173 research outputs found

    Actitud del profesorado de educación física frente al aprendizaje cooperativo

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    El trabajo cooperativo tiene numerosos beneficios sobre los alumnos. En esta investigación se pretende conocer cuál es la actitud de los profesores de Educación Física ante el trabajo cooperativo y sus diferentes beneficios en función de la titulación y la edad, a partir de una muestra de 455 profesores de Educación Física, utilizando un análisis inferencial con diferentes tests (Welch y ANOVA). Algunos de los datos muestran diferencias significativas en función de la titulación, donde son los profesores licenciados o graduados en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte y los diplomados o graduados en Educación Física los que consideran que el trabajo cooperativo mejora las relaciones interpersonales entre los alumnos (p=.000), y que mejora la comunicación (p=.003). Además, respecto a la edad, los docentes más jóvenes creen que el trabajo cooperativo mejora las habilidades de interacción social (p=.000)

    A postura dos professores de Educação Física em relação ao trabalho cooperativo e à centralidade do aluno na experiência de aprendizagem

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    O trabalho cooperativo propicia uma melhora na aprendizagem, na interação e na comunicação entre os estudantes. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a postura dos professores de Educação Física em relação à aprendizagem cooperativa a fim de aprimorar as experiências de ensino cuja centralidade esteja no aluno. Nossa amostra inclui 455 professores de Educação Física (70,8% homens, 29,2% mulheres, cuja idade varia de 30 a 50). Foi realizada uma análise estatística inferencial, com o uso de testes distintos (ANOVA e Welch). Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram que a postura dos professores de escolas públicas é mais positiva do que a dos professores de escolas semiprivadas no que se refere ao aumento da responsabilidade (p=.002) e aos debates em grupo. Além disso, os professores de escolas públicas consideram que a aprendizagem cooperativa em seu ambiente de trabalho traz mais benefícios à comunicação em grupo (p=.000) e à coesão do trabalho grupal (p=.001) do que no ambiente de trabalho das escolas semi-privadas e privadas. Constatou-se, também, que os professores com menos experiência docente têm uma postura mais positiva em relação à aprendizagem cooperativa do que seus colegas mais experientes, pois os primeiros consideram que este método contribui para o desenvolvimento de uma série de habilidades dos alunos, tais como a interação social, o desenvolvimento de hábitos de convivência, responsabilidade e corresponsabilidade, melhores relações interpessoais, debates em grupo etc.Cooperative tasks enhance learning, interaction and communication amongst students. Thus, this research aims to analyze the attitude of Physical Education teachers towards cooperative learning and possible improvements in different qualities in relation to ownership of the teaching center and teaching experience. The sample was made up of 455 Physical Education teachers (70.8% men and 29.2% women, aged from 30 to 50), and an inferential statistical analysis was carried out using different tests (ANOVA and Welch). The results of this investigation show that the attitude of the teachers who work in state schools is more positive than those working in semi-private schools as regards improvement of responsibility (p=.002) and group discussion (p=.000). Additionally, teachers who teach in state schools consider that cooperative learning improves group communications (p=.000) and group cohesion (p=.001) to a greater extent than teachers who work in semi-private and private schools. Moreover, the teachers with less teaching experience have a more positive attitude towards cooperative learning than the teachers who have more teaching experience, because the former consider that this method improves different skills in the students, such as socialization and social interaction, the acquisition of habits of coexistence, responsibility and co-responsibility, interpersonal relationships, group discussion, etc

    The knowledge, continuing education and use of teaching styles in Physical Education teachers

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    Different teaching styles are essential when giving physical education classes based on the objective of the exercises. Therefore, the goal of this research was to analyse the knowledge, continuing education and used of physical education teachers about these existing styles with reference to school ownership, working experience and age. The research used a sample of 455 physical education teachers, in primary and secondary school. The most relevant results show significant differences between the knowledge of the teaching styles when the teacher begins his or her professional career with ownership (p=.035); regarding teaching experience, it appears relationship between the continuous use of the command style and longer professional experience (p=.000); finally, regarding age (p=.002), indicating that younger and less experienced teachers are those who use traditional style like command style less often


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    ABSTRAK Di tingkatperusahaan, keberhasilanusahasangatditentukanolehkinerjamanajerialdalamhalmengambilkeputusanuntukmengahadapiaruspersainganbisnis.Penelitianiniberjudul “AkuntannsiPertanggungjawabandanPengendalianBiayaterhadapKinerjaManajerialpada PT. INTI (Persero) dan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Bandung” Sehinggatujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuiakuntansipertanggungjawaban, mengetahuipengendalianbiaya, mengetahuikinerjamanajerial, mengetahuiseberapabesarpengaruhakuntansipertanggungjawabanterhadapkinerjamanajerial, mengetahuiseberapabesarpengendalianbiayaterhadapkinerjamanajerialpada PT. INTI(Persero) Bandung dan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Bandung. Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalahmetodedeskriptifverifikatif. Data yang digunakandalampenelitianadalah data primer berupakuesionerdanwawancarapadabeberapamanajerdivisi SPI dandivisikeuangan di PT. INTI (Persero) dan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Bandung.Analisis data statistikmenggunakan statistic ujiparsial, ujisimultan, koefisienkorelasiganda, koefisienregresidankoefisiendeterminasi. Dari hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwasecaraparsialpengaruhpenerapanakuntansipertanggungjawabanberpengaruhpositifterhadapkinerjamanajerialsebesar 33,7 %. Dan pengaruhpenerapanpengendalianbiayaberpengaruhpositifterhadapkinerjamanajerialsebesar 29,6 %. Sedangkan36,7% lainnyadipengaruhifaktor lain yang tidaktermasukdalamvariabel yang ditelitidalampenelitianini. Kata Kunci : AkuntansiPertanggungjawaban, PengendalianBiayadan KinerjaManajeria

    La satisfacción del alumnado hacia la utilización de los códigos QR para el aprendizaje de la danza en Educación Física

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    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) están presente en la Educación. Existen diferentes formas de clasificación de las diferentes herramientas. Los códigos QR permiten conectar objetos reales con cualquier contenido web adicional. A través de estos códigos se pueden visualizar movimientos y danzas. Así, se han aplicado en las clases de Educación Física, siendo escasos los estudios de su aplicación para actividades de danza y expresión corporal. Es por ello, que este trabajo pretende analizar la diversión y disfrute del alumnado hacia el uso de los códigos QR para el aprendizaje de la danza. El estudio se llevó a cabo con una muestra de 30 estudiantes de un Grado Superior de Formación Profesional del ámbito de la Educación Física con un diseño cuasi-experimental, utilizando un pretest y un postest. Las conclusiones determinan que la diversión y el disfrute en las clases de Educación Física aumentaron cuando el alumnado utilizó los códigos QR para aprender las danzas sin observarse diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Como futuras líneas de investigación sería interesante ampliar la intervención con un número mayor de sesiones

    Arte y mayores: propuesta para un envejecimiento activo

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    Esta es una propuesta para trabajar con los mayores de forma activa e impartir un taller no solamentede ocupación del tiempo de ocio sino también terapéutico. Un taller donde se fomente las relaciones sociales. Un espacio creado por y para la comunicación y el intercambio, desde distintos niveles y posibilidades de cada alumno/a, sin exclusiones ni limitaciones tanto físicas como psíquicas. También es un espacio para la creatividad, la relajación y la reflexión sobre las potencialidades de cada uno y de todos como grupo de trabajo, utilizando la pintura como medio de expresión, profundizando en el acercamiento tanto físico como sensorial. Entre los contenidos del taller se encuentran conceptos como la percepción de los contornos, espacios, relaciones, luz y sombra, tonalidad o forma, la simplificación del objeto, el estudio de elementos compositivos, encuadres y movimiento, las proporciones y los alineamientos horizontales y verticales. Trabajamos la autoestima, la psicomotricidad fina y gruesa, la salud emocional, la creatividad, frenando el deterioro cognitivo. Con todo ello conseguiremos el objetivo general del taller: un envejecimiento positivo y activo.This is a proposal active work with older people and impart not only a leisure workshop also a therapeutic workshop. Also to promote a social relationships workshop. Create a space for and in order to communication and exchange, from different levels and possibilities to each student, without physical or psychological exclusion or limitations. It is algo a creativity, relaxation and reflection space about possibilities each one and the all workshop, using painting as a means of expression, go into detail about in the physical and sensorial approach. Among the workshop contain, found it as perception of contours, spaces, relationships, light and shadow, shade or shape, the simplification of the object, compositional elements studies, framing and movement, proportions and horizontal and vertical alignments. We work self esteem, fine and gross psychomotricity, emotional health, creativity, slowing cognitive decline. With all get the overall objective of the workshop: a positive and active aging

    Extraction of Anthocyanins and Total Phenolic Compounds from Açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) Using an Experimental Design Methodology. Part 3: Microwave-Assisted Extraction

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    In this work, two methods based on microwave-assisted extraction techniques for the extraction of both anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds from acai have been developed. For that, a full factorial design (Box-Behnken design) has been used to optimize the following four variables: solvent composition (25-75% methanol in water), temperature (50-100 degrees C), pH (2-7), and sample/solvent ratio (0.5 g: 10 mL-0.5 g: 20 mL). The anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds content have been determined by ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography and Folin-Ciocalteu method, respectively. The optimum conditions for the extraction of anthocyanins were 38% MeOH in water, 99.63 degrees C, pH 3.00, at 0.5 g: 10 mL of ratio, while for the extraction of total phenolic compounds they were 74.16% MeOH in water, 99.14 degrees C, pH 5.46, at 0.5 g: 20 mL of ratio. Both methods have shown a high repeatability and intermediate precision with a relative standard deviation lower than 5%. Furthermore, an extraction kinetics study was carried out using extraction periods ranging from 2 min until 25 min. The optimized methods have been applied to acai-containing real samples. The results with such real samples have confirmed that both methods are suitable for a rapid and reliable extraction of anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds

    Extraction of anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds from açai (euterpe oleracea mart.) using an experimental design methodology. part 1: Pressurized liquid extraction

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    Currently, açai is one of the most important fruits present in the world. Several studies have demonstrated its high content in phenolic compounds and anthocyanins. Both of them are responsible of interesting properties of the fruit such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant or anticancer. In the present study, two optimized pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) methods have been developed for the extraction of anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds from açai. A full factorial design (Box-Behnken design) with six variables (solvent composition (25%-75% methanol-in-water), temperature (50-100°C), pressure (100-200 atm), purge time (30-90 s), pH (2-7) and flushing (50%-150%)) were employed. The percentage of methanol in the extraction solvent was proven to be the most significant variable for the extraction of anthocyanins. In the case of total phenolic compounds, the extraction temperature was the most influential variable. The developed methods showed high precision, with relative standard deviations (RSD) of less than 5%. The applicability of the methods was successfully evaluated in real samples. In conclusion, two rapid and reliable PLE extraction methods to be used for laboratories and industries to determine anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds in açai and its derived products were developed in this work

    Receptiveness of Spanish and flamenco professional dancers in their training and development

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    The concept of coaching is an important object of study in the development of sports coaches, and the relationship between athletes and coaches may define the professional life of the former. In the area of dance, the figure of the coach is represented by teachers, choreographers and directors; however, there are few studies that analyse the different forms of coaching and receptiveness in the training of dance professionals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to ascertain the receptiveness of professional Spanish dance and flamenco dancers to the coaching abilities of their respective teachers, directors or choreographers. The sample consisted of 143 dancers, 96 women (67.1%) and 47 men (32.9%) aged between 18 and 51 (30.52±7.86), who were students in their last year of a Higher Degree, or professionals from different companies specialising in Spanish dance and flamenco. The most relevant results show that there were significant statistical differences in receptiveness to coaching according to age, with the older dancers showing less receptiveness. Similarly, there were significant statistical differences according to the company in which the dancers carried out their professional work

    Extraction of Anthocyanins and Total Phenolic Compounds from Acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) Using an Experimental Design Methodology. Part 2: Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction

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    Two optimized methods for ultrasound-assisted extraction were evaluated for the extraction of two types of acai bioactive compounds: Total anthocyanins (TAs) and total phenolic compounds (TPCs). For the extraction optimization, a Box Behnken factorial design of different variables in the following intervals was used: Methanol-water (25%-75%) for solvent composition, temperatures between 10 and 70 degrees C, amplitude in the range between 30% and 70% of the maximum amplitude -200 W), extraction solvent pH (2-7), the ratio for sample-solvent (0.5 g:10 mL-0.5 g:20 mL), and cycle between 0.2 and 0.7 s. The extraction kinetics were studied using different periods between 5 and 30 min. TA and TPC were analyzed by UHPLC and the Folin-Ciocalteu method, respectively. Optimized conditions for TA were: 51% MeOH in water, 31 degrees C temperature, pH 6.38, cycle 0.7 s, 65% amplitude, and 0.5 g:10 mL of sample-solvent ratio. Optimized conditions for the TPC were: 49% MeOH in water, 41 degrees C temperature, pH 6.98, cycle 0.2 s, 30% amplitude, and 0.5 g:10 mL of sample-solvent ratio. Both methods presented a relative standard deviation below 5% in the precision study. The suitability of the methods was tested in real samples. It was confirmed that these methods are feasible for the extraction of the studied bioactive compounds from different acai matrices