462 research outputs found

    Liderazgo entre iguales en equipos deportivos : elaboración de un instrumento de medida

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    El presente estudio se ha realizado con el doble objetivo de ampliar el modelo de medida del liderazgo deportivo entre iguales (EELD-30) elaborado por Arce, Torrado, Andrade y Alzate (2011) y a la vez reducir el número de indicadores para mejorar su aplicabilidad. Como resultado, se ha obtenido una versión, denominada EELD-24, con más factores (6 en lugar de 5) y con menor número de ítems (24 en lugar de 30). El ajuste individual de los parámetros (cargas factoriales de los ítems, correlaciones entre factores, y varianzas de los errores de medida) ha sido satisfactorio y los índices de ajuste global del modelo razonables: χ2(242) = 566.278 (p < .001); χ2/df = 2.340; GFI = 0,90; TLI = 0,92; CFI = 0,93; SRMR = 0,058; RMSEA = 0,058 ( I.C. 90%; 0,052; 0,064). También se han obtenido resultados satisfactorios de consistencia interna de los factores, con valores de alpha de Cronbach que oscilan entre 0,76 y 0,86, de validez convergente y discriminante, y de invarianza del modelo de medida. La escala resultante puede ser utilizada con fines profesionales y de investigación con las suficientes garantías psicométricas.The present study was developed with the aim of increasing the assessment model of peer leadership (EELD-30) elaborated by Arce, Torrado, Andrade and Alzate (2011) and, at the same time, shortening the number of indicators in order to improve its applicability. As a result, a new version was obtained, called EELD-24, with one more factor (six instead of five) and fewer items (24 instead of 30). Fit indexes (item loads, factor correlations and error variance) were satisfactory and global fit indexes of the model were reasonable: χ2(242) = 566.278 (p < .001); χ2/df = 2.340; GFI = 0.90; TLI = 0.92; CFI = 0.93; SRMR = 0.058; RMSEA = 0.058 (C.I. 90%; 0.052; 0.064). Apart from this, satisfactory indexes of internal consistence were obtained, with values of Cronbach's Alpha between 0.76 and 0.86, and also convergent and discriminant validity and invariance of the model offer satisfactory results. The final scale can be used both for an applied context and for research with enough psychometric guarantees.O presente estudo foi realizado com um objectivo duplo de ampliar o modelo de medida de liderança desportiva entre pares (EELD-30) elaborado por Arce, Torrado, Andrade e Alzate (2011) e de reduzir o número de indicadores de forma a melhorar a sua aplicabilidade. Como resultado, foi obtida uma versão, denominada EELD-24, com mais factores (seis em vez de cinco) e com menor número de itens (24 em vez de 30). O ajustamento individual dos parâmetros (cargas factoriais dos itens, correlações entre factores e variâncias dos erros de medida) foi satisfatório e os índices de ajustamento global do modelo razoáveis: χ2 (242) = 566.278 (p < .001); χ2/df = 2.340; GFI = 0.90; TLI = 0.92; CFI = 0.93; SRMR = 0.058; RMSEA = 0.058 (I.C. 90%; 0.052; 0.064). De igual modo foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios de consistência interna dos factores, com valores de alfa de Cronbach que oscilam entre os .76 e .86, de validade convergente e discriminante, e de invariância do modelo de medida. A escala resultante pode ser utilizada em contexto aplicado e de investigação com suficientes garantias psicométricas

    An Overview of Thirty Years in the Digital News

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Background: Resveratrol’s health benefits have received wide media coverage. Since resveratrol is usually associated with wine, informative texts about it should be prepared very carefully, since inaccurate website content could easily change people’s wine consumption behavior. This study aimed to assess the quality of informative texts related to resveratrol on science journalism websites. Methods: We analyzed 125 resveratrol posts on Science Daily, WebMD, and EurekAlert! published between 1990 and 2020. Results: A higher number of posts was published in the years in which the number of people looking for information on the internet also increased. The increase can also be related to David Sinclair’s notoriety, a fact that we called the “Sinclair effect”. Most of the posts are replications of universities’ press releases, mainly reporting resveratrol’s health benefits, which resulted from preclinical studies and cannot be translated to humans. Most of them mention wine in the text and some in the title. Conclusions: Wine is usually mentioned in headline resveratrol news, which could potentially influence wine consumption behavior. Scientists must intensify their efforts to communicate with the public to increase people’s health literacy. Online news portals should have science journalists skilled in exploring scientific data and their translation into a simple and accurate language.publishersversionpublishe

    Insight into the surface composition of bimetallic nanocatalysts obtained from microemulsions

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    The enhancement of catalysts efficiency of bimetallic nanoparticles depends on the ability to exert control over surface composition. However, results relating surface composition and feeding solution of bimetallic nanoparticles synthesized in microemulsions are controversial and apparently contradictory. In order to comprehend how the resulting surface can be modified under different synthesis conditions and for different pairs of metals, a computer simulation study was carried out. The resulting surface compositions are explained based on the relative rates of deposition of the two metals, which depend on the particular metal pair, the concentration of reactants and the microemulsion composition. This study provides a satisfactory understanding of experimental results and allows us to identify the main factors affecting the nanoparticle’s surface composition. Consequently, concrete and practical guidelines can be established to facilitate the experimental synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles with tailored surfacesThis work was supported by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, Spain (Grupos Ref. Comp. ED431C 2017/22; and AEMAT ED431E2018/08), “la Caixa” Foundation-Ref: LCF/PR/PR12/11070003”)S

    Spectral evolution of long-period fiber grating during written process and their influence in the sensitivity

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    The peak loss wavelength shift, attenuation and bandwidth values on a LPG during the UV multi-pass writing process can be used to estimate the LPG sensitivities in real-time during the fabrication task

    The role of affective factors towards mathematics in primary education

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    [Resumo] Neste artigo presentamos os resultados dun estudio realizado con 1180 alumnos do 2º e 3º ciclo de Educación Primaria para avaliar o papel dos factores afectivos cara as matemáticas en relación ao centro, curso e sexo dos alumnos de centros públicos e concertados de A Coruña. O estudo abrangue tamén a relación entre as emocións, crenzas e actitudes e as cualificacións dos estudantes[Abstract] In this paper we present the results of a study carried out with 1180 pupils of the 2nd and 3rd cycle of Primary to evaluate the paper of the affections towards the mathematics and the relation with the academic profit. The results indicate that there is a correlation among these factors (emotions, beliefs and attitudes) and the qualifications of the students

    El oppidum de San Cibrán de Las y el papel de la religión en los procesos de centralización en la Edad del Hierro

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    Nuevas investigaciones permiten cuestionar la datación tradicional de los oppida del Noroeste hispano en época romana, mostrando que muchos de estos sitios tuvieron su origen ya en el siglo II-I a.C. El oppidum de San Cibrán de Las (Ourense) representa uno de los yacimientos clave para esta discusión. Las excavaciones en área llevadas a cabo en los últimos años han ofrecido una gran cantidad de información acerca de la estructura interna del asentamiento, sus viviendas y fortificaciones, así como el especial simbolismo del área de la acrópolis; en esta última se encuentran documentadas varias esculturas de divinidades y epígrafes religiosos. No obstante, el descubrimiento más importante es la larga secuencia de ocupación del yacimiento puesta en evidencia por una amplia serie de dataciones de C14. La frecuentación del sitio se inició varios siglos antes de la fundación del oppidum, y parece haber estado vinculada con un uso de la acrópolis para celebraciones religiosas. Una comparativa con la evidencia arqueológica encontrada en otros oppida de la Europa templada, las fuentes escritas y la toponimia regional ponen de manifiesto el papel central de asambleas y festivales religiosos en la construcción de identidades colectivas y en los orígenes del urbanismoNew research challenges the traditional dating of the oppida of NW Iberia into the Roman period, showing that many of these sites already originated in the late 2nd and 1st century BC. The oppidum of San Cibrán de Las (Ourense) constitutes a key case-study for this discussion. The large-scale excavations of the last years have provided extensive information about the inner structure of the site, its houses and fortifications, and the special significance of the area of the acropolis; the latter includes several sculptures of deities and religious inscriptions. However, the most important discovery is the long sequence of occupation revealed by a large sample of C14 dates. Frequentation of the site starts several centuries before the foundation of the oppidum, and seems to have been related with a use of the acropolis for religious gatherings. A comparison with the archaeological evidence found at other oppida from temperate Europe, literary sources and regional place names points towards the crucial role of assemblies and religious festivals in the construction of collective identities and the development of early urbanis

    New method for previsional design of fabrication process of LPG’s with a given sensitivity

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    A theoretical-experimental based method able to design in advance the fabrication process for a given sensitivity (temperature, strain, surround index, ...) is proposed. Previous and proper characterization of the LPG specific fabrication technique is required

    Resveratrol and Pterostilbene, Two Analogue Phenolic Compounds, Affect Aquaglyceroporin Expression in a Different Manner in Adipose Tissue

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    Aquaglyceroporins (AQPs) are transmembrane channels that mediate glycerol release and glycerol uptake. They are involved in fat metabolism, with implications in obesity. The aim was to determine whether the administration of resveratrol and pterostilbene during the six weeks of the experimental period would modify AQPs expression in white and brown adipose tissues from Wistar rats fed an obesogenic diet, and to establish a potential relationship with the delipidating properties of these compounds. Consequently, thirty-six rats were divided into four groups: (a) group fed a standard diet; and three more groups fed a high-fat high-sucrose diet: (b) high-fat high-sucrose group: (c) pterostilbene-treated group (30 mg/kg/d): (d) resveratrol-treated group (30 mg/kg/d). Epididymal, subcutaneous white adipose tissues and interscapular brown adipose tissue were dissected. AQPs gene expression (RT-PCR) and protein expression (western-blot) were measured. In white adipose tissue, pterostilbene reduced subcutaneous adipose tissue weight and prevented the decrease in AQP9 induced by obesogenic feeding, and thus glycerol uptake for triglyceride accumulation. Resveratrol reduced epididymal adipose tissue weight and avoided the decrease in AQPs related to glycerol release induced by high-fat high-sucrose feeding, suggesting the involvement of lipolysis in its body-fat lowering effect. Regarding brown adipose tissue, AQP7 seemed not to be involved in the previously reported thermogenic activity of both phenolic compounds.This research has been supported by MINECO (AGL-2015-65719), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERobn) and Basque Government (IT-572-13; PA18/03)

    Sexual dimorphism in brown adipose tissue activation and white adipose tissue browning

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    The present narrative review gathers the studies reported so far, addressing sex differences in the effects of cold exposure, feeding pattern and age on brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis and white adipose tissue (WAT) browning. In rodents, when exposed to decreasing temperatures, females activate thermogenesis earlier. Results obtained in humans go in the same line, although they do not provide results as solid as those obtained in rodents. Regarding the effects of overfeeding, interesting sex differences on BAT thermogenic capacity have been reported, and the greater or lower sensitivity of each sex to this dietary situation seems to be dependent on the type of feeding. In the case of energy restriction, females are more sensitive than males. In addition, sex differences have also been observed in thermogenesis changes induced by phenolic compound administration. During sexual development, an increase in BAT mass and BAT activity takes place. This phenomenon is greater in boys than in girls, probably due to its relation to muscle-mass growth. The opposite situation takes place during ageing, a lifespan period where thermogenic capacity declines, this being more acute in men than in women. Finally, the vast majority of the studies have reported a higher susceptibility to developing WAT browning amongst females. The scarcity of results highlights the need for further studies devoted to analysing this issue, in order to provide valuable information for a more personalised approach