3,004 research outputs found

    ¿Qué tipo de emociones experimenta el alumnado al ser evaluado con rúbrica?

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    El aprendizaje es un proceso que para darse en el aula requiere de la reflexión sobre las emociones que ocurren en la misma. Diversas investigaciones han alabado el uso de la rúbrica como herramienta para evaluar las distintas habilidades académicas; sin embargo, hay un vacío con respecto a la afectividad que genera su inmersión en el aula. Nos planteamos explorar las emociones que experimenta el alumnado al ser evaluado con una rúbrica. Un total de 65 alumnos de 2º ciclo de Enseñanza Básica (10 años y 11 años) de Évora (Portugal) cumplimentaron un amplio cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que más del 75% del alumnado muestra emociones positivas al ser evaluado con rúbrica, mientras que un 5% experimenta emociones de índole negativa. En consonancia con este dato, más de un 50% de alumnos experimentan orgullo, tranquilidad, confianza, satisfacción y curiosidad al ser evaluados con rúbrica; mientras que, más de un 20% de estudiantes muestran preocupación, ansiedad, nerviosismo y estrés. Estos resultados están mediatizados por la experiencia, dado que aquellos alumnos que han sido evaluados previamente con rúbrica muestran emociones diferentes a las de aquellos que no han sido evaluados a través de esta he-rramienta

    Énergie éolienne dans la région euro-méditerranéenne: développement et perspectives

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    This work is a first approach to wind development in the Euro-Mediterranean región and identifies the major initiatives underway as well as development conditions. It includes a study case of wind power management in the Strait of Gibraltar area. Wind development is analyzed in the Euro-Mediterranean territories by comparing Spanish regions with different States using various indicators. Key countries are noted for their potential and policies to promote wind based alternatives.Este trabajo caracteriza en una primera aproximación al desarrollo eólico en la región euromediterránea, e identifica las principales iniciativas en marcha y condicionantes de desarrollo. Se estudia el caso de la ordenación de la energía eólica en el área del Estrecho de Gibraltar. Se analiza el desarrollo eólico en los territorios euromediterráneos comparando distintos estados y comunidades autónomas españolas mediante diversos indicadores. Se señalan países clave por su potencial y políticas de fomento eólico.Ce travail est un premier approchement au développement éolien dans la région euroméditerranéenne, et identifie les principales initiatives en cours ainsi comme les conditions pour leur développement. Nous étudions le cas de la gestion de l’énergie éolienne dans la région du détroit de Gibraltar. Le développement éolien est analysée dans les territoires euro-méditerranéens, par comparaison entre différents États et régions espagnoles par moyen de divers indicateurs. Reconnaissance des principaux pays par leur potentiel et leur politiques visant à promouvoir les alternatives éoliennes

    Matar al padre: un modelo de reconstrucción del conflicto social desde la Sociología de las Organizaciones

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    El presente articulo analiza sociológicamente la forma en que las personas que forman parte de una organización compleja reconstruyen un conflicto social interno. Ese proceso se interpreta desde la teoria freudiana del proceso de "matar al padre". Se utiliza la elaboración teórica en Totem y tabú de 1912. La segunda aplicación es a la teoria de las desorganizaciones, dentro de la Sociologia de las Organizaciones. En el análisis se utilizan transcripciones de entrevistas en grupo (10 EEP) realizadas durante un año (1993) dentro de la organización (la policia municipal de una gran ciudad española), asi como información de observación participante (OP) durante un año. El articulo analiza primero los grupos que existen dentro de la estructura actual de la organización y el tipo de conflictos que generan entre ellos. En la parte central se estudia el poder a traves de los sistemas de jerarquización, el poder de jefatura, los mandos intermedios y lo que Perrow conceptualiza como el poder de los sin poder. Se interpreta la experiencia pasada de derrocamiento del jefe como un caso de "matar al padre", analizando el conflicto actual como continuación del mismo proceso. Al no institucionalizarse el conflicto (sustituir la acción por la idea) se repite de forma simbólica el parricidio del jefe. El articulo muestra la forma en que la teoria psicoanalítica grupal se puede aplicar a las organizaciones complejas contemporáneas, permitiendo una interpretación sociológica para analizar la forma en que las personas construyen la realidad social. Muestra también la utilidad de la teoria de las desorganizaciones para el análisis de este tipo de organizaciones.This article analizes from a sociological point of view the way members of a complex organization reconstruct an internal social conflict. This process in interpreted, from a Freudian perspective, as a form of "Killing the father

    Hepheastus account on Trojanski’s polyhedral war

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    We survey several open problems in the theory of isomorphically polyhedral Banach spaces related to Troyanski’s research.• Project MTM2013-45643- C2-1-P (I+D 2013) • Instituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, GNAMPA.peerReviewe

    Effects of fire and three fire-fighting chemicals on main soil properties, plant nutrient content and vegetation growth and cover after 10 years.

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    The study addresses a knowledge-gap in the long-term ecological consequences of fire and fire-fighting chemicals. Ten years after a prescribed fire and the application of three fire-fighting chemicals, their effects on the soil-plant system were evaluated. Five treatments were established: unburnt soils (US) and burnt soils treated with water alone (BS), foaming agent (BS+Fo), Firesorb (BS+Fi) and ammonium polyphosphate (BS+Ap). Soils (0-2 cm depth) and foliar material of shrubs (Erica umbellata, Pterospartum tridentatum and Ulex micranthus) and trees (Pinus pinaster) were analysed for total N, 15N, and soil-available and plant total macronutrients and trace elements. Soil pH, NH4 +-N and NO3 --N; pine basal diameter and height; and shrub cover and height were also measured. Compared with US plots, burnt soils had less nitrates and more Mo. Although differences were not always significant, BS+Ap had the highest levels of soil available P, Na and Al. Plants from BS+Ap plots had higher values of 15N (P. pinaster and E. umbellata), P (all species), Na (P. tridentatum and U. micranthus) and Mg (E. umbellata and P. tridentatum) than other treatments; while K in plants from BS+Ap plots was the highest among treatments for P. pinaster and the lowest for the shrubs. Pines in US plots were higher and wider than in burnt treatments, except for BS+Ap, where the tallest and widest trees were found, although half of them were either death (the second highest mortality after BS+Fi) or had a distorted trunk. BS+Ap was the treatment with strongest effects on plants, showing E. umbellata the lowest coverage and height, P. tridentatum the highest coverage, U. micranthus one of the lowest coverages and being the only treatment where Genista triacanthos was absent. Consequently, it is concluded that both fire and ammonium polyphosphate application had significant effects on the soil-plant system after 10 years.Peer reviewe

    FGF2, but not EGF, Induces multiciliated ependymal cells to dedifferentiate and adopt radial glial features in vitro

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    Multiciliated ependymal cells form an epithelium lining most of the ventricular cavities of vertebrates brain. Although considered postmitotic and completely differentiated, ependymal cells maintain some phenotypic characteristics of neural stem cells. Thereby, under specific conditions they behave as neural stem cells, developing radial glia characteristics, and undergoing asymmetric division. Our group is searching for factors that promote dedifferentiation of ependymal cells in vitro. We developed a simple method to obtain pure cultures of non-adherent multiciliated ependymal cells from adult rats. These cultures were used to investigate the effect of FGF2 on the differentiation state and the aggregation of ependymal cells. Thus, FGF2 treated ependymal cells lose cilia and hence mobility, and after 7 days they aggregate to form irregular spheres (diameter ≥ 20-30 μm). Such changes were not observed when EFG was used instead of FGF2. To assess the specificity of FGF2 action on cell aggregation, the FGF receptor inhibitor PD166866 and an anti-FGF2 neutralizing antibody were used. In both conditions the aggregative effect of FGF2 was abolished. No cell proliferation was observed during sphere formation, at least in such experimental conditions. Spheres were analyzed by immunocytochemistry using radial glia markers. They were positive for GFAP, vimentin, BLBP and GLAST. These data suggest that FGF2 promotes the identity loss in multiciliated ependymal cells in vitro, which are transformed into cells with radial glia features.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Hepheastus account on Trojanski’s polyhedral war

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    We survey several open problems in the theory of isomorphically polyhedral Banach spaces related to Troyanski’s research.• Project MTM2013-45643- C2-1-P (I+D 2013) • Instituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, GNAMPA.peerReviewe

    Neuraminidase-activated microglia compromise the viability of ependymocytes

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    Neuraminidase (NA) is a sialidase present in the envelope/wall of some virus/bacteria responsible for brain infections, such as flu, mumps or meningitis. The intracerebroventricular injection of NA in the rat brain provokes ependymal detachment and death, and an acute inflammatory process. Although inflammation reverses, ependymal lining is not regenerated. Complement system activation within the CSF contributes to ependymal damage, but is not the only cause (Granados-Duran et al, 2016). Here we aimed to investigate if microglial activation might also play a role. For this purpose we used pure isolated ependymocytes (Grondona et al, 2013) and ventricular wall explants, which were co-cultured with microglial cells, both in basal conditions and with agents that induce microglial activation: NA, LPS, or Pam3CSK4 (synthetic lipopeptide). The viability of the ependymal cells was assessed by trypan blue exclusion. The viability of isolated ependymocytes was reduced when NA or LPS were added to the culture, compared to controls without additives. In the absence of microglia, NA or LPS did not compromise viability significantly, indicating that microglia was involved in ependymocytes death. The addition of NA to cultured explants reduced ependymocytes viability only when microglial cells were present in the culture; a similar reduction was observed when LPS or Pam3CSK4 were added. Conversely, explants cultured in the absence of microglia did not suffer a significant decrease in ependymocytes viability upon NA addition to the medium. We hypothesized that cytokines released by activated microglia, such as IL1β or TNFα, could mediate ependymocytes death. RT-PCR performed in RNA obtained from pure ependymocytes confirmed the presence of IL1β and TNFα receptors in ependymal cells. Nevertheless further experiments are required to confirm this hypothesis. We conclude that microglia activated by NA mediates, at least in part, ependymal cell death, what might be relevant for neuroinflammatory diseases mediated by NA bearing virus/bacteria.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The institutional foundation of social class differences in pro-redistribution attitudes: a cross-national analysis, 1985-2010

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    Our understanding of cross-national differences in the relationship between social class location and voting choices has improved substantially in the last decade. Yet scholarship about cross-national and longitudinal variations in the relationship between class location and policy preferences remains neglected. This paper addresses this important gap in the literature through a comparative, longitudinal analysis of the substantial, cross-national variation of class differences in pro-redistribution attitudes. To explain this variation, we focus on the role of preexisting policies and engage with an ongoing debate in the policy feedbacks literature. The self-interest approach argues that higher redistribution creates incentives among the upper classes to oppose redistribution, widening the class cleavage. By contrast, the normative approach argues that universal social policy regimes meet the fairness criteria of middle and upper classes, thereby reducing attitudinal differences. Using an innovative data set containing 106 country-years between 1985 and 2010, our study supports the self-interest approach. Countries achieving more redistribution display larger class cleavages in pro-redistribution attitudes, while universalism does not reduce this divide. The study further shows that redistribution and class cleavage are linearly related because redistribution bolsters the already low commitment with inequality reduction in the upper service and lower service classes.The project was generously funded by two grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CSO2011-29346 and CSO2015-70297) and an A.SK Post-doctoral Fellowship in the Berlin Social Science Research Center

    Impact of nutritional status and dietary habits on the quality of life of multiple sclerosis patients

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    El suplemento de la revista recoge: Abstracts of the Fundación Iberoamericana de Nutrición (FINUT) Conference 2020Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease resulting in demyelination and neuronal degeneration. Among the multiple risk factors that contribute to MS progression, malnutrition plays a pivotal role in the impact and quality of life of MS patients. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of nutritional status and dietary habits on daily function and well-being of patients presenting relapsing-remitting (RR), primary progressive (PP) and secondary progressive (SP) MS forms. Methods: A cross-sectional observational design was used in this work. The nutritional status of MS patients was determined by collecting anthropometric measurements (weight, height and Body Mass Index:BMI), dietary (Mini Nutritional Assessment, MNA) and clinical (biochemical serum parameters: glucose, cholesterol, lipids and proteins) data. Health-related and disablement outcomes were assessed by the questionnaires comprising the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29) and the Expanded Disability Status Scale (ESDD), respectively.[EN] Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease resulting in demyelination and neuronal degeneration. Among the multiple risk factors that contribute to MS progression, malnutrition plays a pivotal role in the impact and quality of life of MS patients