623 research outputs found

    Effects of litter mixing on litter decomposition and soilproperties along simulated invasion gradients of non-nativetrees

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    Aims Plant invasions generally lead to mixtures betweennative and non-native litter. We assess the interactionsbetween leaf litters from two invasive non-native trees(Robinia pseudoacia or Ailanthus altissima) and the nativePopulus alba on litter decomposition, nutrient releaseand soil properties along two gradients of invasion.Methods Microcosms with field-collected soil coveredby varying proportions of native and non-native littersimulated the two invasion gradients. We assessed theproportion of remaining litter mass and nutrient mass(N, P, C), and soil C, N-NO3−, total N, and pH, fivetimes throughout a period of 11 months. Observedvalues were compared to the expected values on theassumption of no interactions.Results Litter mass and C mass decayed slower inRobinia and faster in Ailanthus than in Populus. Thethree species immobilized N and P. Soil properties didnot differ across pure litters. Both litter mixture gradientsshowed additive or antagonistic interactions onlitter decomposition, whereas N and P mass were equalor higher than expected. The proportion of non-nativelitter in the mixture had non-linear effects on mostvariables, suggesting that the impact of these nonnativetrees on litter decay levels off or even declinesas they become more abundant.Conclusion The impacts of Ailanthus and Robinia litteron soil processes should not be derived from singlespecies experiments, both due to non-additive effectsand to non-linear responses to litter abundance.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesComunidad de Madri

    A multi-device version of the HYFMGPU algorithm for hyperspectral scenes registration

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in The Journal of Supercomputing. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018-2689-7Hyperspectral image registration is a relevant task for real-time applications like environmental disasters management or search and rescue scenarios. Traditional algorithms were not really devoted to real-time performance, even when ported to GPUs or other parallel devices. Thus, the HYFMGPU algorithm arose as a solution to such a lack. Nevertheless, as sensors are expected to evolve and thus generate images with finer resolutions and wider wavelength ranges, a multi-GPU implementation of this algorithm seems to be necessary in a near future. This work presents a multi-device MPI + CUDA implementation of the HYFMGPU algorithm that distributes all its stages among several GPUs. This version has been validated testing it for 5 different real hyperspectral images, with sizes from about 80 MB to nearly 2 GB, achieving speedups for the whole execution of the algorithm from 1.18 × to 1.59 × in 2 GPUs and from 1.26 × to 2.58 × in 4 GPUs. The parallelization efficiencies obtained are stable around 86 % and 78 % for 2 and 4 GPUs, respectively, which proves the scalability of this multi-device versionThis work has been partially supported by: Universidad de Valladolid—Consejería de Educación of Junta de Castilla y León, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain, and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) program: Project PCAS (TIN2017-88614-R), Project PROPHET (VA082P17) and CAPAP-H6 network (TIN2016-81840-REDT). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela—Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria of Xunta de Galicia (grant numbers GRC2014/008 and ED431G/08) and Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain (Grant Number TIN2016-76373-P), all co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) program. The work of Álvaro Ordóñez was supported by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte under an FPU Grant (Grant Number FPU16/03537)S

    Towards a multi-device versión of the HYFMGPU Algorithm

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    Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2018, July 9–14, 2018The task consisting on estimating the translation, rotation and scaling of an image with respect to another take of the same scene obtained at different times, viewpoints and/or lightning conditions is known as image registration. Applications like environmental disasters management or rescue operations depend on real-time hyperspectral images registration, but most of the current FFT-based techniques ignore such performance needs. Ordóñez et al. proposed HYFMGPU [1], a single-GPU algorithm whose performance makes it suitable for real-time use cases. As hyperspectral sensors improve, both the size of images and the wavelength ranges covered are expected to increase, so that a multi-GPU implementation is proposed to satisfy such growing needsThis work has been partially supported by Regional Government of Castilla y León (Spain) and ERDF program of European Union: PROPHET project (JCYL-VA082P17

    La temperatura de fase en la transición de nieve a lluvia: definición y aplicación al cálculo de la cota de nieve

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    Ponencia presentada en: VI Simposio Nacional de Predicción, celebrado en los servicios centrales de AEMET, en Madrid, del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2018.Se analiza la transición de nieve a lluvia mediante nuevas adaptaciones de la ecuación de fusión de los copos y de la ley de distribución de sus tamaños en una nevada. El análisis introduce dos nuevas definiciones, la de temperatura de fase, que representa el forzamiento atmosférico instantáneo, y la de área de fase, que, al calcular el agua fundida en el copo, integra este forzamiento. Al tener en cuenta la distribución de tamaños de los copos, se construye finalmente una última variable, a la que llamamos fase ϕ, con la que se calcula la proporción de los que, a una altitud dada, no han llegado a fundirse del todo. La naturaleza binaria de la transición de lluvia a nieve permite aplicar la regresión logística a para obtener la probabilidad de que, a una altitud dada, una nevada no se haya transformadotodavía en lluvia. El cálculo de la cota de nieve surge de forma natural a partir de esta probabilidad

    Comorbilidad entre trastornos de conducta y depresión mayor en la adolescencia: prevalencia, teorías explicativas y estatus nosológico

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    This theoretical study examines the main findings and researches regarding the comorbidity between conduct disorder and major depression in adolescence. On the one hand, it is argued that high prevalence of comorbidity imply common risk factors (biological, cognitive- emotional and socio-cultural) and a causal relationship between these mental illness, usually conduct disorder preceding major depression. On the other hand, independent nosological status of this comorbidity» is advocated on the basis of several external criteria (e.g. response to treatment, course into adulthood and psychopathological profile), which distinguish this mixed clinical entity from conduct disorder and major depression, especially the latter category. These findings are discussed concerning the classification of «depressive conduct disorder» within current diagnosis reference manuals

    ROS-MATLAB HMI for industrial robot teleoperation

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    [Resumen] ROS (Robot Operating System) es un framework para el desarrollo de sistemas robóticos de código abierto ampliamente utilizado en la industria y la investigación. Los sistemas robóticos asistidos requieren una comunicación fluida y fiable entre ROS y el controlador externo, a fin de lograr un control y supervisión eficaz del mismo. En este artículo, se presenta el procedimiento necesario para establecer la comunicación a través de una red local entre un robot móvil que implementa ROS y un dispositivo remoto desde el que enviar y recibir información del robot. Además, se propone un ejemplo de HMI (Interfaz Hombre-Máquina) desarrollado en MATLAB, y que puede ser instalada en equipos Windows, Linux o MacOSX, para la teleoperación de un robot en un entorno industrial. La comunicación bidireccional en tiempo real, las capacidades de procesamiento de datos y su versatilidad la convierten en una herramienta completa para la gestión de datos robóticos en entornos industriales.[Abstract] ROS (Robot Operating System) is an open-source robotics development framework widely used in industry and research. Human assisted robotic systems require of robust and constant communication between ROS and the remote controller in order to achieve effective control and monitoring of the system. In this paper, we propose a methodology to connect a mobile ROS with a remote device, using a wireless local network. This device serves as link between the robot and the rest of the system. Additionally, an HMI (Human-Machine Interface) developed using MATLAB is presented. The HMI can be implemented in Windows, Linux or MacOSX computers and provides teleoperation capabilities for a robot in an industrial environment. Real-time bidirectional communication, data processing capabilities and intrinsic versatility make this HMI a robust tool for robotic data management in industrial applications.Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación; PLEC2021-007819Comunidad de Madrid; S2018/NMT-433

    Prevalence of hospital PCR-confirmed COVID-19 cases in patients with chronic inflammatory and autoimmune rheumatic diseases

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    [Abstract] Background: The susceptibility of patients with rheumatic diseases and the risks or benefits of immunosuppressive therapies for COVID-19 are unknown. Methods: We performed a retrospective study with patients under follow-up in rheumatology departments from seven hospitals in Spain. We matched updated databases of rheumatology patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2-positive PCR tests performed in the hospital to the same reference populations. Rates of PCR+ confirmed COVID-19 were compared among groups. Results: Patients with chronic inflammatory diseases had 1.32-fold higher prevalence of hospital PCR+ COVID-19 than the reference population (0.76% vs 0.58%). Patients with systemic autoimmune or immune-mediated disease (AI/IMID) showed a significant increase, whereas patients with inflammatory arthritis (IA) or systemic lupus erythematosus did not. COVID-19 cases in some but not all diagnostic groups had older ages than cases in the reference population. Patients with IA on targeted-synthetic or biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), but not those on conventional-synthetic DMARDs, had a greater prevalence despite a similar age distribution. Conclusion: Patients with AI/IMID show a variable risk of hospital-diagnosed COVID-19. Interplay of ageing, therapies and disease-specific factors seem to contribute. These data provide a basis to improve preventive recommendations to rheumatic patients and to analyse the specific factors involved in COVID-19 susceptibility.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; RD16/0012 RETICS Progra

    CMMSE 2018

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    The task consisting on estimating the translation, rotation and scaling of an image with respect to another take of the same scene obtained at different times, viewpoints and/or lightning conditions is known as image registration. Applications like environmental disasters management or rescue operations depend on real-time hyperspectral images registration, but most of the current FFT-based techniques ignore such performance needs. Ordóñez et al. proposed HYFMGPU [1], a single-GPU algorithm whose performance makes it suitable for real-time use cases. As hyperspectral sensors improve, both the size of images and the wavelength ranges covered are expected to increase, so that a multi-GPU implementation is proposed to satisfy such growing needs.Universidad de Valladolid (Consejería de Educación of Junta de Castilla y León, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad of Spain, and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) program: Project PCAS (TIN2017-88614-R), Project PROPHET (VA082P17) and CAPAP-H6 network (TIN2016-81840-REDT)

    Multidimensional nos supervised analysis (textural and spacial) in MRI tomography for watercore detection

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    4 Pags., 2 figs.This work has been carried out in the frame of the European project InsideFood (Integrated sensing and imaging devices for designing, monitoring and controlling microstructure of foods). The aim of this project is to provide technological solutions for exploring the microstructure of foods, by the combination and application of different non-destructive techniques such as X-ray CT, OCT, MRI, NMR, TRS and SRS, aimed at online sensing of food microstructure, water status, texture and optical properties. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been used in order to detect watercore disorder in three different varieties of apples, which are non commercialized due to their watercore development problems. These three varieties are: Ascara2, Rebellón and Tempera, which were grown under favourable conditions for the development of such disorder. At first step, MRI has been used for screening the apples population in order to detect those ones which had watercore problems. Then, an image analysis has been done in all these apples, in order to check the evidences of such disorder. Several methods have been used: Texture analysis, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Cluster AnalysisPeer reviewe