525 research outputs found

    Progress and Poverty—1965 Version

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    Eicosanoid and cytokine levels in plasma of patients during mesenteric infarction

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    Multible organ failure (MOF) induced by mesenteric infarction is associated with a high mortality rate. This study reports eicosanoid and cytokine levels in the blood of three atherosclerotic patients who ultimately died from MOF induced by mesenteric infarction. High plasma levels of 6- keto-prostaglandin (PG) F1α (the stable metabolite of PGI2), interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 are observed whereas plasma tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), TxB2 (the stable metabolite of TxA2), PGE2, leukotrienes (LT)B4 and LTC4, and whole blood platelet-activating factor levels are not different from values obtained in similarly severe atherosclerotic patients. This short report questioned the clinical involvement of TNFα during such a pathology where a persistent translocation of endotoxin has been observed through the gut endothelial barrier. Activation of phospholipase A2 is suggested by the increase in the stable metabolite of PGI2 and might be by itself or through lipidic metabolites, a major systemic stimulus of IL-6 and IL-8 production

    Freight Forwarder's Role at the Transportation Market

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    Razvoj međunarodne trgovine kroz povijest te rast potražnje za odgovarajućim prijevoznim kapacitetima, utjecali su na razvoj prijevozničke djelatnosti koja svojom ponudom treba zadovoljiti tu potražnju. Tako se s vremenom stvorila potreba za djelatnost koja bi omogućila da korisnici prijevoza na vrijeme osiguraju odgovarajuće prijevozne kapacitete za prijevoz vlastite robe. Ta djelatnost naziva se špedicija a tvrtka ili fizička osoba koja je zadužena za određivanje optimalnog prijevoznog rješenja te organizaciju i provedbu prijevoza robe naziva se špediter. Špediterova uloga na tržištu prijevoznih kapaciteta razlikuje se u ovisnosti u kojoj prometnoj grani (cesta, voda, zrak...) špediter sudjeluje kao organizator prijevoza. Njegova uloga na tržištu prijevoznih kapaciteta, detaljnije će se obraditi kroz ovaj rad.Changes which occurred in international trade development as well the increase in demand for adequate transport capacities influenced the development of transport industry which was supposed to be in accordance with this demand. As a consequence, there was a need for the industry which would enable the transport users to get adequate transport capacities for transporting their own goods on time. This industry is called freight-forwarding, and a company or a person in charge of defining the best transport solution as well as organising the transport of the goods is called a freight-forwarder. Freight-forwarders' job in transport industry, which depends on the type of transport being used (road, sea, air...), is to be dealt with in this thesis

    Human Resource Menagement with Reference to Motivational Techniques

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    Važnost obrazovanja i motivacije pojedinaca za društvo u cjelini spominje se još početkom 18. stoljeća ali u to vrijeme pojam motivacije nije imao važnost kakvu ima danas. Danas su motivacija i zadovoljstvo zaposlenika ključna područja zanimanja suvremenog menadžmenta ljudskih potencijala. Pravilnim motiviranjem svojih ljudskih potencijala, možemo u nekom smislu odrediti maksimalne kapacitete nekog poduzeća što može utjecati na poboljšanje njihove konkurentnosti, vrijednosti i pozicije na tržištu. Za najbolje rezultate rada, svaki pojedinac mora biti maksimalno motiviran za rad a dabi se to ostvarilo, koriste se različite metode motivacije ljudskih resursa, koje će detaljnije biti objašnjene u ovom radu.The importance of education and motivation of individuals for the society as a whole was first mentioned in the early 18th century, but at the time motivation did not matter as it does nowadays. Today, motivation and employee satisfaction are key areas of interest in modern human resource management. By properly motivating our human resources, we can, in some sense, determine the maximum capacity of an enterprise that can affect the improvement of their competitiveness, value and market position. For the best work results, each individual must be maximally motivated to work. Different methods of motivating human resources are being used to achieve this, which will be explained in more detail in this paper

    Human Resource Menagement with Reference to Motivational Techniques

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    Važnost obrazovanja i motivacije pojedinaca za društvo u cjelini spominje se još početkom 18. stoljeća ali u to vrijeme pojam motivacije nije imao važnost kakvu ima danas. Danas su motivacija i zadovoljstvo zaposlenika ključna područja zanimanja suvremenog menadžmenta ljudskih potencijala. Pravilnim motiviranjem svojih ljudskih potencijala, možemo u nekom smislu odrediti maksimalne kapacitete nekog poduzeća što može utjecati na poboljšanje njihove konkurentnosti, vrijednosti i pozicije na tržištu. Za najbolje rezultate rada, svaki pojedinac mora biti maksimalno motiviran za rad a dabi se to ostvarilo, koriste se različite metode motivacije ljudskih resursa, koje će detaljnije biti objašnjene u ovom radu.The importance of education and motivation of individuals for the society as a whole was first mentioned in the early 18th century, but at the time motivation did not matter as it does nowadays. Today, motivation and employee satisfaction are key areas of interest in modern human resource management. By properly motivating our human resources, we can, in some sense, determine the maximum capacity of an enterprise that can affect the improvement of their competitiveness, value and market position. For the best work results, each individual must be maximally motivated to work. Different methods of motivating human resources are being used to achieve this, which will be explained in more detail in this paper

    Freight Forwarder's Role at the Transportation Market

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    Razvoj međunarodne trgovine kroz povijest te rast potražnje za odgovarajućim prijevoznim kapacitetima, utjecali su na razvoj prijevozničke djelatnosti koja svojom ponudom treba zadovoljiti tu potražnju. Tako se s vremenom stvorila potreba za djelatnost koja bi omogućila da korisnici prijevoza na vrijeme osiguraju odgovarajuće prijevozne kapacitete za prijevoz vlastite robe. Ta djelatnost naziva se špedicija a tvrtka ili fizička osoba koja je zadužena za određivanje optimalnog prijevoznog rješenja te organizaciju i provedbu prijevoza robe naziva se špediter. Špediterova uloga na tržištu prijevoznih kapaciteta razlikuje se u ovisnosti u kojoj prometnoj grani (cesta, voda, zrak...) špediter sudjeluje kao organizator prijevoza. Njegova uloga na tržištu prijevoznih kapaciteta, detaljnije će se obraditi kroz ovaj rad.Changes which occurred in international trade development as well the increase in demand for adequate transport capacities influenced the development of transport industry which was supposed to be in accordance with this demand. As a consequence, there was a need for the industry which would enable the transport users to get adequate transport capacities for transporting their own goods on time. This industry is called freight-forwarding, and a company or a person in charge of defining the best transport solution as well as organising the transport of the goods is called a freight-forwarder. Freight-forwarders' job in transport industry, which depends on the type of transport being used (road, sea, air...), is to be dealt with in this thesis

    “I feel enthusiastic, when the homework is done well”: teachers’ emotions related to homework and their antecedents

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    Emotions are an important factor influencing teaching behavior and teaching quality. Previous studies have primarily focused on teachers’ emotions in the classroom in general, rather than focusing on a specific aspect of teaching such as homework practice. Since emotions vary between situations, it can be assumed that teachers’ emotions also vary between the activities that teachers perform. In this study, we therefore focus on one specific teacher activity in our study, namely homework practice. We explore teachers’ emotions in homework practice and their antecedents. Methodologically, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 Swiss secondary school teachers teaching German and analysed using structuring qualitative content analysis. The results show that teachers experience a variety of positive and negative emotions related to homework practice, with positive emotions predominating. According to the teachers’ reflections, the antecedents of their emotions could be attributed to the context (e.g., conditions at home), teacher behavior and (inner) demands (e.g., perceived workload) and student behavior (e.g., learning progress). Implications for teacher education and training are discussed

    La Ideología vallejiana en Lock-out

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    El problema de investigación que abordamos es la ideología de César Vallejo en su obra teatral Lock-Out, delimitándolo más exactamente a la ideología marxista del gran poeta, ensayista y dramaturgo peruano. A muchos les parecerá extraño que, en este fin de siglo, cuando ya hace diez años que se produjo el derrumbe del socialismo en la Unión Soviética y en los países del Este, y cuando algunos preconizan el fin de las ideologías, la globalización y la perenización del neoliberalismo como el régimen ideal para todo el planeta tierra, a alguien se le ocurra ocuparse de este tema. A pesar de las circunstancias adversas, lo que nos llevó a tratar este tema fue darnos cuenta de que muchas personas cercanas a la literatura peruana ignoraban totalmente o dudaban que César Vallejo hubiese abrazado la ideología marxista y hubiese militado en el partido comunista. Algunas de estas personas trataban de minimizar este hecho como un acontecimiento sin importancia en la vida de nuestro vate. Nosotros, al contrario, pensamosque fue un hecho fundamental en su vida. Él llegó al marxismo hacia los años 1926 ó 1927 y se adhirió al Partido Comunista Español en 1931, a la edad de 39 años; en consecuencia, no fue un mero gesto de juventud, fue una decisión tomada por Vallejo en plena madurez. De otro lado, toda su obra escrita en la parte final de su vida está impregnada de esta ideología, pero es justamente en su obra teatral donde se refleja más nítidamente su adhesión al comunismo y, de forma particular, en Lock-Out.Tesi

    Real-time observations of single bacteriophage λ DNA ejections in vitro

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    The physical, chemical, and structural features of bacteriophage genome release have been the subject of much recent attention. Many theoretical and experimental studies have centered on the internal forces driving the ejection process. Recently, Mangenot et al. [Mangenot S, Hochrein M, Rädler J, Letellier L (2005) Curr Biol 15:430–435.] reported fluorescence microscopy of phage T5 ejections, which proceeded stepwise between DNA nicks, reaching a translocation speed of 75 kbp/s or higher. It is still unknown how high the speed actually is. This paper reports real-time measurements of ejection from phage {lambda}, revealing how the speed depends on key physical parameters such as genome length and ionic state of the buffer. Except for a pause before DNA is finally released, the entire 48.5-kbp genome is translocated in {approx}1.5 s without interruption, reaching a speed of 60 kbp/s. The process gives insights particularly into the effects of two parameters: a shorter genome length results in lower speed but a shorter total time, and the presence of divalent magnesium ions (replacing sodium) reduces the pressure, increasing ejection time to 8–11 s. Pressure caused by DNA–DNA interactions within the head affects the initiation of ejection, but the close packing is also the dominant source of friction: more tightly packed phages initiate ejection earlier, but with a lower initial speed. The details of ejection revealed in this study are probably generic features of DNA translocation in bacteriophages and have implications for the dynamics of DNA in other biological systems

    Transfert continent-océan: étude du colmatage et de la concentration en métaux lourds en baie du Marin (Martinique)

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    The Cul-de-sac du Marin, with its 11 km2 surface area, is the largest indentation along Martinique’s southern coast. Bordered to the North by Pointe Borgnesse and to the South by Pointe Marin, this haven was formerly a real plant and wildlife sanctuary. By the end of the 1970s, and especially in the beginning of the 1980s, the creation of an irrigated perimeter enabled the development of market gardening on the adjacent watersheds; since these are quite steep, fragile and scarcely covered with vegetation, the kinetic energy of the raindrops had a direct effect on them. Substantial volumes of sediment were transferred from the watersheds towards the coast. Such considerable volumes of sediment consist mainly of granuliferous and mineralogical clay, and for the most part, gather along the coastal fringe. Based on diachronic charting as well as on satellite imagery, accretion of the coastal outline has been estimated at 15 m, which corresponds to an increase of approximately 25 hectares. Despite heavy silting, this cul-de-sac is particularly polluted since readings reveal the presence of cadmium, copper and lead. Although these metals are present in the natural environment, the measured rates in the cul-de-sac greatly surpass traditionally admitted standards. The impact of the anthropogenic factor on land is all the more harmful on the marine environment since it is sustainable and highly polluting for the trophic chainD'une superficie de 11 km2 environ, le Cul-de-sac du Marin est la plus grande échancrure de la côte méridionale de la Martinique. Circonscrit au nord par la Pointe Borgnesse et au sud par la Pointe Marin, ce havre était jadis un véritable sanctuaire floristique et faunistique. A la fin des années 1970 mais surtout au début des années 1980, la mise en place d'un périmètre irrigué a permis le développement de cultures maraîchères sur les bassins versants adjacents ; ces derniers étant pentus, fragiles et peu couverts par la végétation, l'énergie cinétique des gouttes de pluie les a affectés directement. D'importants volumes sédimentaires ont été transférés des bassins versants vers le littoral. Ces importants volumes sédimentaires, prioritairement constitués d'argiles granulométriques et minéralogiques, s'accumulent essentiellement le long de la frange côtière. A partir d'analyses cartographiques et d'images satellitaires, la progradation du trait de côte a été estimée à 15 m, ce qui représente un gain de 25 ha environ. En liaison avec son important envasement, le cul-de-sac du Marin montre des zones de forte concentration en métaux lourds. Les analyses réalisées indiquent la présence de plomb, de cadmium et de cuivre. Si ces métaux sont présents dans la nature, les teneurs mesurées dans le cul-de-sac dépassent largement les normes traditionnellement admises. L'anthropisation du milieu terrestre a des répercussions d'autant plus nocives sur le milieu marin, qu'elles sont durables et polluantes pour la chaîne trophique