800 research outputs found

    Cretaceous fore-arc basalts from the Tonga arc: Geochemistry and implications for the tectonic history of the SW Pacific

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    Highlights: • The geochemistry of a Cretaceous Tongan fore-arc basalt (FAB) suite is reported. • The Tonga FAB suite is very similar to the Poya Terrane basalts of New Caledonia. • Similar geochemistry to IBM FAB but not associated with subduction initiation • Possibly a remnant of the hypothesized back-arc East New Caledonia Basin Abstract: The Tonga fore-arc preserves a complex history of subduction initiation, back-arc basin formation and arc volcanism which has extended from the Cretaceous to the present. In this paper, we discuss the geochemistry of a Cretaceous basalt/dolerite/gabbro suite recovered in two dredges from the Tonga fore-arc at ~ 19°S. The geochemistry of the Tonga fore-arc suite is unlike that of the uniformly depleted MORB basalts of the subducting Pacific Plate and therefore is unlikely to be accreted from Pacific Cretaceous crust. The ~ 102 Ma age obtained for one Tongan fore-arc dolerite is contemporaneous with a major phase of Cretaceous subduction-related volcanism, recorded both in detrital zircon age populations and associated volcanics from New Caledonia and New Zealand. We believe that the Tonga fore-arc basalts are a remnant of a hypothesized, once extensive Cretaceous back-arc basin, called the East New Caledonia Basin, which we propose to have existed from ~ 102 to 50 Ma. The allochthonous Poya Terrane of New Caledonia is geochemically very similar to the Tonga fore-arc basalts and represents a younger (~ 84–55 Ma) remnant of the same basin. Subduction-related Cretaceous volcanics from the SW Pacific, representing both arc and back-arc settings, all appear to have similar Zr/Nb values, suggesting a common mantle component in their petrogenesis. The Tonga fore-arc basalts are also similar to fore-arc basalts recovered from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore-arc, but unlike these basalts they are not associated with subduction initiation

    Basalts erupted along the Tongan fore-arc during subduction initiation: evidence from geochronology of dredged rocks from the Tonga fore-arc and trench

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    A wide variety of different rock types were dredged from the Tonga fore arc and trench between 8000 and 3000 m water depths by the 1996 Boomerang voyage. 40Ar-39Ar whole rock and U-Pb zircon dating suggest that these fore arc rocks were erupted episodically from the Cretaceous to the Pliocene (102 to 2 Ma). The geochemistry suggests that MOR-type basalts and dolerites were erupted in the Cretaceous, that island arc tholeiites were erupted in the Eocene and that back arc basin and island arc tholeiite and boninite were erupted episodically after this time. The ages generally become younger northward suggesting that fore arc crust was created in the south at around 48–52 Ma and was extended northward between 35 and 28 Ma, between 9 and 15 Ma and continuing to the present-day. The episodic formation of the fore arc crust suggested by this data is very different to existing models for fore arc formation based on the Bonin-Marianas arc. The Bonin-Marianas based models postulate that the basaltic fore arc rocks were created between 52 and 49 Ma at the beginning of subduction above a rapidly foundering west-dipping slab. Instead a model where the 52 Ma basalts that are presently in a fore arc position were created in the arc-back arc transition behind the 57–35 Ma Loyalty-Three Kings arc and placed into a fore arc setting after arc reversal following the start of collision with New Caledonia is proposed for the oldest rocks in Tonga. This is followed by growth of the fore arc northward with continued eruption of back arc and boninitic magmas after that time

    Using climate information to support crop breeding decisions and adaptation in agriculture

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    Population growth in the next few decades will increase the need for food production, while the yields of major food crops could be impacted by the changing climate and changing threats from pests and pathogens. Crop breeding, both through conventional techniques, and GM assisted breeding could help meet these challenges, if adequately supported by appropriate information on the future climate. We highlight some of the major challenges for crop breeders and growers in the coming decades, and describe the main characteristics of crop breeding techniques and other adaptation options for agriculture. We review recent uses of climate information to support crop breeding decisions and make recommendations for how this might be improved. We conclude that there is significant potential for breeders to work more closely with climate scientists and crop modellers in order to address the challenges of climate change. It is not yet clear how climate information can best be used. Fruitful areas of investigation include: provision of climate information to identify key target breeding traits and develop improved success criteria (e.g. for heat/drought stress); identification of those conditions under which multiple stress factors (for example, heat stress, mid-season drought stress, flowering drought stress, terminal drought stress) are important in breeding programmes; use of climate information to inform selection of trial sites; identification of the range of environments and locations under which crop trials should be performed (likely to be a wider range of environments than done at present); identification of appropriate duration of trials (likely to be longer than current trials, due to the importance of capturing extreme events); and definition of appropriate methods for incorporating climate information into crop breeding programmes, depending on the specific needs of the breeding programme and the strengths and weaknesses of available approaches. Better knowledge is needed on climate-related thresholds important to crop breeders, for example on the frequency and severity of extreme climate events relevant to the product profile, or to help provide tailored climate analyses (particularly for extreme events). The uncertainties inherent in climate and impact projections provide a particular challenge for translating climate science into actionable outcomes for agriculture. Further work is needed to explore relevant social and economic assumptions such as the level and distribution of real incomes, changing consumption patterns, health impacts, impacts on markets and trade, and the impact of legislation relating to conservation, the environment and climate change

    Electron Transport through Disordered Domain Walls: Coherent and Incoherent Regimes

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    We study electron transport through a domain wall in a ferromagnetic nanowire subject to spin-dependent scattering. A scattering matrix formalism is developed to address both coherent and incoherent transport properties. The coherent case corresponds to elastic scattering by static defects, which is dominant at low temperatures, while the incoherent case provides a phenomenological description of the inelastic scattering present in real physical systems at room temperature. It is found that disorder scattering increases the amount of spin-mixing of transmitted electrons, reducing the adiabaticity. This leads, in the incoherent case, to a reduction of conductance through the domain wall as compared to a uniformly magnetized region which is similar to the giant magnetoresistance effect. In the coherent case, a reduction of weak localization, together with a suppression of spin-reversing scattering amplitudes, leads to an enhancement of conductance due to the domain wall in the regime of strong disorder. The total effect of a domain wall on the conductance of a nanowire is studied by incorporating the disordered regions on either side of the wall. It is found that spin-dependent scattering in these regions increases the domain wall magnetoconductance as compared to the effect found by considering only the scattering inside the wall. This increase is most dramatic in the narrow wall limit, but remains significant for wide walls.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Australian climate-carbon cycle feedback reduced by soil black carbon

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    Annual emissions of carbon dioxide from soil organic carbon are an order of magnitude greater than all anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions taken together1. Global warming is likely to increase the decomposition of soil organic carbon, and thus the release of carbon dioxide from soils2,3,4,5, creating a positive feedback6,7,8,9. Current models of global climate change that recognize this soil carbon feedback are inaccurate if a larger fraction of soil organic carbon than postulated has a very slow decomposition rate. Here we show that by including realistic stocks of black carbon in prediction models, carbon dioxide emissions are reduced by 18.3 and 24.4% in two Australian savannah regions in response to a warming of 3 ∘C over 100 years1. This reduction in temperature sensitivity, and thus the magnitude of the positive feedback, results from the long mean residence time of black carbon, which we estimate to be approximately 1,300 and 2,600 years, respectively. The inclusion of black carbon in climate models is likely to require spatially explicit information about its distribution, given that the black carbon content of soils ranged from 0 to 82% of soil organic carbon in a continental-scale analysis of Australia. We conclude that accurate information about the distribution of black carbon in soils is important for projections of future climate change

    Non-adherence to antipsychotic medication, relapse and rehospitalisation in recent-onset schizophrenia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aims of this study were to describe outcome with respect to persistent psychotic symptoms, relapse of positive symptoms, hospital admissions, and application of treatment by coercion among patients with recent onset schizophrenia being adherent and non-adherent to anti-psychotic medication.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>The study included 50 patients with recent onset schizophrenia, schizoaffective or schizophreniform disorders. The patients were clinically stable at study entry and had less than 2 years duration of psychotic symptoms. Good adherence to antipsychotic medication was defined as less than one month without medication. Outcomes for poor and good adherence were compared over a 24-month follow-up period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Odds Ratio (OR) of having a psychotic relapse was 10.27 and the OR of being admitted to hospital was 4.00 among non-adherent patients. Use of depot-antipsychotics were associated with relapses (OR = 6.44).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Non-adherence was associated with relapse, hospital admission and having persistent psychotic symptoms. Interventions to increase adherence are needed.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials NCT00184509. Key words: Adherence, schizophrenia, antipsychotic medication, admittances, relapse.</p

    Frecuencia de factores asociados a ideación suicida en pacientes con fibromialgia en dos hospitales de Lambayeque 2015

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    Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de los factores asociados a ideación suicida en pacientes con fibromialgia en dos hospitales de Lambayeque, 2015. Material y Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal con análisis exploratorio. Se entrevistó a pacientes con fibromialgia de consultorios externos de los hospitales Regional Lambayeque (Hospital 1) y Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo de Chiclayo (Hospital 2). Se aplicaron 5 cuestionarios: la escala del centro de estudios epidemiológicos para depresión, escala de Zung para ansiedad, índice de calidad de sueño de Pittsburgh, escala de valoración análoga del dolor y la escala de ideación suicida de Beck, adaptada a población Lambayecana. Se realizó análisis univariado y bivariado exploratorio. Resultados: Se entrevistaron 125 pacientes, 61 del hospital 1 y 64 del Hospital 2; 87%, fueron mujeres. Hubieron 73,6% malos dormidores, 68% tuvieron depresión, 22,4% ansiedad, 24,8% dolor corporal difuso moderado-severo y 30,4% ideación suicida, 27,9% y 32,8% en el primer y segundo hospital, respectivamente. En los pacientes con Ideación suicida la frecuencia fue: mala calidad del sueño 81,6% (p=0,1), depresión 71%(p=0,5), ansiedad 42% (0,001) y dolor corporal difuso (DCD) de moderado a severo 26,3% (p=0,005). En el multivariado, ansiedad, rp= 1,4 IC95%= 1,14-1,7, p= 0,006 y ser mal dormidor, rp= 1,2, IC95%= 1,0-1,4, p=0,01 se asociaron a Ideación suicida. Conclusiones: la frecuencia de ideación suicida es elevada en estos pacientes. El factor más frecuente fue mala calidad de sueño. Ansiedad y ser mal dormidor se asociaron a ideación suicida.Tesi

    Forearc Peridotites from Tonga Record Heterogeneous Oxidation of the Mantle following Subduction Initiation

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    The elevated oxygen fugacity recorded by subduction-related lavas and peridotites, relative to their mid-ocean ridge counterparts, fundamentally influences the petrogenesis of arc magmas. However, the timing, process, and spatial extent of oxidizing mass transfer at subduction zones remain unknown. Forearc peridotites, which are sometimes exposed on the trench wall of the overriding plate, record chemical fingerprints of the melting and melt–rock interaction processes that occur during and following subduction initiation, and thus provide insight into the spatial and temporal evolution of this oxidized signature. In this study, we present new major element, trace element, and oxygen fugacity data for a suite of forearc peridotites recovered from the Tonga Trench, in addition to a new assessment of literature data for previously studied forearc peridotites. For Tonga samples and literature data for forearc, ridge, and subduction-zone peridotites, we calculate oxygen fugacity (fO2) using an updated method. In contrast to previous studies, we find that spinel Cr#, a proxy for extent of melt extraction, does not correlate with oxygen fugacity, such that many forearc peridotites with high spinel Cr# do not record oxygen fugacity higher than the mid-ocean ridge peridotite array. Combining these observations with trace element modeling, we conclude that forearc peridotites are less pervasively influenced by oxidation owing to subduction processes than previously reported. The oxygen fugacity recorded by Tonga forearc peridotites is heterogeneous between dredges and homogeneous within dredges. To explore these variations, we grouped the dredges into two categories. Group I peridotites have high spinel Cr#, extremely depleted trace element compositions and oxygen fugacity values consistent with the mid-ocean ridge peridotite array. We interpret these to be the residues of large degrees of fractional melting, with little influence from arc-like melts or fluids, formed during the first stages of subduction initiation. Group II peridotites have lower spinel Cr#, enriched light rare earth elements, and oxygen fugacity elevated by ≥1 log unit above the mid-ocean peridotite array. We interpret these peridotites to be the residues of flux melting, initiated once corner flow is established in the young subduction zone. We conclude that the forearc mantle is not pervasively oxidized relative to mid-ocean ridge mantle, and that the asthenospheric mantle in the proto-subduction zone region is not oxidized prior to subduction initiation. As the oxidized signature in Group II peridotites accompanies geochemical evidence of interaction with subduction-related fluids and melts, this suggests that the sub-arc mantle is oxidized concurrently with addition of subduction fluids to the mantle wedge
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