666 research outputs found

    Adjusting the Labor Supply to Mitigate Violent Shocks: Evidence from Rural Colombia

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    This paper studies the use of labor markets to mitigate the impact of violent shocks on households in rural areas in Colombia. It examines changes in the labor supply from on-farm to off-farm labor as a means of coping with the violent shock and the ensuing redistribution of time within households. It identifies the heterogeneous response by gender. Because the incidence of violent shocks is not exogenous, the analysis uses instrumental variables that capture several dimensions of the cost of exercising terror. As a response to the violent shocks, households decrease the time spent on on-farm work and increase their supply of labor to off-farm activities (non-agricultural ones). Men carry the bulk of the adjustment in the use of time inasmuch as they supply the most hours to off-farm non-agricultural work and formal labor markets. Labor markets do not fully absorb the additional labor supply. Women in particular are unable to find jobs in formal labor markets and men have increased time dedicated to leisure and household chores. Additional off-farm supply does not fully cover the decrease in consumption. The results suggest that in rural Colombia, labor markets are a limited alternative for coping with violent shocks. Thus, policies in conflict-affected countries should go beyond short-term relief and aim at preventing labor markets from collapsing and at supporting the recovery of agricultural production.Conflict, labor markets, developing economies, instrumental variables

    El afuera y el adentro de la soledad. La voz femenina en algunos dramas de Calderón de la Barca

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    Muchos son los trabajos que, desde diversos puntos de vista, estudian la obra dramática de Calderón como un universo esencialmente masculino, en el que los valores impuestos por el hombre determinan no solamente los patrones de conducta que deben normar su propia vida, sino también la de la mujer. Y si bien pueden ser numerosos los estudios dedicados a la figura femenina en el teatro del Siglo de Oro, tal vez no sean tantos los que en él analicen a la mujer como parte de las determinaciones masculinas, cuyo destino y acciones dependen de la voluntad de los hombres

    Promocijas darbs

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    Microarchitectural changes during development of the cerebellar cortex

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    The cerebellum is a highly conserved structure in the Central Nervous System (CNS) of vertebrates, and is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor behaviour. Supporting this function, the cerebellar cortex presents a layered structure which requires a precise spatial and temporal coordination of proliferation, migration and differentiation events. One of the characteristics of the developing cortex is the formation of the external granule cell layer (EGL) in the outermost part. The EGL is a highly proliferative transient layer which disappears when cells migrate inwards to form the inner granule cell layer. The balance between proliferation and migration leads to changes in EGL thickness, and might be related to >indentations> observed in the surface of the developing chick cerebellum. We have extended the observation of this feature to quail and mouse, supporting the idea that this phenomenon forms part of the mechanisms of cerebellar morphogenesis. Different factors involved in both mitotic activity and migration were analyzed in this study. Our results indicate that proliferation, more than formation of raphes for cell migration, is involved in the formation of indentations in the EGL. In addition, we show that vessels penetrating from the pial surface divide the EGL into regular regions at the time of the appearance of bulges and furrows. We conclude that indentations are the result of a coincidence in time of both the increase in thickness of the EGL and the establishment of the embryonic vascular pattern, which confers a characteristic transitory morphology to the surface of folia. © 2009.Peer Reviewe

    Precision of Digital Volume Correlation Approaches for Strain Analysis in Bone Imaged with Micro-Computed Tomography at Different Dimensional Levels

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    Accurate measurement of local strain in heterogeneous and anisotropic bone tissue is fundamental to understand the pathophysiology of musculoskeletal diseases, to evaluate the effect of interventions from preclinical studies, and to optimize the design and delivery of biomaterials. Digital volume correlation (DVC) can be used to measure the three-dimensional displacement and strain fields from micro-computed tomography (μCT) images of loaded specimens. However, this approach is affected by the quality of the input images, by the morphology and density of the tissue under investigation, by the correlation scheme, and by the operational parameters used in the computation. Therefore, for each application, the precision of the method should be evaluated. In this paper, we present the results collected from datasets analyzed in previous studies as well as new data from a recent experimental campaign for characterizing the relationship between the precision of two different DVC approaches and the spatial resolution of the outputs. Different bone structures scanned with laboratory source μCT or synchrotron light μCT (SRμCT) were processed in zero-strain tests to evaluate the precision of the DVC methods as a function of the subvolume size that ranged from 8 to 2,500 µm. The results confirmed that for every microstructure the precision of DVC improves for larger subvolume size, following power laws. However, for the first time, large differences in the precision of both local and global DVC approaches have been highlighted when SRμCT or in vivo μCT images were used instead of conventional ex vivo μCT. These findings suggest that in situ mechanical testing protocols applied in SRμCT facilities should be optimized to allow DVC analyses of localized strain measurements. Moreover, for in vivo μCT applications, DVC analyses should be performed only with relatively course spatial resolution for achieving a reasonable precision of the method. In conclusion, we have extensively shown that the precision of both tested DVC approaches is affected by different bone structures, different input image resolution, and different subvolume sizes. Before each specific application, DVC users should always apply a similar approach to find the best compromise between precision and spatial resolution of the measurements

    Polyelectrolyte Multilayered Capsules as Biomedical Tools

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    Polyelectrolyte multilayered capsules (PEMUCs) obtained using the Layer-by-Layer (LbL) method have become powerful tools for different biomedical applications, which include drug delivery, theranosis or biosensing. However, the exploitation of PEMUCs in the biomedical field requires a deep understanding of the most fundamental bases underlying their assembly processes, and the control of their properties to fabricate novel materials with optimized ability for specific targeting and therapeutic capacity. This review presents an updated perspective on the multiple avenues opened for the application of PEMUCs to the biomedical field, aiming to highlight some of the most important advantages offered by the LbL method for the fabrication of platforms for their use in the detection and treatment of different diseases

    Reflective practice applications: "Guided weekly refection papers" excented from Alcalá University (Spain) to the Montfort University (UK)

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    Edulearn16: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, 4th-6th of july, 2016-Barcelona, SpainKnowledge has to be developed firmly based on reflections and thoughts as much as evidence. Being conscious of this principle, our innovation teaching group from the University of Alcalá has developed a reflective pedagogical approach called Guided Weekly Reflection Papers (GWRP) and implemented it since 2007. In this approach students hand in to the lecturer their “weekly work”, in which they schematically express the most important ideas related with the topic presented during the classes, and their reflections and comments on those aspects which they found especially difficult or interesting. Moreover students have to apply the concepts developed during the week to solve some questions or problems proposed by the lecturers to find solutions to real life situations and to explore beyond the walls of the classroom to discover where in the world around them they can find application of the material presented by the lectures.This innovative pedagogical approach has deeply contributed to the development of the student learning process and consequently been reflected in our teaching practice. The outcomes of the GWRP activity do not depend upon how much students have been studying but upon the level of comprehension of the knowledge we have shared with them. Therefore this strategy is very useful to prove the efficiency and quality of our teaching practice which leads us to continuously improve our way of teaching. Over several years, we have shown our results both in internal meetings in our University and in International Conferences, our colleagues have been caught up by our enthusiasm, which promotes their involvement in our model. Thus, different academics and organizations have adopted our reflective pedagogic strategy. The most recent incorporation of this approach has been implemented by selected academic staff at De Montfort University (DMU), Leicester (United Kingdom). This versatile methodology is being tested in a new university educational environment using a student cohort with a different set of characteristics and academic context compared to previous cohorts. This communication will describe the adaptation of the GWRP to teaching in the Clinical Biochemistry module delivered as part of two different Bachelor degrees taught at DMU: Biomedical Science and Medical Science and the response of students enrolled in this programmes at DMU. The results of the GWRP implemented in new subjects by the teachers of the innovation group at the University of Alcalá (UAH) will be also analysed

    Field analysis of the deterioration after some years of use of four insect-proof screens utilized in Mediterranean greenhouses

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    The installation of insect-proof screens on greenhouse vents is one of the principal methods of protection against harmful insects for crops. Their main disadvantage lies on their negative effects on natural ventilation and greenhouse microclimate, which have been the focus of studies by several authors. However, few works have analysed the effect of accumulated dust and dirt on these screens. The present study has analysed four anti-insect screens, comparing their geometric characteristics before installation and after three to four years of use. Two negative effects have been observed and quantified: deterioration of the threads that make up the screen and reduction of porosity due to accumulated dirt in the pores. This deterioration over time gives leads to a mean increase in thread diameter of 3.1%, as well to a mean decrease in the pore size of 6.2% and 2.3% in the weft (Lpx) and the warp (Lpy), respectively. In fact, the insect-proof screen porosity (φ) decreased due to the deterioration of the threads by an average of 6.5%, in addition to an average 20.3% reduction due to the accumulation of dirt in the pores, making a total reduction in porosity of 26.8%. This decrease in porosity leads to lower greenhouse ventilation rates, and is therefore detrimental for the greenhouse microclimate. Consequently, it is recommended that insect-proof screens in arid areas such as Almería (Spain), with abundant dust suspended in the atmosphere, be washed monthly using water sprayed at high pressure

    The challenges and possibilities of reflective learning in higher education. Research focused from the perspective of university students on four different degree courses

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    Despite an increase in university teaching practices based on reflective learning methodology (RL), only very few studies are found in the context of higher education aimed at determining students? perception of this approach to teaching and learning. The aim of this research was to ascertain the opinions of students on different university degree courses regarding the challenges, difficulties and contributions arising from the application of reflective learning methodology in their learning process so as to propose strategies for improving education. The study was carried out on four Bachelor degree courses at the University of Girona: Social Education, Environmental Sciences, Nursing and Psychology. The research was conducted in two stages. In the first (2011-12 academic year), a questionnaire was administered to 162 students (43 from Social Education; 33 from Environmental Sciences; 31 from Nursing; and 55 from Psychology). One section of the questionnaire was specifically devoted to studying the perceptions of students participating in various RL experiences regarding the main difficulties they faced and the contributions of the RL to their learning process. Among the highlighted difficulties was the fact that RL requires a work process they are not used to and their lack of reflective writing skills. Among the contributions, the students felt that RL results in more complex and selfregulated knowledge, develops greater dynamic capabilities and increases the degree of reflection on learning processes and areas for improvement. In the second stage of the study (2012-13 academic year), four focus groups were held with students who had participated in the previous years? experience with the aim of gaining further insight into their perceptions regarding the challenges and contributions of RL. A total of 20 students participated, all of whom gave informed written consent. The sessions were recorded and transcribed in full and a thematic content analysis was performed. In all four groups the students stated that the experience had allowed them to improve their learning and become aware of their current situation and areas for improvement. As for the challenges, they cited difficulties in understanding the aims and purpose of RL, particularly at the beginning of the experience, together with problems experienced in writing about it, doubts about the level of openness required and uncertainty about how they would be assessed. The research conducted suggested that RL has significant potential to connect academic activity with professional action. It also provided working guidelines for improving experiences carried out on the basis of RL. These include the need to clarify the methodology and present arguments for its use, so that students understand the type of work it will mean for them and the objectives they pursued. Students should also be provided with sufficiently clear guidelines regarding how they will be assessed (in relation to both activities and level of reflection). There is a need to build a group climate based on mutual trust, continuous feedback and the establishment of a support process that maintains this trust throughout the learning process