96 research outputs found
Using a Smart Recognition Framework for the Automated Transfer of Structural Whole Engine Models
The development of adequate simulation models from geometric CAD assemblies is one of the most important tasks in early design phases. With this step requiring a lot of manual effort, the desire for a process efficiency improvement via an automated solution rises. In order to derive information about the assembly to build Finite-Element (FE) models, various different steps have to be taken which require visual assessment and engineering evaluation, knowledge and judgement. The approach described in this research mimics the engineer's logic and way of thinking to automate these steps. Thereof, the recognition of entities plays a fundamental role for further processing. To achieve the desired recognition, methods have been developed to retrieve criteria like form, function, context and positioning from the available geometry data. The developed recognition framework supports and provides a component categorization so that specifically optimized process chains for each category can be implemented, depicting a more robust and reasonable overall process
Evaluation of Percent Cover Requirements for Revegetation of Disturbed Sites on Alaska's North Slope
On the North Slope of Alaska, attempts have been made to revegetate areas damaged by development. Some revegetation projects strive to achieve specific performance standards based on percent vegetation cover. This study uses data collected from 60 sites over 16 years to compare revegetating sites and natural reference sites. Results demonstrate that percent cover in most revegetation settings has the potential to reach levels comparable to those of reference sites, depending on how cover is defined. Linear models that explain between 48% and 84% of the variability in data show that planting cultivar seeds and fertilizing can increase cover (p < 0.05 for all models) and that cover continues to increase over time (p < 0.05 for all models), provided that cover is defined to include all live plants and plant litter. Ordination analysis separates reference sites from most revegetating sites along two significant axes (Monte Carlo tests, p < 0.01 with 100 randomizations). Comparison of ordination results with plots of change in plant cover over time shows that plant cover offers only limited insight into plant community development. If percent cover is to be used as a performance standard, it should be clearly defined, and the link between percent cover and restoration objectives should be carefully considered. Although this paper focuses on North Slope revegetation projects, the issues that are addressed have implications for all projects with performance standards calling for specific percent cover by vegetation.Le versant Nord de l'Alaska a fait l'objet de tentatives de reverdissement dans des zones endommagĂ©es par l'exploitation. Certains projets de remise en Ă©tat s'efforcent d'atteindre des normes de rendement spĂ©cifiques qui s'appuient sur le pourcentage de tapis vĂ©gĂ©tal. Cette Ă©tude fait appel aux donnĂ©es collectĂ©es Ă 60 emplacements sur une durĂ©e de 16 ans afin de comparer les sites de reverdissement avec des sites tĂ©moins laissĂ©s Ă l'Ă©tat naturel. Les rĂ©sultats montrent qu'Ă la plupart des endroits de reverdissement, le pourcentage de tapis vĂ©gĂ©tal a le potentiel d'atteindre des niveaux comparables Ă ceux des sites tĂ©moins, selon la dĂ©finition du tapis vĂ©gĂ©tal. Les modĂšles linĂ©aires, qui expliquent entre 48 et 84 % de la variabilitĂ© dans les donnĂ©es, montrent que le fait de planter des semences de cultivars et de mettre de l'engrais peut accroĂźtre le tapis (p < 0,05 pour tous les modĂšles) et que ce dernier continue d'augmenter au fil du temps (p < 0,05 pour tous les modĂšles), Ă condition d'inclure toutes les plantes vivantes et la litiĂšre vĂ©gĂ©tale dans la dĂ©finition du tapis vĂ©gĂ©tal. L'analyse d'ordination permet de distinguer les sites tĂ©moins de la majoritĂ© des sites reverdis selon deux grands axes (tests de Monte Carlo, p < 0,01 avec 100 randomisations). La comparaison des rĂ©sultats de l'ordination avec les courbes de changement dans la couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale en fonction du temps rĂ©vĂšle que la couverture n'offre qu'un aperçu limitĂ© de l'Ă©volution du peuplement vĂ©gĂ©tal. Si le pourcentage de tapis doit servir de norme de rendement, il faut en donner une dĂ©finition prĂ©cise, et examiner en dĂ©tail le lien entre le pourcentage de tapis et les objectifs de restauration. Si cet article se concentre sur les projets de remise en Ă©tat du versant Nord, les questions qu'il soulĂšve ont des implications pour tous les projets oĂč les normes de rendement prĂ©voient un pourcentage spĂ©cifique de tapis vĂ©gĂ©tal
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Multiassay nutritional metabolomics profiling of low vitamin A status versus adequacy is characterized by reduced plasma lipid mediators among lactating women in the Philippines: A pilot study
Low vitamin A (VA) status is common among lactating women in low-income countries. Lactation has substantial effects on mother's metabolism and VA is required in multiple biological processes, including growth, vision, immunity, and reproduction. The objective of this pilot study was to use metabolomics profiling to conduct a broad, exploratory assessment of differences in plasma metabolites associated with low VA status versus VA adequacy in lactating women. Plasma samples from lactating women who participated in a survey in Samar, Philippines, were selected from a cross-sectional study based on plasma retinol concentrations indicating low (VA-; n = 5) or adequate (VA+; n = 5) VA status (plasma retinol <0.8 or >1.05 ”mol/L). The plasma results collected from 6 metabolomics assays (oxylipins, endocannabinoids, bile acids, primary metabolomics, biogenic amines, and lipidomics) were compared by group using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Twenty-eight metabolites were altered in the VA- versus VA+ status groups, with 24 being lipid mediators (P < .05). These lipid mediators included lower concentrations of arachidonic acid- and eicosapentaenoic acid-derived oxylipins, as well as lysophospholipids and sphingolipids, in the VA- group (P < .05). Chemical similarity enrichment analysis identified hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids, hydroxy-eicosapentaenoic acids, and dihydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids as significantly altered oxylipin clusters (P < .0001, false discovery rate [FDR] P < .0001), as well as sphingomyelins, saturated lysophosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylcholines, and phosphatidylethanolamines (P < .001, FDR P < .01). The multiassay nutritional metabolomics profiling of low VA status compared with adequacy in lactating women was characterized by reduced lipid mediator concentrations. Future studies with stronger study designs and larger sample size are needed to confirm and validate these preliminary results
Recent trends and developments in pyrolysis-gas chromatography: review
Pyrolysis-gas chromatography (Py-GC) has become well established as a simple, quick and reliable analytical technique for a range of applications including the analysis of polymeric materials. Recent developments in Py-GC technology and instrumentation include laser pyrolysis and non-discriminating pyrolysis. Progress has also been made in the detection of low level polymer additives with the use of novel Py-GC devices. Furthermore, it has been predicted that future advances in separation technology such as the use of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography will further enhance the analytical scope of Py-GC
<p><b>Pod-IVR Pharmacokinetics in macaques</b> (A) <i>In vivo</i> release of TDF and FTC from each pod-IVR (N = 6/time point) over the course of the efficacy study determined by residual drug measurements from the pod-IVRs that were in place for 19 weeks with IVRs exchanged for new devices every 2 weeks. The top and bottom of the boxes show the 75th and 25th percentiles, respectively, and the line in the middle of the box is the median value. The dotted lines show the mean (N = 6) <i>in vivo</i> release from identical pod-IVRs obtained during the PK study preceding this efficacy study [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0157061#pone.0157061.ref026" target="_blank">26</a>]. (B) <i>In vivo</i> release profile for individual macaques (T1-T6) shows variability between animals. (C) TDF, TFV, TDF+TFV, and FTC levels in vaginal fluids collected at each ring exchange. Vaginal fluids were collected with Weck-Cel sponges proximal and distal to the pod-IVR placement. The dotted horizontal lines correspond to the medians from our previous PK study [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0157061#pone.0157061.ref026" target="_blank">26</a>]. Left panels-proximal; Right panels-distal; Dots-median.</p
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Vocal learning-associated convergent evolution in mammalian proteins and regulatory elements.
Vocal production learning (vocal learning) is a convergently evolved trait in vertebrates. To identify brain genomic elements associated with mammalian vocal learning, we integrated genomic, anatomical, and neurophysiological data from the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) with analyses of the genomes of 215 placental mammals. First, we identified a set of proteins evolving more slowly in vocal learners. Then, we discovered a vocal motor cortical region in the Egyptian fruit bat, an emergent vocal learner, and leveraged that knowledge to identify active cis-regulatory elements in the motor cortex of vocal learners. Machine learning methods applied to motor cortex open chromatin revealed 50 enhancers robustly associated with vocal learning whose activity tended to be lower in vocal learners. Our research implicates convergent losses of motor cortex regulatory elements in mammalian vocal learning evolution
Transgenerationale Weitergabe von traumatisierenden Kriegserlebnissen wie Flucht und Vertreibung, an die Kinder und Enkelkinder
Die Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema der transgenerationalen Weitergabe kriegstraumatischer Erlebnisse. Unter besonderer Betrachtung steht die Thematik von Flucht und Vertreibung und deren Auswirkungen auf die Kinder und Enkelkinder. Unter der Zuhilfenahme von Fachliteratur und einem Experteninterview soll dargestellt werden, wie die PrĂ€gung des Zweiten Weltkriegs sich weitergibt und somit die Enkelgeneration der Zeitzeugen immer noch beeinflusst. Hierzu folgen Beispiele, welche dies verdeutlichen. Allerdings wird auch ein fachlicher Diskurs ĂŒber die theoretischen Möglichkeiten von kulturellem Transfer aufgezeigt
Ueber den Alkoholismus Jugendlicher vom Standpunkt des Klinikers
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