65 research outputs found


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    This study examined the assessment literacy of primary/junior teacher candidates in all four years of their concurrent program. Candidates from each year of the program completed a survey pertaining to self‐described level of assessment literacy, main purposes of assessment, utilization of different assessment methods, need for further training, and suggested methods for promoting assessment literacy in university and practice teaching settings. Levels of self‐efficacy remained relatively low for teacher candidates across each of the four years of this program. Most candidates suggested summative purposes for assessment and only a minority expressed formative purposes. They favoured observational techniques and personal communication. Key words: classroom assessment; preservice education Cette étude porte sur la capacité d’évaluation chez les étudiants en pédagogie durant les quatre années de leur programme de formation à l’enseignement au primaire et au premier cycle du secondaire. Des étudiants de chaque année du programme ont rempli un questionnaire portant sur les sujets suivants : auto‐estimation de leur aptitude à l’évaluation, buts principaux des évaluations, utilisation de diverses méthodes d’évaluation, besoin d’une formation plus poussée et suggestion de méthodes pouvant aider à perfectionner l’aptitude à l’évaluation à l’université et lors de stages pédagogiques. Les répondants dans chacune des années du programme estimaient que leur capacité d’évaluation était relativement faible. La plupart ont parlé d’évaluations sommatives et seulement une minorité, d’évaluations formatives. Les répondants favorisaient les techniques d’observation et les communications personnelles. Mots clés : évaluation des élèves, formation à l’enseignement

    Exploring the Professional Characteristics and Contexts of School-Based Environmental Education ‘Leaders’

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    Our study explored the professional characteristics and contexts of school-based environmental education (EE) leaders within elementary and secondary schools. Using complementary mixed-methods (surveys and focus groups) we detail the characteristics of EE leaders in these schools. Our analyses revealed that these leaders were predominantly classroom or subject-based teachers and experienced practitioners. They demonstrated the ability to negotiate the constraints of schools and implement school-wide EE initiatives due to their personal commitment to student learning about and for the environment. With our findings and using distributed leadership principles, we provide recommendations to support and enhance EE leadership in schools.Notre étude a porté sur les caractéristiques et contextes professionnels des leaders en éducation à l’environnement dans les écoles élémentaires et secondaires. Nous appuyant sur des méthodes mixtes et complémentaires (sondages et groupes de discussion), nous présentons de manière détaillée les caractéristiques des leaders en éducation à l’environnement dans ces écoles. Nos analyses ont révélé que ces leaders étaient surtout des enseignants titulaires ou spécialisés et des praticiens expérimentés. Forts de leur engagement personnel face à la conscientisation des étudiants à l’environnement, Ils faisaient preuve de la capacité de composer avec les contraintes des écoles et de mettre sur pied des initiatives portant sur l’éducation à l’environnement à l’échelle de l’école. Nous nous basons sur nos résultats ainsi que sur des principes de distribution du leadership pour offrir des recommandations visant l’appui et l’amélioration du leadership en éducation à l’environnement dans les écoles. 

    Exploring the Professional Characteristics and Contexts of School-Based Environmental Education ‘Leaders’

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    Our study explored the professional characteristics and contexts of school-based environmental education (EE) leaders within elementary and secondary schools. Using complementary mixed-methods (surveys and focus groups) we detail the characteristics of EE leaders in these schools. Our analyses revealed that these leaders were predominantly classroom or subject-based teachers and experienced practitioners. They demonstrated the ability to negotiate the constraints of schools and implement school-wide EE initiatives due to their personal commitment to student learning about and for the environment. With our findings and using distributed leadership principles, we provide recommendations to support and enhance EE leadership in schools.Notre étude a porté sur les caractéristiques et contextes professionnels des leaders en éducation à l’environnement dans les écoles élémentaires et secondaires. Nous appuyant sur des méthodes mixtes et complémentaires (sondages et groupes de discussion), nous présentons de manière détaillée les caractéristiques des leaders en éducation à l’environnement dans ces écoles. Nos analyses ont révélé que ces leaders étaient surtout des enseignants titulaires ou spécialisés et des praticiens expérimentés. Forts de leur engagement personnel face à la conscientisation des étudiants à l’environnement, Ils faisaient preuve de la capacité de composer avec les contraintes des écoles et de mettre sur pied des initiatives portant sur l’éducation à l’environnement à l’échelle de l’école. Nous nous basons sur nos résultats ainsi que sur des principes de distribution du leadership pour offrir des recommandations visant l’appui et l’amélioration du leadership en éducation à l’environnement dans les écoles. 

    The OECD and Educational Policy Reform: International Surveys, Governance, and Policy Evidence

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    Over the past 50 years, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has increasingly influenced the nature and scope of education policies in primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors around the world. Policy suggestions in these sectors primarily stem from the results of their various international surveys such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). This paper discusses the etiology, key developments, and policy discussions associated with OECD’s international surveys in compulsory and higher education settings within Canada and abroad. The authors examine the normative influence of OECD on educational governance and the contested nature of international policy evidence in the educational policy sphere

    A Comparison of Readability in Science-Based Texts: Implications for Elementary Teachers

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    Science curriculum standards were mapped onto various texts (literacy readers, trade books, online articles). Statistical analyses highlighted the inconsistencies among readability formulae for Grades 2–6 levels of the standards. There was a lack of correlation among the readability measures, and also when comparing different text sources. Online texts were the most disparate with respect to text difficulty. These findings suggest implications for elementary teachers to support students who learn through reading online, science-based resources. As 21st-century learning through multi-modal literacies evolves, the readability of online, content-based text should be evaluated to ensure accessibility to all readers

    Challenges faced by science teachers in continuing & distance education

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    Este estudo investigou as características pessoais, as preocupações, os desafios do processo\ud de estudo e os investimentos (esforços) de um grupo de professores de ciências que participou, com sucesso, de cursos de formação contínua a distância (FCD) em uma universidade pública. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas e analisados qualitativamente com a utilização de códigos e descritores. Autonomia, motivação, disciplina e responsabilidade foram algumas características pessoais encontradas nesta pesquisa. Preocupações relacionadas às exigências da formação, às expectativas em relação ao sucesso no curso, ao processo de interação, aos conhecimentos adquiridos e às tecnologias foram catalogadas. Os maiores desafios enfrentados pelos professores para conduzir, de forma satisfatória, o processo de estudo a distância estão relacionados com a organização, a disciplina e a autonomia. Os resultados mostraram, por fim, que são necessários investimentos intelectuais e emocionais para participar desse tipo de formação. Esses dados podem auxiliar os formadores na gestão do curso, assessorando os professores ao longo da FDC e potencializando suas aprendizagens.This study examines the personal characteristics, the current concerns, and the challenges\ud of academic study. In addition, it examines the investment (efforts) of science teachers who\ud participated in distance continuing education courses (DCEC) within a public university. Data\ud were collected from interviews and then analyzed qualitatively using codes and descriptors.\ud Autonomy, motivation, discipline and responsibility were some of the key characteristics of\ud the teachers evaluated in this study. Concerns regarding training needs, students’ expectations with regard to their success in the course, the interaction process, the acquired skills, and the\ud technologies used, were identified and later recorded on paper. The greatest challenges faced\ud by professors in successfully managing the distance education process were related to personal\ud study skills (organization), personal discipline, and autonomy. Finally, the results show that\ud intellectual and emotional effort is required to participate in this type of online training.\ud Furthermore, the findings from this study may facilitate course management trainers, thereby\ud assisting DCEC professors during the entire learning process, and maximize the potential of\ud science education

    Capas Múltiples: Reflexionando sobre la Investigación Basada en el Diseño Centrada en la Integración Curricular en la Facultad de Educación

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    What insights emerge through researcher reflections on a Design-Based Research (DBR) curricular integration project that contribute to the professional learning of education faculty/ researchers? To answer this question, two researchers captured their debriefing discussions and reflections after monthly meetings with participating teachers. The meetings familiarized the teachers with DBR methods and enhanced teachers’ understanding of integrating literacy and science instruction. Data were open coded, collapsed into sub-categories and interpretations were then clustered into three themes. The first theme is our acknowledgement of the layers that needed to be peeled back to understand teacher participants’ planning and assessment. The second theme is the realization that the teacher participants were novices with respect to understanding and practicing curricular integration. The final theme honors the value of DBR as a research and professional learning method. Findings are discussed in light of the scant literature that describes the experience of DBR educational researchers. ¿Qué ideas surgen a través de las reflexiones de los investigadores sobre un proyecto de integración curricular de investigación basada en diseño (IBD) que contribuya al aprendizaje profesional de los docentes e investigadores en educación? Para responder a esta pregunta, dos investigadores capturaron sus discusiones y reflexiones después de las reuniones mensuales con los maestros participantes. Las reuniones familiarizaron a los maestros con los métodos IBD y mejoraron la comprensión de los maestros acerca de integrar la instrucción de alfabetización y ciencias. Los datos se codificaron en forma abierta, se colapsaron en subcategorías y las interpretaciones se agruparon en tres temas. El primer tema es nuestro reconocimiento de las capas que debían eliminarse para comprender la planificación y la evaluación de los maestros participantes. El segundo tema es darse cuenta de que los maestros participantes eran novatos con respecto a la comprensión y la práctica de la integración curricular. El tema final honra el valor de IBD como método de investigación y aprendizaje profesional. Los hallazgos se discuten a la luz de la escasa literatura que describe la experiencia de los investigadores educativos de IBD

    Avaliação de elementos da educação em biodiversidade: um quadro inconveniente e desafiador

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    Neste estudo, com a participação de um grupo de professores de ensino médio e pesquisadores, avaliamos alguns elementos sobre a educação em biodiversidade: o desempenho dos jovens, geral e por categoria da matriz do Enem; a gestão do ensino, com o foco em estratégias, recursos didáticos utilizados e instrumentos usados para coleta de dados para avaliar os jovens; os conhecimentos do tema utilizados nas questões do Enem por categoria da matriz de referência. Utilizamos a abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvendo rubricas de avaliação que foram validadas pelos profissionais. Os resultados mostraram um quadro de baixo conhecimento dos jovens sobre a biodiversidade, de meninos e de meninas, um ensino inadequado sobre o tema e o predomínio de conhecimentos em apenas uma categoria, “Ecologia e Ciências Ambientais”, da matriz de referência. Com base neste quadro inconveniente e desafiador encontrado, sugere-se promover a aproximação e o diálogo entre os diversos atores envolvidos, incluindo pesquisadores, professores, diretores, pais e jovens. Simultaneamente, aponta para a necessidade de realizarmos mudanças nas políticas educacionais, abrangendo currículos, o sistema escolar, métodos de ensino e a formação dos professores

    Disk Evolution in W5: Intermediate Mass Stars at 2-5 Myr

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    We present the results of a survey of young intermediate mass stars (age <<~5 Myr, 1.5 <M<M_{\star} \leq 15 MM_{\odot}) in the W5 massive star forming region. We use combined optical, near-infrared and {\it Spitzer} Space Telescope photometry and optical spectroscopy to define a sample of stars of spectral type A and B and examine their infrared excess properties. We find objects with infrared excesses characteristic of optically thick disks, i.e. Herbig AeBe stars. These stars are rare: <<1.5% of the entire spectroscopic sample of A and B stars, and absent among stars more massive than 2.4 MM_\odot. 7.5% of the A and B stars possess infrared excesses in a variety of morphologies that suggest their disks are in some transitional phase between an initial, optically thick accretion state and later evolutionary states. We identify four morphological classes based on the wavelength dependence of the observed excess emission above theoretical photospheric levels: (a) the optically thick disks; (b) disks with an optically thin excess over the wavelength range 2 to 24 \micron, similar to that shown by Classical Be stars; (c) disks that are optically thin in their inner regions based on their infrared excess at 2-8 \micron and optically thick in their outer regions based on the magnitude of the observed excess emission at 24 \micron; (d) disks that exhibit empty inner regions (no excess emission at λ\lambda \leq 8 \micron) and some measurable excess emission at 24 \micron. A sub-class of disks exhibit no significant excess emission at λ\lambda \leq 5.8 \micron, have excess emission only in the {\it Spitzer} 8 \micron band and no detection at 24 \micron. We discuss these spectral energy distribution (SED) types, suggest physical models for disks exhibiting these emission patterns and additional observations to test these theories.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Astrophysical Journa

    Circumstellar Structure around Evolved Stars in the Cygnus-X Star Formation Region

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    We present observations of newly discovered 24 micron circumstellar structures detected with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) around three evolved stars in the Cygnus-X star forming region. One of the objects, BD+43 3710, has a bipolar nebula, possibly due to an outflow or a torus of material. A second, HBHA 4202-22, a Wolf-Rayet candidate, shows a circular shell of 24 micron emission suggestive of either a limb-brightened shell or disk seen face-on. No diffuse emission was detected around either of these two objects in the Spitzer 3.6-8 micron Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) bands. The third object is the luminous blue variable candidate G79.29+0.46. We resolved the previously known inner ring in all four IRAC bands. The 24 micron emission from the inner ring extends ~1.2 arcmin beyond the shorter wavelength emission, well beyond what can be attributed to the difference in resolutions between MIPS and IRAC. Additionally, we have discovered an outer ring of 24 micron emission, possibly due to an earlier episode of mass loss. For the two shell stars, we present the results of radiative transfer models, constraining the stellar and dust shell parameters. The shells are composed of amorphous carbon grains, plus polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the case of G79.29+0.46. Both G79.29+0.46 and HBHA 4202-22 lie behind the main Cygnus-X cloud. Although G79.29+0.46 may simply be on the far side of the cloud, HBHA 4202-22 is unrelated to the Cygnus-X star formation region.Comment: Accepted by A