51 research outputs found

    The effect of organic matter management on the productivity of Eucalyptus globulus stands in Spain and Portugal: tree growth and harvest residue decomposition in relation to site and treatment

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    Sustainable management of forest resources, including nutrient retention and protection of the soil structure, is required to ensure long-term soil fertility and productivity of later rotations. Potential depletion of soil nutrients is particularly likely in production systems based on fast-growing trees, such as eucalypts. We have studied production of second rotation Eucalyptus globulus stands at two sites in northern Spain and two in central Portugal, after replanting or coppicing, under four treatments, in which plant residues from the ®rst crop were utilised. The residues were either removed from the sites (Treatment R), spread over the soil surface (Treatments S, uniform spreading, and W, in which the woody debris was con®ned to rows between the trees) or incorporated into the soil by harrowing to 15-cm depth (Treatment I). We measured tree height and girth at intervals over three growing seasons, and root biomass at the Portuguese sites. Decomposition of three residue components: leaves-plus-bark, twigs and branches, was measured in litter bags placed in the position corresponding to the placement of the organic residues. By the end of the experiment, tree height was signi®cantly greater in Treatment I than in Treatment R at both Spanish sites, if planted as seedlings, with intermediate growth in S and W. In Portugal, tree height was smaller in R, though not signi®cantly. DBH showed similar trends, although treatment differences were not signi®cant. Coppiced trees grew faster than seedling trees, but a signi®cant treatment effect on the growth was only observed at the inland Portuguese site, where it was better in Treatment I by the end of the experiment. The residues decomposed signi®cantly faster in I than S or W at the Portuguese sites, but not in Spain. Leaves-plus-bark decomposed faster than twigs, and twigs faster than branches. The results are discussed in relation to recommended management option

    Chemical tracers of Lusitanian amphorae kilns from the Tagus estuary (Portugal)

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    In this paper, the characterization of Roman amphorae from the Porto dos Cacos (PC) and Quinta do Rouxinol (QR) workshops, in the Tagus estuary, dating to a period between the 1st and 5th century AD was carried out on the basis of instrumental neutron activation analysis data on 260 amphorae fragments, together with mineralogical compositional studies obtained by X-ray diffraction. Special attention was devoted to the study of the Dressel 14, Almagro 50/51c and Lusitana 3/9 amphorae in an attempt to establish whether or not it is possible to establish any correlation between the composition and typology, and between and within the production centres studied. A description of the geochemical patterns associated with each production centre was first carried out separately, followed by a discussion comparing the two centres situated in the same sedimentary basin, identifying diagnostic chemical tracers for each one; also, in certain cases, a relative correlation with the typology was achieved. Both the definition of reference groups and the attribution of amphorae to their workshop origin relied on the use of chemometric techniques for data structure analysis, coupled with geochemical data analysis, especially regarding trace element data and its geochemical behaviour and distribution according to the geological environment of the region. This approach complements and reinforces the conclusions drawn from typological and archaeological analyses. Considering the two kiln sites studied, we may talk of the production of two types of Roman amphorae in the lower Tagus, with the establishment of compositional groups defined according to their corresponding chemical signatures. The products of the PC workshop are characterized by high concentrations of Co, As and U, and low concentrations of Fe, Zn, Sb, Rb, K; QR workshop amphorae show instead higher concentrations of Fe, Sb, and also of Rb and Zn, and lower amounts of U. These results make it possible to understand the crucial importance of the lower course of the Tagus River within the framework of the analysis of the economy of the estuary at the time. This, in turn, may lead to a better understanding of production and trade within Lusitania and also with other Roman provinces

    Insights into the spatial and temporal variability of soil attributes in irrigated farm fields and correlations with management practices: A multivariate statistical approach

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    The evaluation of the spatial and temporal variability of soil properties can be valuable to improve crop productivity and soil health. A study of soil properties was carried out in southern Portugal, in three farm fields with irrigated annual crops (layers 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm), over three years. Factor Analysis (FA) and Discriminant Analysis (DA) were used to analyze the data. With FA, the observed variables were grouped into a smaller number of latent variables related to soil attributes. Discriminant Analysis was used to classify and identify the most dominant attributes and indicators for the time and space variability of soil parameters. The FA performed for the surface layer included factors related to texture, water and nutrient retention capacity, chemical composition, and soil fertility. In the sub-surface layer, the factor structure was similar, with four factors related to texture, chemical composition, nutrient availability, and soil fertility. The most influential factors and variables in temporal discrimination (sampling dates) in both layers were those related to chemical composition, with electric conductivity as the preponderant indicator. As for the spatial differentiation (fields), the dominant factor in the surface layer was texture, and in the sub-surface layer, nutrient availability. The most important discriminant indicators of spatial variability were fine sand proportion and available potassium, respectively, for the surface and sub-surface layers. The results obtained showed potential for the multidimensional and integrated assessment of patterns of temporal and spatial variation of soil functions from agricultural practices or soil degradation processes

    Why do men have worse COVID-19-related outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis with sex adjusted for age

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    We aimed to study the mechanism behind worse coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) outcomes in men and whether the differences between sexes regarding mortality as well as disease severity are influenced by sex hormones. To do so, we used age as a covariate in the meta-regression and subgroup analyses. This was a systematic search and meta-analysis of observational cohorts reporting COVID-19 outcomes. The PubMed (Medline) and Cochrane Library databases were searched. The primary outcome was COVID-19-associated mortality and the secondary outcome was COVID-19 severity. The study was registered at PROSPERO: 42020182924. For mortality, men had a relative risk of 1.36 (95%CI: 1.17 to 1.59; I² 63%, P for heterogeneity <0.01) compared to women. Age was not a significant covariate in meta-analysis heterogeneity (P=0.393) or subgroup analysis. For disease severity, being male was associated with a relative risk of 1.29 (95%CI: 1.19 to 1.40; I² 48%, P for heterogeneity <0.01) compared to the relative risk of women. Again, age did not influence the outcomes of the metaregression (P=0.914) or subgroup analysis. Men had a higher risk of COVID-19 mortality and severity regardless of age, decreasing the odds of hormonal influences in the described outcomes

    Balanço de carbono no eucaliptal - Comparação entre o fluxo turbulento de CO2 e a estimativa do modelo CO2FIX V3.1

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    Congresso Florestal Nacional: a floresta e as gentes - Actas das comunicaçõesEste estudo teve como principal objectivo investigar a possibilidade de utilizar o modelo CO2FIX V3 na quantificação dos stocks e fluxos de carbono numa plantação de Eucalyptus globulus através da comparação das estimativas da PLE obtidas pela parametrização do modelo e pelas medições de fluxo turbulento de CO2 obtido pelo método das flutuações instantâneas, da respiração do solo e dados de inventário

    Restor(y)ing meaning: reading Manoel de Oliveira’s Non ou a Vã Glória de Mandar

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    Manoel de Oliveira’s Non ou a Vã Glória de Mandar (1990) is a landmark in Lusophone cinema’s revisitation of the history of Portuguese expansion and colonial conflicts. This article aims at analysing the film’s political import by extrapolating from Jacques Rancière’s meditation on the ‘aesthetic regime’ and from Manoel de Oliveira’s references to Derridean deconstruction. Non and Oliveira’s filming praxis both exceed and disrupt the filmmaker’s personal logocentric and teleological theories of history and cinema

    Natural and human-induced Holocene paleoenvironmental changes on the Guadiana shelf (northern Gulf of Cadiz)

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    Three contrasting sedimentary environments on the continental shelf off the Guadiana River (northern Gulf of Cadiz) were integrated in a chronological framework and analysed in terms of sedimentology and benthic foraminiferal assemblages to understand the Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution. The analysed environments differ in terms of their depositional regimes and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. However, a dominant fluvial origin of the sand fraction was observed in all three environments. Holocene sedimentary processes were mainly controlled by natural (sea level changes and climate variations) and human-induced processes (e.g. deforestation, agriculture) along four evolutionary stages. The three older stages were mainly influenced by natural processes, such as sea level variations and fluvial inputs, whereas the most recent stage reflects a combination of climatic- and human-induced processes. A deepening of sedimentary environments related to a period of rapid sea level rise, strongly influenced by river discharges occurred from c. 11,500 to c. 10,000 cal. yr BP. A reduction in sediment export to the shelf, as a result of the continuous and rapid sea level rise and enhanced estuary infilling reflects the second stage, from c. 10,000 to c. 5000 cal. yr BP. The beginning of the third stage, from c. 5000 to c. 1500–1000 cal. yr BP, is marked by a sea-level slowdown and the relatively stable climate and environmental conditions. The fourth stage, from c. 1500–1000 cal. yr BP to Recent times, reflects the intensification of human-induced processes and climatic variability in the Guadiana River basin. This stage also reflects modern depositional conditions, with the formation of a proximal prodeltaic wedge and a distal muddy body

    A proposed methodology for the correction of the Leaf Area Index measured with a ceptometer for pinus and eucalyptus forests = Proposta de uma methodologia para a correcao do indice de area foliar medido pelo ceptometro em provoamentos de pinus e eucalyptus

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    Leaf area index (LAI) is an important parameter controlling many biological and physiological processes associated with vegetation on the Earth's surface, such as photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, carbon and nutrient cycle and rainfall interception. LAI can be measured indirectly by sunfleck ceptometers in an easy and non-destructive way but this practical methodology tends to underestimated when measured by these instruments. Trying to correct this underestimation, some previous studies heave proposed the multiplication of the observed LAI value by a constant correction factor. The assumption of this work is LAI obtained from the allometric equations are not so problematic and can be used as a reference LAI to develop a new methodology to correct the ceptometer one. This new methodology indicates that the bias (the difference between the ceptometer and the reference LAI) is estimated as a function of the basal area per unit ground area and that bias is summed to the measured value. This study has proved that while the measured Pinus LAI needs a correction, there is no need for that correction for the Eucalyptus LAI. However, even for this last specie the proposed methodology gives closer estimations to the real LAI values

    Health Education through Analogies: Preparation of a Community for Clinical Trials of a Vaccine against Hookworm in an Endemic Area of Brazil

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    Conducting clinical trials of new vaccines in rural, resource-limited areas can be challenging since the people living in these areas often have high levels of illiteracy, little experience with clinical research, and limited access to routine health care. Especially difficult is obtaining informed consent for participation in this type of research and ensuring that potential participants adequately understand the potential risks and benefits of participation. The researchers have been preparing a remote field site in the northeastern part of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, for clinical trials of experimental hookworm vaccines. A special educational video was designed based on the method of analogies to introduce new scientific concepts related to the researchers' work and to improve knowledge of hookworm, a disease that is highly prevalent in their community. A questionnaire was administered both before and after the video was shown to a group of adults at the field site, which demonstrated the effectiveness of the video in disseminating knowledge about hookworm infection and about the vaccine being developed. Therefore, even in a rural, resource-limited area, educational tools can be specially designed that significantly improve understanding and therefore the likelihood of obtaining truly informed consent for participation in clinical research