221 research outputs found


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    MinƑsĂ©gkoncepciĂłk a romĂĄniai közĂ©pfokĂș oktatĂĄsban = Quality concepts in the Hungarian secondary education in Romania.

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    KutatĂĄsunk sorĂĄn körvonalazĂłdtak a "szolgĂĄltatĂłi" Ă©s "fogyasztĂłi" minƑsĂ©gkoncepciĂłk hasonlĂłsĂĄgai Ă©s eltĂ©rĂ©sei, ahogyan elƑtĂ©rbe kerĂŒltek a szolgĂĄltatĂłi körön belĂŒl is azok a kĂŒlönbsĂ©gek, melyeket az oktatĂĄsi bĂŒrokratikus hierarchiĂĄban betöltött funkciĂł hatĂĄroz meg. A tanfelĂŒgyelƑk minƑsĂ©gkĂ©pe strukturĂĄlisan meghatĂĄrozott, lekĂ©pezi az ĂĄtmenetet a reform irĂĄnt elkötelezett modernizĂĄciĂłs szemlĂ©let Ă©s a bĂŒrokratikus beidegzƑdĂ©s tehetetlensĂ©ge között. Ez az a szint, ameddig a kĂŒlönbözƑ reform-szĂĄndĂ©kok leĂĄramoltak, ameddig a hullĂĄmzĂł tendenciĂĄt mutatĂł ĂșjĂ­tĂĄsok, vĂĄltoztatĂĄsok, informĂĄciĂłk akĂĄr kĂ©pzĂ©sek formĂĄjĂĄban eljutottak. A pedagĂłgusok körĂ©ben lĂ©tezƑ minƑsĂ©g felfogĂĄsok hĂĄrom pillĂ©rre Ă©pĂŒlnek: (1.) szolgĂĄltatĂł vs. elitista szemlĂ©let, (2.) a kisebbsĂ©gi helyzetbƑl fakadĂł iskolafunkciĂłk, (3.) az intĂ©zmĂ©nyi környezettel fenntartott esetleges Ă©s vertikĂĄlis kommunikĂĄciĂł. A vevƑközpontĂșsĂĄg intĂ©zmĂ©nyi, teljesebb körƱ kibontakozĂĄsĂĄt azonban nem teszi lehetƑvĂ©, nem tĂĄmogatja egyĂ©rtelmƱen a rendszert mƱködtetƑ jogi keret. A "fogyasztĂłk", illetve a diĂĄkok minƑsĂ©grƑl alkotott felfogĂĄsĂĄrĂłl azt talĂĄltuk, hogy ezek nem kellƑ mĂ©rtĂ©kben letisztultak. Az iskola tekintetĂ©ben nĂ©gy nagyobb vĂ©lemĂ©nycsoport körvonalazĂłdott. Klaszter-elemzĂ©ssel egyrĂ©szt olyan csoportokat tudtunk beazonosĂ­tani, amelyekben a kĂŒlsƑ Ă©s belsƑ partneri igĂ©nyek mintegy egymĂĄsba olvadnak, Ă©s szorosan kapcsolĂłdnak egyfajta kisebbsĂ©gi helyzethez köthetƑ versenyszellem fenntartĂĄsĂĄhoz, mĂĄsrĂ©szt pedig kĂŒlön jelent meg az a csoport, amelynek tagjai az iskolĂĄval szemben azt vĂĄrjĂĄk el, hogy az differenciĂĄltan kezelje a tanulĂłkat. | Based on our research results we have described the differences and similiarities between service-based and consumption-based quality concepts, and identitfied some inner differences at the level of educational service providers, which are strongly related to the position occupied by the providers'in the educational bureaucracy or hierarchy. The educational inspectors quality concepts represent a mixture between the reform-based modernization needs and the bureaucratical inertia. The consumption-based intentions used to come from the central part of the system, therefore their convertion into educational practice is impedimented by the inertia of the bureaucratic system. The teachers quality concepts are built on three pillars: 1. Struggle between service-based concepts and elitistic educational view; 2. Special minority school functions; 3. Vertical and elliptic communication between schools and their institutional environment. The existing legal framework do not make possible elaboration of institutional customer-based strategies. The "ultimate customers", students quality concepts are not entirely cristalized. According to our research among students there are four main types of attitudes toward school. These attitudes we can structured (by hierarchical cluster analysis) in two main groups: 1. There is a group which is characterized by the mixture of internal and external partner claims, but at the same time this whole mixture is strongly correlated to the maintaining of minority's elitism; 2. Members of the second group think that the school should manage students in different ways

    Key Elements of the Ageing Management of the WWER-440/213 type Nuclear Power Plants

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    The owner’s intention of WWER-440/213 units in Central Europe is to keep the plants in operation as long as technically feasible and reasonable from business point of view. The preconditions of the long term operation and license renewal are the safety and good plant condition. The past and recent ageing management practices have to ensure the required condition and performance of the essential structures, systems and components. In the paper an overall picture of the long term operation of WWER-440/213 units is given. The review covers ageing of mechanical equipment, building structures and electrical equipment to. Key elements of the ageing management are identified and described. Basic issues of assessment of ageing of essential structures, systems and components, also the issues related to availability of design basis information and lacking environmental qualification are discussed. Reference examples typical for WWER-440/213 plants long term operation are given from Paks Nuclear Power Plant practice

    Quantisations of piecewise affine maps on the torus and their quantum limits

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    For general quantum systems the semiclassical behaviour of eigenfunctions in relation to the ergodic properties of the underlying classical system is quite difficult to understand. The Wignerfunctions of eigenstates converge weakly to invariant measures of the classical system, the so called quantum limits, and one would like to understand which invariant measures can occur that way, thereby classifying the semiclassical behaviour of eigenfunctions. We introduce a class of maps on the torus for whose quantisations we can understand the set of quantum limits in great detail. In particular we can construct examples of ergodic maps which have singular ergodic measures as quantum limits, and examples of non-ergodic maps where arbitrary convex combinations of absolutely continuous ergodic measures can occur as quantum limits. The maps we quantise are obtained by cutting and stacking

    An analysis of the temperature dependence of force, during steady shortening at different velocities, in (mammalian) fast muscle fibres

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    We examined, over a wide range of temperatures (10–35°C), the isometric tension and tension during ramp shortening at different velocities (0.2–4 L0/s) in tetanized intact fibre bundles from a rat fast (flexor hallucis brevis) muscle; fibre length (L0) was 2.2 mm and sarcomere length ~2.5 Όm. During a ramp shortening, the tension change showed an initial inflection of small amplitude (P1), followed by a larger exponential decline towards an approximate steady level; the tension continued to decline slowly afterwards and the approximate steady tension at a given velocity was estimated as the tension (P2) at the point of intersection between two linear slopes, as previously described (Roots et al. 2007). At a given temperature, the tension P2 declined to a lower level and at a faster rate (from an exponential curve fit) as the shortening velocity was increased; the temperature sensitivity of the rate of tension decline during ramp shortening at different velocities was low (Q10 0.9–1.5). The isometric tension and the P2 tension at a given shortening velocity increased with warming so that the relation between tension and (reciprocal) temperature was sigmoidal in both. In isometric muscle, the temperature T0.5 for half-maximal tension was ~10°C, activation enthalpy change (∆H) was ~100 kJ mol−1 and entropy change (∆S) ~350 J mol−1 K−1. In shortening, these were increased with increase of velocity so that at a shortening velocity (~4 L0/s) producing maximal power at 35°C, T0.5 was ~28°C, ∆H was ~200 kJ mol−1 and ∆S ~ 700 J mol−1 K−1; the same trends were seen in the tension data from isotonic release experiments on intact muscle and in ramp shortening experiments on maximally Ca-activated skinned fibres. In general, our findings show that the sigmoidal relation between force and temperature can be extended from isometric to shortening muscle; the implications of the findings are discussed in relation to the crossbridge cycle. The data indicate that the endothermic, entropy driven process that underlies crossbridge force generation in isometric muscle (Zhao and Kawai 1994; Davis, 1998) is even more pronounced in shortening muscle, i.e. when doing external work

    Involvement of Noradrenergic Transmission in the PVN on CREB Activation, TORC1 Levels, and Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activity during Morphine Withdrawal

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    Experimental and clinical findings have shown that administration of adrenoceptor antagonists alleviated different aspects of drug withdrawal and dependence. The present study tested the hypothesis that changes in CREB activation and phosphorylated TORC1 levels in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) after naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal as well as the HPA axis activity arises from α1- and/or ÎČ-adrenoceptor activation. The effects of morphine dependence and withdrawal on CREB phosphorylation (pCREB), phosphorylated TORC1 (pTORC1), and HPA axis response were measured by Western-blot, immunohistochemistry and radioimmunoassay in rats pretreated with prazosin (α1-adrenoceptor antagonist) or propranolol (ÎČ-adrenoceptor antagonist). In addition, the effects of morphine withdrawal on MHPG (the main NA metabolite at the central nervous system) and NA content and turnover were evaluated by HPLC. We found an increase in MHPG and NA turnover in morphine-withdrawn rats, which were accompanied by increased pCREB immunoreactivity and plasma corticosterone concentrations. Levels of the inactive form of TORC1 (pTORC1) were decreased during withdrawal. Prazosin but not propranolol blocked the rise in pCREB level and the decrease in pTORC1 immunoreactivity. In addition, the HPA axis response to morphine withdrawal was attenuated in prazosin-pretreated rats. Present results suggest that, during acute morphine withdrawal, NA may control the HPA axis activity through CREB activation at the PVN level. We concluded that the combined increase in CREB phosphorylation and decrease in pTORC1 levels might represent, in part, two of the mechanisms of CREB activation at the PVN during morphine withdrawal

    Expression of the chemokine receptor CCR5 in psoriasis and results of a randomized placebo controlled trial with a CCR5 inhibitor

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    Several reports have indicated that the chemokine receptor CCR5 and its ligands, especially CCL5 (formerly known as RANTES), may play a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the expression of CCR5 and its ligands in chronic plaque psoriasis and to evaluate the clinical and immunohistochemical effect of a CCR5 receptor inhibitor. Immunohistochemical analysis showed low but significant increased total numbers of CCR5 positive cells in epidermis and dermis of lesional skin in comparison to non-lesional skin. However, relative expression of CCR5 proportional to the cells observed revealed that the difference between lesional and non-lesional skin was only statistically significant in the epidermis for CD3 positive cells and in the dermis for CD68 positive cells. Quantification of mRNA by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction only showed an increased expression of CCL5 (RANTES) in lesional skin. A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial in 32 psoriasis patients revealed no significant clinical effect and no changes at the immunohistochemical level comparing patients treated with placebo or a CCR5 inhibitor SCH351125. We conclude that although CCR5 expression is increased in psoriatic lesions, this receptor does not play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis

    Doing synthetic biology with photosynthetic microorganisms

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    The use of photosynthetic microbes as synthetic biology hosts for the sustainable production of commodity chemicals and even fuels has received increasing attention over the last decade. The number of studies published, tools implemented, and resources made available for microalgae have increased beyond expectations during the last few years. However, the tools available for genetic engineering in these organisms still lag those available for the more commonly used heterotrophic host organisms. In this mini-review, we provide an overview of the photosynthetic microbes most commonly used in synthetic biology studies, namely cyanobacteria, chlorophytes, eustigmatophytes and diatoms. We provide basic information on the techniques and tools available for each model group of organisms, we outline the state-of-the-art, and we list the synthetic biology tools that have been successfully used. We specifically focus on the latest CRISPR developments, as we believe that precision editing and advanced genetic engineering tools will be pivotal to the advancement of the field. Finally, we discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of each group of organisms and examine the challenges that need to be overcome to achieve their synthetic biology potential.Peer reviewe
