23 research outputs found

    Dietary diversity and depression: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses in Spanish adult population with metabolic syndrome. Findings from PREDIMED-Plus trial

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    Objective: To examine the cross-sectional and longitudinal (2-year follow-up) associations between dietary diversity (DD) and depressive symptoms. Design: An energy-adjusted dietary diversity score (DDS) was assessed using a validated FFQ and was categorised into quartiles (Q). The variety in each food group was classified into four categories of diversity (C). Depressive symptoms were assessed with Beck Depression Inventory-II (Beck II) questionnaire and depression cases defined as physician-diagnosed or Beck II >= 18. Linear and logistic regression models were used. Setting: Spanish older adults with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Participants: A total of 6625 adults aged 55–75 years from the PREDIMED-Plus study with overweight or obesity and MetS. Results: Total DDS was inversely and statistically significantly associated with depression in the cross-sectional analysis conducted; OR Q4 v. Q1 = 0·76 (95 % CI (0·64, 0·90)). This was driven by high diversity compared to low diversity (C3 v. C1) of vegetables (OR = 0·75, 95 % CI (0·57, 0·93)), cereals (OR = 0·72 (95 % CI (0·56, 0·94)) and proteins (OR = 0·27, 95 % CI (0·11, 0·62)). In the longitudinal analysis, there was no significant association between the baseline DDS and changes in depressive symptoms after 2 years of follow-up, except for DD in vegetables C4 v. C1 = (β = 0·70, 95 % CI (0·05, 1·35)). Conclusions: According to our results, DD is inversely associated with depressive symptoms, but eating more diverse does not seem to reduce the risk of future depression. Additional longitudinal studies (with longer follow-up) are needed to confirm these findings.T The PREDIMED-Plus trial was supported by the European Research Council (Advanced Research Grant 2013-2018; 340918) grant to Miguel Angel Martinez-Gonzalez, and by the official funding agency for biomedical research of the Spanish Government, ISCIII through the Fondo de Investigacion para la Salud (FIS), which is cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (four coordinated FIS projects led by Jordi Salas-Salvado and Josep Vidal), including the following projects: PI13/00673, PI13/00492, PI13/00272, PI13/01123, PI13/00462, PI13/00233, PI13/02184, PI13/00728, PI13/01090, PI13/01056, PI14/01722, PI14/00636, PI14/00618, PI14/00696, PI14/01206, PI14/01919, PI14/00853, PI14/01374, PI16/00473, PI16/00662, PI16/01873, PI16/01094, PI16/00501, PI16/00533, PI16/00381, PI16/00366, PI16/01522, PI16/01120, PI17/00764, PI17/01183, PI17/00855, PI17/01347, PI17/00525, PI17/01827, PI17/00532, PI17/00215, PI17/01441, PI17/00508, PI17/01732, PI17/00926, The Especial Action Project entitled: 'Implementacion y Evaluacion de una intervencion intensiva sobre la actividad fisica Cohorte PREDIMED-Plus' grant to Jordi Salas-Salvado, the Recercaixa grant to Jordi Salas-Salvado (2013ACUP00194), grants from the Consejeria de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia (PI0458/2013; PS0358/2016; PI0137/2018), the PROMETEO/2017/017 grant from the Generalitat Valenciana, the SEMERGEN grant, and CIBEROBN and FEDER funds (CB06/03), ISCIII. International Nut&Dried Fruit Council-FESNAD N degrees 201302: Miguel Angel Martinez-Gonzalez (PI). None of the funding sources took part in the design, collection, analysis or interpretation of the data, or in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. The corresponding author had full access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility to submit for publication

    Dietary diversity and Depression: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses in Spanish adult population with Metabolic Syndrome. Findings from PREDIMED-PLUS Trial.

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    Objective: To examine the cross-sectional and longitudinal (2-year follow-up) associations between Dietary Diversity (DD) and depressive symptoms. Design: An energy-adjusted Dietary Diversity Score (DDS) was assessed using a validated food-frequency questionnaire and was categorized into quartiles (Q). The variety in each food group was classified into 4 categories of diversity (C). Depressive symptoms were assessed with Beck Depression Inventory-II (Beck II) questionnaire and depression cases defined as physician-diagnosed or Beck II>=18. Linear and logistic regression models were used. Setting: Spanish older adults with Metabolic Syndrome. Participants: A total of 6625 adults aged (55-75 years) from the PREDIMED-Plus study with overweight or obesity and MetS. Results: Total DDS was inversely and statistically significantly associated with depression in the cross-sectional analysis conducted; Odds Ratio (OR) Q4 vs Q1= 0.76 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.64, 0.90). This was driven by high diversity compared to low diversity (C3 vs. C1) of vegetables [OR (95%CI) = 0.75 (0.57, 0.93)], cereals [OR (95%CI) = 0.72 (0.56-0.94)] and proteins [OR (95%CI) = 0.27 (0.11, 0.62)]. In the longitudinal analysis, there was no significant association between the baseline DDS and changes in depressive symptoms after 2 y- of follow-up, except for DD in vegetables C4 vs C1= [β (95%CI) = 0.70 (0.05, 1.35)]. Conclusions: According to our results, DD is associated with the presence of depressive symptoms but eating more diverse does not seem to reduce the risk of future depression. Additional longitudinal studies (with longer follow-up period) are needed to confirm these findings

    Participando se entiende la gente : metodología para la mejora de las competencias instrumentales

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    Este proyecto quiere favorecer el desarrollo de las competencias en el área de razonamiento y cálculo numérico; y en el área de comprensión y expresión oral y escrita. Los objetivos generales son reducir el índice de fracaso escolar, mejorar las competencias matemáticas, mejorar también las estrategias de escritura y lectura y potenciar el rendimiento académico del alumnado. En relación a la lectura y escritura destacan objetivos específicos como conocer los principales tipos de texto y las diferentes formas de elocución; ampliar el vocabulario; comprender y analizar todo tipo de textos; crear o producir textos con criterio personal y respetar las opiniones ajenas; valorar la lectura y la bilioteca como fuentes de información; y respetar las normas que rigen el intercambio comunicativo en diálogos, coloquios o debates. Para la mejora de competencias científico-matemáticas se busca apoyar el trabajo de los alumnos y resolver sus dudas y dificultades con mediante el desdoble, refuerzos o agrupamientos de clase. El instituto pone en práctica cuatro medidas para llevar a cabo estos objetivos. La primera consiste en incluir en el aula dos profesores, de este modo ambos comparten un mismo espacio y un mismo grupo en el que se encuentran alumnos de compensatoria e integración. De esta forma, se pueden atender las necesidades de todos más eficazmente. la segunda consiste en hacer grupos heterogéneos y flexibles de cuatro o cinco alumnos para trabajar en equipo y se evita el descuelgue de algunos chicos del ritmo de la clase. La tercera es un taller de creación literaria con tres tipos de relatos de aventuras, de miedo y un relato que incluye una receta de cocina. Además se organizan tertulias literarias en las que profesores y alumnos tienen que leer, sustraer las ideas principales de la obra seleccionada y debatirla y comentarla. Por último, se diseña en turno de tarde unas clases de apoyo escolar a las materias científico-matemáticas para dar respuesta y explicación a las dudas planteadas en las clases. Para desarrollar la evaluación se utilizan instrumentos como cuestionarios, grupos de discusión y entrevistas individuales. Se aportan como anexos modelos de los distintos custionarios, actividades para grupos y modelos de evaluación..Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Educación. Dirección General de Mejora de la Calidad de la EnseñanzaMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES

    Effect of an Intensive Weight-Loss Lifestyle Intervention on Kidney Function: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    Large randomized trials testing the effect of a multifactorial weight-loss lifestyle intervention including Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) on renal function are lacking. Here, we evaluated the 1-year efficacy of an intensive weight-loss intervention with an energy-reduced MedDiet (erMedDiet) plus increased physical activity (PA) on renal function. Randomized controlled "PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea-Plus" (PREDIMED-Plus) trial is conducted in 23 Spanish centers comprising 208 primary care clinics. Overweight/obese (n = 6,719) adults aged 55-75 years with metabolic syndrome were randomly assigned (1:1) to an intensive weight-loss lifestyle intervention with an erMedDiet, PA promotion, and behavioral support (intervention) or usual-care advice to adhere to an energy-unrestricted MedDiet (control) between September 2013 and December 2016. The primary outcome was 1-year change in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Secondary outcomes were changes in urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR), incidence of moderately/severely impaired eGFR ( After 1 year, eGFR declined by 0.66 and 1.25 mL/min/1.73 m2 in the intervention and control groups, respectively (mean difference, 0.58 mL/min/1.73 m2; 95% CI: 0.15-1.02). There were no between-group differences in mean UACR or micro- to macroalbuminuria changes. Moderately/severely impaired eGFR incidence and reversion of moderately to mildly impaired GFR were 40% lower (HR 0.60; 0.44-0.82) and 92% higher (HR 1.92; 1.35-2.73), respectively, in the intervention group. The PREDIMED-Plus lifestyle intervention approach may preserve renal function and delay CKD progression in overweight/obese adults

    Dietary diversity and depression: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses in Spanish adult population with metabolic syndrome. Findings from PREDIMED-Plus trial.

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    To examine the cross-sectional and longitudinal (2-year follow-up) associations between dietary diversity (DD) and depressive symptoms. An energy-adjusted dietary diversity score (DDS) was assessed using a validated FFQ and was categorised into quartiles (Q). The variety in each food group was classified into four categories of diversity (C). Depressive symptoms were assessed with Beck Depression Inventory-II (Beck II) questionnaire and depression cases defined as physician-diagnosed or Beck II >= 18. Linear and logistic regression models were used. Spanish older adults with metabolic syndrome (MetS). A total of 6625 adults aged 55-75 years from the PREDIMED-Plus study with overweight or obesity and MetS. Total DDS was inversely and statistically significantly associated with depression in the cross-sectional analysis conducted; OR Q4 v. Q1 = 0·76 (95 % CI (0·64, 0·90)). This was driven by high diversity compared to low diversity (C3 v. C1) of vegetables (OR = 0·75, 95 % CI (0·57, 0·93)), cereals (OR = 0·72 (95 % CI (0·56, 0·94)) and proteins (OR = 0·27, 95 % CI (0·11, 0·62)). In the longitudinal analysis, there was no significant association between the baseline DDS and changes in depressive symptoms after 2 years of follow-up, except for DD in vegetables C4 v. C1 = (β = 0·70, 95 % CI (0·05, 1·35)). According to our results, DD is inversely associated with depressive symptoms, but eating more diverse does not seem to reduce the risk of future depression. Additional longitudinal studies (with longer follow-up) are needed to confirm these findings

    Mirando a África

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    Este proyecto pretende acercar a la comunidad educativa del centro una realidad tan próxima, compleja y dramática como la del continente africano, desde casi todas las materias. Y pretende hacerlo en coherencia con valores que identifican al centro. Los objetivos son fomentar la colaboración y participación de los alumnos intercambiando sus propias experiencias; potenciar una conciencia social y ecológica; formar integralmente a los alumnos para el mejor desarrollo de la sociedad; valorar la utilidad de la enseñanza activa y el aprendizaje cooperativo; diseñar actividades que permitan desarrollar una enseñanza interdisciplinar; posibilitar que los alumnos desarrollen estrategias globalizadoras de organización del conocimiento mediante el tratamiento de la información; favorecer el aprendizaje significativo; animar al profesorado a buscar estrategias que favorezcan la actividad didáctica; fomentar la lectura y el uso correcto de la expresión oral y escrita, además de mejorar la ortografía; extender el conocimiento y la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación; estrechar las relaciones entre los diferentes sectores de la comunidad educativa; fomentar la participación activa en la vida social; mejorar la convivencia en el centro; desarrollar hábitos de vida saludables; provocar en los alumnos una visión positiva del centro como lugar de ocio y de enriquecimiento cultural; desarrollar y favorecer las inquietudes culturales de los alumnos; desarrollar las actitudes positivas hacia otras culturas; extender el conocimiento de lenguas extranjeras y mantener relaciones estables de colaboración con instituciones culturales y sociales. Las actividades desarrolladas se organizan en tres modalidades que son actividades globales que implican a toda la comunidad educativa como un concurso de lectura llamado África desde la biblioteca, el día del Libro, viaje de fin de curso a Túnez, apadrinar una escuela en Marruecos, una jornada cultural antes de las vacaciones de Semana Santa, talleres a cargo de la Fundación Yehudi Menuhin y Hora 31 con ciclos de charlas y conferencias; actividades durante el horario lectivo en los distintos departamentos didácticos como proyecciones de películas, composición de textos, debates y trabajos en equipo; y las actividades realizadas fuera del horario lectivo como son talleres, cineclub, coloquios, exposiciones, actividades de cooperación y asistir a diversos espectáculos. La metodología es diversa, en relación con la pluralidad de actividades que se llevan a cabo. Como indicadores del proceso de evaluación se toman para las actividades del currículo, la propia evaluación de profesores. Aunque es un indicador cuantitativo para el análisis final y junto a otros parámetros, se trabaja también la evaluación cualitativa, para que las conclusiones tengan un carácter más global de los resultados del proyecto. Por el contrario, las actividades que se realizan fuera del horario lectivo se miden con el grado de participación. Además como herramienta de evaluación individual se elaboran encuestas para alumnos y profesores para que reflejen sus opiniones personales sobre el proyecto. Se adjunta como anexo dos CD-ROM y cuestionarios..Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Educación. Dirección General de Mejora de la Calidad de la EnseñanzaMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES

    Switching TNF antagonists in patients with chronic arthritis: An observational study of 488 patients over a four-year period

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the survival of infliximab, etanercept and adalimumab in patients who have switched among tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists for the treatment of chronic arthritis. BIOBADASER is a national registry of patients with different forms of chronic arthritis who are treated with biologics. Using this registry, we have analyzed patient switching of TNF antagonists. The cumulative discontinuation rate was calculated using the actuarial method. The log-rank test was used to compare survival curves, and Cox regression models were used to assess independent factors associated with discontinuing medication. Between February 2000 and September 2004, 4,706 patients were registered in BIOBADASER, of whom 68% had rheumatoid arthritis, 11% ankylosing spondylitis, 10% psoriatic arthritis, and 11% other forms of chronic arthritis. One- and two-year drug survival rates of the TNF antagonist were 0.83 and 0.75, respectively. There were 488 patients treated with more than one TNF antagonist. In this situation, survival of the second TNF antagonist decreased to 0.68 and 0.60 at 1 and 2 years, respectively. Survival was better in patients replacing the first TNF antagonist because of adverse events (hazard ratio (HR) for discontinuation 0.55 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.34-0.84)), and worse in patients older than 60 years (HR 1.10 (95% CI 0.97-2.49)) or who were treated with infliximab (HR 3.22 (95% CI 2.13-4.87)). In summary, in patients who require continuous therapy and have failed to respond to a TNF antagonist, replacement with a different TNF antagonist may be of use under certain situations. This issue will deserve continuous reassessment with the arrival of new medications. © 2006 Gomez-Reino and Loreto Carmona; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery in children : an international, multicentre, prospective cohort study

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    Introduction Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most common healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). However, there is a lack of data available about SSI in children worldwide, especially from low-income and middle-income countries. This study aimed to estimate the incidence of SSI in children and associations between SSI and morbidity across human development settings. Methods A multicentre, international, prospective, validated cohort study of children aged under 16 years undergoing clean-contaminated, contaminated or dirty gastrointestinal surgery. Any hospital in the world providing paediatric surgery was eligible to contribute data between January and July 2016. The primary outcome was the incidence of SSI by 30 days. Relationships between explanatory variables and SSI were examined using multilevel logistic regression. Countries were stratified into high development, middle development and low development groups using the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). Results Of 1159 children across 181 hospitals in 51 countries, 523 (45 center dot 1%) children were from high HDI, 397 (34 center dot 2%) from middle HDI and 239 (20 center dot 6%) from low HDI countries. The 30-day SSI rate was 6.3% (33/523) in high HDI, 12 center dot 8% (51/397) in middle HDI and 24 center dot 7% (59/239) in low HDI countries. SSI was associated with higher incidence of 30-day mortality, intervention, organ-space infection and other HAIs, with the highest rates seen in low HDI countries. Median length of stay in patients who had an SSI was longer (7.0 days), compared with 3.0 days in patients who did not have an SSI. Use of laparoscopy was associated with significantly lower SSI rates, even after accounting for HDI. Conclusion The odds of SSI in children is nearly four times greater in low HDI compared with high HDI countries. Policies to reduce SSI should be prioritised as part of the wider global agenda.Peer reviewe