3,757 research outputs found

    Mangani-pargasite, NaCa2(Mg4Mn3+)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2, a new mineral species of the amphibole supergroup

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    Mangani-pargasite, ideally NaCa2(Mg4Mn3+)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2, is a new mineral species of the calcium amphibole subgroup of the amphibole supergroup. The type specimen was found on the mine dump of the LĂ„ngban Fe-Mn-(Ba-As-Pb-Sb) deposit in VĂ€rmland, Sweden. Crystal chemical analyses resulted in the empirical chemical formula: A(Na0.90Pb0.07K0.03)ÎŁ1.00B(Ca1.93Mn2+0.07)ÎŁ2.00C(Mg4.25Mn3+0.39Al0.26 Fe3+0.10)ÎŁ5.00T(Si6.35Al1.65)ÎŁ8.00O22W(OH)2. In order to complete the description of this newly approved (IMA 2018-151) mineral we report here additional data to those published in papers by Jonsson and HĂ„lenius (2010) and HĂ„lenius and Bosi (2012). Mangani-pargasite is biaxial positive, with a=1.635(5), b=1.645(5), g=1.660(5) and the measured optic angle 2V is 85(5)°. The dispersion is weak (r>v), and the optic orientation is: Y||b; Z^c=25(3)°. Mangani-pargasite is red to brownish red with weak pleochroism; X=pale reddish brown, Y=pale reddish brown and Z=pale brownish red; X≈Y>Z. The unit-cell parameters are a=9.9448(5), b=18.0171(9), c=5.2829(3) Å, b=105.445(3)°, V=912.39(9) Å3, Z=2, space group C2/m. The ten strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d-values in Å, I, (h k l)] are: 8.420, 29, (110); 3.368, 17, (131), 3.279, 49, (240); 3.141, 100, (310); 2.817, 44, (33 0); 2.698, 21, (151); 2.389, 18, (350); 1.904, 29, (510); 1.650, 22, (461) and 1.448, 46, (661)

    Floating stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island sedimentary origin in the early products of the October 2011 eruption

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    The eruption that started off the south coast of El Hierro, Canary Islands, in October 2011 has emitted intriguing eruption products found floating in the sea. These specimens appeared as floating volcanic "bombs" that have in the meantime been termed "restingolites" (after the close-by village of La Restinga) and exhibit cores of white and porous pumice-like material. Currently the nature and origin of these "floating stones" is vigorously debated among researchers, with important implications for the interpretation of the hazard potential of the ongoing eruption. The "restingolites" have been proposed to be either (i) juvenile high-silica magma (e.g. rhyolite), (ii) remelted magmatic material (trachyte), (iii) altered volcanic rock, or (iv) reheated hyaloclastites or zeolite from the submarine slopes of El Hierro. Here, we provide evidence that supports yet a different conclusion. We have collected and analysed the structure and composition of samples and compared the results to previous work on similar rocks found in the archipelago. Based on their high silica content, the lack of igneous trace element signatures, and the presence of remnant quartz crystals, jasper fragments and carbonate relicts, we conclude that "restingolites" are in fact xenoliths from pre-island sedimentary rocks that were picked up and heated by the ascending magma causing them to partially melt and vesiculate. They hence represent messengers from depth that help us to understand the interaction between ascending magma and crustal lithologies in the Canary Islands as well as in similar Atlantic islands that rest on sediment/covered ocean crust (e.g. Cape Verdes, Azores). The occurrence of these "restingolites" does therefore not indicate the presence of an explosive high-silica magma that is involved in the ongoing eruption

    beta-decay study of Cu-77

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    A beta-decay study of Cu-77 has been performed at the ISOLDE mass separator with the aim to deduce its beta-decay properties and to obtain spectroscopic information on Zn-77. Neutron-rich copper isotopes were produced by means of proton- or neutron-induced fission reactions on U-238. After the production, Cu-77 was selectively laser ionized, mass separated and sent to different detection systems where beta-gamma and beta-n coincidence data were collected. We report on the deduced half-live, decay scheme, and possible spin assignment of 77Cu

    Nucleon-induced reactions at intermediate energies: New data at 96 MeV and theoretical status

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    Double-differential cross sections for light charged particle production (up to A=4) were measured in 96 MeV neutron-induced reactions, at TSL laboratory cyclotron in Uppsala (Sweden). Measurements for three targets, Fe, Pb, and U, were performed using two independent devices, SCANDAL and MEDLEY. The data were recorded with low energy thresholds and for a wide angular range (20-160 degrees). The normalization procedure used to extract the cross sections is based on the np elastic scattering reaction that we measured and for which we present experimental results. A good control of the systematic uncertainties affecting the results is achieved. Calculations using the exciton model are reported. Two different theoretical approches proposed to improve its predictive power regarding the complex particle emission are tested. The capabilities of each approach is illustrated by comparison with the 96 MeV data that we measured, and with other experimental results available in the literature.Comment: 21 pages, 28 figure

    Structure and Stability of an Amorphous Metal

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations, with a realistic many-body embedded-atom potential, and a novel method to characterize local order, we study the structure of pure nickel during the rapid quench of the liquid and in the resulting glass. In contrast with previous simulations with pair potentials, we find more crystalline order and fewer icosahedra for slower quenching rates, resulting in a glass less stable against crystallization. It is shown that there is not a specific amorphous structure, only the arrest of the transition from liquid to crystal, resulting in small crystalline clusters immersed in an amorphous matrix with the same structure of the liquid.Comment: 4 pages, 4 ps figs., to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Ferroelectric and Dipolar Glass Phases of Non-Crystalline Systems

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    In a recent letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 75}, 2360 (1996)] we briefly discussed the existence and nature of ferroelectric order in positionally disordered dipolar materials. Here we report further results and give a complete description of our work. Simulations of randomly frozen and dynamically disordered dipolar soft spheres are used to study ferroelectric ordering in non-crystalline systems. We also give a physical interpretation of the simulation results in terms of short- and long-range interactions. Cases where the dipole moment has 1, 2, and 3 components (Ising, XY and XYZ models, respectively) are considered. It is found that the Ising model displays ferroelectric phases in frozen amorphous systems, while the XY and XYZ models form dipolar glass phases at low temperatures. In the dynamically disordered model the equations of motion are decoupled such that particle translation is completely independent of the dipolar forces. These systems spontaneously develop long-range ferroelectric order at nonzero temperature despite the absence of any fined-tuned short-range spatial correlations favoring dipolar order. Furthermore, since this is a nonequilibrium model we find that the paraelectric to ferroelectric transition depends on the particle mass. For the XY and XYZ models, the critical temperatures extrapolate to zero as the mass of the particle becomes infinite, whereas, for the Ising model the critical temperature is almost independent of mass and coincides with the ferroelectric transition found for the randomly frozen system at the same density. Thus in the infinite mass limit the results of the frozen amorphous systems are recovered.Comment: 25 pages (LATEX, no macros). 11 POSTSCRIPT figures enclosed. Submitted to Phisical Review E. Contact: [email protected]

    Thermodynamic perturbation theory for dipolar superparamagnets

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    Thermodynamic perturbation theory is employed to derive analytical expressions for the equilibrium linear susceptibility and specific heat of lattices of anisotropic classical spins weakly coupled by the dipole-dipole interaction. The calculation is carried out to the second order in the coupling constant over the temperature, while the single-spin anisotropy is treated exactly. The temperature range of applicability of the results is, for weak anisotropy (A/kT << 1), similar to that of ordinary high-temperature expansions, but for moderately and strongly anisotropic spins (A/kT > 1) it can extend down to the temperatures where the superparamagnetic blocking takes place (A/kT \sim 25), provided only the interaction strength is weak enough. Besides, taking exactly the anisotropy into account, the results describe as particular cases the effects of the interactions on isotropic (A = 0) as well as strongly anisotropic (A \to \infty) systems (discrete orientation model and plane rotators).Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlinear coherent states and Ehrenfest time for Schrodinger equation

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    We consider the propagation of wave packets for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, in the semi-classical limit. We establish the existence of a critical size for the initial data, in terms of the Planck constant: if the initial data are too small, the nonlinearity is negligible up to the Ehrenfest time. If the initial data have the critical size, then at leading order the wave function propagates like a coherent state whose envelope is given by a nonlinear equation, up to a time of the same order as the Ehrenfest time. We also prove a nonlinear superposition principle for these nonlinear wave packets.Comment: 27 page

    Lorentzian and Euclidean Quantum Gravity - Analytical and Numerical Results

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    We review some recent attempts to extract information about the nature of quantum gravity, with and without matter, by quantum field theoretical methods. More specifically, we work within a covariant lattice approach where the individual space-time geometries are constructed from fundamental simplicial building blocks, and the path integral over geometries is approximated by summing over a class of piece-wise linear geometries. This method of ``dynamical triangulations'' is very powerful in 2d, where the regularized theory can be solved explicitly, and gives us more insights into the quantum nature of 2d space-time than continuum methods are presently able to provide. It also allows us to establish an explicit relation between the Lorentzian- and Euclidean-signature quantum theories. Analogous regularized gravitational models can be set up in higher dimensions. Some analytic tools exist to study their state sums, but, unlike in 2d, no complete analytic solutions have yet been constructed. However, a great advantage of our approach is the fact that it is well-suited for numerical simulations. In the second part of this review we describe the relevant Monte Carlo techniques, as well as some of the physical results that have been obtained from the simulations of Euclidean gravity. We also explain why the Lorentzian version of dynamical triangulations is a promising candidate for a non-perturbative theory of quantum gravity.Comment: 69 pages, 16 figures, references adde

    Increased entropy of signal transduction in the cancer metastasis phenotype

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    Studies into the statistical properties of biological networks have led to important biological insights, such as the presence of hubs and hierarchical modularity. There is also a growing interest in studying the statistical properties of networks in the context of cancer genomics. However, relatively little is known as to what network features differ between the cancer and normal cell physiologies, or between different cancer cell phenotypes. Based on the observation that frequent genomic alterations underlie a more aggressive cancer phenotype, we asked if such an effect could be detectable as an increase in the randomness of local gene expression patterns. Using a breast cancer gene expression data set and a model network of protein interactions we derive constrained weighted networks defined by a stochastic information flux matrix reflecting expression correlations between interacting proteins. Based on this stochastic matrix we propose and compute an entropy measure that quantifies the degree of randomness in the local pattern of information flux around single genes. By comparing the local entropies in the non-metastatic versus metastatic breast cancer networks, we here show that breast cancers that metastasize are characterised by a small yet significant increase in the degree of randomness of local expression patterns. We validate this result in three additional breast cancer expression data sets and demonstrate that local entropy better characterises the metastatic phenotype than other non-entropy based measures. We show that increases in entropy can be used to identify genes and signalling pathways implicated in breast cancer metastasis. Further exploration of such integrated cancer expression and protein interaction networks will therefore be a fruitful endeavour.Comment: 5 figures, 2 Supplementary Figures and Table
