10 research outputs found

    Delphi method in rheumatology research : are we doing well?

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    Introducción: El método Delphi es una técnica que permite llegar al consenso en un grupo de expertos que opinan sobre un asunto específico. Se ha usado ampliamente en diferentes áreas del conocimiento, entre ellas las ciencias de la salud. La reumatología es una de las especialidades médicas que más ha empleado esta técnica de consenso. Objetivos: Realizar una revisión del proceso ideal que debe cumplir la aplicación del método Delphi. Describir el impacto actual del método Delphi en la investigación en salud y hacer una mirada crítica a su aplicación en la investigación en reumatología. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluó la frecuencia del uso del método Delphi en las publicaciones indexadas en MEDLINE como una aproximación a la medición de su empleo en ciencias de la salud. Se realizó una búsqueda de los artículos que reportan el uso del método Delphi como método de investigación en el área de reumatología. Resultados: Al realizar una búsqueda en Medline usando el término MeSH Delphi Technique se encontraron 4.574 artículos. Se incluyeron 148 artículos que aplicaron el método Delphi en investigación de reumatología. Se encontró que la aplicación del método no ha seguido los lineamientos definidos originalmente, ya sea tanto por no cumplir sus características definitorias u omitir alguna de sus fases, como por la falta de rigurosidad en el desarrollo de las mismas, hasta tal punto que solo una quinta parte de los artículos analizados cumplía las características definitorias del método, lo que puede poner en riesgo la validez de los resultados reportados por estas investigaciones. Conclusiones: El uso del método Delphi en investigación en salud es cada vez mayor, y la reumatología no es la excepción. La no estandarización y el apego a la metodología Delphi puede poner en riesgo la validez de los resultados que se obtienen de su uso en investigación. Los investigadores deben tener en cuenta los aspectos metodológicos básicos que definen el método Delphi para incluirlos en sus trabajos.Q4Artículo de reflexión1-13Introduction: The Delphi method is a technique that allows consensus to be reached by a group of experts who have opinions on a specific issue. It has been widely used in different areas of knowledge, including health sciences. Rheumatology is one of the medical specialties that has used this consensus technique the most. Objectives: To conduct a review of the ideal process for application of the Delphi method. To describe the current impact of the Delphi method on health research, and take a critical look at its application in rheumatology research. Materials and methods: The frequency of use of the Delphi method in publications indexed in MEDLINE was evaluated, as an approximation to the measurement of its use in health sciences. A search was made of the articles that mentioned the use of the Delphi method as a research tool in rheumatology. Results: A total of 4,574 articles were found when searching Medline using the MeSH term “Delphi Technique”. The analysis included 148 articles that applied the Delphi method in rheumatology research. It was found that the application of the method did not follow the guidelines originally defined. This was due to not meeting its defining characteristics, or omitting some of its phases. There was also lack of rigour in developing it, to the point that only a fifth of the articles analysed fulfilled the defining characteristics of the method. All these can put the validity of the results reported by these investigations at risk. Conclusions: Use of the Delphi method in health research is growing, and rheumatology is no exception. The lack of standardisation and adherence to the Delphi methodology may jeopardise the validity of the results obtained from its use in research. Researchers must take into account the basic methodological aspects that define the Delphi method, in order to include them in their work

    The effect of an educational intervention, based on clinical simulation, on the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis

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    Q1Artículo original147-151Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational tool for general physicians, based on rheumatological clinical simulation, for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Methods: A randomized clinical study was carried out, in which the physician research subjects were assigned to one of two groups: the experimental group (educational intervention for rheumatoid arthritis with clinical simulation) or the control group (educational intervention for the basic aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis). Four weeks after the educational intervention, the members of both groups completed an examination that included four clinical cases with real patients, two clinical cases with two clinical simulation models and six virtual clinical cases. In this examination, the participants noted clinical findings, established a diagnosis and defined the complementary tests they would request, if necessary, to corroborate their diagnosis. Results: A total of 160 doctors participated (80 in the active educational intervention for rheumatoid arthritis and 80 in the control group), of whom 89 were women (56%). The mean age was 35 (standard deviation 7.7) years. Success was defined as a physician correctly diagnosing at least 10 of the 12 cases presented. A significant difference of 81.3% (95% confidence interval 72–90%; p < 0.001) in success was found in favour of the active group (88.8% versus 7.5%). A greater number of correct answers was found in the active group compared with the control group in the detection of clinical findings and in the number of complementary tests requested (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The study showed the effectiveness of an educational intervention based on clinical simulation to improve the diagnostic approach to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis

    Enfermedades crónicas

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    Adherencia al tratamiento farmacol&oacute;gico y relaci&oacute;n con el control metab&oacute;lico en pacientes con DM2Aluminio en pacientes con terapia de reemplazo renal cr&oacute;nico con hemodi&aacute;lisis en Bogot&aacute;, ColombiaAmputaci&oacute;n de extremidades inferiores: &iquest;est&aacute;n aumentando las tasas?Consumo de edulcorantes artificiales en j&oacute;venes universitariosC&oacute;mo crecen ni&ntilde;os normales de 2 a&ntilde;os que son sobrepeso a los 7 a&ntilde;osDiagn&oacute;stico con enfoque territorial de salud cardiovascular en la Regi&oacute;n MetropolitanaEfecto a corto plazo de una intervenci&oacute;n con ejercicio f&iacute;sico, en ni&ntilde;os con sobrepesoEfectos de la cirug&iacute;a bari&aacute;trica en pacientes con s&iacute;ndrome metab&oacute;lico e IMC &lt; 35 KG/M2Encuesta mundial de tabaquismo en estudiantes de profesiones de saludEnfermedades cr&oacute;nicas no transmisibles: Consecuencias sociales-sanitarias de comunidades rurales en ChileEpidemiolog&iacute;a de las muertes hospitalarias por patolog&iacute;as relacionadas a muerte encef&aacute;lica, Chile 2003-2007Estado nutricional y conductas alimentarias en adolescentes de 4&ordm; medio de la Regi&oacute;n de CoquimboEstudio de calidad de vida en una muestra del plan piloto para hepatitis CEvaluaci&oacute;n del proceso asistencial y de resultados de salud del GES de diabetes mellitus 2Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en poblaci&oacute;n universitaria de la Facsal, universidad de Tarapac&aacute;Implicancias psicosociales en la g&eacute;nesis, evoluci&oacute;n y tratamiento de pacientes con hipertensi&oacute;n arterial esencialInfarto agudo al miocardio (IAM): Realidad en el Hospital de Puerto Natales, 2009-2010Introducci&oacute;n de nuevas TIC y mejor&iacute;a de la asistencia a un programa de saludNi&ntilde;os obesos atendidos en el Cesfam de Puerto Natales y su entorno familiarPerfil de la mortalidad por c&aacute;ncer de cuello uterino en R&iacute;o de JaneiroPerfil del paciente primo-consultante del Programa de Salud Cardiovascular, Consultorio Cordillera Andina, Los AndesPrevalencia de automedicaci&oacute;n en mujeres beneficiarias del Hospital Comunitario de Til-TiPrevalencia de caries en poblaci&oacute;n preescolar y su relaci&oacute;n con malnutrici&oacute;n por excesoPrevalencia de retinopat&iacute;a diab&eacute;tica en comunas dependientes del Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Occidente (SSMOC)Problemas de adherencia farmacol&oacute;gica antihipertensiva en poblaci&oacute;n mapuche: Un estudio cualitativoRol biol&oacute;gico de los antioxidantes innatos en pacientes portadores de VIH/SidaSobrepeso en empleados de un restaurante de una universidad p&uacute;blica del estado de S&atilde;o Paul

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Prevalence and demographic characteristics of Behcet disease in Colombia: data from the national health registry 2012-2016.

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    Q3Q217-20To estimate prevalence and describe the main demographic characteristics of Behcet disease in Colombia. Cross-sectional study, based on ofcial Ministry of Health registry data. 523 cases of Behcet disease (ICD-10 code: M352) were reported between 2012 and 2016, for a prevalence in people over 18 years old of 1.10 per 100,000 inhabitants, of which 68% are women, with a female-to-male ratio of 2.2:1, with greater prevalence within the 45–49 age group. This is the frst study that shows demographic and epidemiological information on Behcet disease in Colombia. Prevalence seems to be low when compared with other similar studies in the region

    Adalimumab-induced cutaneous lupus

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    La terapia antifactor de necrosis tumoral se ha convertido en los últimos años en uno de los pilares fundamentales para el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide. El adalimumab es un anticuerpo monoclonal humanizado empleado en el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide. Se describe un caso de lupus cutáneo inducido por adalimumabQ4Informe de caso271-274Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors have become one of the most important treatments of rheumatoid arthritis. Adalimumab is a monoclonal antibody used for the treatment of this condition. A case is described of adalimumab induced cutaneous lupus

    The surgical safety checklist and patient outcomes after surgery: a prospective observational cohort study, systematic review and meta-analysis

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    © 2017 British Journal of Anaesthesia Background: The surgical safety checklist is widely used to improve the quality of perioperative care. However, clinicians continue to debate the clinical effectiveness of this tool. Methods: Prospective analysis of data from the International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS), an international observational study of elective in-patient surgery, accompanied by a systematic review and meta-analysis of published literature. The exposure was surgical safety checklist use. The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality and the secondary outcome was postoperative complications. In the ISOS cohort, a multivariable multi-level generalized linear model was used to test associations. To further contextualise these findings, we included the results from the ISOS cohort in a meta-analysis. Results are reported as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals. Results: We included 44 814 patients from 497 hospitals in 27 countries in the ISOS analysis. There were 40 245 (89.8%) patients exposed to the checklist, whilst 7508 (16.8%) sustained ≥1 postoperative complications and 207 (0.5%) died before hospital discharge. Checklist exposure was associated with reduced mortality [odds ratio (OR) 0.49 (0.32–0.77); P\u3c0.01], but no difference in complication rates [OR 1.02 (0.88–1.19); P=0.75]. In a systematic review, we screened 3732 records and identified 11 eligible studies of 453 292 patients including the ISOS cohort. Checklist exposure was associated with both reduced postoperative mortality [OR 0.75 (0.62–0.92); P\u3c0.01; I2=87%] and reduced complication rates [OR 0.73 (0.61–0.88); P\u3c0.01; I2=89%). Conclusions: Patients exposed to a surgical safety checklist experience better postoperative outcomes, but this could simply reflect wider quality of care in hospitals where checklist use is routine

    Prospective observational cohort study on grading the severity of postoperative complications in global surgery research

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    Background The Clavien–Dindo classification is perhaps the most widely used approach for reporting postoperative complications in clinical trials. This system classifies complication severity by the treatment provided. However, it is unclear whether the Clavien–Dindo system can be used internationally in studies across differing healthcare systems in high- (HICs) and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods This was a secondary analysis of the International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS), a prospective observational cohort study of elective surgery in adults. Data collection occurred over a 7-day period. Severity of complications was graded using Clavien–Dindo and the simpler ISOS grading (mild, moderate or severe, based on guided investigator judgement). Severity grading was compared using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Data are presented as frequencies and ICC values (with 95 per cent c.i.). The analysis was stratified by income status of the country, comparing HICs with LMICs. Results A total of 44 814 patients were recruited from 474 hospitals in 27 countries (19 HICs and 8 LMICs). Some 7508 patients (16·8 per cent) experienced at least one postoperative complication, equivalent to 11 664 complications in total. Using the ISOS classification, 5504 of 11 664 complications (47·2 per cent) were graded as mild, 4244 (36·4 per cent) as moderate and 1916 (16·4 per cent) as severe. Using Clavien–Dindo, 6781 of 11 664 complications (58·1 per cent) were graded as I or II, 1740 (14·9 per cent) as III, 2408 (20·6 per cent) as IV and 735 (6·3 per cent) as V. Agreement between classification systems was poor overall (ICC 0·41, 95 per cent c.i. 0·20 to 0·55), and in LMICs (ICC 0·23, 0·05 to 0·38) and HICs (ICC 0·46, 0·25 to 0·59). Conclusion Caution is recommended when using a treatment approach to grade complications in global surgery studies, as this may introduce bias unintentionally

    Critical care admission following elective surgery was not associated with survival benefit: prospective analysis of data from 27 countries

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    This was an investigator initiated study funded by Nestle Health Sciences through an unrestricted research grant, and by a National Institute for Health Research (UK) Professorship held by RP. The study was sponsored by Queen Mary University of London