47 research outputs found

    Polarized photons in radiative muon capture

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    We discuss the measurement of polarized photons arising from radiative muon capture. The spectrum of left circularly polarized photons or equivalently the circular polarization of the photons emitted in radiative muon capture on hydrogen is quite sensitive to the strength of the induced pseudoscalar coupling constant gPg_P. A measurement of either of these quantities, although very difficult, might be sufficient to resolve the present puzzle resulting from the disagreement between the theoretical prediction for gPg_P and the results of a recent experiment. This sensitivity results from the absence of left-handed radiation from the muon line and from the fact that the leading parts of the radiation from the hadronic lines, as determined from the chiral power counting rules of heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory, all contain pion poles.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The effect of vacuum polarisation on muon-proton scattering at small energies and angles

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    We give a compact expression for the unpolarised differential cross section for muon-proton scattering in the one photon exchange approximation. The effect of adding the vacuum polarisation amplitude to the no-spin-flip amplitude for one photon exchange is calculated at small energies and scattering angles and is found to be negligible for present experiments.Comment: 6 pages, one figur

    The equivalence theorem and the Bethe-Salpeter equation

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    We solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation for two-particle scattering in a field-theoretical model using two lagrangians related by a field transformation. The kernel of the equation consists of the sum of all tree-level diagrams for each lagrangian. The solutions differ even if all four external particles are put on the mass shell, which implies that observables calculated by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation depend on the representation of the theory. We point out that this violation of the equivalence theorem has a simple explanation and should be expected for any Bethe-Salpeter equation with a tree-level kernel. Implications for dynamical models of hadronic interactions are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, using REVTeX. Fig. 2 corrected, results unchanged, to be published in Phys. Lett.

    Effective Hamiltonians with Relativistic Corrections I: The Foldy--Wouthuysen transformation versus the direct Pauli reduction

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    Two different methods of obtaining ``effective 2×22\times 2 Hamiltonians'' which include relativistic corrections to nonrelativistic calculations are discussed, the standard Foldy--Wouthuysen transformation and what we call the ``direct Pauli reduction''. We wish to investigate under which circumstances the two approaches yield the same result. Using a generic interaction with harmonic time dependence we show that differences in the corresponding effective S--matrices do arise beyond first--order perturbation theory. We attribute them to the fact that the use of the direct reduction effective Hamiltonian involves the additional approximation of neglecting contributions from the negative--energy intermediate states, an approximation which is unnecessary in the Foldy--Wouthuysen case as there the 4×44\times 4 Hamiltonian does not connect positive-- and negative--energy states. We conclude that at least in the cases where the relativistic Hamiltonian is known, using the direct Pauli reduction effective Hamiltonian introduces spurious relativistic effects and therefore the Foldy--Wouthuysen reduction should be preferred.Comment: TRIUMF preprint TRI-PP-93-1

    Aspects of radiative K^+_e3 decays

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    We re-investigate the radiative charged kaon decay K+- --> pi0 e+- nu_e gamma in chiral perturbation theory, merging the chiral expansion with Low's theorem. We thoroughly analyze the precision of the predicted branching ratio relative to the non-radiative decay channel. Structure dependent terms and their impact on differential decay distributions are investigated in detail, and the possibility to see effects of the chiral anomaly in this decay channel is emphasized.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Neutron beta decay in effective field theory

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    Radiative corrections to the lifetime and angular correlation coefficients of neutron beta-decay are evaluated in effecitive field theory. We also evaluate the lowest order nucleon recoil corrections, including weak-magnetism. Our results agree with those of the long-range and model-independent part of previous calculations. In an effective theory the model-dependent radiative corrections are replaced by well-defined low-energy constants. The effective field theory allows a systematic evaluation of higher order corrections to our results to the extent that the relevant low-energy constants are known.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure; two references added, minor correctio

    Unphysical Operators in Partially Quenched QCD

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    We point out that the chiral Lagrangian describing pseudo-Goldstone bosons in partially quenched QCD has one more four-derivative operator than that for unquenched QCD with three flavors. The new operator can be chosen to vanish in the unquenched sector of the partially quenched theory. Its contributions begin at next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion. At this order it contributes only to unphysical scattering processes, and we work out some examples. Its contributions to pseudo-Goldstone properties begin at next-to-next-to-leading order, and we determine their form. We also determine all the zero and two derivative operators in the O(p6)O(p^6) partially quenched chiral Lagrangian, finding three more than in unquenched QCD, and use these to give the general form of the analytic next-to-next-to-leading order contributions to the pseudo-Goldstone mass and decay constant. We discuss the general implications of such additional operators for the utility of partially quenched simulationsComment: 13 pages, 11 figures Version 2: Additional footnote and parenthesis in section

    Nuclear Medium Effects in the Relativistic Treatment of Quasifree Electron Scattering

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    Non-relativistic reduction of the S-matrix for the quasifree electron scattering process A( e,eâ€Čp )A−1A\left(~e, e'p~\right)A-1 is studied in order to understand the source of differences between non-relativistic and relativistic models. We perform an effective Pauli reduction on the relativistic expression for the S-matrix in the one-photon exchange approximation. The reduction is applied to the nucleon current only; the electrons are treated fully relativistically. An expansion of the amplitude results in a power series in the nuclear potentials. The series is found to converge rapidly only if the nuclear potentials are included in the nuclear current operator. The results can be cast in a form which reproduces the non-relativistic amplitudes in the limit that the potentials are removed from the nuclear current operator. Large differences can be found between calculations which do and do not include the nuclear potentials in the different orders of the nuclear current operator. In the high missing momentum region we find that the non-relativistic calculations with potentials included in the nuclear current up to second order give results which are close to those of the fully relativistic calculation. This behavior is an indication of the importance of the medium modifications of the nuclear currents in this model, which are naturally built into the relativistic treatment of the reaction.Comment: Latex, 26 pages including 5 uuencoded postscript figures. accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C

    Meson resonances, large N_c and chiral symmetry

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    We investigate the implications of large N_c and chiral symmetry for the mass spectra of meson resonances. Unlike for most other mesons, the mass matrix of the light scalars deviates strongly from its large-N_c limit. We discuss the possible assignments for the lightest scalar nonet that survives in the large-N_c limit.Comment: 14 page

    The decay pi0 to gamma gamma to next to leading order in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    The two photon decay width of the neutral pion is analyzed within the combined framework of Chiral Perturbation Theory and the 1/Nc expansion up to order p^6 and p^4 times 1/Nc in the decay amplitude. The eta' is explicitly included in the analysis. It is found that the decay width is enhanced by about 4.5% due to the isospin-breaking induced mixing of the pure U(3) states. This effect, which is of leading order in the low energy expansion, is shown to persist nearly unchanged at next to leading order. The chief prediction for the width with its estimated uncertainty is 8.10+-0.08 eV. This prediction at the 1% level makes the upcomming precision measurement of the decay width even more urgent. Observations on the eta and eta' can also be made, especially about their mixing, which is shown to be significantly affected by next to leading order corrections.Comment: 21 pages, two figure