1,881 research outputs found

    Una nueva obra de Alejo de Vahía en Valdemora (León) y otra de su taller en Villaumbrales (Palencia)

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    En este estudio se dan a conocer dos nuevas obras del escultor tardo gótico Alejo de Vahía, con una bella pieza de la Piedad en la localidad de Valdemora (León), debida al propio maestro, y con otra de San Pedro Apóstol en Villaumbrales (Palencia), de menor calidad y atribuible al prolífico taller que tiene abierto en Becerril de Campos (Palencia). Ambas imágenes se analizan y relacionan con otras obras del autor, proponiéndose una cronología algo anterior al año 1500.This studio shows two new works of Late Gothic sculptor Alejo de Vahía, with a beautiful piece of Mercy in the town of Valdemora (León), due to himself master, and another one of St. Peter the Apostle in Villaumbrales (Palencia), with a low quality and attributed to the prolific atelier placed in Becerril de Campos (Palencia). Both images are analyzed and related to other works, proposing an earlier chronology than the year 1500

    Cherenkov mesons as in-medium quark energy loss

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    We recently showed that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons [1]. Here we review our previous holographic calculation of the energy loss in N=4 Super Yang-Mills and extend it to longitudinal vector mesons and scalar mesons. We also discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments. Although the Cherenkov energy loss is an O(1/Nc) effect, a ballpark estimate yields a value of dE/dx for Nc=3 which is comparable to that of other mechanisms

    Topological biomarkers for real-time detection of epileptic seizures

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    Automated seizure detection is a fundamental problem in computational neuroscience towards diagnosis and treatment's improvement of epileptic disease. We propose a real-time computational method for automated tracking and detection of epileptic seizures from raw neurophysiological recordings. Our mechanism is based on the topological analysis of the sliding-window embedding of the time series derived from simultaneously recorded channels. We extract topological biomarkers from the signals via the computation of the persistent homology of time-evolving topological spaces. Remarkably, the proposed biomarkers robustly captures the change in the brain dynamics during the ictal state. We apply our methods in different types of signals including scalp and intracranial EEG and MEG, in patients during interictal and ictal states, showing high accuracy in a range of clinical situations.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    A New Mechanism of Quark Energy Loss

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    We show that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons. We demonstrate that this takes place in all strongly coupled, large-Nc plasmas with a gravity dual. The energy loss is exactly calculable in these models despite being an O(1/Nc)-effect. We discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; v2: plot modified, conclusions unchange

    Correlation between IL1β expression level and morphological parameters proves the usefulness of morphology measures to predict the degree of activation of microglial cells

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    It is well known that microglial cells undergo an important change in morphology upon activation, so that form and function are intimately related. Upon activation, microglia cell body enlarges, its ramifications shortens and become thicker. In parallel, a variety of cytokines and inflammatory mediators such as IL1β are released. However the activation process is not all-or-nothing. Rather, cells in subtle activation states or in a deactivation process can occur, so intermediate not obvious phenotypes may appear. Thus, we aimed to correlate the expression level of a well-defined marker of activation, IL1β, with different morphological parameters. To do so, we used an intracerebroventricular injection of neuraminidase to produce an acute inflammation in rats. Brain sections were double-stained with IBA1 to have an image of the whole cell and its ramifications, and with IL1β to assess the level of activation. Images were captured from septofimbria (close to the injection site) and from the hypothalamus. A ratio of IL1β-positive pixels to IBA1-positive pixels was used to estimate the level of IL1β expression for each cell. Single microglial cell images were processed with ImageJ software to obtain outlined and filled shapes, which were used to obtain (by means of FracLac plug in) the following morphological parameters: fractal dimension, lacunarity, area, density and perimeter. All parameters showed a significant correlation with the level of expression of IL1β. This occurred in cells sampled from the two brain areas studied. Density, lacunarity and perimeter resulted as the best predictor parameters of activation, that is, those with a better correlation with the level of expression of IL1β. Area, an extensively used parameter to assess microglial activation, presented the least significant correlation. Thus, objectively measured morphological parameters correlate with the level of expression of IL1β, and could therefore be used as predictors of the activation level of microglial cells.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A proposal of collaborative work in groups made up by students of the Faculty of the University of Castilla - La Mancha and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile : A proposal using collaborative publishing tools.

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    De la experiencia del trabajo con herramientas de publicación colaborativas - wikis - de uno de los autores en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, nace el planteamiento de actividades en las que los alumnos de la Facultad de Educación de esta Universidad trabajen de manera colaborativa con alumnos de las Facultades de Educación de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha en el ámbito de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. El hecho de trabajar en la misma área de conocimiento, desde una perspectiva diferente, amplía la capacidad de los futuros maestros para trabajar en contextos internacionales. Utilizar wikis en la Educación Superior como instrumento de trabajo colaborativo permite además trabajar competencias transversales como la multiculturalidad, el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, las habilidades interpersonales, el trabajo en equipo y la eliminación de barreras espacio-temporales. El trabajo colaborativo en contextos internacionales permite a los alumnos trabajar sobre la adaptación de los contenidos de la Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales al aula, contextualizándola en otro sistema educativo diferente y no limitándose a la legislación vigente en España y en Castilla-La Mancha. Por otro lado, en la Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales, los ecosistemas constituyen un interesante recurso de trabajo, vertebrador que relaciona las diferentes disciplinas. Los trabajos colaborativos centrados en ecosistemas de ambos países suponen trasladar aquellos conocimientos relacionados con procesos observados en ecosistemas cercanos a otros estudiantes que no los conocen desde su experiencia directa. La importancia de estos aspectos en la formación de un futuro maestro es especialmente interesante actualmente cuando la capacidad de ejercer la profesión docente en el extranjero puede suponer una interesante salida laboral.Based on the work of one of the authors in the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile with collaborative publishing tools – wikis – there is a proposal for activities in which students of both universities, Castilla-La Mancha and Pontifical Catholic of Chile, can work collaboratively in the area of Didactics of Experimental Sciences. The fact of working in the same knowledge area, but from a different perspective, enhances the ability of the future teachers to work in international contexts. Using wikis in Universities as a tool for collaborative publishing, allows to develop transversal competences like multiculturality, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), interpersonal abilities, the group work and the removal of time and space barriers. Collaborative work in an international context allow students to work on the adaptation of the Didactics of Experimental Sciences contents to schools, making them sensitive to another educative system and not only applying these contents to the current legislation in Spain and in Castilla-La Mancha. Besides, ecosystems are a powerful tool that vertebrate the relationship between the Didactics of Experimental Sciences and other disciplines. Collaborative works focused on Spanish and Chilean ecosystems implies the transfer of knowledge related to processes observed in these nearby ecosystems to other students that don't know them from their direct experience. The importance of all these aspects in the education of future teachers is especially interesting nowadays, when the ability to work as a teacher in a foreign country may constitute a significant opportunit

    On the exceptional set in Nevanlinna's second fundamental theorem in the unit disc

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    A general example of an analytic function in the unit disc possessing an exceptional set in Nevanlinna's second fundamental theorem is built. It is used to show that some conditions on the size of the exceptional set are sharp, extending analogous results for meromorphic functions in the plane

    Comparison between the creation of models and visualization to enhance visual literacy in human anatomy in preservice teachers

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    La alfabetización visual es esencial para la formación docente en ciencias, especialmente en anatomía humana, cuya enseñanza y aprendizaje están apoyados en el uso de gráficos y requiere la adquisición de una visión espacial del cuerpo humano. Sin embargo, ha sido poco estudiada en maestros de Primaria y no existen investigaciones que evalúen la efectividad de métodos que permitan mejorarla. El presente trabajo, llevado a cabo con 194 maestros en su último año de formación, además de hacer un diagnóstico inicial de su nivel de alfabetización visual en anatomía humana, contrasta el impacto de la visualización frente a la realización de maquetas para mejorarla. Para ello se realizó un pretest y un postest consistentes en la representación de una sección transversal humana. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto una limitada alfabetización visual inicial vinculada a la producción de este tipo de secciones, y evidencian un mayor aprendizaje asociado a la realización de maquetas.Visual literacy is essential in science teacher training, especially in human anatomy. The teaching and learning processes of human anatomy are based on the use of graphics, and a spacial perception of the human body is required. Nevertheless, it has been little addressed, and there are no works of assessment of methodologies to improve it in Primary teacher training. This work has been carried out with 194 preservice teachers, and besides an initial diagnosis of the visual literacy skills in human anatomy, the impact of visualization and modelization of the human body to improve it are contrasted. The production of a cross section human diagram has been used as pre and post test. The results show limited skills in visual literacy related to the production of this type of sections, and a higher impact of producing scaled models on learning

    Actitud del profesorado de educación física frente al aprendizaje cooperativo

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    El trabajo cooperativo tiene numerosos beneficios sobre los alumnos. En esta investigación se pretende conocer cuál es la actitud de los profesores de Educación Física ante el trabajo cooperativo y sus diferentes beneficios en función de la titulación y la edad, a partir de una muestra de 455 profesores de Educación Física, utilizando un análisis inferencial con diferentes tests (Welch y ANOVA). Algunos de los datos muestran diferencias significativas en función de la titulación, donde son los profesores licenciados o graduados en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte y los diplomados o graduados en Educación Física los que consideran que el trabajo cooperativo mejora las relaciones interpersonales entre los alumnos (p=.000), y que mejora la comunicación (p=.003). Además, respecto a la edad, los docentes más jóvenes creen que el trabajo cooperativo mejora las habilidades de interacción social (p=.000)