2,027 research outputs found

    Metodologías activas e innovadoras en la promoción de competencias interculturales e inclusivas en el escenario universitario

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    Las aulas universitarias se han transformado en los últimos años de manera acelerada. La metamorfosis de la nueva educación está impregnando los cambios didácticos, metodológicos, curriculares y tecnológicos del contexto universitario. La incorporación de metodologías activas e innovadoras buscan no solamente un cambio de rol y una enfatización del papel proactivo de los estudiantes como protagonistas de su propio aprendizaje. De igual forma, pretenden dar un impulso constructivo al desarrollo integral, relacional y emocional de los estudiantes como agentes que, a la vez que adquieren competencias profesionales, se nutren de una formación en valores donde la interculturalidad y la educación inclusiva adoptan un eje trascendental. Para ello, en los espacios formativos universitarios se vienen desarrollando nuevas fórmulas y acciones metodológicas, cooperativas, de aprendizaje servicio y de implementación de modelos dinámicos basados en la resolución de problemas y proyectos. Este artículo pone de relieve la necesidad de estimular la formación intercultural a través de una amplia variedad de recursos metodológicos activos que fomenten la creatividad, el pensamiento crítico y el desarrollo práctico de la interculturalidad en los futuros profesionales de la educación. University classrooms have been transformed rapidly in recent years. The metamorphosis of the new education is permeating the didactic, methodological, curricular and technological changes of the university context. The incorporation of active and innovative methodologies seeks not only a change of role and an emphasis on the proactive role of students as protagonists of their own learning. Similarly, they seek to give a constructive impulse to the integral, relational and emotional development of students as agents who, while acquiring professional skills, are nourished by a formation in values where interculturality and inclusive education adopt a transcendental axis. To this end, new formulas and methodological, cooperative, service-learning and dynamic models based on problem-solving and project implementation are being developed in university training spaces. This article highlights the need to stimulate intercultural training through a wide variety of active methodological resources that foster creativity, critical thinking and the practical development of interculturality in future education professionals

    Immunohistochemical profiling of the ultimobranchial remnants in the rat postnatal thyroid gland

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    Ultimobranchial (UB) remnants are a constant presence in the thyroid throughout rat postnatal life; however, the difficulty in identifying the most immature forms from the surrounding thyroid tissue prompted us to search for a specific marker. With that objective, we applied a panel of antibodies reported to be specific for their human counterpart, solid cell nests (SCNs), using double immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. Our results demonstrated that cytokeratin 34βE12 and p63 are highly sensitive markers for the immunohistologic screening of UB-remnants, independently of their maturity or size. Furthermore, rat UB-follicles (UBFs) coincided with human SCNs in the immunohistochemical pattern exhibited by both antigens. In contrast, the pattern displayed for calcitonin and thyroglobulin differs considerably but confirm the hypothesis that rat UB-cells can differentiate into both types of thyroid endocrine cells. This hypothesis agrees with recent findings that thyroid C-cells share an endodermic origin with follicular cells in rodents. We suggest that the persistence of p63-positive undifferentiated cells in UB-remnants may constitute a reservoir of basal/stem cells that persist beyond embryogenesis from which, in certain unknown conditions, differentiated thyroid cells or even unusual tumors may arise.Consejeria de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa CTS-439/2011Consejeria de Salud PI-0051-2013Junta de Andalucia, Españ

    Impact of Myo-inositol supplementation in the prevention of neural tube defects

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    Motivation: Neural tube defects (NTDs) occur during early development by failure of neural tube closure and cause severe birth problems like spina bifida. It has been demonstrated that the mechanisms required during neural tube closure are regulated by genetic and environmental factors, such as maternal diet. Folic acid supplementation during pregnancy prevents the appearance of NTDs in 70% of the cases and the remaining 30% are considered folate resistant. For that reason, there is a need to find new supplements that could help preventing NTDs. One compound that is being tested is inositol, a simple carbon six sugar alcohol that participates in a diverse range of cellular functions. In clinical trials, inositol was used to prevent NTDs and the offspring from mothers that included inositol and folic acid in their diet during pregnancy did not develop NTDs. In our laboratory we are using Loop-tail, mutant of the member of the Wnt-PCP Vangl2, that in heterozygosity presents an incidence of 6% spina bifida. Previous studies using Loop-tail, revealed that a cellular aggregate originates in neural tube dorsal zone of heterozygous embryos. This aggregate, Sox10 positive, is formed by cells from the neural crest which did not migrate correctly. Besides, this cellular aggregate shares similarities with lipomyelomeningocele, the most common type of spina bifida occulta. In order to prevent the appearance of this cellular aggregate our laboratory previously used D-Chiro-inositol in Loop-tail mice as a supplement. Although the aggregate size and prevalence was reduced, crown-rump length of heterozygous embryos was significantly shorter than control embryos. Therefore, we are currently testing Myo-inositol, the isomeric form of inositol used in the human trials designed to prevent NTDs. Methods: Myo-inositol was administered in the drinking water to pregnant females from day E1.5 of gestation until E11,5 and embryos were collected at stage E12,5. From each litter, data referring to number of implants, resorptions and genotype of the embryos was registered for possible effects on embryotoxicity. In situ hybridization using a Sox10 probe, neural crest marker, was later performed in order to study the presence and intensity of cellular aggregates

    Kinetic model for the hard-sphere fluid and solid

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    The revised Enskog kinetic theory (RET) for a system of hard spheres provides an exceptionally broad description of mesoscopic and macroscopic dynamics, applicable for both fluid and solid phases, long and short wavelengths, low and high densities, and exact at short times. This great potential is compromised by the difficulty of obtaining solutions outside the domain of linear response. In the present work a simpler kinetic model based on the RET is proposed with the same scope of application but accessible to solution for more general states. As a test of this model the rheological properties of a fluid under shear far from equilibrium are calculated as a function of the density and shear rate. Comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations of the RET show excellent agreement for transport properties but some limitations of the model for predicting velocity distributions at large shear rates. The model is discussed critically and its potential for several future applications is noted.España Investigación Cientíica y Técnica Grant Nos. PB96-0534 ~J.J.B and PB94-102

    A Pan-European representative ground motion model

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    This poster is ESC2016-527 in the 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (Trieste, 4-10 September 2016)Ground motion prediction equations (GMPE) are recognised as a key component of any seismic risk analysis. The consideration of both aleatory and epistemic sources of variability in the ground motion models may have significant influence on the overestimation or underestimation of the final losses. With the increased availability of new developed GMPEs over the past few years, it has been observed that the epistemic uncertainty due the choice between potential GMPEs is not decreasing, even though related knowledge is improving.The proposed model enables a complex problem to be represented by a minimum number of branches for single-site hazard analysis and mapping. A preliminary application is carried out for a critical infrastructure risk analysis in the framework of the EU-funded INFRARISK project (European Commission’s FP7 programme, Grant Agreement No. 603960)Peer Reviewe

    The educational challenge of the twenty-first century: relevance of the cooperation between family and school

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    En los últimos tiempos, estamos asistiendo a una transformación de orden social, político, económico y cultural que deja sentir sus influencias en las instituciones educativas. De ser un lugar limitado de forma exclusiva a la transmisión de contenidos, la escuela se ha convertido hoy día en un espacio que debe formar para la vida. Ante tal cambio de perspectiva, es preciso que tanto la familia como la escuela tengan que redefinir sus funciones. En coherencia con lo anterior, se hace necesario el establecer un diálogo entre los diversos agentes socializadores (escuela-familia-sociedad) con el fin de lograr un objetivo común: el desarrollo integral del alumnado. El principal propósito de esta investigación es analizar la colaboración e implicación de las familias en las escuelas. Para ello, nos hemos apoyado en un paradigma interpretativo de corte cuantitativo y cualitativo, contando con una muestra constituida por 268 familias y 18 docentes pertenecientes a dos centros educativos de la provincia de Málaga. Una de las conclusiones que se derivan de nuestro estudio es que la comunicación y cooperación entre los distintos agentes que constituyen la comunidad educativa es primordial para garantizar una educación de calidad.In the past times, we have assisted to a transformation of social, political, economic and cultural order that let us feel their influence in the educational institutions. From being a limited place exclusively to the transmission of content, the school has become now a day in a place that must be part of our life's. Before such a change of perspective, it is wonderful that such the family as the school have to redefine their functions. In coherence with the above, it makes it necessary to establish a dialog between the diverse social agents (school-family-society) in order to achieve a common goal: the integral development of the student. The main purpose of this investigation is to analyze the collaboration and implication of the families in the schools. Thus, we have supported in an interpretative paradigm of quantitative and qualitative cut, counting with a constituted sample by 268 families and 18 teachers belonging to two educational centers from the province of Malaga. One of the conclusions which are derived from our study is that the communication and cooperation between two different agents that they establish the educational community is overriding to guarantee a quality education

    Development of a control system for teleoperated robots using UML nd Ada 95

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    In this paper, a control system in the domain of teleoperated service robots is presented. A reference architecture - ACROSET - has been analyzed and designed following a concurrent object modeling and architectural design methodology (COMET) that uses UML as describing language. The architecture of the whole system has been implemented in a ship’s hull blasting robot - GOYA –using Ada 95 and GLADE. Our previous experience in developing teleoperated service robots using Ada is also presente

    Primary Cilium in the Human Thyrocyte: Changes in Frequency and Length in Relation to the Functional Pathology of the Thyroid Gland

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    Background: Primary cilia (PC) are conserved structures in the adult thyroid gland of different mammals. We have recently described that, in humans, PC are usually present as a single copy per follicular cell emerging from the follicular cell apex into the follicular lumen. Methods: To better understand the role developed by PC in thyroid hormonogenesis, we investigated their changes in different human functional thyroid diseases (diffuse toxic hyperplasia/ Grave’s disease and nodular hyperplasia/nodular goiter), in comparison with normal thyroid tissue, using immunofluorescence, morphometry and electron microscopy analyzes. Results: We found significantly decreased ciliary frequencies in both nodular hyperplasia (51.16±11.69%) and Grave’s disease (44.43±23.70%) vs. normal thyroid glands (76.09±7.31%). Similarly, PC lengths were also significantly decreased in both nodular hyperplasia (2.02±0.35 µm) and Grave’s disease (2.42±0.48 µm) compared to normal glands (3.93±0.90 µm). Moreover, in Grave’s disease patients, hyperactive-follicle foci always showed diminished ciliary frequency and length compared to any other thyroid follicle pattern, independent of their thyroid status. Conclusions: Our results suggest a direct relationship between ciliogenesis and both follicle activity and tissue heterogeneity. Furthermore, the analysis of PC patterns in the “normal-appearance areas” of Grave’s disease thyroid samples could be useful to identify subgroups of patients, who would be expected to have a poorer response to antithyroid drug treatment.Consejeria de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa CTS-439/2017Premio Anual Publicación Científica Destacada de la US. Facultad de MedicinaPremio Mensual Publicación Científica Destacada de la US. Facultad de Medicin

    Solar irradiance dictates settlement timing and intensity of marine mussels

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    11 páginas, 4 figuras, 2 tablas.-- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseIdentifying the environmental factors driving larval settlement processes is crucial to understand the population dynamics of marine invertebrates. This work aims to go a step ahead and predict larval presence and intensity. For this purpose we consider the influence of solar irradiance, wind regime and continental runoff on the settlement processes. For the first time, we conducted a 5-years weekly monitoring of Mytilus galloprovincialis settlement on artificial suspended substrates, which allowed us to search for interannual variability in the settlement patterns. Comparison between the seasonal pattern of larval settlement and solar irradiance, as well as the well-known effect of solar irradiance on water temperature and food availability, suggest that solar irradiance indirectly influences the settlement process, and support the use of this meteorological variable to predict settlement occurrence. Our results show that solar irradiance allows predicting the beginning and end of the settlement cycle a month in advance: Particularly we have observed that solar irradiance during late winter indirectly drives the timing and intensity of the settlement onset, Finally, a functional generalise additive model, which considers the influence of solar irradiance and continental runoff on the settlement process, provides an accurate prediction of settlement intensity a fortnight in advanceThis study was funded by PROINSA-CSIC contract-project (CSIC0704101100001), CSIC- PIE project (CSIC 201540E107) and EU H2020 project ClimeFish (EU 677039).Peer reviewe