11 research outputs found

    The iconisation of yeast spreads—love them or hate them

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    The production of beer yields a number of by-product streams, with spent brewers’ yeast being the second most abundant in volume. The high nutritional value of spent yeast has seen a large proportion of spent brewers’ yeast being used for both food and feed purposes. One of the uses of spent brewers’ yeast for human consumption has been the production of yeast spreads, which came onto the market in the early 20th century, first in the United Kingdom and shortly thereafter in the commonwealth dominions, especially Australia and New Zealand. In this research we investigated the national status of yeast spreads in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. We show that a brewery by-product such as spent brewers’ yeast is more than a mere novel utilisation of a waste stream but have become inherently associated with national identities of these countries to such an extent that some brands have become iconicised. Furthermore, some yeast spread brands have become a symbol of (inter)national polarisation, purely based on its initial sensorial characterisation

    Développement d’un cours francophone en ligne sur les politiques publiques en santé : une collaboration internationale

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    Objectif : Présenter le processus et les défis du développement d’un cours en ligne sur les politiques publiques en santé, conçu en collaboration internationale selon une approche par compétences. Méthodes : Cinq experts de santé publique épaulés d’un expert en technologie éducative onttravaillé à l’élaboration du cours en adoptant une démarche rigoureuse : analyse des besoins, élaboration des cibles et des compétences visées, développement d’un scénario pédagogique comportant pour chaque module la cible visée, les éléments de contenu, la méthode d’enseignement, les activités d’apprentissage, le matériel à identifier ou à développer et les responsabilités et tâches impliquées. Résultats : Le cours d’études supérieures de deux crédits (90 heures de travail) comprend six modules dont un module d’intégration. Les modules débutent pardes étudesde cas variées : loi sur le tabac (paquet neutre), sites d’injection supervisée, logement, réseaux intégrés de services pour personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie, programme de prévention pour les futures mères en milieux défavorisés, port obligatoire du casque de vélo. Les modules 1, 3, 4 et 5 visent l’apprentissage des différentes étapes du développement des politiques publiques : émergence, formulation et adoption, mise en œuvre et évaluation. Le module 2 porte sur l’importance des valeurs et des idéologies dans les politiques publiques. Le module d’intégration permet aux étudiants d’appliquer les connaissances acquises et aborde le rôle des expertsdans lespolitiquespubliques etles considérations éthiques. Conclusion : Le cours est intégré aux programmes d’études supérieures des universités participantes et permet à des étudiants de suivre à distance une formation innovante.Objective: To present the process and challenges of developing an online competency-based course on public health policy using a collaborative international approach. methods: Five public health experts, supported by an expert in educational technology, adopted a rigorous approach to the development of the course: a needs analysis, identification of objectives and competencies, development of a pedagogical scenario for each module and target, choice of teaching methods and learning activities, materialto be identified or developed, and the responsibilities and tasks involved. results: The 2-credit (90-hour) graduate course consists of six modules including an integration module. The modules start with a variety of case studies: tobacco law (neutral packaging), supervised injection sites, housing, integrated servicesfor the frail elderly, a prevention programme for mothersfrom disadvantaged backgrounds, and the obligatory use of bicycle helmets. In modules 1, 3, 4 and 5, students learn about different stages of the public policy development process: emergence, formulation and adoption, implementation and evaluation. Module 2 focuses on the importance of values and ideologies in public policy. The integration module allows the students to apply the knowledge learned and addresses the role of experts in public policy and ethical considerations. Conclusion: The course has been integrated into the graduate programmes of the participating universities and allows students to follow, at a distance, an innovative training programme

    Molecular characterization of EGFR, PDGFRA and VEGFR2 in cervical adenosquamous carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adenosquamous carcinoma of the uterine cervix is an infrequent but aggressive subtype of cervical cancer. A better understanding of its biological behaviour is warranted to define more accurate prognosis and therapeutic targets. Currently, the blockage of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTKs) activity is an efficient therapeutic strategy for many different cancers. The objective of this study was to investigate EGFR, PDGFRA and VEGFR2 RTKs overexpression and activating gene mutations in a cohort of 30 adenosquamous carcinomas of the uterine cervix.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>EGFR, PDGFRA and VEGFR2 immunohistochemistry was performed in all samples, followed by DNA isolation from the gross macroscopically dissection of the neoplastic area. Screening for <it>EGFR </it>(exons 18–21) and <it>PDGFRA </it>(exons 12, 14 and 18) mutations was done by PCR – single-strand conformational polymorphism (PCR-SSCP).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Despite the presence of EGFR immunohistochemical positive reactions in 43% (13/30) of the samples, no <it>EGFR </it>activating mutations in the hotspot region (exons 18–21) were identified. A silent base substitution (CAG>CAA) in <it>EGFR </it>exon 20 at codon 787 (Q787Q) was found in 17 cases (56%). All PDGFRA immunohistochemical reactions were positive and consistently observed in the stromal component, staining fibroblasts and endothelial cells, as well as in the cytoplasm of malignant cells. No activating <it>PDGFRA </it>mutations were found, yet, several silent mutations were observed, such as a base substitution in exon 12 (CCA>CCG) at codon 567 (P567P) in 9 cases and in exon 18 (GTC>GTT) at codon 824 (V824V) in 4 cases. We also observed the presence of base substitutions in intron 14 (IVS14+3G>A and IVS14+49G>A) in two different cases, and in intron 18 (IVS18-50insA) in 4 cases. VEGFR2 positivity was observed in 22 of 30 cases (73.3%), and was significantly associated with lack of metastasis (<it>p </it>= 0.038).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the most extensive analysis of EGFR, PDGFRA and VEGFR2 in cervical adenosquamous carcinomas. Despite the absence of <it>EGFR </it>and <it>PDGFRA </it>activating mutations, the presence of overexpression of these three important therapeutic targets in a subset of cases may be important in predicting the sensitivity of adenosquamous carcinoma to specific anti-RTKs drugs.</p

    The promotion of safe behaviours at the community level : evaluation of a bicycle helmet-wearing campaign among 5- to 12-year-old children

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    Bicycle-related injuries are among the most important public health problems in childhood. In the Montérégie Region (Québec, Canada), at the beginning of the 1990s, a 4-year communitybased program aimed at promoting voluntary bicycle helmet wearing among children aged 5-12 was implemented. The program's target was to increase the rate of helmet use from 1.3% before the program (1989) to 20% in 1993 and, thereby, to reduce the rate of bicycle-related head injuries leading to hospitalisation. The aim of the thesis is to assess the impact and outcome of the Montérégie program, considering children's age and sex and socio-economic status. Four studies form the thesis, each of which includes a comparison community and repeated measures in both the intervention and reference community. The first two studies focus on behavioural changes over time. Study 1 was questionnaire-based and addressed self-reported measures including e.g., children's intention to wear a helmet and to own a helmet. Study 2 was observation-based and essentially concerned with behavioural changes de facto, both in general and according to various cycling environments (i.e., sites and living areas). The results show an increasing adoption of the target behaviour over time. The program was effective in increasing children's motivation both to use and to own a bicycle helmet. After the program had been operating for four years, 56% of the children in the target community, compared to 36 % in comparison community reported owning a helmet. The program had an accelerating effect on ownership and it was the main predictor of high intention to use a bicycle helmet. Furthermore, helmet use when cycling grew steadily and substantially over time in the target community, from a rate of 1.3% before the program implementation to 32.5% after the fourth year of the program, compared to 14% in comparison community. Helmets were worn less among boys, older children, among children observed both on school roads, and in poor municipalities. The program proved to be only one-in-three times as effective among children observed in poor municipalities as is richer ones. Study 3 and 4 dealt with changes in head-injury risks over time, considering in turn age and sex of the child (study 3) and living area socio-economic status (study 4). Data on children who were hospitalised because of bicycle-related injuries for the years 1988-1996 were obtained from the Provincial Government inpatient register that offers full coverage of hospitalisations in Québec. A reduction of the rate of hospitalisation for bicycle-related head injuries over time was observed among boys and girls, younger and older children and also among children from both poor and average-rich municipalities. The program's positive impact on head-injury risk reduction was maintained. during the three-year period following the completion of the program. In spite of the lower penetration of the program among higher risk groups in terms of helmet wearing (i.e., boys, children from poor municipalities), all groups obtained a reduction of injury-risk levels. As a whole, the results reveal favourable results in terms of increased bicycle-helmet wearing and decreased head-injury morbidity. It is very likely that the program in itself is responsible for a large share of those favourable results. Among other assets, it was based on multiple strategies consistent with underlying theory of behavioural change and planning framework and it included a wide variety of activities undertaken yearly and targeted towards determinant stakeholders. Also, the process was followed up very closely. In general terms, the result support the idea that population-based educational programs have the potential to impact on bicycle-related head injury reduction for all. They can benefit children from less accessible and most at risk groups, without stigmatising them unduly or threatening their autonomy.Cykelrelaterade skador är ett av de allvarligaste hoten mot barns hälsa. I Montérégie-regionen (Québec, Kanada) genomfördes i början av 1990-talet ett fyraårigt samhällsinriktat säkerhetsfrämjande program med syfte att öka frivilligt användande av cykelhjälm bland barn mellan 5 och 12 år. Man ville därigenom minska antalet cykelrelaterade huvudskador som leder till sjukhusvård. Denna avhandlings syfte är att belysa i vilken utsträckning programmet i själva verket påverkade såväl barnens beteende som skaderiskerna med hänsyn tagen till ålder, kön och socioekonomiskstatus. Avhandlingen utgörs av fyra studier, vilka var och en omfattar en jämförelsegrupp och upprepade mätningar. De första två studierna fokuserar på frivillig beteendeförändring över tid, under och efter programmet. Medan studie 1 bygger på självrapporterade data om både ägande och användning av cykelhjälm, är studie 2 baserad på observationer och dokumenterar faktisk beteendeförändring, både generellt sett och i olika cykelmiljöer och på olika cykelvägar. Resultaten visar att hjälmanvändandet ökat betydligt över tid. Efter att programmet pågått i fyra år rapporterade 56 % av barnen i interventionsgruppen jämfört med 36 % i jämförelsegruppen att de ägde en hjälm. Programmet hade en accelererande effekt på ägandet och det var dessutom den viktigaste prediktorn av själva viljan att använda hjälm.. Det faktiska användandet ökade från 1,3 % innan programmet genomfördes till 32,5 % efter dess avslutning, jämfört med till 14 % i jämförelsegruppen. Hjälmar användes i mindre omfattning av pojkar, av äldre barn samt på väg till skolan och i fattiga kommundelar. De andra studierna behandlar förändringar i risken att barn ska komma att vårdas på sjukhus på grund av cykelrelaterade huvudskador över tid och tar hänsyn till ålder och kön (studie 3) samt bostadsområdets ekonomiska status (studie 4). Studierna sträcker sig över åren 1988-1996 och bygger på slutenvårdsregisterdata. En minskning av antalet sjukhusvistelser för cykelrelaterade huvudskador observerades över tid bland både flickor och pojkar, yngre och äldre barn samt från såväl fattiga som övriga kommundelar. Programmets positiva effekt vidmakthölls under en treårsperiod efter att programmet avslutats. Trots att programmet inte nådde lika långt i högriskgrupperna i termer av hjälmanvändning (till exempel bland pojkar eller barn från fattiga kommundelar), blev resultatet en lägre risknivå i samtliga grupper. Som helhet är resultaten positiva, både när det gäller ökat användande av cykelhjälm och minskad risk för huvudskador. Programmet i sig kan anses svara för en stor del av dessa positiva resultat. Till dess styrkor hör att programmet var upplagt så att det byggde på en gedigen referensram och beprövade teorier om frivilliga beteendeförändringar. Det involverade ett flertal aktörer och inkluderade många sammanhängande samhällsinriktade aktiviteter som genomfördes årligen. Processen följdes också upp mycket noga. Allmänt sett stödjer resultaten idén att pedagogiska interventioner som riktar sig till befolkningen har potential att minska antalet cykelrelaterade huvudskador för dem som berörs. De kan gynna de barn från mindre tillgängliga grupper som löper störst risk, utan att stigmatisera dem på ett otillbörligt sätt

    The relevance of social inequalities for designing intervention programs

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