2,286 research outputs found

    Directional field-dependence of magnetoimpedance effect on integrated YIG/Pt-stripline system

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    We investigated the magnetization dynamics through the magnetoimpedance effect in an integrated YIG/Pt-stripline system in the frequency range of 0.5 up to 2.0 GHz. Specifically, we explore the dependence of the dynamic magnetic behavior on the field orientation by analyzing beyond the traditional longitudinal magnetoimpedance effect of the transverse and perpendicular setups. We disclose here the strong dependence of the effective damping parameter on the field orientation, as well as verification of the very-low damping parameter values for the longitudinal and transverse configurations. We find considerable sensitivity results, bringing to light the facilities to integrate ferrimagnetic insulators in current and future technological applications.This research was funded by CNPq grand numbers 304943/2020-7 and 407385/2018-5, Capes grand number 88887.573100/2020-00 and FCT grant number CTTI-31/18-CF(2)

    The role of retailer's performance in optimal wholesale price discount policies

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    The main goal of this paper is to model the effects of wholesale price control on manufacturer’s profit, taking explicitly into account the retailer’s sales motivation and performance. We consider a stylized distribution channel where a manufacturer sells a single kind of good to a single retailer. Wholesale price discounts are assumed to increase the retailer’s motivation thus improving sales. We study the manufacturer’s profit maximization problem as an optimal control model where the manufacturer’s control is the discount on wholesale price and retailer’s motivation is one of the state variables. In particular in the paper we prove that an increasing discount policy is optimal for the manufacturer when the retailer is not efficient while efficient retailers may require to decrease the trade discounts at the end of the selling period. Computational experiments point out how the discount on wholesale price passed by the retailer to the market (passthrough) influences the optimal profit of the manufacturer

    Ocorrência de Cabassous tatouay (Cingulata, Dasypodidae) e seu potencial de distribuição para o sul do Brasil

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    Cabassous tatouay Desmarest, 1804 é considerada espécie rara no sul da América do Sul, apresentando registros escassos e imprecisos para o Rio Grande do Sul. O presente estudo descreve 40 localidades de ocorrência de C. tatouay e apresenta de um mapa de distribuição geográfica potencial, gerado por Modelagem Ecológica de Nicho. A modelagem de nicho sugere uma associação da espécie com áreas de matriz campestre, incluindo o Pampa e os Campos de Cima da Serra, associados à Mata Atlântica. Este estudo contribui para o melhor conhecimento do tatu-de-rabo-mole no Sul do Brasil e fornece dados-chave para sua conservação.Cabossous tatouay Desmarest, 1804 is considered a rare species in southern South America, and Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, records of the species are scarce and inaccurate. This study reports 40 localities for C. tatouay, and provides a map of the species' potential distribution using ecological niche modeling (ENM). The ENM indicated that in this region C. tatouay is associated with open grasslands, including the areas of "Pampas" and the open fields in the highlands of the Atlantic Forest. This study contributes to the information about the greater naked-tailed armadillo in southern Brazil, and provides data key to its future conservation


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    Os acidentes são eventos danosos e inesperados que ocorrem de forma não premeditada. No Brasil, eles são as maiores causas de mortes de crianças entre 1 e 14 anos. A infância, portanto, é considerada uma faixa etária com maior risco para esses eventos

    Molecular Electrostatic Potential and Chemometric Techniques as Tools to Design Bioactive Compounds

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    In this chapter, firstly, we briefly review aspects of the approximation of quantum chemistry, molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), and chemometrics techniques, which are accredited as important tools in the development of chemical science and are frequently used in the study and design of bioactive compounds. Ultimately, we use MEP and pattern recognition (PR) techniques as tools to design nitrofuran compounds with biological activity against Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi). PR models (PCA, HCA, KNN, SDA, and SIMCA) were constructed and demonstrated that 23 nitrofurans can be classified into two classes or groups: more active and less active according to their degrees of activity against T. cruzi. Properties such as charge on the N atom of the nitro group (QN1); the difference between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy (GAP energy); molecular representation of structure based on electron diffraction code of signal 5, unweighted (Mor05u); and Moriguchi water–octanol partition coefficient (MlogP) are responsible for the classification into more active and less active studied nitrofurans. It is interesting to notice that these properties represent three distinct classes of interactions between the nitrofurans and the biological receptor: electronic (QN1 and GAP energy), steric (Mor05u), and hydrophobic (MlogP). The results of the application of PR models on the validation set evidenced two nitrofuran compounds (compounds 25 and 30) as more promising for synthesis and biological assays, which in the future can be used to validate our PR models

    Altered pathways in methylome and transcriptome longitudinal analysis of normal weight and bariatric surgery women

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    DNA methylation could provide a link between environmental, genetic factors and weight control and can modify gene expression pattern. This study aimed to identify genes, which are differentially expressed and methylated depending on adiposity state by evaluating normal weight women and obese women before and after bariatric surgery (BS). We enrolled 24 normal weight (BMI: 22.5 +/- 1.6 kg/m(2)) and 24 obese women (BMI: 43.3 +/- 5.7 kg/m(2)) submitted to BS. Genome-wide methylation analysis was conducted using Infinium Human Methylation 450 BeadChip (threshold for significant CpG sites based on delta methylation level with a minimum value of 5%, a false discovery rate correction (FDR) of q /=2.0 was used to detect differentially expressed probes). The integrative analysis of both array data identified four genes (i.e. TPP2, PSMG6, ARL6IP1 and FAM49B) with higher methylation and lower expression level in pre-surgery women compared to normal weight women: and two genes (i.e. ZFP36L1 and USP32) that were differentially methylated after BS. These methylation changes were in promoter region and gene body. All genes are related to MAPK cascade, NIK/NF-kappaB signaling, cellular response to insulin stimulus, proteolysis and others. Integrating analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression evidenced that there is a set of genes relevant to obesity that changed after BS. A gene ontology analysis showed that these genes were enriched in biological functions related to adipogenesis, orexigenic, oxidative stress and insulin metabolism pathways. Also, our results suggest that although methylation plays a role in gene silencing, the majority of effects were not correlated

    Deciphering the irradiation induced fragmentation-rearrangement mechanisms in valence ionized CF3CH2F

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    The increasing presence of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (CF3CH2F) in the atmosphere has prompted detailed studies into its complex photodissociation behavior. Experiments focusing on CF3CH2F irradiation have unveiled an array of ions, with the persistent observation of the rearrangement product CHF2+ not yet fully understood. In this work, we combine density functional theory, coupled-cluster calculations with a complete basis set formalism, and atom-centered density matrix propagation molecular dynamics to investigate the energetics and dynamics of different potential pathways leading to CHF2+. We found that the two-body dissociation pathway involving an HF rearrangement, which was previously considered complex for CHF2+ formation, is actually straightforward but not likely due to the facile loss of HF. In contrast, our calculations reveal that the H elimination pathway, once thought of as a potential route to CHF2+, is not only comparably disadvantageous from both thermodynamic and kinetic points of view but also does not align with experimental data, particularly the lack of a rebound peak at m/z 101-102. We establish that the formation of CHF2+ is predominantly via the HF elimination channel, a conclusion experimentally corroborated by studies involving the trifluoroethylene cation CF2CHF+, a key intermediate in this process

    Effects of omega-3 supplementation on interleukin and neurotrophin levels in an animal model of schizophrenia

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    New studies suggest that polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3, may reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia. The present study evaluated the preventive effect of omega-3 on interleukines (IL) and neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in the brains of young rats subjected to a model of schizophrenia. Treatment was performed over 21 days, starting on the 30th day of rat’s life. After 14 days of treatment with omega-3 or vehicle, a concomitant treatment with saline or ketamine (25 mg/kg) was started and maintained until the last day of the experiment. BDNF levels in the rat’s prefrontal cortex were decreased at 1 h and 24 h after the last administration of ketamine, whereas the group administered with ketamine and omega-3 showed a decrease in BDNF levels only after 24 h. In contrast, both interventions induced similar responses in levels of IL-1β and IL6. These findings suggest that the similarity of IL-1β and IL6 levels in our experimental groups is due to the mechanism of action of ketamine on the immune system. More studies have to be carried out to explain this pathology. In conclusion, according to previous studies and considering the current study, we could suggest a prophylactic role of omega-3 against the outcome of symptoms associated with schizophrenia
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