2,915 research outputs found

    Morphology, biostratigraphy, and evolution of PliocenePleistocene diatoms Proboscia barboi..

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    Proboscia barboi and Proboscia curvirostris are two important diatom biostratigraphic markers from the high latitudes of the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans, dating back to the Pliocene-Pleistocene time. This study analyzes the biostratigraphic events and describes the morphology of P. barboi and P. curvirostris, particularly the morphologic variations of the latter species, based on observations of samples of Core U1340A from the IODP Expedition 323 in the Bering Sea. In Site U1340, the First Occurrence of P. curvirostris is observed at 1.52Ma and its First Common Occurrence at 1.39Ma, where morphologic variations were found abundantly. The Last Occurrence of P. curvirostris was found at 0.33Ma, while P. barboi's Last Occurrence is found at 0.67Ma. Based on the morphological similarity and known biostratigraphic distribution, previous authors have assumed that P. curvirostris descends from P. barboi, although this hypothesis is still in debate. At 1.39Ma P. curvirostris shows an increased size and thickness, which is typical of P. barboi, and some specimens display an incipient structure characteristic of P. curvirostris - the secondary spine. This morphology is intermediate between the two species and suggests an evolutionary transition from P. barboi to P. curvirostris. However, P. curvirostris already existed since 1.9Ma in the subarctic indicating that its speciation happened much earlier than 1.39Ma. Furthermore, since P. barboi co-occurs with P. curvirostris in the North Pacific, this evolutionary process was cladogenetic. Besides being evidence for a phylogenetic relationship, the abundant occurrence of intermediate forms at 1.39Ma may constitute a bioevent for a short time interval in the Bering Sea.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inflation and Globalisation: A Dynamic Factor Model with Stochastic Volatility

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    National inflation rates reflect domestic and international (regional and global) influences. The relative importance of these components remains a controversial empirical issue. We extend the literature on inflation co-movement by utilising a dynamic factor model with stochastic volatility to account for shifts in the variance of inflation and endogenously determined regional groupings. We find that most of inflation variability is explained by the country specific disturbance term. Nevertheless, the contribution of the global component in explaining industrialised countries’ inflation rates has increased over time.Inflation, Dynamic Factor Model, Stochastic Volatility, Globalisation

    Linear-Time Superbubble Identification Algorithm for Genome Assembly

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    DNA sequencing is the process of determining the exact order of the nucleotide bases of an individual's genome in order to catalogue sequence variation and understand its biological implications. Whole-genome sequencing techniques produce masses of data in the form of short sequences known as reads. Assembling these reads into a whole genome constitutes a major algorithmic challenge. Most assembly algorithms utilize de Bruijn graphs constructed from reads for this purpose. A critical step of these algorithms is to detect typical motif structures in the graph caused by sequencing errors and genome repeats, and filter them out; one such complex subgraph class is a so-called superbubble. In this paper, we propose an O(n+m)-time algorithm to detect all superbubbles in a directed acyclic graph with n nodes and m (directed) edges, improving the best-known O(m log m)-time algorithm by Sung et al

    Evaluation of the resistance of few citrus rootstocks to alkalinity by applying a faste test of secreening

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    Alkalinity of Moroccan soils is the major abiotic constraint on citrus production area. The best choice of citrus rootstocks adequate and resistant is a better solution to avoid this problem. The aim of this study is to develop a fast test of citrus rootstocks screening towards alkalinity. The alkaline stress was applied on ten citrus rootstocks two month old, using irrigation with a Hoagland and Arnon solution added with 1 g CaCO(3)/L and adjusted at various pH levels 6, 7 and 9. Observations concerned symptoms incidence and severity of iron chlorosis after two months of rearing. Results permitted to classify Poncirus trifoliata and Flying dragon as the most sensitive to alkalinity stresses, whereas, Citrus volkameriana and Citrus macrophylla were resistant. These conclusions are equivalent with those obtained with old citrus rootstocks in field trials

    Acceptance conditions in automated negotiation

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    In every negotiation with a deadline, one of the negotiating parties has to accept an offer to avoid a break off. A break off is usually an undesirable outcome for both parties, therefore it is important that a negotiator employs a proficient mechanism to decide under which conditions to accept. When designing such conditions one is faced with the acceptance dilemma: accepting the current offer may be suboptimal, as better offers may still be presented. On the other hand, accepting too late may prevent an agreement from being reached, resulting in a break off with no gain for either party. Motivated by the challenges of bilateral negotiations between automated agents and by the results and insights of the automated negotiating agents competition (ANAC), we classify and compare state-of-the-art generic acceptance conditions. We focus on decoupled acceptance conditions, i.e. conditions that do not depend on the bidding strategy that is used. We performed extensive experiments to compare the performance of acceptance conditions in combination with a broad range of bidding strategies and negotiation domains. Furthermore we propose new acceptance conditions and we demonstrate that they outperform the other conditions that we study. In particular, it is shown that they outperform the standard acceptance condition of comparing the current offer with the offer the agent is ready to send out. We also provide insight in to why some conditions work better than others and investigate correlations between the properties of the negotiation environment and the efficacy of acceptance condition

    A comparative analysis of beedi making in urban and rural areas (With reference to Prayagraj and Kaushambi District in Uttar Pradesh)

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    Beedi making is perhaps the most famous wellspring of work among the low-level pay gathering of the general public. This investigation means to decide the effect of government-managed retirement plans and government assistance conspires on beedi laborers living in Prayagraj and Kaushambi region. In this investigation poll strategy and meeting, plan was utilized to get information. of test universe of 380, where 250 respondents were taken as an examination for conversation as these were the respondents who were working under the finance of industrial facility

    Troponin based studies in search of a biomarker for cardiac arrest

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