276 research outputs found

    Safe Water Systems: An Evaluation of the Zambia Clorin Program

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    Clorin is a household water treatment product (a sodium hypochlorite disinfectant) that Society for Family Health launched in Zambia in 1998. This report provides a external assessment of Clorin use in light of the Centers for Disease Control and Pan American Health Organization's overall Safe Water Systems initiative. The intervention took a social marketing approach, targeting low-income households with Clorin at a subsidized price, and sales steadily increased from 1998 to 2004. This involved training for health center staff , neighborhood volunteers, and pharmacists; and promotions through radio, television, newspapers, and posters. The study found that active marketing through community-level personal was very important, while the role of mass media messages was unclear. Collaboration with the government health sector, retailers, and community agents was advised, as was strengthening the water management side of the program

    Analisis Model Diversi Melalui Restorative Justice Pada Anak Pelaku Tindak Pidana Terorisme Dalam Perspektif Maqashid Syari’ah

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    The act of terrorism involving children certainly raises its own concerns. How not, if the child is faced with a formal justice process then besides he will lose his independence, he will also lose his future because of stigmatization as a terrorist who is attached for life. However, if the model of diversion through restorative justice is adopted, the legal process will be blocked by the provisions of Article 7 paragraph (2) of Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Child Criminal Justice System. Then what is the meeting point between the two? How is this diversion approach in the perspective of Maqashid al-Shari'ah? This article tries to describe the diversion model through a restorative justice approach in the perspective of maqashid al-shari'ah. The type of method used in this study is a qualitative method. The data collection technique used is library research sourced from various literatures such as books, books and journal articles. After the data is collected, an analysis will be carried out using descriptive-analytical methods. This study concludes that restorative justice through a diversion model is in line with the principles of maqashid al-syari'ah, this legal approach aims to help children of terrorists realize, feel and restore humanitarian relations that were damaged between the perpetrators and victims. This is due to the fact that the child of the terrorist is not an actor in the real sense, but he is the real victim of the results of his parents' indoctrination or other parties.Aksi terorisme yang melibatkan anak-anak tentu mengundang keprihatinan tersendiri. Bagaimana tidak, bila anak tersebut dihadapkan pada proses peradilan formil maka selain ia akan kehilangan kemerdekaannya, juga kehilangan masa depannya karena stigmatisasi sebagai pelaku teror yang dilekatkan seumur hidup. Namun bila ditempuh model diversi melalui keadilan restoratif maka dalam proses hukumnya akan terhadang oleh ketentuan Pasal 7 ayat (2) UU No. 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak. Lalu bagaimanakah titik temu antara keduanya? Bagaimanakah pendekatan diversi ini dalam perspektif Maqâshid al-Syarî?ah? Artikel ini mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan model diversi melalui pendekatan restorative justice dalam perspektif maq?shid al-syarî?ah. Jenis metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah telaah pustaka (library research) yang bersumber dari berbagai literatur seperti buku-buku, kitab dan artikel jurnal. Setelah data terkumpul, akan dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa keadilan restoratif melalui model diversi selaras dengan prinsip-prinsip maq?shid al-syarî?ah, pendekatan hukum ini bertujuan untuk membantu anak pelaku teror menyadari, merasakan sekaligus memulihkan kembali hubungan kemanusiaan yang sempat rusak antara pelaku dan korban. Hal ini disebabkan pada dasarnya anak pelaku teror bukanlah pelaku dalam arti sebenarnya, namun ia adalah korban sesungguhnya dari hasil indoktrinasi orangtuanya ataupun pihak lain


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    AbstractSo far, NFTs have been defined as digital tokens that are shaped like ownership certificates for virtual and physical assets. These NFTs are usually traded online and are often paid for using cryptocurrencies, especially Ethereum. However, the problem is that in 2021 the MUI issued a fatwa that cryptocurrency is illegal. This is because it there are elements of qimar, dharar, and gharar. For this reason, it is necessary to study the methodology of Islamic law regarding Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) through istihsan (juristic preference). This study uses a qualitative approach. The data were collected from library study, documentation and observation. In analyzing  the data used descriptive-analytic analysis with the approach used is ushuliyah. This study revealed that from istihsan point of view, transactions using Non-Fungible Tokens are permitted. This is because, from Qiyas Khafi perspective, NFT is known as the underlying assets of the transaction. Up to the operational level, if qiyas khafi is of greater benefit, then qiyas jali may be abandoned. What is used is qiyas khafi to maintain the principles of maqasid shari'a. Therefore, within the istihsan framework, Non-Fungible Token transactions are allowed through qiyas khafi due to an element of greater benefit.Keywords: Non-Fungible Token Transaction; Istihsan; Maqasid Shari’a, AbstrakSelama ini NFT didefinisikan sebagai token digital yang berbentuk seperti sertifikat kepemilikan untuk aset virtual dan fisik. NFT ini adalah biasanya diperdagangkan secara online dan sering dibayar untuk menggunakan cryptocurrency, khususnya Ethereum. Namun yang menjadi persoalan ialah pada tahun 2021 MUI pernah memfatwakan haram penggunaan cryptocurrency karena mengandung unsur gharar, dharar, dan qimar. Untuk itu, diperlukan kajian metodologi hukum Islam tentang Non-Fungible Token (NFT) melalui istihsan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sementara metode pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode literatur, dokumentasi dan observasi. Dalam menganalisis data yang telah dikumpulkan, peneliti menggunakan analisis deskriptif-analitis dengan pendekatan ushuliyah. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa dalam tinjauan istihsan, transaksi dengan menggunakan Non-Fungible Token diperbolehkan. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam tinjauan qiyas khafi, NFT dikenal asset yang mendasari transaksi tersebut (underlying assets). Hingga dalam tataran operasionalnya, bila qiyas khafy lebih besar manfaatnya, maka qiyas jaly itu boleh ditinggalkan dan yang dipakai adalah qiyas khafy demi terpeliharanya prinsip-prinsip maqasid syari’ah. Oleh karena itu, dalam kerangka istihsan, transaksi Non-Fungible Token diperbolehkan melalui qiyas khafi dikarenakan adanya unsur maslahat yang lebih besar.Keywords: Non-Fungible Token; Istihsan; Maqashid Syari’ah

    Quantum Phase transitions observed in a moving frame and emergent space-time near Quantum Phase transitions

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    The important role of Lorentz transformation (LT) and invariance (LI) in relativistic quantum field theory is well appreciated and understood. At a low velocity, the LT just reduces to the Galileo transformation (GT). While many body systems in materials or cold atom systems break the LI spontaneously or explicitly, therefore are non-relativistic. Unfortunately, the possible effects of GT in these non-relativistic quantum many-body systems were poorly understood. In this work, we explore its dramatic effects, especially near quantum phase transitions (QPT) which are among the most fantastic phenomena in Nature. We show that an observer in a different inertial frame may detect new quantum phases through novel quantum phase transitions. We demonstrate this new effect by studying one of the simplest QPTs: Superfluid (SF)-Mott transitions of interacting bosons in a square lattice observed in a frame moving with a constant velocity v \vec{v} relative to the underlaying lattice. These new effects are contrasted to the Doppler shifts in a relativistic quantum field theory, Unruh effects in an accelerating observer and non-relativistic AdSd+1/CFTd AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d correspondence at a low d d .The methods can be extended to study all the quantum and topological phase transitions, even some dynamic classical phase transition in a moving frame in any dimension. an effective way not only measure various intrinsic properties of the materials, tune various quantum and topological phases through phase transitions, but also probe the new emergent space-time structure near any QPT. As a byproduct, we also comment on the GT and GI in fractional Quantum Hall systems and the associated edge states.Comment: 60 PRB pages, 12 figures, Sec.IX-A and B contains part of arXiv:cond-mat/0512480 for the sake of self-contained. We dedicate this work to celebrate the 75th birthday of Moses Chan, a world class experimentalist and 60th birthday of Subir Sachdev, a world class theoris

    Estimating Size for Object-Oriented Software

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    In this paper, a metric is proposed, Predictive Object Points (POPs), that has the potential to do all of the above. Unlike traditional measures, POPs are based on an object oriented paradigm, encapsulating object behavior and the interaction between objects. The POPs measure combines several contemporary metrics to establish an overall measure suitable for predicting effort and/or tracking productivity. The metric at the heart of the POP calculation is Weighted Methods per Class (WMC). WMC looks at each top level class (or each distinct object from the user’s perspective) and assigns a weight to the behaviors of that class that are seen by the world. The “weight” of an object’s behavior is determined by evaluating the effects that the behavior has on the objects in the system (by counting the properties that this behavior impacts) and the amount of control the objects in the system have over this behavior (by counting the parameters of the method or the pieces of information that get passed to it). The calculated WMC metric is combined with information about the groupings of objects into classes and the relationships between these classes of objects to arrive at a value which appears to correlate to the effort associated with implementing a solution. Because the metric is based on behavior, it mimics much of what is useful about a Function Point measure. Since behavior is something widely understood, a POP value can be determined by someone with only a little knowledge of implementation details. And, since the things that impact behavior “weight” are well understood, detailed counting rules can be established for the POP metric

    Animal welfare science and “a life worth living” for wild and captive elephants

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    Baker & Winkler (2020) propose restoring elephants to a state of “wildness” and a “life worth living” by reintroducing captive elephants to the hands of indigenous mahout cultures and practices. To evaluate this proposal, we must define operationally a number of critical concepts in a species-centric, individualistic way, avoiding human-centric opinions and romanticized notions of the wild. Animal welfare science can help create greater synergy between ex-situ zoological institutions and in-situ elephant conservation, and welfare efforts that respect and value the cultures of both species


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    Aspek mendasar dari pendidikan Islam adalah upaya melahirkan insan kamil. Dunia pendidikan Islam terbebani dengan asumsi positif bahwa pendidikan Islam sebagai suatu kegiatan yang mulia, sakral, mengandung kebijakan, dalam kenyataannya masih jauh dari nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Akibatnya, pendidikan Islam belum mampu melahirkan sosok manusia yang mengedepankan sisi-sisi kemanusiaan (humanisme) nya

    Pediatric Pulmonology Year in Review 2015: Part 1

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    Our journal covers a broad range of research and scholarly topics related to children's respiratory disorders. For updated perspectives on the rapidly expanding knowledge in our field, we will summarize the past year's publications in our major topic areas, as well as selected publications in these areas from the core clinical journal literature outside our own pages. The current review covers articles on neonatal lung disease, pulmonary physiology, and respiratory infection

    Perlindungan Data Pribadi Dalam Perspektif Sadd Dzari’ah

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    Abstract In the world of computing and digital, an individual is required to recognize and define the boundaries or boundaries of his preferences in order to reach agreement on the status of his privacy in a particular context or space. In other words, each individual should acquire the right to use his/her own personal data, which will ensure a more active role in the management of his/her personal data. While on the other hand, personal data or information has become something that is very valuable, as well as vulnerable as a commodity so that it poses a risk of vulnerability to misuse or theft of personal data. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze risk mitigation in a syar'i manner in order to avoid the crime of theft and misuse of personal data in cyberspace called the sadd dzari'ah method. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection methods used in this study are literature, documentation and observation methods. In analyzing the data that has been collected, the researcher will use descriptive-analytical analysis with ushuliyah approach. The findings of this study are in the perspective of sadd dzari'ah, personal data contains honor and personal dignity that should not be disturbed. When there is misuse of data, it creates a danger (mudharat) in the form of damage to a person's dignity (hifz al-irdh) even though Islamic law as much as possible creates benefits for humans. Therefore, the Government is obliged to draw up a Personal Data Protection Law in order to create a protected and guaranteed digital ecosystem. Keywords: Protection, Personal Data, Sadd Dzari’ah.   Abstrak Dalam dunia komputasi dan digital, seorang individu dituntut untuk mengenali dan menetapkan garis batas atau batasan preferensinya untuk mencapai kesepakatan tentang status privasinya dalam konteks atau ruang tertentu. Dengan kata lain, masing-masing individu harus memperoleh hak untuk menggunakan data pribadinya sendiri, yang akan memastikan peran yang lebih aktif dalam pengelolaan data pribadinya. Sementara di sisi yang lain, data atau informasi pribadi telah menjadi sesuatu yang sangat berharga, sekaligus rentan sebagai komoditas hingga menimbulkan resiko kerawanan penyalahgunaan ataupun pencurian data pribadi. Untuk itu diperlukan analitis mitigasi resiko secara syar’i demi terhindar dari kejahatan pencurian dan penyalahgunaan data pribadi di ruang siber yang disebut metode sadd dzari’ah. Penelitian ini memakai pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode literature, dokumentasi dan observasi. Dalam menganalisis data yang telah terkumpul, peneliti akan menggunakan analisis deskriptif-analitis dengan pendekatan ushuliyah. Temuan penelitian ini adalah dalam perspektif sadd dzari’ah, data pribadi memuat kehormatan, dan martabat pribadi yang tidak boleh diganggu. Ketika terjadi penyalahgunaan data, maka menimbulkan bahaya (mudharat) berupa rusaknya harkat dan martabat seseorang (hifz al-irdh) padahal syariat Islam sebisa mungkin mewujudkan kemaslahatan bagi manusia. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah wajib menyusun Undang-Undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi demi menciptakan ekosistem digital yang terlindungi dan terjamin keamanannya. Kata Kunci: Perlindungan, Data Pribadi, Sadd Dzari’ah

    Omnibus Law Dalam Tinjauan Hifdzul Mal

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    The government has initiated the omnibus law nomenclature which was triggered by the overlapping and disharmonious implementation of laws and regulations regarding licencing in various sectors which aims at resolving business licencing constraints to lure investors and resolve taxation issues in Indonesia. However, the implementation of omnibus law needs to be reviewed on its benefits in perspective of maqashid syari’ah particularly hifdzul mal concept mainly related to the effectiveness of using the budget to create a conducive tax and investment climate. The qualitative method was used in this research. Descriptive-analytical method was then used to analyze collected data. The results showed that the purpose of establishing omnibus law is to fulfil an urgent need for a concise solution to conflicting laws and regulations, both vertically and horizontally for the benefits and consistency of such conflicting laws. Omnibus law is needed in order to maintain the stability of the State's economy (hifdzul mal) since it is time consuming and costly to address the laws one by one.Keywords: omnibus law, investment, taxation, hifdzul mal. AbstrakBelakangan ini, nomenklatur omnibus law digagas oleh pemerintah yang bermula dari fenomena tumpang tindihnya atau disharmoni peraturan perundang-undangan yang disebut di atas yaitu terkait perizinan di berbagai sektor, yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan hambatan perizinan usaha sehingga menarik para investor untuk menanamkan investasinya dan persoalan perpajakan di Indonesia. Namun penggunaan omnibus law ini perlu ditinjau dari sisi kemaslahatannya, dalam perspektif maqashid syari’ah, khususnya konsep hifdzul mal, utamanya terkait efektivitas penggunaan anggaran demi tercapainya iklim investasi dan perpajakan yang kondusif. Jenis metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Setelah data terkumpul, akan dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tujuan dari pembentukan RUU omnibus law adalah dikarenakan ada kebutuhan mendesak untuk teknik merumuskan undang-undang yang mengubah lebih dari satu peraturan yang relevan, demi menciptakan kemaslahatan dan konsistensi berbagai undang-undang. Omnibus law diperlukan karena berdasarkan pertimbangan kemaslahatan demi menjaga kestabilan perekonomian Negara (hifdzul mal), sebab bila dibenahi satu persatu maka akan memerlukan waktu yang lama dan biaya yang banyak