4 research outputs found

    The Pit & the Pendulum: Sex Offender Laws

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    For centuries the criminal justice system has struggled to define the methodology of and the justifications for social control of sexual behavior that does not conform to community mores. This poster compares and contrasts the historical and contemporary attempts in the United States, Canada, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Germany to address the risk created by individuals who engage in behaviors broadly characterized as sexually deviant. Where available, we consider the rationale for sentencing, and the earliest attempts to bring “treatment” into the criminal dispositional formula for sexual based prosecution. We also consider the impact that the choice of societal response has on risk assessment and evaluation in the various systems, including where available, the assessment and commitment of juvenile offenders. The current practice of civil commitment for a person deemed to be a sexually violent predator (SVP) is discussed highlighting the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Kansas v. Hendricks. This practice will then be compared and contrasted with the approach of designating an offender as a Dangerous Offender (DO) or a Long-Term Offender (LTO) under the criminal law. We also highlight sex offender registries where applicable. This poster is intended as an overview of the law as it exists, and not as a defense or a critique of any specific model

    Interventional MRI-guided Putaminal Delivery of AAV2-GDNF for a Planned Clinical Trial in Parkinson's Disease

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    Clinical trials involving direct infusion of neurotrophic therapies for Parkinson's disease (PD) have suffered from poor coverage of the putamen. The planned use of a novel interventional-magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI) targeting system for achieving precise, real-time convection-enhanced delivery in a planned clinical trial of adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2)-glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in PD patients was modeled in nonhuman primates (NHP). NHP received bilateral coinfusions of gadoteridol (Gd)/AAV2-GDNF into two sites in each putamen, and three NHP received larger infusion volumes in the thalamus. The average targeting error for cannula tip placement in the putamen was <1 mm, and adjacent putamenal infusions were distributed in a uniform manner. GDNF expression patterns in the putamen were highly correlated with areas of Gd distribution seen on MRI. The distribution volume to infusion volume ratio in the putamen was similar to that in the thalamus, where larger infusions were achieved. Modeling the placement of adjacent 150 and 300 µl thalamic infusions into the three-dimensional space of the human putamen demonstrated coverage of the postcommissural putamen, containment within the striatum and expected anterograde transport to globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata. The results elucidate the necessary parameters for achieving widespread GDNF expression in the putamenal motor area and afferent substantia nigra of PD patients

    Function and Structure of Polytene Chromosomes During Insect Development

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