529 research outputs found

    Extensive dissolution of live pteropods in the Southern Ocean

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    The carbonate chemistry of the surface ocean is rapidly changing with ocean acidification, a result of human activities. In the upper layers of the Southern Ocean, aragonite—a metastable form of calcium carbonate with rapid dissolution kinetics—may become undersaturated by 2050 (ref. 2). Aragonite undersaturation is likely to affect aragonite-shelled organisms, which can dominate surface water communities in polar regions. Here we present analyses of specimens of the pteropod Limacina helicina antarctica that were extracted live from the Southern Ocean early in 2008. We sampled from the top 200m of the water column, where aragonite saturation levels were around 1, as upwelled deep water is mixed with surface water containing anthropogenic CO2. Comparing the shell structure with samples from aragonite-supersaturated regions elsewhere under a scanning electron microscope, we found severe levels of shell dissolution in the undersaturated region alone. According to laboratory incubations of intact samples with a range of aragonite saturation levels, eight days of incubation in aragonite saturation levels of 0.94– 1.12 produces equivalent levels of dissolution. As deep-water upwelling and CO2 absorption by surface waters is likely to increase as a result of human activities2,4, we conclude that upper ocean regions where aragonite-shelled organisms are affected by dissolution are likely to expand

    Recent variability of the global ocean carbon sink

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    We present a new observation-based estimate of the global oceanic carbon dioxide (CO2) sink and its temporal variation on a monthly basis from 1998 through 2011 and at a spatial resolution of 1×1. This sink estimate rests upon a neural network-based mapping of global surface ocean observations of the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) from the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas database. The resulting pCO2 has small biases when evaluated against independent observations in the different ocean basins, but larger randomly distributed differences exist particularly in high latitudes. The seasonal climatology of our neural network-based product agrees overall well with the Takahashi et al. (2009) climatology, although our product produces a stronger seasonal cycle at high latitudes. From our global pCO2 product, we compute a mean net global ocean (excluding the Arctic Ocean and coastal regions) CO2 uptake flux of −1.42 ± 0.53 Pg C yr−1, which is in good agreement with ocean inversion-based estimates. Our data indicate a moderate level of interannual variability in the ocean carbon sink (±0.12 Pg C yr−1, 1𝜎) from 1998 through 2011, mostly originating from the equatorial Pacific Ocean, and associated with the El Nino–Southern Oscillation. Accounting for steady state riverine and Arctic Ocean carbon fluxes our estimate further implies a mean anthropogenic CO2 uptake of −1.99 ± 0.59 Pg C yr−1 over the analysis period. From this estimate plus the most recent estimates for fossil fuel emissions and atmospheric CO2 accumulation, we infer a mean global land sink of −2.82 ± 0.85 Pg C yr−1 over the 1998 through 2011 period with strong interannual variation

    Autonomous Ocean Measurements in the California Current Ecosystem

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    Event-scale phenomena, of limited temporal duration or restricted spatial extent, often play a disproportionately large role in ecological processes occurring in the ocean water column. Nutrient and gas fluxes, upwelling and downwelling, transport of biogeochemically important elements, predator-prey interactions, and other processes may be markedly influenced by such events, which are inadequately resolved from infrequent ship surveys. The advent of autonomous instrumentation, including underwater gliders, profiling floats, surface drifters, enhanced moorings, coastal high-frequency radars, and satellite remote sensing, now provides the capability to resolve such phenomena and assess their role in structuring pelagic ecosystems. These methods are especially valuable when integrated together, and with shipboard calibration measurements and experimental programs

    Biases in the air-sea flux of CO2 resulting from ocean surface temperature gradients

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (2004): C08S08, doi:10.1029/2003JC001800.The difference in the fugacities of CO2 across the diffusive sublayer at the ocean surface is the driving force behind the air-sea flux of CO2. Bulk seawater fugacity is normally measured several meters below the surface, while the fugacity at the water surface, assumed to be in equilibrium with the atmosphere, is measured several meters above the surface. Implied in these measurements is that the fugacity values are the same as those across the diffusive boundary layer. However, temperature gradients exist at the interface due to molecular transfer processes, resulting in a cool surface temperature, known as the skin effect. A warm layer from solar radiation can also result in a heterogeneous temperature profile within the upper few meters of the ocean. Here we describe measurements carried out during a 14-day study in the equatorial Pacific Ocean (GasEx-2001) aimed at estimating the gradients of CO2 near the surface and resulting flux anomalies. The fugacity measurements were corrected for temperature effects using data from the ship's thermosalinograph, a high-resolution profiler (SkinDeEP), an infrared radiometer (CIRIMS), and several point measurements at different depths on various platforms. Results from SkinDeEP show that the largest cool skin and warm layer biases occur at low winds, with maximum biases of −4% and +4%, respectively. Time series ship data show an average CO2 flux cool skin retardation of about 2%. Ship and drifter data show significant CO2 flux enhancement due to the warm layer, with maximums occurring in the afternoon. Temperature measurements were compared to predictions based on available cool skin parameterizations to predict the skin-bulk temperature difference, along with a warm layer model.This material is based upon work supported by the NSF under grant OCE-9986724, and by NOAA/OGP grant GC00-226

    Air-sea CO2 exchange in the equatorial Pacific

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (2004): C08S02, doi:10.1029/2003JC002256.GasEx-2001, a 15-day air-sea carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange study conducted in the equatorial Pacific, used a combination of ships, buoys, and drifters equipped with ocean and atmospheric sensors to assess variability and surface mechanisms controlling air-sea CO2 fluxes. Direct covariance and profile method air-sea CO2 fluxes were measured together with the surface ocean and marine boundary layer processes. The study took place in February 2001 near 125°W, 3°S in a region of high CO2. The diurnal variation in the air-sea CO2 difference was 2.5%, driven predominantly by temperature effects on surface solubility. The wind speed was 6.0 ± 1.3 m s−1, and the atmospheric boundary layer was unstable with conditions over the range −1 < z/L < 0. Diurnal heat fluxes generated daytime surface ocean stratification and subsequent large nighttime buoyancy fluxes. The average CO2 flux from the ocean to the atmosphere was determined to be 3.9 mol m−2 yr−1, with nighttime CO2 fluxes increasing by 40% over daytime values because of a strong nighttime increase in (vertical) convective velocities. The 15 days of air-sea flux measurements taken during GasEx-2001 demonstrate some of the systematic environmental trends of the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. The fact that other physical processes, in addition to wind, were observed to control the rate of CO2 transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere indicates that these processes need to be taken into account in local and global biogeochemical models. These local processes can vary on regional and global scales. The GasEx-2001 results show a weak wind dependence but a strong variability in processes governed by the diurnal heating cycle. This implies that any changes in the incident radiation, including atmospheric cloud dynamics, phytoplankton biomass, and surface ocean stratification may have significant feedbacks on the amount and variability of air-sea gas exchange. This is in sharp contrast with previous field studies of air-sea gas exchange, which showed that wind was the dominating forcing function. The results suggest that gas transfer parameterizations that rely solely on wind will be insufficient for regions with low to intermediate winds and strong insolation.This work was performed with the support of the National Science Foundation Grant OCE-9986724 and the NOAA Global Carbon Cycle Program Grants NA06GP048, NA17RJ1223, and NA87RJ0445 in the Office of Global Programs

    ENSO and the Carbon Cycle

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Geophysical Union via the DOI in this recordObservational studies of atmospheric CO2, land ecosystems, and ocean processes show that variability in the carbon cycle is closely related with ENSO. Years with a warm anomaly in the tropical Pacific show a faster CO2 rise due to weaker land carbon sinks, particularly in the tropics, with a partial offset by stronger net uptake by oceans. The opposite happens in years with cool Pacific SST anomalies. This relationship holds for small ENSO SST anomalies as well as large ones and is robust enough for the annual CO2 growth rate anomaly to be highly predictable on the basis of SST observations and forecasts. Generally, variability in the land‐atmosphere carbon flux is mainly driven by physiological processes (photosynthesis and/or respiration), with a smaller contribution from fire. Fire was important in the 1997–1998 El Niño, making a major contribution to the CO2 rise, which can be viewed as anthropogenic in nature since the ignition was caused by humans. However, in the 2015–2016 El Niño event, the change in land carbon flux was mainly due to physiological processes, particularly reduced productivity. In the oceans, El Niño conditions involve decreased upwelling of carbon in the equatorial Pacific due to a weakening of the trade winds, causing this region to become a weaker sink of CO2, or near neutral if the El Niño event is strong. The year‐to‐year variations in the rate of CO2 rise can be successfully reconstructed and predicted on the basis of sea surface temperatures in the Pacific. ENSO‐CO2 relationships may also provide an emergent constraint on the strength of climate‐carbon cycle feedbacks on future anthropogenic climate change

    A CADM3 variant causes Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with marked upper limb involvement

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    The CADM family of proteins consists of four neuronal specific adhesion molecules (CADM1, CADM2, CADM3 and CADM4) that mediate the direct contact and interaction between axons and glia. In the peripheral nerve, axon-Schwann cell interaction is essential for the structural organization of myelinated fibres and is primarily mediated by the binding of CADM3, expressed in axons, to CADM4, expressed by myelinating Schwann cells. We have identified—by whole exome sequencing—three unrelated families, including one de novo patient, with axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT2) sharing the same private variant in CADM3, Tyr172Cys. This variant is absent in 230 000 control chromosomes from gnomAD and predicted to be pathogenic. Most CADM3 patients share a similar phenotype consisting of autosomal dominant CMT2 with marked upper limb involvement. High resolution mass spectrometry analysis detected a newly created disulphide bond in the mutant CADM3 potentially modifying the native protein conformation. Our data support a retention of the mutant protein in the endoplasmic reticulum and reduced cell surface expression in vitro. Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy imaging revealed decreased co-localization of the mutant with CADM4 at intercellular contact sites. Mice carrying the corresponding human mutation (Cadm3Y170C) showed reduced expression of the mutant protein in axons. Cadm3Y170C mice showed normal nerve conduction and myelin morphology, but exhibited abnormal axonal organization, including abnormal distribution of Kv1.2 channels and Caspr along myelinated axons. Our findings indicate the involvement of abnormal axon-glia interaction as a disease-causing mechanism in CMT patients with CADM3 mutations. A correction has been published: Brain, Volume 144, Issue 7, July 2021, Page e64, https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awab18

    Pacific anthropogenic carbon between 1991 and 2017

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Carter, B. R., Feely, R. A., Wanninkhof, R., Kouketsu, S., Sonnerup, R. E., Pardo, P. C., Sabine, C. L., Johnson, G. C., Sloyan, B. M., Murata, A., Mecking, S., Tilbrook, B., Speer, K., Talley, L. D., Millero, F. J., Wijffels, S. E., Macdonald, A. M., Gruber, N., & Bullister, J. L. Pacific anthropogenic carbon between 1991 and 2017. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33(5), (2019):597-617, doi:10.1029/2018GB006154.We estimate anthropogenic carbon (Canth) accumulation rates in the Pacific Ocean between 1991 and 2017 from 14 hydrographic sections that have been occupied two to four times over the past few decades, with most sections having been recently measured as part of the Global Ocean Ship‐based Hydrographic Investigations Program. The rate of change of Canth is estimated using a new method that combines the extended multiple linear regression method with improvements to address the challenges of analyzing multiple occupations of sections spaced irregularly in time. The Canth accumulation rate over the top 1,500 m of the Pacific increased from 8.8 (±1.1, 1σ) Pg of carbon per decade between 1995 and 2005 to 11.7 (±1.1) PgC per decade between 2005 and 2015. For the entire Pacific, about half of this decadal increase in the accumulation rate is attributable to the increase in atmospheric CO2, while in the South Pacific subtropical gyre this fraction is closer to one fifth. This suggests a substantial enhancement of the accumulation of Canth in the South Pacific by circulation variability and implies that a meaningful portion of the reinvigoration of the global CO2 sink that occurred between ~2000 and ~2010 could be driven by enhanced ocean Canth uptake and advection into this gyre. Our assessment suggests that the accuracy of Canth accumulation rate reconstructions along survey lines is limited by the accuracy of the full suite of hydrographic data and that a continuation of repeated surveys is a critical component of future carbon cycle monitoring.The data we use can be accessed at CCHDO website (https://cchdo.ucsd.edu/) and GLODAP website (https://www.glodap.info/). This research would not be possible without the hard work of the scientists and crew aboard the many repeated hydrographic cruises coordinated by GO‐SHIP, which is funded by NSF OCE and NOAA OAR. We thank funding agencies and program managers as follows: U.S., Australian, Japanese national science funding agencies that support data collection, data QA/QC, and data centers. Contributions from B. R. C., R. A. F., and R. W. are supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program (Data Management and Synthesis Grant: N8R3CEA‐PDM managed by Kathy Tedesco and David Legler). G. C. J. is supported by the Climate Observation Division, Climate Program Office, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce and NOAA Research (fund reference 100007298), grant (N8R1SE3‐PGC). B. M. S was supported by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and CSIRO through the Australian Climate Change Science Programme and by the National Environmental Science Program. N. G. acknowledges support by ETH Zurich. This is JISAO contribution 2018‐0149 and PMEL contribution 4786. We fondly remember John Bullister as a treasured friend, valued colleague, and dedicated mentor, and we thank him for sharing his days with us. He is and will be dearly missed

    A Voltage-Gated H+ Channel Underlying pH Homeostasis in Calcifying Coccolithophores

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    Marine coccolithophorid phytoplankton are major producers of biogenic calcite, playing a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Predicting the impacts of ocean acidification on coccolithophore calcification has received much recent attention and requires improved knowledge of cellular calcification mechanisms. Uniquely amongst calcifying organisms, coccolithophores produce calcified scales (coccoliths) in an intracellular compartment and secrete them to the cell surface, requiring large transcellular ionic fluxes to support calcification. In particular, intracellular calcite precipitation using HCO3− as the substrate generates equimolar quantities of H+ that must be rapidly removed to prevent cytoplasmic acidification. We have used electrophysiological approaches to identify a plasma membrane voltage-gated H+ conductance in Coccolithus pelagicus ssp braarudii with remarkably similar biophysical and functional properties to those found in metazoans. We show that both C. pelagicus and Emiliania huxleyi possess homologues of metazoan Hv1 H+ channels, which function as voltage-gated H+ channels when expressed in heterologous systems. Homologues of the coccolithophore H+ channels were also identified in a diversity of eukaryotes, suggesting a wide range of cellular roles for the Hv1 class of proteins. Using single cell imaging, we demonstrate that the coccolithophore H+ conductance mediates rapid H+ efflux and plays an important role in pH homeostasis in calcifying cells. The results demonstrate a novel cellular role for voltage gated H+ channels and provide mechanistic insight into biomineralisation by establishing a direct link between pH homeostasis and calcification. As the coccolithophore H+ conductance is dependent on the trans-membrane H+ electrochemical gradient, this mechanism will be directly impacted by, and may underlie adaptation to, ocean acidification. The presence of this H+ efflux pathway suggests that there is no obligate use of H+ derived from calcification for intracellular CO2 generation. Furthermore, the presence of Hv1 class ion channels in a wide range of extant eukaryote groups indicates they evolved in an early common ancestor