19 research outputs found

    Service robot for hull-blasting

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    Present grit blasting technology for hull cleaning is very pollutant, environmentally unaffordable, and it is progressively forbidden in the most environmental countries (mainly north of Europe). At the time being, the above methodology has been partially substituted by ultra highpressure water blasting, however they do not show as good performance as the grit blasting systems. This paper describes a service robot for hull blasting. The technology we developed consists of the cleaning head, the robot body, the remote control unit and the teleoperation platform. This solution allows a reliable and cost effective operation regarding hull grit blasting, obtaining a high quality surface preparation (SA 2 ½) together with a dramatic reduction of waste and zero emissions to environment. A prototype of the robot has been developed and tested in IZAR shipyards. We presents the functional requirements, system concept and architecture of this robot. This work was supported by the Spanish government, the European Union (CICYT-FEDER)The authors want to acknowledge the Spanish government and European Communities for CICYT-FEDER support (1FD97-0823). Additional funds support from IZAR and Spanish Ministry of Industry (ATYCA)

    Service robot for hull-blasting

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    Present grit blasting technology for hull cleaning is very pollutant, environmentally unaffordable, and it is progressively forbidden in the most environmental countries (mainly north of Europe). At the time being, the above methodology has been partially substituted by ultra highpressure water blasting, however they do not show as good performance as the grit blasting systems. This paper describes a service robot for hull blasting. The technology we developed consists of the cleaning head, the robot body, the remote control unit and the teleoperation platform. This solution allows a reliable and cost effective operation regarding hull grit blasting, obtaining a high quality surface preparation (SA 2 ½) together with a dramatic reduction of waste and zero emissions to environment. A prototype of the robot has been developed and tested in IZAR shipyards. We presents the functional requirements, system concept and architecture of this robot. This work was supported by the Spanish government, the European Union (CICYT-FEDER)The authors want to acknowledge the Spanish government and European Communities for CICYT-FEDER support (1FD97-0823). Additional funds support from IZAR and Spanish Ministry of Industry (ATYCA)

    Development of a control system for teleoperated robots using UML nd Ada 95

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    In this paper, a control system in the domain of teleoperated service robots is presented. A reference architecture - ACROSET - has been analyzed and designed following a concurrent object modeling and architectural design methodology (COMET) that uses UML as describing language. The architecture of the whole system has been implemented in a ship’s hull blasting robot - GOYA –using Ada 95 and GLADE. Our previous experience in developing teleoperated service robots using Ada is also presente

    Web based activities around a digital model railroad platform

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    This paper describes a laboratory equipped for the teaching of advanced courses in computer engineering, computer science, information systems, and software engineering. Other related work areas include computer vision, real-time systems, programming languages, and computer architectures. The laboratory has been built around a digital model railroad platform controlled by a client–server system using an object-oriented language. The characteristics of this laboratory are suitable for implementing Web activities for educational purposes. The paper also includes an overview of the system in which most of these topics have been considered and a summary of the relationship with the most relevant international curricula in computing.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education ( with reference ACF2000-0037-IN)

    Evolution of Research into the Management of Family Businesses that are Part of the Instituto de la Empresa Familiar Network of Chairs (1992-2016)

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    ABSTRACT: The family business field of study has grown considerably in recent years in Spain. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that twenty years ago there was barely any research in this field. In 1992, exactly 25 years ago, a group of family entrepreneurs founded the Instituto de la Empresa Familiar (IEF). IEF created the Chair in Family Business at Spanish universities to foster its inclusion in Business Administration syllabuses and promote its research by Spanish academics. This paper analyses the evolution of research into family businesses carried out by academics who are part of the IEF Network of Chairs, both at international and management level. To do this, the ISI Web of Knowledge database and Scopus were used as sources of information

    Robotized system for retrieving fallen objects within the reactor vessel of a nuclear power plant (PWR)

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    This paper presents an original teleoperated and robotized system (TRON) designed for retrieving foreign objects within lower internals of the reactor vessels at nuclear power plants (PWR). For performing these operations, the system does not require that the lower internals have to he retrieved or the fuel assemblies unloaded. The remote handler device is an articulated pole for accessing to the lower internals from the lower core plate. This cylindrical pole is capable to reach the 90% of the horizontal surface below the core barrel. In order to carry out such mission, the TRON system must be able to underwater operate inside a very complex environment and exposed to moderate levels of radiation, that could be punctually high or very high. The design and implementation of the teleoperation system is based on generic software architecture. This original architectural model has been a very useful scheme for organising TRON control tasks, since it comprises the main functional subsystems that may appear in a teleoperation system and clearly defines the interconnections among them. The use of a generic architecture for the system development has allowed guaranteed its success. The system has been tested in one of the nuclear power plants where it will work (C.N. Asco).This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Government Programmes for Research and Development (ATYCA I63/96, ATYCA I 1 0/97, ATYCA I07/98 and CDTI,EUREm-MINE TRON EU 1565

    ¿Qué factores del modelo de negocio hacen a las PYMEs más rentable?

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    [ENG] The aim of this article is to detect the business model factors that increase firm performance. To carry out this research, a survey was conducted among the CEOs of seventy companies in the Region of Murcia, Spain, belonging to different sectors of economic activity. The empirical evidence obtained indicates that the characteristics of a company's business model affect its performance and future viability. In this sense, the article confirms that the business model factors that contribute to improving the future viability of a firm are mainly innovation, professionalization of the economic-financial area, investment in employees, and strengthening of the commercial area. Therefore, firms that wish to improve their long-term performance should especially strengthen these characteristics of the business model. [SPA] El objetivo de este artículo es detectar los factores del modelo de negocio que incrementan el rendimiento de las empresas. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se realizó una encuesta entre los directores generales de setenta empresas de la Región de Murcia, España, pertenecientes a diferentes sectores de actividad económica. La evidencia empírica obtenida indica que las características del modelo de negocio de una empresa afectan a su rendimiento y viabilidad futura. En este sentido, el artículo confirma que los factores del modelo de negocio que contribuyen a mejorar la viabilidad futura de una empresa son principalmente la innovación, la profesionalización del área económico-financiera, la inversión en empleados y la potenciación del área comercial. Por lo tanto, las empresas que deseen mejorar sus resultados a largo plazo deberían reforzar especialmente estas características del modelo de negocio.I would like to thank all the entrepreneurs in the Region of Murcia who have participated in this work, by contributing with their energy and knowledge

    Green and blue materials for the ceramic industry from pink MgCoxNi1-xSiO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) solid solutions

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    In this study, MgCoxNi1-xSiO4 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) solid solutions with an olivine structure were synthetized via the chemical coprecipitation method and materials with a smaller M(II) (M = Co, Ni) amount than Co2SiO4 and Ni2SiO4 compounds were obtained. At 1200 °C, the Co(II) and Ni(II) were randomly distributed in the MgCoxNi1-xSiO4 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) solid solutions with the olivine structure, but the occupation of Co(II) and Ni(II) ions in M1 (4a) octahedral sites was obtained at a higher level than in M2 (4c) octahedral sites. The Mg(II) ions prefer the M2 sites. This preference explains the main contribution of the M1 sites in spectra of octahedral Co(II) ions and the M1-O and M2-O distances jointly explain the pink colour of the MgCoxNi1-xSiO4 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) solid solutions, while the colour of Co2SiO4 is blue. Spectra can be interpreted as the sum of Ni(II) and Co(II) ions in octahedral sites. When these solid solutions are enamelled, the pink colouring changes to green or blue because of the presence of tetrahedral Co(II).Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Sistema electrónico para la obtención, almacenamiento y transmisión inalámbrica de estadísticas de juego en máquinas recreativas.

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    Número de publicación: 2 265 793 Número de solicitud: 200601685El sistema está concebido para facilitar la obtención de datos estadísticos necesarios para comprobar la integridad de la máquina recreativa de azar en la que se instala, así como la ausencia de manipulación en sus mecanismos de asignación de premios, sin interferir en el normal funcionamiento de la máquina. Para ello el sistema se compone a partir de un módulo de adquisición de datos (1) encargado de recoger los datos leídos desde los contadores de monedas (4) y de créditos (5) de la máquina así como de enviar dicha información a un módulo programable de extracción y almacenamiento de datos (6) que procesa y almacena dicha información en una memoria no volátil. Dicha información puede ser fácilmente obtenida por el personal autorizado a través de un módulo de captura de datos (7) dotado de medios de transmisión de la información a un dispositivo portátil externo (11). El sistema cuenta además con un módulo de programación (8) para su actualización y reprogramación.Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Ahora / Ara

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    La cinquena edició del microrelatari per l’eradicació de la violència contra les dones de l’Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere «Purificación Escribano» de la Universitat Jaume I vol ser una declaració d’esperança. Aquest és el moment en el qual les dones (i els homes) hem de fer un pas endavant i eliminar la violència sistèmica contra les dones. Ara és el moment de denunciar el masclisme i els micromasclismes començant a construir una societat més igualitària. Cadascun dels relats del llibre és una denúncia i una declaració que ens encamina cap a un món millor