236 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian mengenai upaya meningkatkan jumlah waktu aktif belajar dan hasil belajar siswa yang dilakukan di SDN Gegerkalong Girang 1-2 Kota Bandung. Pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani sekolah dasar guru hanya memberikan pembelajaran yang biasa saja tanpa adanya suatu interaksi antara guru dan murid serta kurangnya modifikasi pembelajaran, hal ini menyebabkan siswa tidak ikut berpartisipasi secara merata dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode penelitian tindakan kelas atau classroom action research dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian yang dikembangkan oleh Kurt Lewin yang terdiri atas tahapan perencanaan tindakan. Pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Penelitian dilaksanakan terhadap 40 siswa kelas VA SDN Gegerkalong Girang 1-2 Kota Bandung yang terdiri atas 21 siswa laki-laki dan 19 siswa perempuan. Proses penelitian dibagi kedalam dua siklus dan setiap siklus terdiri atas dua tindakan. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen observasi Grup Time Sampling, dan observasi Hasil Belajar. Semua data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik persentase. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa penerapan aktivitas basketball like games dapat meningkatkan jumlah waktu aktif belajar dan hasil belajar siswa sekaligus meningkatkan mutu proses dan mutu pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani diSekolah Dasar Negeri Gegerkalong Girang 1-2 Kota Bandung.;--- This research is a study of efforts to increase the amount of time the active learning and learning outcomes of students who performed at SDN Gegerkalong Girang 1-2 Bandung. Learning elementary school physical education teachers teaching only provide mediocre absence of an interaction between teachers and students as well as the lack of instructional modifications, this causes the students did not participate equally in the following study. The research was conducted by the method of action research or classroom action research using research design developed by Kurt Lewin consisting of the action planning stage. Action, observation, and reflection. The research was conducted on 40 students of class VA SDN Gegerkalong Girang 1-2 Bandung consisting of 21 male students and 19 female students. The research process was divided into two cycles and each cycle consisted of two measures. Data was collected using observation instruments Group Time Sampling, and observation of Learning Outcomes. All data were analyzed using the technique of percentage. Results of the data analysis showed that the application of basketball activities like games may increase the amount of time the active learning and student learning outcomes and improve the quality of the learning process and the quality of physical education in primary school, State Gegerkalong Girang 1-2 Bandung

    Representasi Berita Penistaaan Agama Dalam Media Massa Di Indonesia

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    Artikel ini ingin melihat bagaimana representasi media massa di Surakarta, yaitu Solopos dan Joglosemar, pada kasus peninstaan Agama oleh Basuki Cahaya Purnama (Ahok). Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis wacana kritis Theo van Leuwen yang fokus pada bagaimana para aktor di-inklusi dan eksklusi dalam berita media. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa: (1) Solo Pos berpihak pada Ahok. Ahok di-eksklusi (dihilangkan, diburamkan dari teks naratif) ketika menyangkut informasi negatif dan sebaliknya, di-inklusi (dibuat terang) jika informasi berita positif untuk Ahok. (2) Joglosemar terlihat juga mendukung Ahok. Joglosemar menggunakan teknik eksklusi dan passivasi. Penggunaan kedua teknik ini dilakukan selama memberikan "keuntungan" kepada Ahok. (3) ada tiga faktor yang mempengaruhi framing, konstruksi dan representasi media yang membuat media terlihat mendukung Ahok, yaitu: 1). Faktor Surakarta sebagai basis partai nasionalis, Faktor Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Faktor pemilik media. Faktor-faktor ini pada akhirnya berdampak pada berita yang terkait dengan kasus penodaan agama yang dilakukan oleh Ahok dimana media cendrung membela Ahok


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    “RANCANG BANGUN PENDETEKSI KECEPATAN ANGIN MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR PANAS BERBASIS ARDUINO” (Muhamad Alifian Fahmi. 2020. 1752022. Teknik Listrik D-III) (Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Ir. Widodo Pudji Mulyanto, MT) (Dosen Pembimbing II : Rachmadi Setiawan, ST., MT) ABSTRAK Prodi Teknik Listrik D-III, Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang Email : [email protected] Anemometer merupakan alat ukur kecepatan angin yang sering digunakan oleh BMKG, untuk mengukur kecepatan angin. Salah satu jenis anemometer adalah thermal anemometer yang dibuat menggunakan diode yang diseri dengan heater. Kelemahan alat ini suhu angin sangat mempengaruhi proses pengukuran kecepatan angin juga mempunyai batas ukur yang rendah permasalahan tersebut diatasi dengan menggunakan empat buah sensor suhu negative temperatur coefficient (NTC). Sensor yang pertama dan kedua untuk mengukur kecepatan angin dan yang ketiga dan keempat sebagai refrensi elektroda, sehingga alat tersebut dapat beradaptasi terhadap perubahan temperature lingkungan. Pemprosesan data dilakukan oleh arduino nano. Hasil pengukuran pada alat ini ditampilkan dalam LCD karakter. Kata kunci: Thermal anemometer, sensor negative temperatur coefficient, arduino nano RANCANG BANGUN PENDETEKSI KECEPATAN ANGIN MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR PANAS BERBASIS ARDUINO” (Muhamad Alifian Fahmi. 2020. 1752022. Teknik Listrik D-III) (Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Ir. Widodo Pudji Mulyanto, MT) (Dosen Pembimbing II : Rachmadi Setiawan, ST., MT) ABSTRACT Prodi Teknik Listrik D-III, Fakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang Email : [email protected] Anemometer is a wind speed measuring tool that is often used by BMKG, to measure wind speed. One type of anemometer is a thermal anemometer which is made using a diode series with a heater. The weakness of this tool is that the wind temperature greatly affects the process of measuring wind speed. It also has a low measurement limit. This problem is solved by using four negative temperature coefficient (NTC) temperature sensors. The first and second sensors are for measuring wind speed and the third and fourth as reference electrodes, so that the tool can adapt to changes in environmental temperature. Data processing is carried out by Arduino nano. The measurement results on this tool are displayed in the character LCD. Keywords: Thermal anemometer, negative temperature coefficient sensor, Arduino nan

    The Understanding about the concept of hibah among Malay Language students, Semester 5, Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Shah Alam / Muhamad Fahmi Mazzalan.

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    Hibah is a contract used to show appreciation and love. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of understanding of Malay Language Students, Semester 5, Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Shah Alam about the concept of Hibah. This study focuses only on the semester 5 students. The total number of students involved is 65 peoples(population). The method used was quantitative through the set of questionnaires using google form help among students of the semester 5. The results showed that the semester 5 students of this program had a mid-level understanding of the concept of the Hibah based on the objectives of the study. In conclusion, it still needs a lot of effort to increase level of understanding and knowledge about Hibah concept, especially to the whole society

    Development of Optimal Design Support System for Beam Structure

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    This paper is about the development of a support system to optimize the beam design. Designing is known to be a tedious and lengthy process especially for flexural members and it is time consuming. This project aims to come out with a mathematical model that able to shorten the time of designing the flexural members by utilizing software that already available in the industry. The approach used by the author is based on optimizing concept which is a skill that human used every day without notice. Optimization helps in determining the best solution either to maximize or minimize. Each problem has different method and formulas to approach, including the limitation and constraints. It can be said that the optimized result of one case is distinctive to another. This project comprises of 2 phases. The phases are distinguished by the software that the author used. In the first phase, the author used Microsoft Excel application that is already available and can be accessed anywhere. While for the second phase, the project will be conducted by incorporating MatLab software. The benchmark of this project is OptDesX, an optimization software that is already available and used in the industry. Afterwards, errors debugging is conducted before this support system can be tested on external user. In a nut shell, the development of the support system to optimize flexural member is successful and the objectives set are met

    Influence Of Islamic Work Ethic On Organizational Commitment And Turnover Intention: Study at PT. Buana Tirta Abadi)

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    Ethical issue has gain high attention of scholar. Ethic is simple thing whit high influence for company continuity. Most recent ethical study come from protestant work ethic and small number from Islamic work ethic. And most of scholar come from western with object western society. One of purpose of this research is to support study regarding Islamic area especially in work ethic area. Purpose of this research is to examine the influence of Islamic work ethic on organizational commitment as its dimensions and turnover intention. This study tested at PT. Buana Tirta Abadi. Buana Tirta Abadi is mineral water company located in Bogor. 57 employees were taken as sample. Quantitative descriptive was taken research method. This research use some data analysis to examine such as statistic descriptive, correlation, and linear regression. Model of this research is conducting three 4 times simple linear regression between Islamic work ethic and affective commitment , Islamic work ethic and normative commitment, Islamic work ethic and continuance commitment, Islamic work ethic and turnover intention. Base on the result found that Islamic work ethic has an impact on normative commitment with tvalue = 4.808 higher than ttable 2.00 and organizational commitment as a block tvalues 3.326 higher than ttable 2.00. And found that Islamic work ethic has no impact on Affective commitment, continuance commitment and also on turnover intention. The study result between Islamic work ethic and organizational commitment purposed to generalize the result of previous finding, most study was tested in public sector, banking, and author conduct these study in factory sector. Meanwhile the result of the study between Islamic work ethic and turnover intention purposed to support inconsistency previous result


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah model pembelajaran Inkuiri berpengaruh terhadap kepercayaan diri siswa tunarungu di SLB-B Prima Bhakti Mulia (Studi Eksperimen Terhadap Pembelajran Pendidikan Jasmani). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain penelitian One-GroupPretest-Posttest Design. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi setingkat SMP di SLB Prima Bhakti Mulia. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 6 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposif Sampling. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuisioner (angket). Berdasarkan pengolahan dan analisis data diperoleh angka signifikansi 0,000 dimana pesyaratan hipotesis diterima adalah nilai signifikansi 0.005. meaning that there was a significance effect of the inquiry learning model on deaf students’ self confidence in Prima Bhakti Mulia special school. The conclusion of the study is that the application of the inquiry model can have an effect on student’s self confidence in Prima Bhakti Mulia special school


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    Now a days, not all people can remember the road. It is because Malaysia road constantly changing. Most people use application like GPS PAPAGO for driving direction. But not all places we can find using Papago. There are a few places that Papago did not provide. For example „kedai rakyat 1 Malaysia,‟ and „klinik 1 Malaysia‟. So it's made user difficult to go to that place. Besides that saving is also important to the people now a days, all of things in this world need to use the money, even wants to pee also need to use money. This paper investigates about problem occurs nowadays such as uncontrolled spending and finally it proposed the 1MSpot to prevent this problem from occurring again. The implementation of this mobile apps system can show the nearest place of „kedai rakyat 1 Malaysia‟ and „klinik 1 malaysia‟ after that the application will show direction how to go to that place.After that, it can use it as a scanner to scan the barcode of the item to know the details and latest price of the item.Next it can use to make the payment at the kiosk without needing to queue length to make the payment at the cashier. Lastly, it can record all the user payment information made during they buy the items and then it can be reviewed any time any where. The result of the of this mobile app will reduce the time to find 1Malaysia Store, can solve the problem of missing a price tag, can avoid the long queue during made payment at the cashier and then can solve uncontrolled spending

    Diversity and Distribution of Spiders (Araneae) in the Galunggung Mountain Area

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    Spiders are classified as Anthrophoda, Arachnida, and Araneae. Spiders are classified into two types based on their life patterns: web-making and hunting, commonly known as trapdoor spiders. This study aimed to assess the diversity of spider distribution (Ordo Araneae) near Mount Galunggung. This study is quantitative. The VES (Visual Encounter Survey) method was utilized to collect data. 1) Gadobangkong waterfall, 2) Panoongan waterfall, and 3) Cimedang waterfall are the sampling places. This reseach gate 17 spesies spiders; Argiope aemula, Argiope anasuja, Leucauge celebesiana, Nephila pilipes, Oxyopes salticus, Nephilengys malabarensis, Tetragnatha Montana, Argiope appensa, Argiope catenulate, Cyrtophora moluccensis, Zotahpeventralis hasel, and Dolomedes vittalus were discovered. Leucauge celebesiana was the most frequent species discovered. Argiope catenulate, Tylorida ventralis, and Dolomedes vittalus were the least common. Each of which has only one individual.ABSTRAK: Laba–laba termasuk ke dalam filum Antrophoda, kelas Arachnida, dan Ordo Araneae. Berdasarkan pola hidupnya laba–laba terbagi menjadi laba–laba pembuat jaring dan laba- laba pemburu atau dikenal juga dengan laba-laba pintu jebakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui diversitas dan distribusi laba-laba (Ordo Araneae) di sekitar Gunung Galunggung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, Metode yang di gunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode VES (Visual Encounter Survey) yang dikombinasikan dengan petak kuadran. Adapun lokasi pengambilan sampel yaitu 1) Curug Gadobangkong, 2) Curug Panoongan, 3) Curug Cimedang. Hasil penelitian di peroleh 17 jenis laba – laba; Argiope aemula, Argiope anasuja, Leucauge celebesiana, Nephila pilipes, Oxyopes salticus, Nephilengys malabarensis, Tetragnatha Montana, Argiope appensa, Argiope catenulate, Cyrtophora moluccensissis, Macrachantha hasselti, Herennia multipuncata, Gasterachantaha kuhli, Tylorida ventralis, Argiope reinwardti, Zoropsis spinimana, Dolomedes vittalus. Jenis yang paling banyak di temukan adalah Leucauge celebesiana, dan yang paling sedikit di temukan Argiope catenulate, Tylorida ventralis, Dolomedes vittalus. Yang masing masih hanya ditemukan 1 individu
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