100 research outputs found

    Preparation methods of chitosan nanoparticles: a review

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    El quitosano es un polisacárido natural que ha sido utilizado frecuentemente en el desarrollo de distintos materiales, debido a sus excepcionales propiedades fisicoquímicas y biológicas. Las nanopartículas de quitosano son generalmente producidas por estrategias denominadas de construcción (del inglés “bottom up”), donde el ensamblado polimérico es promovido por distintas interacciones moleculares. Sin embargo, un grupo de estrategias llamadas de deconstrucción (del inglés “top-down”) basadas en la fragmentación de estructuras macroscópicas, han generado un gran interés recientemente como alternativa para la obtención de nanomateriales. El presente trabajo hace una revisión bibliográfica de los resultados obtenidos por distintas investigaciones sobre la producción de sistemas de nanopartículas basadas en quitosano durante las últimas décadas. Las evidencias demostraron que las nanopartículas de quitosano juegan un papel preponderante en la investigación de los nanomateriales poliméricos con aplicaciones biomédicas y farmacéuticas, debido a la gran diversidad de métodos de obtención existentes que determinan las propiedades de los materiales, tales como tamaño de partícula, capacidad de incorporación y liberación de compuestos bioactivos, carga superficial, mucoadhesividad, entre otras

    Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Case-Control Study

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    BACKGROUND: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been associated with upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Given their worldwide use, even small risks account for a large number of cases. This study has been conducted with carefully collected information to further investigate the relationship between SSRIs and upper GI bleeding. METHODS: We conducted a case-control study in hospitals in Spain and in Italy. Cases were patients aged ≥18 years with a primary diagnosis of acute upper GI bleeding diagnosed by endoscopy; three controls were matched by sex, age, date of admission (within 3 months) and hospital among patients who were admitted for elective surgery for non-painful disorders. Exposures to SSRIs, other antidepressants and other drugs were defined as any use of these drugs in the 7 days before the day on which upper gastrointestinal bleeding started (index day). RESULTS: 581 cases of upper GI bleeding and 1358 controls were considered eligible for the study; no differences in age or sex distribution were observed between cases and controls after matching. Overall, 4.0% of the cases and 3.3% of controls used an SSRI antidepressant in the week before the index day. No significant risk of upper GI bleeding was encountered for SSRI antidepressants (adjusted odds ratio, 1.06, 95% CI, 0.57-1.96) or for whichever other grouping of antidepressants. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this case-control study showed no significant increase in upper GI bleeding with SSRIs and provide good evidence that the magnitude of any increase in risk is not greater than 2

    Behavior and Impact of Zirconium in the Soil–Plant System: Plant Uptake and Phytotoxicity

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    Because of the large number of sites they pollute, toxic metals that contaminate terrestrial ecosystems are increasingly of environmental and sanitary concern (Uzu et al. 2010, 2011; Shahid et al. 2011a, b, 2012a). Among such metals is zirconium (Zr), which has the atomic number 40 and is a transition metal that resembles titanium in physical and chemical properties (Zaccone et al. 2008). Zr is widely used in many chemical industry processes and in nuclear reactors (Sandoval et al. 2011; Kamal et al. 2011), owing to its useful properties like hardness, corrosion-resistance and permeable to neutrons (Mushtaq 2012). Hence, the recent increased use of Zr by industry, and the occurrence of the Chernobyl and Fukashima catastrophe have enhanced environmental levels in soil and waters (Yirchenko and Agapkina 1993; Mosulishvili et al. 1994 ; Kruglov et al. 1996)

    Plastic and Heritable Components of Phenotypic Variation in Nucella lapillus: An Assessment Using Reciprocal Transplant and Common Garden Experiments

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    Assessment of plastic and heritable components of phenotypic variation is crucial for understanding the evolution of adaptive character traits in heterogeneous environments. We assessed the above in relation to adaptive shell morphology of the rocky intertidal snail Nucella lapillus by reciprocal transplantation of snails between two shores differing in wave action and rearing snails of the same provenance in a common garden. Results were compared with those reported for similar experiments conducted elsewhere. Microsatellite variation indicated limited gene flow between the populations. Intrinsic growth rate was greater in exposed-site than sheltered-site snails, but the reverse was true of absolute growth rate, suggesting heritable compensation for reduced foraging opportunity at the exposed site. Shell morphology of reciprocal transplants partially converged through plasticity toward that of native snails. Shell morphology of F2s in the common garden partially retained characteristics of the P-generation, suggesting genetic control. A maternal effect was revealed by greater resemblance of F1s than F2s to the P-generation. The observed synergistic effects of plastic, maternal and genetic control of shell-shape may be expected to maximise fitness when environmental characteristics become unpredictable through dispersal

    Characterization of a new simian immunodeficiency virus strain in a naturally infected Pan troglodytes troglodytes chimpanzee with AIDS related symptoms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Data on the evolution of natural SIV infection in chimpanzees (SIVcpz) and on the impact of SIV on local ape populations are only available for Eastern African chimpanzee subspecies (<it>Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii</it>), and no data exist for Central chimpanzees (<it>Pan troglodytes troglodytes</it>), the natural reservoir of the ancestors of HIV-1 in humans. Here, we report a case of naturally-acquired SIVcpz infection in a <it>P.t.troglodytes </it>chimpanzee with clinical and biological data and analysis of viral evolution over the course of infection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A male chimpanzee (Cam155), 1.5 years, was seized in southern Cameroon in November 2003 and screened SIV positive during quarantine. Clinical follow-up and biological analyses have been performed for 7 years and showed a significant decline of CD4 counts (1,380 cells/mm<sup>3 </sup>in 2004 vs 287 in 2009), a severe thrombocytopenia (130,000 cells/mm<sup>3 </sup>in 2004 vs 5,000 cells/mm<sup>3 </sup>in 2009), a weight loss of 21.8% from August 2009 to January 2010 (16 to 12.5 kg) and frequent periods of infections with diverse pathogens.</p> <p>DNA from PBMC, leftover from clinical follow-up samples collected in 2004 and 2009, was used to amplify overlapping fragments and sequence two full-length SIVcpz<it>Ptt</it>-Cam155 genomes. SIVcpz<it>Ptt</it>-Cam155 was phylogenetically related to other SIVcpz<it>Ptt </it>from Cameroon (SIVcpz<it>Ptt</it>-Cam13) and Gabon (SIVcpz<it>Ptt</it>-Gab1). Ten molecular clones 5 years apart, spanning the V1V4 gp120 <it>env </it>region (1,100 bp), were obtained. Analyses of the <it>env </it>region showed positive selection (dN-dS >0), intra-host length variation and extensive amino acid diversity between clones, greater in 2009. Over 5 years, N-glycosylation site frequency significantly increased (p < 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Here, we describe for the first time the clinical history and viral evolution of a naturally SIV infected <it>P.t.troglodytes </it>chimpanzee. The findings show an increasing viral diversity over time and suggest clinical progression to an AIDS-like disease, showing that SIVcpz can be pathogenic in its host, as previously described in <it>P.t.schweinfurthii</it>. Although studying the impact of SIV infection in wild apes is difficult, efforts should be made to better characterize the pathogenicity of the ancestors of HIV-1 in their natural host and to find out whether SIV infection also plays a role in ape population decline.</p

    Reproducible Cancer Biomarker Discovery in SELDI-TOF MS Using Different Pre-Processing Algorithms

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    BACKGROUND: There has been much interest in differentiating diseased and normal samples using biomarkers derived from mass spectrometry (MS) studies. However, biomarker identification for specific diseases has been hindered by irreproducibility. Specifically, a peak profile extracted from a dataset for biomarker identification depends on a data pre-processing algorithm. Until now, no widely accepted agreement has been reached. RESULTS: In this paper, we investigated the consistency of biomarker identification using differentially expressed (DE) peaks from peak profiles produced by three widely used average spectrum-dependent pre-processing algorithms based on SELDI-TOF MS data for prostate and breast cancers. Our results revealed two important factors that affect the consistency of DE peak identification using different algorithms. One factor is that some DE peaks selected from one peak profile were not detected as peaks in other profiles, and the second factor is that the statistical power of identifying DE peaks in large peak profiles with many peaks may be low due to the large scale of the tests and small number of samples. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the DE peak detection power in large profiles could be improved by the stratified false discovery rate (FDR) control approach and that the reproducibility of DE peak detection could thereby be increased. CONCLUSIONS: Comparing and evaluating pre-processing algorithms in terms of reproducibility can elucidate the relationship among different algorithms and also help in selecting a pre-processing algorithm. The DE peaks selected from small peak profiles with few peaks for a dataset tend to be reproducibly detected in large peak profiles, which suggests that a suitable pre-processing algorithm should be able to produce peaks sufficient for identifying useful and reproducible biomarkers

    Genetic Architecture of Hybrid Male Sterility in Drosophila: Analysis of Intraspecies Variation for Interspecies Isolation

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    Background: The genetic basis of postzygotic isolation is a central puzzle in evolutionary biology. Evolutionary forces causing hybrid sterility or inviability act on the responsible genes while they still are polymorphic, thus we have to study these traits as they arise, before isolation is complete. Methodology/Principal Findings: Isofemale strains of D. mojavensis vary significantly in their production of sterile F 1 sons when females are crossed to D. arizonae males. We took advantage of the intraspecific polymorphism, in a novel design, to perform quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping analyses directly on F1 hybrid male sterility itself. We found that the genetic architecture of the polymorphism for hybrid male sterility (HMS) in the F1 is complex, involving multiple QTL, epistasis, and cytoplasmic effects. Conclusions/Significance: The role of extensive intraspecific polymorphism, multiple QTL, and epistatic interactions in HMS in this young species pair shows that HMS is arising as a complex trait in this system. Directional selection alone would be unlikely to maintain polymorphism at multiple loci, thus we hypothesize that directional selection is unlikely to be the only evolutionary force influencing postzygotic isolation

    FMR1 premutation and full mutation molecular mechanisms related to autism

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is caused by an expanded CGG repeat (>200 repeats) in the 5′ un-translated portion of the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene (FMR1) leading to a deficiency or absence of the FMR1 protein (FMRP). FMRP is an RNA-binding protein that regulates the translation of a number of other genes that are important for synaptic development and plasticity. Furthermore, many of these genes, when mutated, have been linked to autism in the general population, which may explain the high comorbidity that exists between FXS and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Additionally, premutation repeat expansions (55 to 200 CGG repeats) may also give rise to ASD through a different molecular mechanism that involves a direct toxic effect of FMR1 mRNA. It is believed that RNA toxicity underlies much of the premutation-related involvement, including developmental concerns like autism, as well as neurodegenerative issues with aging such as the fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome (FXTAS). RNA toxicity can also lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, which is common in older premutation carriers both with and without FXTAS. Many of the problems with cellular dysregulation in both premutation and full mutation neurons also parallel the cellular abnormalities that have been documented in idiopathic autism. Research regarding dysregulation of neurotransmitter systems caused by the lack of FMRP in FXS, including metabotropic glutamate receptor 1/5 (mGluR1/5) pathway and GABA pathways, has led to new targeted treatments for FXS. Preliminary evidence suggests that these new targeted treatments will also be beneficial in non-fragile X forms of autism