542 research outputs found

    The Palestenian-Israeli conflict and its impact on the mental health of youth

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    This paper explores what mental disorders can develop as a result of continued exposure to a conflict situation, specifically the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. A brief history of the region, and a summary of the current diplomatic situation are outlined to give a background to the subsequent information. The specific disorders prevalent in the region are identified and an explanation on how the ongoing conflict in the region exacerbates these disorders is provided These include Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, fear, Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety, and somatoform disorders. PTSD is extremely prevalent within the young populations of both Palestine and Israel, being more common in the bombed areas. In addition to these disorders, anxiety disorders, such as separation anxiety, are more common in areas that are seldom attacked or areas that have not been affected As a conclusion, a strategy, proposed by Post, is presented to combat the terrorist groups that are undermining the peace process between Palestine and Israel while addressing the various mental issues at hand

    Algunas reflexiones sobre la fase antigua de la Contestania Ibérica: de la tradición orientalizante al período clásico

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    Dans cet article on analyse une série de faits qui commencent a caracteriser la fase ibérique antique de la Contestania. On insiste surtout sur ceux qui laissent entrevoir l'étroite relation culturelle de cette époque avec l'anterieure. La recente découverte de l'information empéche de les présenter avec un caractére definitif, mais par contre elle nous permet de les apprehendre comme point de départ de futures recherches.En este trabajo se tratan una serie de rasgos que están empezando a caracterizar la fase ibérica antigua de la Contestania. Se hace hincapié asimismo en aquellos hechos que dejan entrever la estrecha relación cultural de este momento con el período anterior. La novedad de la documentación impide presentarlos con carácter definitivo, pero sí nos permite entenderlos como puntos de partida de futuras investigaciones

    Les fortificacions a la Contestània: entre la representació social i la defensa del territori

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    Se estudian las fortificaciones ibéricas de la Contestania (Alicante, España) desde el siglo V al III a.C. y se hace una valoración global de su arquitectura, poliorcética y función social

    Considerations regarding the Fifht Century B.C. Iberian pottery in the Alicante southern districts

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    Per tal com que l’anàlisi dels vasos i dels elements formals ha sigut realitzat de manera més detallada en altres publicacions, allò que es pretén es plantejar una línia de treball vàlida que ens porte a un millor coneixement de la ceràmica ibèrica de les comarques meridionals d’Alacant, tenint present els antecedents de la investigació i les dades disponibles avui.Since the analysis of the vases and formal elements has been carried out in a detailed manner in other publications, what we seek here is to set forth a line of valid work which leads us to a better knowledge of the Iberian pottery of the Alicante southern districts, keeping in mind the antecedents of the investigation and the available data at the present time.Puesto que el análisis de los vasos y de los elementos formales ha sido realizado de manera más detallada en otras publicaciones, lo que se pretende es plantear una línea de trabajo válida que nos conduzca a un mejor conocimiento de la cerámica ibérica de las comarcas meridionales de Alicante, teniendo en cuenta los antecedentes de la investigación y los datos disponibles en la actualidad

    The roman-republican castella on the south-eastern coast of Hispania Citerior: the beginning of the romanization of the Iberian population

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    Some archaeological sites located on coastal promontories of the north coast of Alicante (Spain) were traditionally interpreted as small Iberian enclaves from the 2nd and 1st century BC dedicated to trade with Rome. This interpretation stemmed from their location next to good inlets and the outstanding number of Roman amphorae and fine ware among the findings. However, the research project being developed since 2010 reinterprets these sites as a network of forts built during the first roman civil wars, around 77 BC, to control the passage of senatorial ships between Ebusus and Carthago Nova. In this new context, Roman ceramics are no longer the object of exchange between Iberians and Italic merchants, but the kitchen and tableware used by legionaries, as well as the storage containers for their own food. The Iberian amphorae and other painted Iberian vessels present in the forts are the containers of the products that the Iberian population, allied with Sertorius, provided for the provisioning of the soldiers, but it may also be pointing out a hypothetical presence of Iberian auxilia in the coastal garrisons. In any case, it is through this contact, in the midst of a war in the 70's BC, when the Iberian population of the regio Contestania first encounters the Roman economic system and starts the slow transmission of new cultural values.Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, R&D project HAR2016-76917-P

    La educación musical en el Califato de Córdoba

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    Con la siguiente comunicación pretendemos dar a conocer un algunos aspectos del trabajo de investigación que estamos llevando a cabo, relacionado con la música árabe en Córdoba.No existen muchas referencias con relación a la música practicada por los primeros árabes que vivieron en dicha ciudad, sin embargo la situación cambia totalmente con los Omeyas. Los primeros datos obtenidos corresponden a Abd ar-Rahmán I, el Justo, primer emir omeya de España (734 - 788), el cual, en su palacio de Córdoba, siguiendo la tradición de los califas de Damasco tuvo para su recreo personal una esclava cantora llamada Achfa. Dicha esclava le entretenía con sus cantos árabes y su deliciosa música de laúd.El desarrollo de la escuela musical arábigo-andaluza coincide con el apogeo de las destacadas escuelas de canto de la Meca y Medina, adquiriendo a partir de aquí un considerable empuje con la llegada a Córdoba de Ziryab, donde creó lo que se puede considerar el primer Conservatorio de Música del mundo islámico, realizando importantes modificaciones en el laúd, al añadirle una quinta cuerda.Fue un gran pedagogo e innovador en la enseñanza del canto. Su método lo dividía en tres partes o tiempos; llegando a ser muy popular en España y postergando a los anteriores a él


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    The statistics of the Ministry of Education and Science show a positive dynamics in the availability of special education. However, for inclusion of children with special needs into the mainstream education, the provision of support staff (psychologist, speech therapist, special educator) is essential. The aim of this research is to investigate the national legislation on the inclusion of children with special needs in the pre-school and elementary school education system, exploring the funding aspect. The study analyses the legislative basis for the provision of special education in mainstream schools. The research investigated the provision of special education in general education institutions in Alūksne Municipality in September - December 2016 (case study) and carried out several interviews with field experts. The study is conducted in the context of theory of inclusive special education. The study shows that in providing education support staff in an educational institution in the framework of the existing public education and special education funding model and in the context of a rural region with a low population density, there is a need for a rational approach, careful planning and process management: gathering information about all pupils with special needs in a municipality, cooperation with parents, management and mobilization of all resources


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    In PT. Mulya Menara Sejahtera there are some problems regarding efficiency in data processing. These problems can certainly be considered not in accordance with the green accounting principles that have been set and are also being a concern during this pandemic. This study aims to analyze and provide recommendations regarding the implementation of CSR during the pandemic by PT. Mulya Menara Sejahtera on their credit purchase transaction data. The research method used is a case study. The results of this study conclude that in PT Mulya Menara Sejahtera, the transaction cycle that occurs manually must be further developed more into digital so that it can better support green accounting efforts in Indonesia and support the limitation of physical interaction during this pandemic. In addition, based on the author's analysis, regarding the transaction cycle that occurs manually, PT Mulya Menara Sejahtera has implemented applicable accounting standards and complied with applicable CSR standards in accordance with Republic of Indonesia’s Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies Article 74


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    Social investments are important for a child’s development and future success. Parental leaves and Early Childhood Education and Care services (ECEC) are among main forms of social investment, contributing to child poverty reduction and increasing equality, as well as underpinning the potential for skilled workers in the future. The aim of the paper is to analyse availability of the main forms of social investment in preschool age children - early childhood education services and parental leaves, in Vidzeme region (Latvia) for a case study. An analysis of policy documents, parents’ surveys at pre-school institutions, interviews with education institution representatives and local authorities regarding education and social matters were conducted in the research. The support system for parents is still dominated by the “passive” form of support system. However, social investment policies are becoming increasingly more important. This is achieved by supporting parents' access to social investment services and by increasing the amount of parental leave benefits. In 2013-2015 funding for child-care and family policy has increased. Expenditure growth was mostly affected by an increase in the allowance for childcare and the minimum parental allowance. The availability of ECEC is moderate, but since 2009 private institutions and since 2013 babysitting services have been co-funded at the national level till May 31, 2016 to improve it. Since September 2015 a 3-year innovative project “Vouchers for the provision of child minder services to workers with nonstandard work schedules” has been introduced too, to promote parental employment and work and family balance. In Vidzeme region, for example, service availability is additionally stimulated by free transport services, ECEC fee discounts for poor, low-income and large families, etc. Results show that the availability of ECEC has been improved and there has been signs of positive changes in children’s development. Nevertheless, the availability of ECEC is moderate, and in some poorer municipalities in Latvia Matthew effects can be spotted – the middle and highest strata of society use services to a higher extend then the low-income society