3,022 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of Antitrust Enforcement in Argentina, Chile and Perú during the 90´

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    During the last years, there has been an increasing concern about the importance of competition policy as a mean to increase efficiency in the allocation of resources and the supply and variety of goods and services. Competition between firms provides powerful incentives for cost minimization and technological improvements and also contributes to create an environment where firms can develop, encouraging free enterprises in the best interests of users and consumers. Both competition policy and regulation are public instruments that aim at improving the functioning of the market. Competition defense tries to avoid that firms abuse of their dominant position, or collude, or deny mergers and concentration operations that facilitate such conducts. Competition policy and regulation are complementary policies, which require an effective coordination between them.Antitrust; Competition Law; efficiency

    Crecimiento bajo déficit hídrico de especies forestales urbanas de la ciudad-oasis de Mendoza, Argentina y su área metropolitana

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    El creciente interés por conocer en profundidad aspectos ecológicos y ecofisiológicos del crecimiento de árboles en bosques urbanos de zonas áridas guió el estudio que se presenta. El artículo cuantifica el impacto de la disponibilidad diferencial del recurso hídrico en el crecimiento de forestales que conforman el bosque de la ciudad de Mendoza. Mediante ensayos experimentales en vivero -con árboles jóvenes- y a campo -con árboles adultos- se determina el efecto del déficit hídrico sobre cuatro especies arbóreas de alta representatividad en la ciudad. Las respuestas del crecimiento ante niveles diferenciales de déficit hídrico se determinaron mediante análisis morfo-anatómico, fisiológico y dendrocronológico. El estudio se enfoca en la condición urbana y periurbana de los forestales y toma conceptos y métodos aportados por la fisiología vegetal y la dendrocronología para el análisis y la cuantificación del crecimiento en relación a la disponibilidad hídrica. Los resultados para árboles jóvenes indican que resultan relativamente sensibles a estrés hídrico; mientras que como especie nativa- resulta tolerante y de alto grado de adaptación a las condiciones de déficit hídrico impuestas. Los ensayos con árboles adultos muestran que la variabilidad en el ancho de los anillos de crecimiento se relaciona directamente a la disponibilidad hídrica en los suelos. Se concluye que bajo un riego deficitario moderado manifiesta una respuesta elástica para todas las variables de crecimiento. Estos aportes tienden a garantizar la presencia de forestaciones urbanas en zonas restrictivas y de alta aridez.Fil: Martinez, Claudia Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Redefining Affordable Housing in MA

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    Housing is considered affordable if it costs 30% or less of a household’s income, and “is deed-restricted to income-eligible low- or moderate-income residents” (MAPC, n.d.). According to the Joint Center of Housing Studies (JCHS), as of 2017, 31.5% of all American households were considered cost-burdened by rent, meaning they spent more than 30% of their income on rent. That same year, the percentage of severely cost-burdened households (those who spent over 50% of their income in rent) was 15.2%. This means that almost half of all Americans struggled to pay rent in 2017 (Veal & Spader, 2018)

    Contribuición de las producciones de cerámica tardoantiguas para el estudio de la ciudad de Braga

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    Este artículo forma parte del proyecto de investigación titulado “Paisagens em mudança. Bracara Augusta e o seu territorio (séculos I-VII)O presente artigo tem por objetivo divulgar os resultados do estudo de uma série de contextos cerâmicos datados da Antiguidade Tardia, exumados nas escavações arqueológicas realizadas em Braga, ao longo das últimas três décadas, no âmbito do ‘Projeto de Bracara Augusta’. Concretamente serão avaliados os contextos estratigráficos correspondentes aos séculos V/VII das zonas arqueológicas correspondentes ao Teatro romano, aos n.ºs 42/56 da Rua Afonso Henriques e ao logradouro do Ex-Albergue Distrital. Será realizada uma breve contextualização de cada uma das zonas arqueológicas, procedendo-se, de seguida, a uma caracterização das cerâmicas do ponto de vista tecnológico, tipológico e decorativo.This paper aims to disseminate the study results of a series of ceramic contexts dated to Late Antiquity, resulting from the archaeological excavations held in Braga during the last three decades, within the framework of the ‘Project of Bracara Augusta’. Specifically it will be assessed the stratigraphic contexts corresponding to the centuries V / VII of the archaeological areas of the Roman Theatre, of ‘Rua Afonso Henriques n.ºs 42/56’ and of ‘Ex-Albergue Distrital’ backyard. A brief contextualization of each of the archaeological sites will be held followed by a technological, typological and decorative characterization of the ceramic

    Enrichment of diluted cell populations from large sample volumes using 3D Carbon-electrode Dielectrophoresis

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    Here, we report on an enrichment protocol using carbon electrodedielectrophoresis to isolate and purify a targeted cell population from sample volumes up to 4 ml. We aim at trapping, washing, and recovering an enriched cell fraction that will facilitate downstream analysis. We used an increasingly diluted sample of yeast, 106–102 cells/ml, to demonstrate the isolation and enrichment of few cells at increasing flow rates. A maximum average enrichment of 154.2 ± 23.7 times was achieved when the sample flow rate was 10 μl/min and yeast cells were suspended in low electrically conductive media that maximizes dielectrophoresis trapping. A COMSOL Multiphysics model allowed for the comparison between experimental and simulation results. Discussion is conducted on the discrepancies between such results and how the model can be further improved

    Literature From The Margins: a study on the relevance of zines

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    The scope of this research is to study the zine, which is a handmade booklet. The purpose is to reflect on what the zine is, discussing its format, reflecting on where it is inserted in the publishing market and what its cultural relevance is. This study is a theoretical and bibliographic research with a qualitative approach. We analyze three zines – Geração Beat, by Renato Alessandro dos Santos, O Ceifador de Privilégios, by Arthus Mehanna, and Libertemo-nos, by Melina Bassoli – in order to understand their format, the ways of production, where they are inserted, and their themes. Afterwards, we notice characteristics that contribute to the dissemination of culture and democratic values, thus becoming an object of great cultural relevance.Keywords: Zine. Marginal Literature. Publishing market

    The Federation of Indian Organizations of the Negro River's journey for traditional land demarcation in Brazil

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    The article aims to present the fight for government recognition of indigenous collective rights to land ownership in the Upper Rio Negro region in Brazil. It contextualizes the historical aspects of the colonization process in the region and the efforts to create the Federation of Indian Organizations of the Negro River (FOIRN). Focus of particular interest is how the organizational strategy adopted by the FOIRN has allowed the Indian population of the Upper Rio Negro to active participate in the land demarcation process, with their opinions heard and respected. The article was written with basis on information obtained from a varietyof sources, such as documents, conversations and interviews with the main social actors involved in the area, carried out during a field visit to São Gabriel da Cachoeira in January 2010.El artículo tiene como objetivo presentar la lucha por el reconocimiento gubernamental de los derechos colectivos indígenas de la propiedad de la tierra en la región del Alto Río Negro en Brasil. Se contextualizan los aspectos históricos del proceso de colonización de la región y los esfuerzos para crear la Federación de Organizaciones Indígenas del Río Negro (FOIRN). El foco de interés particular es cómo la estrategia de organización adoptada por la FOIRN ha permitido a la población indígena del Alto Río Negro participar activamente en el proceso de demarcación de tierras, escuchando y respetando sus opiniones. El artículo fue escrito con base en informaciones obtenidas de diversas fuentes, tales como documentos, conversaciones y entrevistas con los principales actores sociales involucrados en el área, llevadas a cabo durante una visita a São Gabriel da Cachoeira, en enero de 2010

    Pessimism and monstrosity: a comparative analysis between Frankenstein and The Hunger Games

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    A partir de uma análise comparativa entre a obra consagrada Frankenstein, de Mary Shelley, e a trilogia contemporânea Jogos Vorazes, de Suzanne Collins, este trabalho pretende assinalar a visão pessimista quanto ao progresso tecnológico e científico que ambas compartilham. Apoiamo-nos na teoria de Walter Benjamin e Hannah Arendt, pensadores que escreveram sobre a mesma visão pessimista. Ademais, nossa pesquisa investiga as faces da monstruosidade na trilogia Jogos Vorazes em contraste com a criatura gerada por Frankenstein, categorizada como monstro clássico. Por fim, assinalamos a provável inclinação das mensagens finais para um pessimismo quanto ao progresso científico e tecnológico. Nosso objetivo é o de mostrar como essas histórias, separadas por quase duzentos anos, convergem para o mesmo questionamento sobre o futuro.This research intends to demonstrate the pessimistic perspective regarding technological and scientific progress in the trilogy The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. We start from the analysis of some elements in Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, one of the first science-fiction novels. We are grounded on theoretical writings of authors that shared the same pessimistic point of view. Furthermore, this article investigates the faces of monstrosity in the trilogy The Hunger Games, and takes into account, albeit to a lesser extent, the contrast with the creature created by Victor Frankenstein. Our objective, despite the focus on Collins’ trilogy, is to show how these narratives, written with an interval of almost two hundred years, converge into the same questioning about the future.Keywords: Science-fiction. Dystopia. Progress. Pessimism. Monstrosity

    Urban changes in Braga in late antiquity: the area of the Roman Theater

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    This work intends to value the urban and constructive changes that occurred in the abandoned spaces of the Roman theater of Bracara Augusta, as well as in its surroundings as a contribution to establish the evolution of the city of Braga in Late Antiquity. The theater was located to the west of the forum and was built at the beginning of the second century together with an attached public thermal building. Its construction is associated with an important urban renewal that reshaped the western sector of the city in a moment of great economic prosperity during which the city reached its maximum extension. Following its abandonment in the fourth century part of the building was dismounted and it has been punctually reused in the V-VI centuries. Meanwhile, the excavations carried out in the surrounding areas of the theater facade revealed remains of new constructions with the same chronology, that occasionally reused its wall. The nature of those identified structures and its chronology show the importance of this area of the city to analyze the urban evolution of Braga during the Early Middle Ages