular gas. The ionizing radiation is hard (~35000 K) but diluted due to the inhomogeneity of the medium. We estimate that ~30 % of the warm molecular gas observed in the GCr clouds is heated by ultra-violet radiation in photo-dissociation regions.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in: Astron. Nachr., Vol. 324, No. S1 (2003), Special Supplement "The central 300 parsecs of the Milky Way", Eds. A. Cotera, H. Falcke, T. R. Geballe, S. Markof

    Cimientos, las estructuras y el silencio

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    36 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste resultado art?stico es producto de la cavilaci?n de mi pasado familiar, aludiendo los procesos de mis abuelos, sus vidas, migraciones y nuevos comienzos recreados con relaci?n a sus territorios y en la perdida de estos, como parte de la herencia simb?lica producto de esta sucesi?n que hace parte de la construcci?n social como individuo. Este trabajo se cimienta territorialmente en Armero ?Tolima-, con relaci?n a la avalancha del 13 de noviembre de 1985, que se propone como fuente de este paradigma, esta cat?strofe hace referencia a los sobrevivientes y con esto a sus descendientes, los cuales hacen parte de esta lectura sensible del territorio y la experiencia del ser desplazado. Dentro de este contexto la casa, recoge un valor significativo que resguarda relaci?n con las percepciones que constituye est? como unidad familiar, frente a la perdida y el desamparo autom?tico que se presenta con este hecho. La representaci?n de la estructura como expresi?n metaf?rica de la disposici?n familiar y su perdida, dialoga con la acci?n de reconstruirse como parte de levantarse, proponiendo as? la edificaci?n como semblanza de la familia que expresa en s? misma y de manera palpable la medula de una organizaci?n, una posici?n geogr?fica y social, la cual representa toda una producci?n que personifica toda una consistencia para el desarrollo de la vida. Esta reflexi?n, que entrelaza elementos org?nicos -guaduas- e inorg?nicos ?piezas y andamios de construcci?n, refiere a este devenir insinuaciones de la herencia simb?lica derivada de la experiencia de la transici?n en la perdida. Palabras Claves: Soportar ? ErguirThis artistic result is the product of the worrying of my family past, alluding to the process of my grandparents, their lifes, migrations and new beginnings recreated with relation to their territories and the loss of these, as a part of the symbolic legacy, product of this succession that belongs to the social construction as individual. This work is based territorially on Armero-Tolima, in relation with the avalanche of november 13th of 1985, that is proposed as source of this paradigm. This catastrophe refers to the survivors and with they, to their descendants, who are part of this sensitive reading of the territory and the experience of being displaced. Within this context, the house collects a significant value that keeps relation with the perceptions that makes of this a family unit, in front of the loss and the automatic abandonment present by this incident. The representation of the structure as a metaphorical expression of the family disposition and its loss, dialogue with the action of regenerating as part of get up, proposing the edification as family semblance, that expresses itself and of touching form the marrow of an organization, a social and geographic position, that represents a whole production that embodies completely a consistence for the life development. This reflection, that intertwines organic elements ?guaduas- and inorganic, like construction pieces and scaffolds, refers to this becoming of insinuations of the symbolic legacy derived from the experience of the transition in the loss. Keyword: support ? lift u

    Numerical simulation of dark lanes in post-flare supra-arcade

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    We integrate the MHD ideal equations to simulate dark void sunwardly moving structures in post--flare supra--arcades. We study the onset and evolution of the internal plasma instability to compare with observations and to gain insight into physical processes and characteristic parameters of these phenomena. The numerical approach uses a finite-volume Harten-Yee TVD scheme to integrate the 1D1/2 MHD equations specially designed to capture supersonic flow discontinuities. The integration is performed in both directions, the sunward radial one and the transverse to the magnetic field. For the first time, we numerically reproduce observational dark voids described in Verwichte et al. (2005). We show that the dark tracks are plasma vacuums generated by the bouncing and interfering of shocks and expansion waves, upstream an initial slow magnetoacoustic shock produced by a localized deposition of energy modeled with a pressure perturbation. The same pressure perturbation produces a transverse to the field or perpendicular magnetic shock giving rise to nonlinear waves that compose the kink--like plasma void structures, with the same functional sunward decreasing phase speed and constancy with height of the period, as those determined by the observations.Comment: Accepted MNRAS, 6 pages, 7 figure

    Factores socioculturales que influyen en la deserci?n escolar de los estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica la Ceiba en Rovira-Tolima

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    95 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl objetivo de este estudio es develar y describir los factores que causan la deserci?n (abandono escolar) en la sede la Ceiba instituci?n del municipio de Rovira, el dise?o cuantitaivo- cualitativo siguiendo el modelo exploratorio-descriptivo ha contribuido a que los objetivos propuestos se cumplan, y se determine que dos tipos de factores son los de mayor incidencia: los primeros y de mayor incidencia; los de indole sociocutural, especificamente el economico y el segundo de los factores vinculados el credo religioso que afectan el proceso de aprendizaje educativo en estudiantes de la Sede la ceiba en Rovira - Tolima (Colombia) Para determinar el grado de incidencia de los factores y determinar cu?les eran los m?s determinantes se utiliz? las orientaciones de la investigaci?n exploratoria-descriptiva, los instrumentos utilizados las encuestas, y el an?lisis se realiz? a partir de los datos obtenidoo, con ellas se identific? el comportamiento de las variables, y se determin? las de mayor incidencia, la poblaci?n 51 ni?os de los cuales se seleccionaron 12 que fueron los desertores. En los resultados, se encontr? que la causa principal del abandono escolar son los factores econ?micos y religiosos, el primero que los llevar a ingresar a los campos de trabajo en la agricultura, la alba?iler?a, el comercio, las ventas y diversos empleos como ayudadores en casa de familia, ni?eros etc. En cuanto al factor familia, se identifica un alto porcentaje de familias monoparentales que viven con uno de sus padres, especialmente con la madre o con otra persona. Se encontr? un alto porcentaje de j?venes con desmotivaci?n, debido a la situaci?n socioecon?mica, la distancia de la instituci?n educativa y la necesidad de trabajar para satisfacer sus necesidades b?sicas del hogar. La investigaci?n concluye con que existe una necesidad de abrir las puertas de la I.E. a la mejora de las condiciones, la vinculacion de los padres para responsabilizarlos de la educaci?n de los ni?os y a buscar consenso con las igles?as para que ellas no saquen a los estudiantes de la Instituci?n en horarios de clase e impiden que ellos acudan a las actividades socio pedag?gicas, y consensuar espacios para en cumplimiento de actividades religiosas, se debe generar un ambiente intraacad?mico y extraacad?mico propicio para el desarrollo del aprendizaje educativo de los estudiantes. Palabras Claves: Educaci?n, deserci?n, familia y religi?nThe objective of this study is to reveal and describe the factors that cause desertion (dropping out of school) at the La Ceiba headquarters in the municipality of Rovira, the quantitative-qualitative design following the exploratory-descriptive model has contributed to the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, and it is determined that two types of factors are those with the greatest incidence: the first and highest incidence; those of sociocutural nature, specifically the economic one and the second one of the factors linked to the religious creed that affect the educational learning process in students of La Ceiba headquarters in Rovira - Tolima (Colombia) In order to determine the degree of incidence of the factors and determine which were the most determining, the orientations of the exploratory-descriptive research were used, the instruments used were the surveys, and the analysis was made from the data obtained, with them the identification was identified. Behavior of the variables, and those with the highest incidence were determined, the population 51 children of whom 12 were selected who were the deserters. In the results, it was found that the main cause of school dropout are the economic and religious factors, the first that lead them to enter the fields of work in agriculture, masonry, trade, sales and various jobs as assistants in family house, babysitters etc. Regarding the family factor, a high percentage of single-parent families that live with one of their parents are identified, especially with the mother or with another person. A high percentage of young people with demotivation was found, due to the socioeconomic situation, distance from the educational institution and the need to work to satisfy their basic household needs. The investigation concludes that there is a need to open the doors of the I.E. to the improvement of the conditions, the connection of the parents to make them responsible for the education of the children and to seek consensus with the churches so that they do not remove the students of the Institution during class hours and prevent them from attending the activities pedagogical, and to agree spaces for fulfilling religious activities, should generate an intra-academic and extra-academic atmosphere conducive to the development of students' educational learning. Keyworks: Education, desertion, family and religion

    How do companies report information about their suppliers in their non-financial reports

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    This paper describes how companies report information related to the relationship with their suppliers through their non-financial reports. This qualitative research uses the tools of the grounded theory method to code pieces of text from public documents disclosed by companies such as annual reports, sustainability reports and any other document, excluding financial reports, related to their suppliers. The coding process resulted in two types of codes. The first type describes actions and requirements related to environment, ethics, human rights and management systems that companies disclose about their suppliers. The second type of codes describes how this information is presented. After comparing these two types of codes with the help of NVivo software, we were able to identify different reporting strategies and disclosure preferences that companies have. This will be described in the Discussion section of the paper

    Estudy the Effect of Breast Cancer on Tlr2 Expression in Nb4 Cell

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common neoplasm in women and the most frequent cause of death in those between 35 and 55 years of age. All multicellular organisms have an innate immune system, whereas the adaptive or 'acquired' immune system is restricted to vertebrates. This study focused on the effect of conditioned medium isolated from cultured breast cancer cells on NB4 neutrophil-like cells. Materials and Methods: In the current study neutrophil-like NB4 cells were incubated with MCF-7 cell-conditioned medium. After 6 h incubation the intracellular receptor TLR2, was analyzed. Results: The results revealed that MCF-7 cell-conditioned medium elicited expression of TLR2 in NB4 cells. Conclusions: This treatment would result in the production of particular stimulants (i.e. soluble cytokines), eliciting the expression of immune system receptors. Furthermore, the flow cytometry results demonstrated that MCF-7 cell-conditioned medium elicited an effect on TLR2 intracellular receptors

    Physicochemical characterization of two cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

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    P?ginas 19-25El almid?n y la harina de yuca fueron obtenidos de ra?ces cultivadas en Colombia en dos condiciones ambientales espec?ficas. Se evaluaron propiedades fisicoqu?micas como tama?o y morfolog?a del grano, contenido de amilosa, cristalinidad, propiedades t?rmicas y comportamiento al empastamiento. Las propiedades del almid?n de yuca fueron altamente influenciadas por las condiciones ambientales durante el periodo de crecimiento de las ra?ces de yuca. El almid?n extra?do de las ra?ces de yuca cultivadas en una zona con temperatura promedio m?s alta present? un tama?o de granulo m?s peque?o, mayor contenido de amilosa y mayor temperatura y entalpia de gelatinizaci?n, lo que est? relacionado con una mayor temperatura de empastamiento y menor viscosidad. Las harinas de yuca presentaron diferencias con los almidones estudiados como una menor entalpia de gelatinizaci?n medida por calorimetr?a diferencial de barrido (DSC), mayor temperatura de empastamiento y menor desarrollo de viscosidad m?xima. Este comportamiento posiblemente esta influenciado por la presencia de otros componentes diferentes al almid?n en la ra?z de yuca fresca.ABSTRACT. Starch and flour were produced from cassava roots grown in two specific environmental conditions in Colombia. The physicochemical properties evaluated were granule size and morphology, amylose content, crystal form, thermal properties and pasting behavior. The properties of cassava starch were highly influenced by the environmental conditions during the growth of the roots. Starch extracted from roots cultivated in a warmer zone showed smaller granule size, higher amylose content and higher temperature and enthalpy of gelatinization. This starch also showed higher pasting temperature and lower peak viscosity. Cassava flours presented differences with their corresponding starch such as lower enthalpy of gelatinization measured by DSC, higher pasting temperature and lower peak viscosity on pasting. It is possible that this behavior is influenced by the presence of non-starch components from the fresh root

    Deconstructing the Subject Condition in terms of cumulative constraint violation

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    Chomsky (1973) attributes the island status of nominal subjects to the Subject Condition, a constraint specific to subjects. English and Spanish are interesting languages for the comparative study of extraction from subjects, because subjects in English are predominantly preverbal, whereas in Spanish they can be either preverbal or postverbal. In this paper we argue that the islandhood of subject DPs in both English and Spanish is not categorical. The degradation associated with extraction from subjects must be attributed to the interplay of a range of more general constraints which are not specific to subjects. We argue that the interaction of these constraints has a cumulative effect whereby the more constraints that are violated, the higher the degree of degradation that results. We also argue that some speakers have a greater tolerance for constraint violations than others, which would account for widespread inter-speaker judgment variability