285 research outputs found

    A influencia dos factores ambientais na vida comunitaria dos nenos con diversidade funcional motora, desde a perspectiva das familias

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    [Resumo] Introdución. A participación na vida comunitaria é de gran importancia para o desenvolvemento dos nenos, xa que través desta establecen relacións sociais, manifestan a súa creatividade, desenvolven a súa identidade e nace o significado da súa vida. En ocasións, isto pode verse influenciado polos factores ambientais debido a que en toda participación existe unha interacción entre a persoa, as ocupacións e as contornas. Así pois, expoñerase a posible interacción dos diferentes ambientes que poden limitar ou facilitar a participación comunitaria dos nenos con diversidade funcional motora. Obxectivo. Indagar sobre os aspectos ambientais que facilitan ou comprometen a participación dos nenos con diversidade funcional motora na comunidade, a través das perspectiva das familias. Metodoloxía. Empregarase unha metodoloxía cualitativa cun enfoque fenomenolóxico. Desta maneira estudarase a realidade dunha poboación desde un contexto natural, a través das experiencias e o punto de vista das persoas. A selección de participantes realizarase mediante unha mostraxe teórica intencional e na técnica de recollida de datos empregarase: entrevistas semi-estruturadas, un caderno de campo e grupos de discusión[Resumen] Introducción. La participación en la vida comunitaria es de gran importancia para el desarrollo de los niños, ya que través de esta establecen relaciones sociales, manifiestan su creatividad, desarrollan su identidad y nace el significado de su vida. En ocasiones, esto puede verse influenciado por los factores ambientales debido a que en toda participación existe una interacción entre la persona, sus ocupaciones y los entornos. Así pues, se expondrá la posible interacción de los diferentes ambientes que puedan limitar o facilitar la participación comunitaria de los niños con diversidad funcional motora. Objetivo. Indagar sobre los aspectos ambientais que facilitan o comprometen la participación de los niños con diversidad funcional motora en la comunidad, a través de la perspectiva de las familias. Metodología. Se utilizará una metodología cualitativa con un enfoque fenomenológico. Desta maneira se estudiará la realidad de una población desde un contexto natural, a través de las experiencias y el punto de vista de las personas. La selección de participantes se realizará mediante un muestreo teórico intencional y para la técnica de recogida de datos se empleará: entrevistas semi-estructuradas, un cuaderno de campo y grupos de discusión.[Abstract] Introduction. Participation in community live is of great importance for the developmente of children, through it, social relationships are established, they manifest their creativity, develop their identity and the meaning of their live born. Sometimes this can be influenced by environmental factor, since in all participation there is an interaction betwenn the person, his occupations and the environment. That is why we will talk about the possibility of an influence of diferent environments that may limit or facilitate the community participation of children with motor functional diversity. Aim. To investigate about the environmental aspects that facilitata or comprimise the particiaption of children with motor functional diversity in the community, throught the perspective of their families. Methodology. A qualitative methodology will be used with a phenomenological approach. In this way we will study the reality of a population from a natural context through the experiences and the point of view of the people. The selection of participants will be done by means of an intentional theoretical sampling and the data collection technique will be used: sami-structured interviews, a field notebook and discussion groups.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Terapia ocupacional. Curso 2016/201

    Bayesian joint spatio-temporal analysis of multiple diseases

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    In this paper we propose a Bayesian hierarchical spatio-temporal model for the joint analysis of multiple diseases which includes specific and shared spatial and temporal effects. Dependence on shared terms is controlled by disease-specific weights so that their posterior distribution can be used to identify diseases with similar spatial and temporal patterns. The model proposed here has been used to study three different causes of death (oral cavity, esophagus and stomach cancer) in Spain at the province level. Shared and specific spatial and temporal effects have been estimated and mapped in order to study similarities and differences among these causes. Furthermore, estimates using Markov chain Monte Carlo and the integrated nested Laplace approximation are compared.Peer Reviewe

    A rapid in situ procedure for determination of bacterial susceptibility or resistance to antibiotics that inhibit peptidoglycan biosynthesis

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    BACKGROUND: Antibiotics which inhibit bacterial peptidoglycan biosynthesis are the most widely used in current clinical practice. Nevertheless, resistant strains increase dramatically, with serious economic impact and effects on public health, and are responsible for thousands of deaths each year. Critical clinical situations should benefit from a rapid procedure to evaluate the sensitivity or resistance to antibiotics that act at the cell wall. We have adapted a kit for rapid determination of bacterial DNA fragmentation, to assess cell wall integrity. RESULTS: Cells incubated with the antibiotic were embedded in an agarose microgel on a slide, incubated in an adapted lysis buffer, stained with a DNA fluorochrome, SYBR Gold and observed under fluorescence microscopy. The lysis affects the cells differentially, depending on the integrity of the wall. If the bacterium is susceptible to the antibiotic, the weakened cell wall is affected by the lysing solution so the nucleoid of DNA contained inside the bacterium is released and spread. Alternatively, if the bacterium is resistant to the antibiotic, it is practically unaffected by the lysis solution and does not liberate the nucleoid, retaining its normal morphological appearance. In an initial approach, the procedure accurately discriminates susceptible, intermediate and resistant strains of Escherichia coli to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. When the bacteria came from an exponentially growing liquid culture, the effect on the cell wall of the beta-lactam was evident much earlier that when they came from an agar plate. A dose-response experiment with an E. coli strain susceptible to ampicillin demonstrated a weak effect before the MIC dose. The cell wall damage was not homogenous among the different cells, but the level of damage increased as dose increased with a predominant degree of effect for each dose. A microgranular-fibrilar extracellular background was evident in gram-negative susceptible strains after beta-lactam treatment. This material was digested by DNase I, hybridised with a specific whole genome probe, and so recognized as DNA fragments released by the bacteria. Finally, 46 clinical strains from eight gram-negative and four gram-positive species were evaluated blind for susceptibility or resistance to one of four different beta-lactams and vancomycin, confirming the applicability of the methodology. CONCLUSION: The technique to assess cell wall integrity appears to be a rapid and simple procedure to identify resistant and susceptible strains to antibiotics that interfere with peptidoglycan biosynthesis

    Whole transcription profile of responders to anti-tnf drugs in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease

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    Background: Up to 30% of patients with pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) do not respond to anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor (anti-TNF) therapy. The aim of this study was to identify pharmacogenomic markers that predict early response to anti-TNF drugs in pediatric patients with IBD. Methods: An observational, longitudinal, prospective cohort study was conducted. The study population comprised 38 patients with IBD aged 0.6 or <−0.6 and p value < 0.05). After validation, FCGR1A, FCGR1B, and GBP1 were overexpressed in non-responders two weeks after initiation of anti-TNF treatment (Log2FC 1.05, 1.21, and 1.08, respectively, p value < 0.05). Conclusion: Expression of the FCGR1A, FCGR1B, and GBP1 genes is a pharmacogenomic biomarker of early response to anti-TNF agents in pediatric IBDInstituto de Salud Carlos III número de becas PI16 / 00559 y PI19 / 00792Consejería de Educación y Deporte de la Comunidad de Madrid PEJ16 / MED / AI-1260Instituto de Investigaciones Sanitarias Gregorio Marañón PRE2018-2Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) del Comisión Europe

    Resolving the Problem of Intelligent Learning Content in Learning Management Systems

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    Current e-learning standardization initiatives have put much effort into easing interoperability between systems and the reusability of contents. For this to be possible, one of the most relevant areas is the definition of a run-time environment, which allows Learning Management Systems to launch, track and communicate with learning objects. However, when dealing with intelligent content, these environments show important restrictions. In this article, we study these restrictions, comparing several standardized run-time environments with nonstandardized solutions that aim to overcome these constraints

    Una investigación sobre el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas extranjeras (AICLE) en Educación Primaria. El uso de técnicas para la formulación de preguntas eficaces

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    This article aims to investigate the success of a testing methodology increasing the quantity of student talking time and the quality of student responses. It made use of a quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent groups and pre-test. Data about teacher students interaction was collected and analysed (using graphics and numerical descriptions for the qualitative data and descriptive statistical analyses and inferential procedures for quantitative data). The results showed that the treatment increased the content knowledge the cognitive processing and the students’ participation. Furthermore, the study confirmed the importance for teachers to learn to optimise the methods of using questions.Esta investigación busca comprobar el éxito de una propuesta metodológica basada en el uso eficiente de las preguntas para mejorar la participación del alumnado. Se aplicó un diseño cuasiexperimental con grupo de control no equivalente y pretest. En el postest se registraron las interacciones entre el profesorado y el alumnado. Se analizaron los datos cualitativamente (descripciones gráficas y numéricas), y cuantitativamente (análisis estadísticos descriptivos e inferenciales). Los resultados mostraron que el tratamiento aumentó los niveles de conocimiento y cognitivos de las preguntas y la participación del alumnado. Se confirmó la importancia de optimizar la formulación de preguntas en el aula

    Research based on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Effective Questioning Techniques in Primary Education

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    Esta investigación busca comprobar el éxito de una propuesta metodológica basada en el uso eficiente de las preguntas para mejorar la participación del alumnado. Se aplicó un diseño cuasiexperimental con grupo de control no equivalente y pretest. En el postest se registraron las interacciones entre el profesorado y el alumnado. Se analizaron los datos cualitativamente (descripciones gráficas y numéricas), y cuantitativamente (análisis estadísticos descriptivos e inferenciales). Los resultados mostraron que el tratamiento aumentó los niveles de conocimiento y cognitivos de las preguntas y la participación del alumnado. Se confirmó la importancia de optimizar la formulación de preguntas en el aula.This article aims to investigate the success of a testing methodology increasing the quantity of student talking time and the quality of student responses. It made use of a quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent groups and pre-test. Data about teacherstudents interaction was collected and analysed (using graphics and numerical descriptions for the qualitative data and descriptive statistical analyses and inferential procedures for quantitative data). The results showed that the treatment increased the content knowledge, the cognitive processing and the students’ participation. Furthermore, the study confirmed the importance for teachers to learn to optimise the methods of using questions

    Contribución de los eventos científico – técnicos a la sostenibilidad del destino turístico la Habana. casos de estudio: Congresos Pedagogía 2019 y Universidad 2020

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    Last century, humanity began in an organized way to become aware of the limitation of natural resources, their fragility, and the need for their conservation. In this context, the World Tourism Organization promoted the development of sustainable tourism, highlighting the balance between social, economic and environmental objectives. The current epidemiological situation and global awareness have made all tourism activity, including Event Tourism, adopt increasingly sustainable actions. Sustainability is not the same for the different tourism modalities, since the resources, motivations, behaviors, contacts and relationships involved may be totally different. A holistic and sustainable look is imposed on the activity of event management, valued in the first instance by the tourist flows it generates and therefore its income, but in the case of technical scientists - inserted in the knowledge society. Although the concept of sustainability is understood, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the Sustainable Development Goal and its integration into strategies. The general objective is thus defined: Assess the contribution of scientific-technical events to the sustainability of the Havana tourist destination, referenced to the study of the International Congresses Pedagogía 2019 and Universidad 2020. No previous works have been identified that establish conceptual or practical interrelations between the elements previously exposed. So the work is a theoretical and exploratory research and its value lies in the assessment of the attractiveness of the modality in question.El pasado siglo la humanidad comenzó de forma organizada a tomar conciencia de la limitación de los recursos naturales, su fragilidad y la necesidad de su conservación. En este contexto la Organización Mundial de Turismo promovió el desarrollo del turismo sostenible, resaltando el balance entre los objetivos sociales, económicos y medioambientales. La actual situación epidemiológica y conciencia global han hecho que toda la actividad turística, incluida el Turismo de Eventos, adopte acciones cada más sostenibles. La sostenibilidad no resulta de igual forma para las diferentes modalidades turísticas, toda vez que recursos, motivaciones, comportamientos, contactos y relaciones involucrados pueden ser totalmente distintos. Se impone una mirada holística y sostenible a la actividad de gestión de eventos, valorada en primera instancia por los flujos turísticos que genera y por ende sus ingresos, pero en el caso de los científicos técnicos – insertos en la sociedad del conocimiento. Aunque se entiende el concepto de sostenibilidad, hay una carencia de conocimiento en materia de Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible y acerca de su integración en las estrategias. Se define como objetivo general: Valorar la contribución de los eventos científico – técnicos a la sostenibilidad del destino turístico La Habana, referenciados al estudio de los Congresos Internacionales Pedagogía 2019 y Universidad 2020. No se han identificado trabajos anteriores que establezcan interrelaciones conceptuales o prácticas entre los elementos anteriormente expuestos. Por lo que el trabajo es una investigación teórica y exploratoria y su valor radica en la valoración del atractivo de la modalidad en cuestión

    Euapta godeffroyi (Holothuroidea: Synaptidae): Filling the distribution gap between Mexico and Costa Rica, eastern tropical Pacific

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    One specimen of the sea cucumber Euapta godeffroyi (Semper, 1868) is reported from La Entrega reef (15°44´34´´ N, 96°07´35´´ W), Southern Mexican Pacific. The specimen was observed feeding late at night, supporting the nocturnal habits of this species which is a deposit feeder. No specimens of this species had been previously reported for the area extending from Isla Isabel, Mexico (21°51´43´´ N, 105°53´28´´ W) to Golfito, Costa Rica (8°37´02´´ N, 83°09´01´´ W); the new record fills part of its distribution gap in the eastern tropical Pacific

    Analysis of the Flamenco cultural tourist’s profile in the city of Córdoba (Spain)

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    El flamenco es un arte popular formado por el cante, el baile y la guitarra, que se originó en la región de Andalucía, lugar del que guarda sus raíces e identidad. Es un arte vivo que emociona y despierta los sentidos de aquellos que lo presencian, el cual tiene seguidores alrededor del mundo. El flamenco, al ser un patrimonio inmaterial de la humanidad es parte de la identidad y de la cultura de Andalucía, lugar donde se originó, teniendo la ciudad de Córdoba un papel importante en sus orígenes y evolución. Este trabajo pretende identificar un tipo de turista cultural, donde la búsqueda de experiencia y autenticidad del flamenco es una motivación que impulsa a conocer los lugares donde tuvo su origen y se practica. Para lograr este objetivo, se llevó a cabo un trabajo de campo en base a 709 encuestas válidas, realizadas a turistas que asistían a espectáculos flamencos en los tablaos más importantes de la ciudad de Córdoba. Mediante un análisis descriptivo se muestran las características de esta tipología de turista que considera al flamenco como elemento motivador y como experiencia satisfactoria de su visita, por lo que puede ser un producto que complemente a la oferta cultural de la ciudad.Flamenco is a living art that excites and awakens senses of those who watch it. It is a manner of expressing feelings that has many admirers around the world. Flamenco, as a part of UNESCO cultural heritage, represents an essential part of the Andalusian identity and culture, from which it sprouted with specifically the city of Córdoba playing an important role in its origin and evolution. This work aims to investigate whether there exists a specific type of a cultural tourist for whom the search for flamenco experience and authenticity serves as the main motivation that drives him to get acquainted with the places where it originated and is performed. To achieve the objective, a fieldwork was carried out based on 709 surveys, conducted with tourists having attended flamenco shows in the most prominent tablaos in the city of Córdoba. The results demonstrate that there is a tourist type that considers flamenco a strong motivator for visiting the city and a satisfying cultural experience, therefore it proves that it can be a product which might be utilized to enhance the cultural offer of the city