78 research outputs found

    Estudio de la Casuística de las Muestras de Entrada en los Sistemas de Reconocimiento mediante Iris Ocular

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    10 pages, 9 figures.-- Contributed to: V Jornadas de Reconocimiento Biométrico de Personas (JRBP 2010, Huesca, Spain, Sep 2-3, 2010).Aunque genéticamente idénticos, los iris de un individuo son únicos y estructuralmente distintos. Esto hace que el iris sea un candidato idóneo para utilizarse con propósitos de reconocimiento biométrico. Existen muchos y muy diversos algoritmos de reconocimiento mediante iris ocular, pero la mayor parte de ellos utilizan imágenes adquiridas en entornos colaborativos y condiciones ideales. No obstante, la necesidad de un comportamiento cooperativo del individuo y de condiciones de adquisición de la imagen muy controladas, restringe la aplicación de estos sistemas. Con el objetivo de ampliar los ámbitos en los que los sistemas de reconocimiento de iris pueden utilizarse, es necesario desarrollar algoritmos robustos que puedan funcionar en entornos no colaborativos y para ello, es importante considerar las diferentes situaciones que pueden presentarse en este tipo de entornos. De acuerdo con esto, en este artículo se describen diferentes fuentes de ruido y falsificaciones de iris y se analiza su influencia en las prestaciones de los sistemas de reconocimiento mediante iris ocular.Publicad

    La auditoría presupuestaria gubernamental y su relación con la calidad del gasto en la Municipalidad Distrital de Morales, periodo 2016-2018

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    La presente investigación titulada “La auditoría presupuestaria gubernamental y su relación con la calidad del gasto en la Municipalidad Distrital de Morales, periodo 2016-2018”, investigación del tipo aplicada, con un nivel explicativo; con un diseño no experimental; con una muestra en estudio de 41 trabajadores del área administrativa que desarrollan alguna función relacionada con el presupuesto, además de los gerentes, alcalde y regidores de la Municipalidad Distrital de Morales; aplicando como instrumentos para el recojo de la información la ficha de análisis documental y la ficha de encuesta. En sus conclusiones detalla que existe relación directa y significativa entre la Auditoría Presupuestaria Gubernamental y la calidad del gasto en la Municipalidad Distrital de Morales, periodo 2016-2018; dado que los valores de ambas variables muestran valores similares. El nivel de cumplimiento de los factores de la Auditoría Presupuestaria Gubernamental en la Municipalidad Distrital de Morales, periodo 2016-2018, los mismos que muestran una valoración de Nunca con 6.0%; 26.8% Casi nunca; Casi siempre con 60.4% y Siempre con 6.7%. El nivel de la calidad del gasto en la Municipalidad Distrital de Morales, periodo 2016-2018; donde se puede apreciar que la escala valorativa promedio es de Nunca 12.2%; Casi Nunca 27.6%, Casi siempre con 51.6% y Siempre 8.5%.In the following research titled as "The government budget audit and its relationship with the quality of spending in the District Municipality of Morales, 2016-2018 period", applied type research, with an explanatory level; with a non-experimental design; with a sample in study of 41 workers of the administrative area that develop some function related to the budget, in addition to the managers, mayor and councilors of the District Municipality of Morales; applying as instruments for the collection of information the document analysis sheet and the survey sheet. In its conclusions it details that there is a direct and significant relationship between the Government Budget Audit and the quality of expenditure in the District Municipality of Morales, 2016-2018 period; since the values of both variables show similar values. The level of compliance with the factors of the Government Budget Audit in the District Municipality of Morales, 2016-2018 period, which show an assessment of Never with 6.0%; 26.8% Almost never; Almost always with 60.4% and Always with 6.7%. The level of quality of expenditure in the District Municipality of Morales, period 2016-2018; where it can be seen that the average rating scale is Never 12.2%; Almost Never 27.6%, Almost always with 51.6% and Always 8.5%.TesisAp

    Metodología de evaluación de la influencia de las condiciones ambientales en los sistemas ABC

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    Actas de: VII Jornadas de Reconocimiento Biométrico de Personas. 12 y 13 de septiembre, 2013. ZamoraActualmente uno de los sistemas biométricos más utilizados son los módulos de reconocimiento biométrico que forman parte de los sistemas automáticos para el control de fronteras o más conocidos como sistemas ABC (Automated Border Control). Estos sistemas ya se encuentran funcionando en aeropuertos de todo el mundo y son los responsables de identificar correctamente a las personas que desean acceder al correspondiente país. Sin embargo el rendimiento biométrico de los sistemas ABC, al igual que ocurre para otros sistemas biométricos, puede verse afectado por las condiciones del entorno, especialmente por las condiciones ambientales. Este trabajo describe la aplicación de la metodología de evaluación establecida en el proyecto de norma ISO/IEC DIS 29197 [1] para analizar la influencia de las condiciones ambientales en el rendimiento de los sistemas biométricos para el caso de los sistemas ABC. En concreto define tests específicos y particulariza dicha metodología teniendo en cuenta tanto las características propias de esta clase de sistemas, como su modo de funcionamiento y/o el entorno de operación al que van destinadoenviad

    El nuevo espacio Web del Atlas Nacional de España, antesala del SIANE

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados fruto del reciente convenio conjunto entre el Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), que ha tenido por objeto la investigación, diseño y creación de las páginas Web del Atlas Nacional de España (ANE). De carácter complementario a los objetos y datos que constituyen el ANE, este nuevo espacio Web que aquí se presenta constituirá el acceso al Sistema de Información del Atlas Nacional de España (SIANE), proporcionado la base tecnológica para la futura gestión y actualización del ANE. En definitiva, se trata de crear un marco contextual que por un lado haga comprender rápidamente al usuario qué puede ofrecerle SIANE, y por otro lado, complementar y potenciar la gestión informativa de éste presentando otros contenidos, diferentes a los objetos y datos publicados en el Atlas Nacional de España, que permitan definir y caracterizar esta importante obra

    The effect of mental practice in the performance of a Taekwondo serial motor skill

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de la práctica mental visual (PMV) en el tiempo total (TT) al ejecutar una combinación de patadas. Un total de 15 integrantes de un equipo universitario de taekwondo, participaron voluntariamente y fueron distribuidos según: grado/cinturón y sexo, en un grupo de práctica física (PF) o PMV. La investigación se desarrolló en dos sesiones. En la primera sesión, a ambos grupos se les enseñó la destreza, dos intentos de práctica después se aplicó el pretest, el TT de la destreza fue evaluado por medio de fotoceldas SmartspeedPro y en caso de tener errores técnicos se penalizaba sumándole una desviación estándar al TT. El tratamiento para cada grupo tuvo una duración de 12 minutos, donde el grupo de PF efectuó ejercicios de coordinación y el de PMV realizó la secuencia de patadas ejecutada. Posteriormente, se aplicó la prueba de adquisición, y una semana después la prueba de retención. Al aplicar un ANOVA de 2 vías mixto con medidas repetidas en el último factor [grupo (2) x medición (3)] se encontró que no hubo diferencias significativas, lo que permite concluir que, en las condiciones estudiadas, ni la PMV ni la PF presentaron un efecto sobre el TT al realizar una combinación de patadas por practicantes de taekwondo. Se recomienda aumentar el tiempo de la sesión.The main objective of this researching was to determine the effect of visual mental practice (VMP) on total time (TT) when a combination of kicks it's been executed. A group of 15 members from a College Taekwondo team participated voluntarily and they were distributed by grade/belt and gender, on groups of physical practice (PP) or VMP. The researching was developed in two sessions. In the first session the skill was taught to both groups, after two attempts the pre-test was applied, the skill´s TT was evaluated by the SmartspeedPro´s photocells and the technical mistakes were penalized by adding a standard deviation to the TT. The practice for each group lasted twelve minutes, the PP group made coordination exercises and the VMP group made the sequence of executed kicks. Then the acquisition test was applied and one week later, the retention test. When a mixed 2-way ANOVA with repeated measures was applied in the last factor [group (2) x measurement (3)] it showed that there was no significant differences, which allows us to conclude that, under the conditions that we performed the study, neither the VMP nor the PP represented an effect over the TT when the taekwondo practitioners executed the combined kicks. We recommend the increase of the session´s time.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Educación::Escuela de Educación FísicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano (CIMOHU

    Benign tumors of the oral mucosa: A study of 300 patients

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    Objectives: To analyze the frequency and type of the most common benign tumors of the oral mucosa found at the Hospital Stomatology Service, and to study the clinical characteristics and possible etiological factors. Material and Methods: This is a retrospective study of 300 patients with histologically diagnosed benign tumors of the oral mucosa. Data was compiled for each case, documenting information relating to age, gender, medication, habits (smoking, oral hygiene), anamnesis (reason for consultation, symptomatology, evolution), and the characteristics of the lesion (site, color, size, surface, consistency, and base). Results: Of all the tumors studied, 53% were histologically diagnosed as fibroma. In the study of prevalence of benign tumors of the oral mucosa, no differences were found for age; however there were differences according to gender, finding a greater prevalence of fibromas, pyogenic granulomas, and giant cell granulomas in women, at a ratio of 2:1. The group of tumors studied showed a significantly asymptomatic behaviour, and self-limiting and slow growth. With respect to the possible etiologic agents, we found no statistically significant differences between them. Conclusions: Following the study of 300 patients histologically diagnosed with benign tumor of the oral mucosa, we can state that with regard to prevalence, we found significant differences with respect to gender, being more frequent in women. The fibroma is the most frequent benign tumor of the oral cavity

    Osteonecrosis of the jaws by intravenous bisphosphonates and osteoradionecrosis : a comparative study

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    Aims: We analyze the possible clinical differences between bone jaw exposed areas in ONJ (osteonecrosis of the jaws) and ORN (osteoradionecrosis). Patients and method: Group 1 was composed with 53 ONJ cases and group 2 with 20 ORN cases. In both groups we analyzed, the major size of the exposed bone areas, the number of exposed areas, the location on the jaws and the presence of others associated and severe complications, such as skin fistulas and jaw fractures. We also investigated the possible local aetiology or trigger factor of the lesions. Results: The major size of the bone exposed areas was 2.29±2.02(mean ± std.dev) in group 1 and 2.7±2.9 (mean ± std.dev) in group 2 (p>0.05). The number of exposed areas was 1.8±1.34 (mean ± std.dev) in group 1 and 1.2±0.55 (mean ± std.dev) in group 2 (p>0.05). There were more fractures in the second group (20%) (p<0.05), and skin fistulas (35%) (p<0.05). We found more patients in group 1 in which the dental extraction was the local aetiology of the bone necrosis (35 cases, 66.03%), while in group 2 there were 8 (40%) (p<0.05). Conclusions: In our study with ONJ there were not differences in the major size of the bone exposed areas, but there were more lesions per patient than in group with ORN. The severity of the complications, such as jaw fractures and skin fistulas were higher in ORN, and in this group it was more frequent the spontaneous lesions than in the ONJ where it is more frequent following dental extractions

    Epstein-Barr virus in oral proliferative verrucous leukoplakia and squamous cell carcinoma : a preliminary study

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    The aim of this study was to analyze proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) for the possible presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). We studied three groups: Sub-Group 1 was composed of 10 patients with PVL, (6 of whom had developed OSCC); Sub-Group 2 comprised 5 patients with OSCC but no preceding PVL; and Sub-Group 3 were 5 controls with clinically normal oral mucosa. Oral biopsies from all cases were examined for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) by nested PCR. EBV was detected in 60% of Sub-Group 1 patients (PVL ) and in 40% of Sub-Group 2 (OSCC), but in 0% of SubGroup 3 (controls)

    Neonatal overfeeding during lactation rapidly and permanently misaligns the hepatic circadian rhythm and programmes adult NAFLD

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    Childhood obesity is a strong risk factor for adult obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The mechanisms that link early adiposity with late-onset chronic diseases are poorly characterised. We developed a mouse model of early adiposity through litter size reduction. Mice reared in small litters (SLs) developed obesity, insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis during adulthood. The liver played a major role in the development of the disease. Objective: To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms that link early development and childhood obesity with adult hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance. Methods: We analysed the hepatic transcriptome (Affymetrix) of control and SL mice to uncover potential pathways involved in the long-term programming of disease in our model. Results: The circadian rhythm was the most significantly deregulated Gene Ontology term in the liver of adult SL mice. Several core clock genes, such as period 1e3 and cryptochrome 1e2, were altered in two-week-old SL mice and remained altered throughout their life course until they reached 4e6 months of age. Defective circadian rhythm was restricted to the periphery since the expression of clock genes in the hypothalamus, the central pacemaker, was normal. The period-cryptochrome genes were primarily entrained by dietary signals. Hence, restricting food availability during the light cycle only uncoupled the central rhythm from the peripheral and completely normalised hepatic triglyceride content in adult SL mice. This effect was accompanied by better re-alignment of the hepatic period genes, suggesting that they might have played a causal role in mediating hepatic steatosis in the adult SL mice. Functional downregulation of Per2 in hepatocytes in vitro confirmed that the period genes regulated lipid-related genes in part through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (Ppara). Conclusions: The hepatic circadian rhythm matures during early development, from birth to postnatal day 30. Hence, nutritional challenges during early life may misalign the hepatic circadian rhythm and secondarily lead to metabolic derangements. Specific time-restricted feeding interventions improve metabolic health in the context of childhood obesity by partially re-aligning the peripheral circadian rhythm

    PKD phosphorylation and COP9/Signalosome modulate intracellular Spry2 protein stability

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    Spry2 is a molecular modulator of tyrosine kinase receptor signaling pathways that has cancer-type-specific effects. Mammalian Spry2 protein undergoes tyrosine and serine phosphorylation in response to growth factor stimulation. Spry2 expression is distinctly altered in various cancer types. Inhibition of the proteasome functionality results in reduced intracellular Spry2 degradation. Using in vitro and in vivo assays, we show that protein kinase D (PKD) phosphorylates Spry2 at serine 112 and interacts in vivo with the C-terminal half of this protein. Importantly, missense mutation of Ser112 decreases the rate of Spry2 intracellular protein degradation. Either knocking down the expression of all three mammalian PKD isoforms or blocking their kinase activity with a specific inhibitor contributes to the stabilization of Spry2 wild-type protein. Downregulation of CSN3, a component of the COP9/Signalosome that binds PKD, significantly increases the half-life of Spry2 wild-type protein but does not affect the stability of a Spry2 after mutating Ser112 to the non-phosphorylatable residue alanine. Our data demonstrate that both PKD and the COP9/Signalosome play a significant role in control of Spry2 intracellular stability and support the consideration of the PKD/COP9 complex as a potential therapeutic target in tumors where Spry2 expression is reduced.JMR-C received grant support from MINECO-FEDER (SAF2016-78852-R), AESI-ISCIII (PI20CIII/00029) and Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC, CGB14143035THOM). ES group was supported by grants from ISCIII-MCUI (FIS PI19/00934), JCyL (SA264P18-UIC-076), Areces Foundation (CIVP19A5942), Solorzano-Barruso Foundation (FS/32–2020) and by ISCIII-CIBERONC (group CB16/12/00352). Funding to AM group was provided by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-104867RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by ISCIII-CIBERONC (group CB16/12/00273). TI was supported by grant PID2020-115218RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” and by ISCIII-CIBERNED. RB received grant support from AESI-ISCIII (PI20CIII/00019). Finally, DP-J and MY groups were supported by grants 1.012.022 (to DP-J), 1.010.929 and 1.400.002 (both to MY) from Fundación Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (FUAX). All research co-financed by FEDER funds.S