1,972 research outputs found

    A Phenomenological Photovoice Exploration of Female Exercisers’ Experiences of their Body in Fitness Center Environments

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    For many women, the relationship with their body and exercise is complex. Exercise can have positive effects on body image, however, not all women appear to benefit positively from all types of exercise. To date, body image research has focused on exercise as an activity and less so on the context in which exercise is performed. Women frequently exercise in fitness centers as young adults which, unfortunately, is associated with body dissatisfaction. Using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach with Photovoice methodology, we explored young adult women’s lived body experiences while exercising in fitness centers. A purposive sample of 11 women (Mage= 21.9 years) completed a two-phase study: (1) a two-week photography period and (2) a 60-90-minute, photo-elicited interview via Skype™. Three identified themes pertained to the sociocultural fitness setting, participants’ fitness experiences, and how participants navigated their ‘place’ while exercising in fitness centers. Participants experienced a segregated fitness center environment driven by gender, the absence of female representation on machines, and “no place for women” in weightlifting areas. Interestingly, these negative experiences were buffered by self-compassion-based textual messages on walls and mirrors and dress codes which encouraged a harmonious relationship with their body while exercising. In light of these experiences, participants shared negotiating strategies (e.g., seeking private sub-spaces, challenging gender norms). This study elucidates the complexity of body experiences for young adult women in fitness settings and informs the development of exercise spaces that empower women to build a healthy relationship with their body through exercise

    Welcoming Remarks to New Bar Admittees

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    Swelling and shrinking kinetics of a lamellar gel phase

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    We investigate the swelling and shrinking of L_beta lamellar gel phases composed of surfactant and fatty alcohol after contact with aqueous poly(ethylene-glycol) solutions. The height change Δh(t)\Delta h(t) is diffusion-like with a swelling coefficient, S: Δh=St\Delta h = S \sqrt{t}. On increasing polymer concentration we observe sequentially slower swelling, absence of swelling, and finally shrinking of the lamellar phase. This behavior is summarized in a non-equilibrium diagram and the composition dependence of S quantitatively described by a generic model. We find a diffusion coefficient, the only free parameter, consistent with previous measurements.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures to appear in Applied Physics Letter

    Investigating the Consumption of Ethnically Disparate Products

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    Ethnic diversity of the U.S. population has continuously been increasing during the past decade. Accordingly, U.S. retailers have been communicating to specific ethnic groups by offering culturally accommodated products. However, recent market trend in the U.S. suggests that such products are appealing to consumers beyond its target ethnic group. That is, an increasing number of U.S. consumers are purchasing products that are ethnically disparate. Despite the above, no study to date has investigated the specific behavior as a separate and independent phenomenon, thus the drivers of the phenomenon is yet to be fully identified. The current study attempted to resolve the research gap by addressing the following research questions; what values do consumers seek when purchasing ethnically disparate products (EDPs)? and what are the antecedents of those values

    Racial bias in face perception is sensitive to instructions but not introspection

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    Faces with typically African features are perceived as darker than they really are. We investigated how early in processing the bias emerges, whether participants are aware of it, and whether it can be altered by explicit instructions. We presented pairs of faces sequentially, manipulated the luminance and morphological features of each, and asked participants which was lighter, and how confident they were in their responses. In Experiment 1, pre-response mouse cursor trajectories showed that morphology affected motor output just as early as luminance did. Furthermore, participants were not slower to respond or less confident when morphological cues drove them to give a response that conflicted with the actual luminance of the faces. However, Experiment 2 showed that participants could be instructed to reduce their reliance on morphology, even at early stages of processing. All stimuli used, code to run the experiments reported, raw data, and analyses scripts and their outputs can be found at https://osf.io/brssn

    Monolith formation and ring-stain suppression in low-pressure evaporation of poly(ethylene oxide) droplets

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    When droplets of dilute suspensions are left to evaporate the final dry residue is typically the familiar coffee-ring stain, with nearly all material deposited at the initial triple line (Deegan et al, Nature, vol. 389, 1997, pp. 827-829). However, aqueous poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) droplets only form coffee-ring stains for a very narrow range of the experimental parameters molecular weight, concentration and drying rate. Instead, over a wide range of values they form either a flat disk or a very distinctive tall central monolith via a four-stage deposition process which includes a remarkable bootstrap-building step. To predict which deposit will form, we present a quantitative model comparing the effects of advective build-up at the triple line to diffusive flux and use this to calculate a dimensionless number χ. By experimentally varying concentration and flux (using a low-pressure drying chamber), the prediction is tested over nearly two orders of magnitude in both variables and shown to be in good agreement with the boundary between disks and monoliths at χ ≈ 1.6

    Improved methods for detecting gravitational waves associated with short gamma-ray bursts

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    In the era of second generation ground-based gravitational wave detectors, short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) will be among the most promising astrophysical events for joint electromagnetic and gravitational wave observation. A targeted search for gravitational wave compact binary merger signals in coincidence with short GRBs was developed and used to analyze data from the first generation LIGO and Virgo instruments. In this paper, we present improvements to this search that enhance our ability to detect gravitational wave counterparts to short GRBs. Specifically, we introduce an improved method for estimating the gravitational wave background to obtain the event significance required to make detections; implement a method of tiling extended sky regions, as required when searching for signals associated to poorly localized GRBs from Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor or the InterPlanetary Network; and incorporate astrophysical knowledge about the beaming of GRB emission to restrict the search parameter space. We describe the implementation of these enhancements and demonstrate how they improve the ability to observe binary merger gravitational wave signals associated with short GRBs.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Toward 'socially constructive' social constructions of leadership

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    In their introductory editorial essay for this special issue, David Grant and Gail Fairhurst have done us a great service by valiantly producing a "Sailing Guide" to the Social Construction of Leadership (Fairhurst & Grant, 2010). As with rounding the Capes, this is not a task for the faint of heart. A sailing guide is designed to provide vital knowledge about a particular sea or coast, providing us with charts, warnings about potential hazards and an indication where we might find safe havens in a storm. Their sailing guide does this to great effect as it skilfully "boxes the compass" by revealing all of the potential directions that one might set one‟s sail by if one was sufficiently foolhardy to embark on a cruise of the social construction of leadership

    PENGARUH CAR, FDR, DAN BOPO TERHADAP ROA BANK UMUM SYARIAH (Studi Kasus Pada Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia)

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    SYLVIA NURUL MAULIDA (14112210150). Pengaruh CAR, FDR, dan BOPO terhadap ROA Bank Umum Syariah Indonesia (Studi Kasus Pada Bank Syariah di Indonesia) Sebagaimana perusahaan pada umumnya, bank umum syariah dalam beroperasional juga mempunyai tujuan untuk bisa mendapatkan laba yang setinggitingginya. Oleh karena itu bank harus menjaga rasio-rasio keuangannya disesuaikan dengan keputusan Bank Indonesia serta menjaga kinerjanya agar tetap dipercaya oleh nasabah dalam kegiatan perekonomian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh CAR, FDR, dan BOPO terhadap ROA pada Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia periode 2013-2014. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 12 Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia. Setelah melewati tahap purposive sampling, terdapat 5 sampel Bank Umum Syariah yang layak digunakan yaitu Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Syariah Mandiri, BNI Syariah, dan BRISyariah. Data penelitian merupakan data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan triwulanan bank umum syariah periode tahun 2013-2014. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji asumsi klasik yang meliputi uji normalitas, uji multikolinieritas, uji heterokedastisitas, dan uji autokorelasi. Uji lainnya menggunakan uji regresi linier berganda dan uji hipotesis menggunakan t-statistic untuk menguji koefisien regresi parsial dengan level signifikansi sebesar 5%. Analisis data menggunakan analisis linear berganda dengan tingkat signifikansi 5% yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran menyeluruh mengenai pengaruh variable bebas terhadap variabel terikat, Hasil uji normalitas menunjukan bahwa data penelitian berdistribusi normal. Berdasarkan uji multikolinearitas, uji heterokedastisitas, dan uji autokorelasi tidak ditemukan variabel yang menyimpang dari asumsi klasik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel-variabel independen secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap ROA dengan nilai signifikansi F dibawah 0,05. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), dan Biaya Operasional terhadap pembiayaan Operasional (BOPO). Menggunakan uji T Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), dan Biaya Operasional terhadap pembiayaan Operasional (BOPO) berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap ROA, sedangkan Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) bepengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap ROA. Nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) adalah sebesar 0,829. Hal ini menunjukan 82,9% setiap perubahan ROA dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel CAR, FDR, dan BOPO, sisanya 17,1% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak dijelaskan dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Biaya Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), Return On Asset (ROA) Bank Umum Syariah

    Banana-coffee system cropping guide

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