325 research outputs found

    John Howard y su influencia en la reforma penitenciaria europea de finales del siglo XVIII

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    [ES] Se analiza la vida y obra del filántropo e inspector de prisiones inglés, John Howard (1726-1790), especialmente sus ideas sobre infraestructura, segregación, seguridad e higiene para las cárceles y establecimientos de reclusión de Europa. Se destaca también su influencia en los orígenes de la Penitenciaría, como expresión teórica y material del ideario humanista y racionalista de fi nales del siglo XVIII. Asimismo, la investigación busca desarrollar algunas ideas sobre el impacto de estas nociones en la génesis de las áreas de la ciencia y la arquitectura penitenciarias en el Viejo Continente, y luego, en Chile durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX.[EU] Ingalaterrako John Howard (1726-1790) filantropo eta espetxe-ikuskatzailearen bizitza eta lana aztertzen da, eta, bereziki, Europako espetxeetarako eta giltzapeko establezimenduetarako azpiegiturari, banaketari, segurtasunari eta higieneari buruzko ideiak lantzen dira. Era berean, espetxeen jatorrian izan zuen eragina nabarmentzen da, XVIII. mende amaierako ideia humanistaren eta arrazionalistaren adierazpen teoriko eta material gisa. Halaber, ikerketaren xedea zenbait ideia garatzea da ideia horiek XIX. mendeko lehen erdian Kontinente Zaharreko eta, gero, Txileko espetxe-zientziaren eta espetxe-arkitekturaren arloen sorreran.[FR] On analyse la vie et l’oevre du philanthrope et inspecteur de prisons anglais, John Howard (1726-1790), spécialement ses idées sur infrastructure, ségrégation, sureté et propreté pour les prisons et établissements de réclusion en Europe. On met en valeur aussi son infl uence dans les origines de la science penitentiaire comme expression théorique et matérielle de l’idéologie humaniste et rationaliste des derniers annés du XVIII ème siècle. L’étude cherche aussi à développer quelques idées sur l’impact de ces notions dans la genèse des champs de la science et l’architecture penitentaire dans le Vieux Continent, et après, au Chile pendand la prémière moitiée du XIX ème siècle.[EN] The life and work of philanthropist and inspector of prisons of English, John Howard (1726-1790), is analyzed, specially his ideas about the infrastructure, segregation, security and hygiene for jails and detention facilities in Europe. His influence is also distinguished in the Penitentiaries origins as a theoretical expression and material of the humanitarian idealist and rationalist at the end of XVIII century. Likewise, the investigation searches to develop some ideas about the impact of these notions in the genesis of the scientific and architectural penitentiaries in the Old Continent, then, in Chile during the first half of XIX century

    William Wordsworth and the very life

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    Profesional en Estudios LiterariosPregrad

    Inventory Management of a Fast-Fashion Retail Network

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    Working in collaboration with Spain-based retailer Zara, we address the problem of dis- tributing over time a limited amount of inventory across all the stores in a fast-fashion retail network. Challenges speci¯c to that environment include very short product life-cycles, and store policies whereby a reference is removed from display whenever one of its key sizes stocks out. We ¯rst formulate and analyze a stochastic model predicting the sales of a reference in a single store during a replenishment period as a function of demand forecasts, the inventory of each size initially available and the store inventory management policy just stated. Secondly, we formulate a mixed-integer program embedding a piece-wise linear approximation of the ¯rst model applied to every store in the network and allowing to compute store shipment quantities maximizing overall predicted sales, subject to inventory availability and other constraints. We report the implementation of this optimization model by Zara to support its inventory distribu- tion process, and the ensuing controlled ¯eld experiment performed to assess the impact of that model relative to the prior procedure used to determine weekly shipment quantities. The results of that experiment suggest that the new allocation process tested increases sales, reduces tran- shipments, and increases the proportion of time that an important category of Zara's products spends on display

    Static Pricing for a Network Service Provider

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    This article studies the static pricing problem of a network service provider who has a fixed capacity and faces different types of customers (classes). Each type of customers can have its own capacity constraint but it is assumed that all classes have the same resource requirement. The provider must decide a static price for each class. The customer types are characterized by their arrival process, with a price-dependant arrival rate, and the random time they remain in the system. Many real-life situations could fit in this framework, for example an Internet provider or a call center, but originally this problem was thought for a company that sells phone-cards and needs to set the price-per-minute for each destination. Our goal is to characterize the optimal static prices in order to maximize the provider's revenue. We note that the model here presented, with some slight modifications and additional assumptions can be used in those cases when the objective is to maximize social welfare.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Experimental validation of an optical and thermal model of a Linear Fresnel Collector

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    2nd European Conference on Polygeneration – 30th March 1st April, 2011– Tarragona, SpainThis paper describes the design and validation of a mathematical model for a solar Fresnel collector. The function of the model is to simulate the optical and thermal dynamics of a Fresnel system for heating water. The model is validated using real data gathered from a cooling plant with double effect absorption chiller located in the School of Engineering University of Seville, Spain (Experimental cooling plant is also described in the paper). Comparison of calculated and plant measured data shows that the error is lower than 3% in the optical model and within 7% in the thermal model. The model uses a new approach to include a solar tracking mirror mechanism in one axis. This tracking has been designed to maximise the reception of available solar radiation by the absorption pipe. The thermal model used is based around classical models for solar receivers and it is validated with real operating data gathered from a supervisor system. The Fresnel model has been designed with sufficient flexibility to consider different geometries and thermal parameters, and may be used to simulate the performance of a proposed Fresnel collector system at any location

    Dynamic retail assortment models with demand learning for seasonal consumer goods

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves [104]-108).The main research question we explore in this dissertation is: How should a retailer modify its product assortment over time in order to maximize overall profits for a given selling season? Historically, long development, procurement, and production lead times have constrained fashion retailers to make supply and assortment decisions well in advance of the selling season, when only limited and uncertain demand information is available. As a result, many retailers are seemingly cursed with simultaneously missing sales for want of popular products, while having to use markdowns in order to sell the many unpopular products still accumulating in their stores. Recently however, a few innovative firms, such as Spain-based Zara, Mango and Japan-based World Co. (referred to as "Fast Fashion" retailers), have gone substantially further, implementing product development processes and supply chain architectures allowing them to make most product design and assortment decisions during the selling season. Remarkably, their higher flexibility and responsiveness is partly achieved through an increased reliance on more costly local production relative to the supply networks of more traditional retailers.(cont.) At the operational level, leveraging the ability to introduce and test new products once the season has started motivates a new and important decision problem, which seems crucial to the success of these fast-fashion companies: given the constantly evolving demand information available, which products should be included in the assortment at each point in time? The problem just described seems challenging, in part because it relates to the classical trade-off known as exploration versus exploitation, usually represented via the multiarmed bandit problem. In this thesis we analyze the dynamic assortment problem under different sets of assumptions, including: (i) without lost sales; (ii) with lost sales but observable demand; (iii) with lost sales and censored information; and (iv) with time varying demand rates. In each case we formulate an appropriate model and suggest a (near-optimal) policy that can be implemented in practice, together with associated suboptimality bounds. We also study the incorporation of substitution effects and the extension of the models to a generic family of demand distributions. The common solution approach involves the Lagrangian relaxation and the decomposition of weakly coupled dynamic programs.(cont.) The dissertation makes three contributions: (1) it is the first attempt in providing mathematical optimization models with near-optimal solutions for the dynamic assortment problem faced by a fast-fashion retailer; (2) our analysis contributes to the literature on the multiarmed bandit problem, in particular for its finite-horizon version, we derive a general closed-form dynamic index policy that performs remarkably well; and (3) the solution approach contributes to the emerging literature on duality in dynamic programming.by Felipe Caro.Ph.D

    Banco de pruebas con control inalámbrico para inyectores de gasolina

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    Currently, the market for new vehicles in Colombia, particularly in its capital, shows that about 70% is multipoint electronic injection, evidencing the high demand for the injector cleaning service. To this is added the regulations of 2002 that requires the technical and mechanical revision of vehicles conducive to guarantee the operation and emissions within the permissible limits. Therefore, this article describes the design and development of an electromechanical prototype focused on the evaluation and cleaning of injectors in gasoline vehicles. The design obtained from the structural and electronic point of view simulates variables that condition a vehicle in operation: pressure and electrical injection pulses. For the evaluation of the injector tests of: drip, spray and injection flow were used. The results obtained diagnose the spraying and injection flow tests taking as a reference the measurement of the liquid deposited in the measuring pipes.Actualmente, el mercado de vehículos nuevos en Colombia, particularmente en Bogotá su capital, muestra que cerca del 70% es de inyección electrónica multipunto evidenciándose así una alta demanda del servicio de limpieza de inyectores. A lo anterior se adiciona la vigencia de la normatividad de 2002 que obliga a la revisión tecnicomecánica de vehículos, conducente a garantizar el funcionamiento y emisiones dentro de los límites admisibles. Por lo anterior, el presente artículo expone el diseño y desarrollo de un prototipo electromecánico enfocado a la evaluación y limpieza de inyectores en vehículos a gasolina. El dispositivo obtenido, desde el punto de vista estructural y electrónico, simula variables que condicionan un vehículo en funcionamiento: la presión y los pulsos eléctricos de inyección. Para la evaluación del inyector se usaron pruebas de goteo, pulverización y flujo de inyección. Los resultados obtenidos diagnostican eficazmente – con un error alrededor de ± 1,5ml - las pruebas de pulverización y flujo de inyección, teniendo como referencia la medida del líquido depositado en los tubos de medición
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