2,351 research outputs found

    A Importância de Clínicas Dermatológicas Dedicadas no Atendimento de Receptores de Transplantes de Órgãos

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    Organ transplant recipients have a high risk of skin cancer associated with immunosuppressive therapy and ultraviolet radiation. The incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer, in particular is up to 65-times higher than for the normal population. Field cancerization of sun- exposed skin is also a major health issue in these patients1.In Portugal there were 895 solid organ transplants in 2017, with the majority being kidney (529) and liver (259)2.   There are already several publications concerning skin cancer in Portuguese organ transplant recipients, reporting a prevalence of non-melanoma skin cancer ranging from 15% to 25% in renal transplant recipients3,4,5and 8% in one series6that included more liver transplant recipients with relatively less immunosuppression.The sunny geographical location and sun exposure habits, namely the poor knowledge and adherence to photoprotective measures, such as hats, long-sleeved clothes or sunscreen while on outdoor work or leisure activities, pose serious difficulties for skin cancer prevention in this population. In one study concerning knowledge of sun protective measures in a population of Portuguese transplant recipients7, 29% did not know that their risk of skin cancer was increased, and 25% of those who went to the beach stayed there between 11.30 and 16:00 pm. Not surprisingly, only 8% consulted a dermatologist in the first year after transplant7.Different organizations like the Skin Care in Organ Transplant Recipients - Europe (SCOPE) or the International Transplant Skin Cancer Collaborative (ITSCC) together with institutions such as the British National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)8,9,10, recommend initial assessment of these patients by a dermatologist and providing them with education on photoprotection and self-examination of the skin. These patients also need regular follow-up with time intervals defined by their previous history of skin cancer and the presence of field cancerization of their sun-exposed skin. In such patients with previous skin cancer and detectable field cancerization, some authors11propose three months as time interval between appointments. Dedicated or specialist dermatology clinics for organ transplantation are recommended11,12,and have also been shown to improve compliance with photoprotection13. Their introduction in the main Portuguese referral hospitals for transplantation would allow earlier dermatological care, inclusion of dermatology among the specialties that collaborate in the transplant teams and reduction of the burden of skin cancer in these patients, saving lives and costs.   

    Plano conceitual de fechamento de uma mina de ur?nio ? estudo de caso : a unidade de concentrado de ur?nio da INB em Caetit?, Bahia.

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    Em 1999 entra em opera??o o maior complexo uran?fero da Am?rica Latina, a Unidade de Concentrado Nucleares do Brasil em pleno semi-?rido baiano. A partir de um n?mero significativo de anomalias, sendo que algumas j? se tornaram jazidas e uma ?nica mina de ur?nio em opera??o no Brasil, a Mina Fazenda Cachoeira. No complexo mineral formado pela unidade de Concentrado de Ur?nio opera-se da lavra do min?rio de ur?nio ao beneficiamento sob a forma de uma pasta amarela denominada de yellow cake. Quando do in?cio das opera??es do empreendimento optou-se por fazer o fechamento/descomissionamento concomitantemente com a opera??o do complexo uran?fero. Fato este, de grande relev?ncia que torna o processo menos complexo se assim n?o fosse. ? um projeto de grande interven??o social na regi?o, pois gera empregos e aquece a economia. Com o fechamento do projeto, quando isto acontecer, ir? gerar um desequil?brio no quadro econ?mico-financeiro e social da regi?o. No presente trabalho prop?e-se um plano conceitual de fechamento para o complexo, focando-se, apenas no cen?rio proporcionado pela mina em opera??o, projetando para as futuras minas um elemento referencial sobre o tema. H? que se destacar tamb?m, o papel claro entre um Plano de Fechamento de Mina e um Plano de Recupera??o de ?reas degradadas.In 1999 starts working the largest uranium complex of Latin America, the Concentrate Unit Nuclear Company of Brazil ? INB, in the middle of the semi-arid baiano. Starting from a significant number of anomalies, where some had already become deposits and the single mine of uranium in operation in Brazil, the mine named Fazenda Cachoeira. In the mineral complex formed by the Concentrate Unit of Uranium operates the plowing of the uranium's ore to the improvement under the look of a yellow paste denominated yellow cake. In the beginning of the enterprise's operations, it opted for the mine closure/decommissioning in conjunction with the operation of the uranium complex. This fact has a great relevance, what makes the process less complex if it wasn't this way. It is a project of great social intervention in the area, because you heats up the economy and create new jobs. With the closing of the project, if it happens, it will bring an unbalance in the economic-financial and social of the area. The current paper intends a conceptual plan of closing for the complex, just focusing the sight given by the mine in operation, designing for future mines a guideline about the subject. We also have to highlight the clear role between a Mine Closure Plan and a Plan of Recovering Degraded Areas

    Candida albicans Mrv8, is involved in epithelial damage and biofilm formation

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this recordCandida albicans is the most common human fungal pathogen that can cause superficial and deep-seated infections in susceptible individuals. Despite its medical importance, the vast majority of C. albicans genes remain of unknown function. Here, we report a role for the lineage-specific gene, MRV8, in host pathogen interactions, mycelial microcolony maturation and biofilm formation. In silico analysis indicated that MRV8 encodes a four-pass transmembrane protein unique to the closely related pathogens C. albicans and Candida dubliniensis. Deletion of MRV8 did not affect C. albicans adherence to, or initial invasion into human oral epithelia, but inhibited mycelial development and strongly reduced epithelial damage. mrv8Δ/Δ cells exhibited a media-dependent defect in biofilm formation and mutant biofilm metabolic activity was enhanced by cyclosporin A. mrv8Δ/Δ biofilms were more tolerant to treatment with caspofungin, but not to fluconazole or amphotericin B. Co-stimulation with calcium chloride and calcofluor white rescued biofilm growth in the presence of caspofungin, and this rescue-effect was Mrv8-dependent. Together, our data demonstrate an important role for a lineage-specific gene (MRV8) in C. albicans biofilm formation, drug tolerance and host-pathogen interactions.São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)Coordination for the Improvement of Personal of Superior Level (CAPES)/Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)International Leibniz Research School for Microbial and Biomolecular Interactions (ILRS)Center for Sepsis Control and Care (CSCC)Wellcome TrustMedical Research Council (MRC)University of ExeterEuropean Union FP

    Pro-inflammatory polarization and colorectal cancer modulate alternative and intronic polyadenylation in primary human macrophages

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    Macrophages are essential cells of the immune system that alter their inflammatory profile depending on their microenvironment. Alternative polyadenylation in the 3'UTR (3'UTR-APA) and intronic polyadenylation (IPA) are mechanisms that modulate gene expression, in particular in cancer and activated immune cells. Yet, how polarization and colorectal cancer (CRC) cells microenvironment affect 3'UTR-APA and IPA in primary human macrophages remains unknown. Here, primary human monocytes were isolated from healthy donors, differentiated and polarized into a pro-inflammatory state and ChrRNA-Seq and 3'RNA-Seq were performed to quantify gene expression and characterize new 3’UTR-APA and IPA mRNA isoforms. Our results show that polarization of human macrophages from naïve to a pro-inflammatory state causes a marked increase both in proximal polyA site selection in the 3'UTR and in IPA events, in genes relevant for macrophage functions. Additionally, we found a negative correlation between differential gene expression and IPA during pro-inflammatory polarization of primary human macrophages. As macrophages are abundant immune cells in the CRC microenvironment that either promote or abrogate cancer progression, we investigated how indirect exposure to CRC cells affects macrophage gene expression and 3'UTR-APA and IPA mRNA events. Co-culture with CRC cells alters the inflammatory phenotype of macrophages, increases the expression of pro tumoral genes and induce 3’UTR-APA alterations. Notably, some of these gene expression differences were also found in tumour-associated macrophages of CRC patients, indicating that they are physiological relevant. Upon macrophage pro inflammatory polarization SRSF12 is the pre-mRNA processing gene that is most upregulated. After SRSF12 knockdown in M1 macrophages there is a global downregulation of gene expression, in particular in genes involved in gene expression regulation and in immune responses. Our results reveal new 48 3’UTR-APA and IPA mRNA isoforms produced during pro-inflammatory polarization of primary human macrophages and CRC co-culture that may be used in the future as diagnostic or therapeutic tools


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    A esp\ue9cie Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam. (umbuzeiro) destaca-se como uma das esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas de maior potencial do semi\ue1rido brasileiro. Apesar de sua relevante import\ue2ncia socioecon\uf4mica e ambiental, h\ue1 falta de estudos voltados para o estabelecimento de um modelo de produ\ue7\ue3o de mudas da esp\ue9cie. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a produ\ue7\ue3o de mudas de Spondias tuberosa utilizando diferentes substratos e tamanho de recipientes. O experimento foi conduzido no viveiro do Laborat\uf3rio de Ecologia Vegetal (LEV) do Centro de Ci\ueancias Agr\ue1rias (CCA) da Universidade Federal da Para\uedba (UFPB), Areia - PB. O delineamento experimental usado foi em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2 x 7 e parcelas subdivididas, sendo que os recipientes representaram as parcelas e os substratos as subparcelas. Foram utilizados substratos formulados a partir da mistura de terra de subsolo (37,5-100%), areia lavada (12,5- 25%) e esterco bovino curtido (10-50%). Os recipientes utilizados foram sacos de polietileno preto com volumes de 1900 cm3 (15 x 27 cm) e 5000 cm3 (25 x 26 cm). Para a obten\ue7\ue3o das pl\ue2ntulas, sementes de Spondias tuberosa foram semeadas em sementeira de alvenaria at\ue9 a repicagem (90 dias ap\uf3s o semeio). Aos 78 dias, ap\uf3s a repicagem, as mudas foram avaliadas quanto \ue0 altura, di\ue2metro do colo, rela\ue7\ue3o altura/ di\ue2metro do colo, di\ue2metro do xilop\uf3dio, comprimento de raiz, massa seca da parte a\ue9rea e raiz. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos \ue0 an\ue1lise de vari\ue2ncia e ao teste F, sendo as m\ue9dias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao n\uedvel de 5% de probabilidade, utilizando o software SISVAR\uae. Os substratos com esterco bovino curtido proporcionaram os maiores valores em altura e comprimento de raiz. Para a produ\ue7\ue3o de mudas de Spondias tuberosa, \ue9 recomendado o substrato contendo terra de subsolo (45%) + Areia (15%) + Esterco bovino (40%).The species Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam. (umbuzeiro) stands out as one of the tree species with the greatest potential of the Brazilian semiarid. Even though it\u2019s significant socioeconomic and environmental importance, there is a lack of studies aimed at establishing a seedlings production model of this kind of plant. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the production of seedlings Spondias tuberosa using different substrates and size of bags. The experiment was conducted in the nursery of the Plant Ecology Laboratory (LEV) from the Agrarian Sciences Center (CCA) of the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), Areia/ PB. The experimental design was a randomized block in factorial 2 x 7 and subdivided blocks containersplots and subplots substrates. It were used substrates formulated from the starting mixture of subsoil land (37.5-100%), sand (12.5-25%) and tanned cattle manure (10-50%). The containers used were black polyethylene bags with a volume of 1900 cm3 (15 x 27 cm) and 5000 cm3 (25 x 26 cm). To obtain seedlings of Spondias tuberosa seeds were sown in seed masonry until the transplant (90 days after sowing). At 78 days after transplanting the seedlings were evaluated for height, root collar diameter, relationship shoot/root collar diameter, xylopodium diameter, root length, dry weigh of shoot and root. The datas were subjected to analysis of variance and F test, measured and compared by Tukey test at 5% probability, using the software SISVAR\uae. The substrates with cattle manure provided higher values for height and root length. For the seedlings production of Spondias tuberosa, is recommended substrate subsoil land (45%) + sand (15%) + cattle manure (40%)

    Perceived organizational prestige, organizational identification and emotional exhaustion of military police officer.

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    Como consequ?ncia do adoecimento de muitos policiais devido a seu of?cio, n?o apenas eles sofrem, mas tamb?m a sociedade. Por isso, torna-se essencial investigar os fatores que contribuem para reduzir o esgotamento do policial militar e, por conseguinte, a incid?ncia de doen?as diversas sobre essa categoria profissional. Nesse contexto, definiu-se como objetivo de pesquisa analisar a rela??o entre o prest?gio organizacional percebido, a identifica??o organizacional e a exaust?o emocional do policial militar de Minas Gerais. O m?todo de pesquisa empregado foi a survey e, para analisar os dados coletados, aplicou-se a t?cnica de Modelagem de Equa??es Estruturais. Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que o prest?gio organizacional percebido influencia positivamente a identifica??o organizacional e negativamente a exaust?o emocional do agente vinculado ? Pol?cia Militar de Minas Gerais. Ademais, constatou-se que a identifica??o organizacional exerce uma influ?ncia negativa sobre a exaust?o emocional do policial militar de Minas Gerais.As a consequence of the illness of many policemen due to their job, not only they suffer, but also the society. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the factors that contribute to reduce the exhaustion of the military police and, consequently, the incidence of diverse diseases on this professional category. In this context, it was defined as a research objective to analyze the relationship between perceived organizational prestige, organizational identification and emotional exhaustion of the military police of Minas Gerais. The research method used was the survey and, to analyze the collected data, the Structural Equation Modeling technique was applied. Based on the results, it was concluded that the perceived organizational prestigie positively influences the organizational identification and negatively the emotional exhaustion of the officer linked to the Military Police of Minas Gerais. In addition, it was verified that the organizational identification exerts a negative influence on the emotional exhaustion of the military policeman of Minas Gerais

    Nursing Diagnosis Risk for falls: prevalence and clinical profile of hospitalized patients

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    Objectives: to identify the prevalence of the Nursing Diagnosis (ND) Risk for falls in the hospitalizations of adult patients in clinical and surgical units, to characterize the clinical profile and to identify the risk factors of the patients with this ND. Method: a cross-sectional study with 174 patients. The data was collected from the computerized nursing care prescriptions system and on-line hospital records, and analyzed statistically. Results: the prevalence of the ND Risk for falls was 4%. The patients’ profile indicated older adults, males (57%), those hospitalized in the clinical units (63.2%), with a median length of hospitalization of 20 (10-24) days, with neurological illnesses (26%), cardio-vascular illnesses (74.1%) and various co-morbidities (3±1.8). The prevalent risk factors were neurological alterations (43.1%), impaired mobility (35.6%) and extremes of age (10.3%). Conclusion: the findings contributed to evidencing the profile of the patients with a risk of falling hospitalized in clinical and surgical wards, which favors the planning of interventions for preventing this adverse event

    Discurso contra los iudios

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2011Barbosa, III, p. 781, atribuye la obra a Vicente da Costa de Matos, y en p. 20 de prelim. consta: "El famoso lusitano Acosta, a su patria dio ..."Sign.: [calderón]-2[calderón]4, 3[calderón]2, A-Z4 ; 2A-2G4, a-e4Error de pag.: repite las p. 236 y 237Texto con apostillas marginalesPort. con esc. calc., "Jacintus Taberniel", del obispo de Valladolid Juan de Torres y Ossori
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