174 research outputs found

    Simultaneously imaging of dielectric properties and topography in a PbTiO_3 crystal by near-field scanning microwave microscopy

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    We use a near-field scanning microwave microscope to simultaneously image the dielectric constant, loss tangent, and topography in a PbTiO_3 crystal. By this method, we study the effects of the local dielectric constant and loss tangent in the geometry of periodic domains on the measured resonant frequency, and quality factor. We also carry out theoretical calculations and the results agree well with the experimental data and reveal the anisotropic nature of dielectric constant

    Abundances in the Herbig Ae star HD 101412: Abundance anomalies; Lambda Boo-Vega characteristics?

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    Context: Recent attention has been directed to abundance variations among very young stars. Aims: To perform a detailed abundance study of the Herbig Ae star HD 101412, taking advantage of its unusually sharp spectral lines. Methods: High-resolution spectra are measured for accurate wavelengths and equivalent widths. Balmer-line fits and ionization equlibria give a relation between Teff, and log(g). Abundance anomalies and uncertain reddening preclude the use of spectral type or photometry to fix Teff. Excitation temperatures are used to break the degeneracy between Teff and log(g). Results: Strong lines are subject to an anomalous saturation that cannot be removed by assuming a low microturbulence. By restricting the analysis to weak (<= 20 m[A]) lines, we find consistent results for neutral and ionized species, based on a model with Teff = 8300K, and log(g)=3.8. The photosphere is depleted in the most refractory elements, while volatiles are normal or, in the case of nitrogen, overabundant with respect to the sun. The anomalies are unlike those of Ap or Am stars. Conclusions: We suggest the anomalous saturation of strong lines arises from heating of the upper atmospheric layers by infalling material from a disk. The overall abundance pattern may be related to those found for the Lambda Boo stars, though the depletions of the refractory elements are milder, more like those of Vega. However, the intermediate volatile zinc is depleted, precluding a straightforward interpretation of the abundance pattern in terms of gas-grain separation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics; 7 pages, 7 figs., 2 table

    FUSE Observations of the HD Molecule toward HD 73882

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    The Lyman and Werner band systems of deuterated molecular hydrogen (HD) occur in the far UV range below 1200 A. The high sensitivity of the FUSE mission can give access, at moderate resolution, to hot stars shining through translucent clouds, in the hope of observing molecular cores in which deuterium is essentially in the form of HD. Thus, the measurement of the HD/H2 ratio may become a new powerful tool to evaluate the deuterium abundance, D/H, in the interstellar medium. We report here on the detection of HD toward the high extinction star HD 73882 [E(B-V)=0.72]. A preliminary analysis is presented.Comment: 4 pages + 4 .ps figures. This paper will appear in a special issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters devoted to the first scientific results from the FUSE missio

    A FUSE Survey of Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds

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    We describe a moderate-resolution FUSE survey of H2 along 70 sight lines to the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds, using hot stars as background sources. FUSE spectra of 67% of observed Magellanic Cloud sources (52% of LMC and 92% of SMC) exhibit absorption lines from the H2 Lyman and Werner bands between 912 and 1120 A. Our survey is sensitive to N(H2) >= 10^14 cm^-2; the highest column densities are log N(H2) = 19.9 in the LMC and 20.6 in the SMC. We find reduced H2 abundances in the Magellanic Clouds relative to the Milky Way, with average molecular fractions = 0.010 (+0.005, -0.002) for the SMC and = 0.012 (+0.006, -0.003) for the LMC, compared with = 0.095 for the Galactic disk over a similar range of reddening. The dominant uncertainty in this measurement results from the systematic differences between 21 cm radio emission and Lya in pencil-beam sight lines as measures of N(HI). These results imply that the diffuse H2 masses of the LMC and SMC are 8 x 10^6 Msun and 2 x 10^6 Msun, respectively, 2% and 0.5% of the H I masses derived from 21 cm emission measurements. The LMC and SMC abundance patterns can be reproduced in ensembles of model clouds with a reduced H2 formation rate coefficient, R ~ 3 x 10^-18 cm^3 s^-1, and incident radiation fields ranging from 10 - 100 times the Galactic mean value. We find that these high-radiation, low-formation-rate models can also explain the enhanced N(4)/N(2) and N(5)/N(3) rotational excitation ratios in the Clouds. We use H2 column densities in low rotational states (J = 0 and 1) to derive a mean kinetic and/or rotational temperature = 82 +/- 21 K for clouds with N(H2) >= 10^16 cm^-2, similar to Galactic gas. We discuss the implications of this work for theories of star formation in low-metallicity environments. [Abstract abridged]Comment: 30 pages emulateapj, 14 figures (7 color), 7 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, figures 11 and 12 compressed at slight loss of quality, see http://casa.colorado.edu/~tumlinso/h2/ for full version

    HD/H2 Molecular Clouds in the Early Universe: The Problem of Primordial Deuterium

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    We have detected new HD absorption systems at high redshifts, z_abs=2.626 and z_abs=1.777, identified in the spectra of the quasars J0812+3208 and Q1331+170, respectively. Each of these systems consists of two subsystems. The HD column densities have been determined: log(N(HD),A)=15.70+/-0.07 for z_A=2.626443(2) and log(N(HD),B)=12.98+/-0.22 for z_B=2.626276(2) in the spectrum of J0812+3208 and log(N(HD),C)=14.83+/-0.15 for z_C=1.77637(2) and log(N(HD),D)=14.61+/-0.20 for z_D=1.77670(3) in the spectrum of Q1331+170. The measured HD/H2 ratio for three of these subsystems has been found to be considerably higher than its values typical of clouds in our Galaxy. We discuss the problem of determining the primordial deuterium abundance, which is most sensitive to the baryon density of the Universe \Omega_{b}. Using a well-known model for the chemistry of a molecular cloud, we have estimated the isotopic ratio D/H=HD/2H_2=(2.97+/-0.55)x10^{-5} and the corresponding baryon density \Omega_{b}h^2=0.0205^{+0.0025}_{-0.0020}. This value is in good agreement with \Omega_{b}h^2=0.0226^{+0.0006}_{-0.0006} obtained by analyzing the cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropy. However, in high-redshift clouds, under conditions of low metallicity and low dust content, hydrogen may be incompletely molecularized even in the case of self-shielding. In this situation, the HD/2H_2 ratio may not correspond to the actual D/H isotopic ratio. We have estimated the cloud molecularization dynamics and the influence of cosmological evolutionary effects on it

    Directional Radiation and Photodissociation Regions in Molecular Hydrogen Clouds

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    Some astrophysical observations of molecular hydrogen point to a broadening of the velocity distribution for molecules at excited rotational levels. This effect is observed in both Galactic and high redshift clouds. Analysis of H_2, HD, and CI absorption lines has revealed the broadening effect in the absorption system of QSO 1232+082 (z_{abs}=2.33771). We analyze line broadening mechanisms by considering in detail the transfer of ultraviolet radiation (in the resonance lines of the Lyman and Werner H_2 molecular bands) for various velocity distributions at excited rotational levels. The mechanism we suggest includes the saturation of the lines that populate excited rotational levels (radiative pumping) and manifests itself most clearly in the case of directional radiation in the medium. Based on the calculated structure of a molecular hydrogen cloud in rotational level populations, we have considered an additional mechanism that takes into account the presence of a photodissociation region. Note that disregarding the broadening effects we investigated can lead to a significant systematic error when the data are processed.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    A Chandra ACIS Study of the Young Star Cluster Trumpler 15 in Carina and Correlation with Near-infrared Sources

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    Using the highest-resolution X-ray observation of the Trumpler 15 star cluster taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we estimate the total size of its stellar population by comparing the X-ray luminosity function of the detected sources to a calibrator cluster, and identify for the first time a significant fraction (~14%) of its individual members. The highest-resolution near-IR observation of Trumpler 15 (taken by the HAWK-I instrument on the VLT) was found to detect most of our X-ray selected sample of cluster members, with a K-excess disk frequency of 3.8+-0.7%. The near-IR data, X-ray luminosity function, and published spectral types of the brightest members support a cluster age estimate (5-10 Myr) that is older than those for the nearby Trumpler 14 and Trumpler 16 clusters, and suggest that high-mass members may have already exploded as supernovae. The morphology of the inner ~0.7 pc core of the cluster is found to be spherical. However, the outer regions (beyond 2 pc) are elongated, forming an `envelope' of stars that, in projection, appears to connect Trumpler 15 to Trumpler 14; this morphology supports the view that these clusters are physically associated. Clear evidence of mass segregation is seen. This study appears in a Special Issue of the ApJS devoted to the Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP), a 1.42 square degree Chandra X-ray survey of the Great Nebula in Carina.Comment: Accepted for the ApJS Special Issue on the Chandra Carina Complex Project (CCCP), scheduled for publication in May 2011. All 16 CCCP Special Issue papers are available at http://cochise.astro.psu.edu/Carina_public/special_issue.html through 2011 at least. 30 pages; 8 figures; 3 table

    Influence of UV radiation from a massive YSO on the chemistry of its envelope

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    We have studied the influence of far ultraviolet (UV) radiation from a massive young stellar object (YSO) on the chemistry of its own envelope by extending the models of Doty et al. (2002) to include a central source of UV radiation. The models are applied to the massive star-forming region AFGL 2591 for different inner UV field strengths. Depth-dependent abundance profiles for several molecules are presented and discussed. We predict enhanced column densities for more than 30 species, especially radicals and ions. Comparison between observations and models is improved with a moderate UV field incident on the inner envelope, corresponding to an enhancement factor G0~10-100 at 200 AU from the star with an optical depth tau~15-17. Subtle differences are found compared with traditional models of Photon Dominated Regions (PDRs) because of the higher temperatures and higher gas-phase H2O abundance caused by evaporation of ices in the inner region. In particular, the CN/HCN ratio is not a sensitive tracer of the inner UV field, in contrast with the situation for normal PDRs: for low UV fields, the extra CN reacts with H2 in the inner dense and warm region and produces more HCN. It is found that the CH+ abundance is strongly enhanced and grows steadily with increasing UV field. High-J lines of molecules like CN and HCN are most sensitive to the inner dense region where UV radiation plays a role. Thus, even though the total column density affected by UV photons is small, comparison of high-J and low-J lines can selectively trace and distinguish the inner UV field from the outer one. In addition, future Herschel-HIFI observations of hydrides can sensitively probe the inner UV field.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 13 pages, 10 figure

    Evidence for dust evolution within the Taurus Complex from Spitzer images

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    We present Spitzer images of the Taurus Complex (TC) and take advantage of the sensitivity and spatial resolution of the observations to characterize the diffuse IR emission across the cloud. This work highlights evidence of dust evolution within the translucent sections of the archetype reference for studies of quiescent molecular clouds. We combine Spitzer 160 um and IRAS 100 um observations to produce a dust temperature map and a far-IR dust opacity map at 5' resolution. The average dust temperature is about 14.5K with a dispersion of +/-1K across the cloud. The far-IR dust opacity is a factor 2 larger than the average value for the diffuse ISM. This opacity increase and the attenuation of the radiation field (RF) both contribute to account for the lower emission temperature of the large grains. The structure of the TC significantly changes in the mid-IR images that trace emission from PAHs and VSGs. We focus our analysis of the mid-IR emission to a range of ecliptic latitudes where the zodiacal light residuals are small. Within this cloud area, there are no 8 and 24 um counterparts to the brightest 160 um emission features. Conversely, the 8 and 24 um images reveal filamentary structure that is strikingly inconspicuous in the 160 um and extinction maps. The IR colors vary over sub-parsec distances across this filamentary structure. We compare the observed colors with model calculations quantifying the impact of the RF intensity and the abundance of stochastically heated particles on the dust SED. To match the range of observed colors, we have to invoke variations by a factor of a few of both the interstellar RF and the abundance of PAHs and VSGs. We conclude that within this filamentary structure a significant fraction of the dust mass cycles in and out the small size end of the dust size distribution.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Tiny-Scale Molecular Structures in the Magellanic Clouds (Part 1)

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    We report on the {\small FUSE} detections of the HD and CO molecules {\bf on the lines of sight towards three Large Magellanic stars}: Sk -67D05, Sk -68D135, and Sk -69D246. HD is also detected for the first time {\bf on the lines of sight towards two Small Magellanic Cloud stars}: AV 95 and Sk 159. While the HD and CO abundances are expected to be lower in the Large Magellanic Cloud where molecular fractions are a third of the Galactic value and where the photodissociation flux is up to thousands times larger, we report an average HD/H2_2 ratio of 1.4±\pm0.5 ppm and CO/H2_2 ratio ranging from 0.8 to 2.7 ppm similar to the Galactic ones. We tentatively identify a deuterium reservoir (hereafter D--reservoir) towards the Small Magellanic Cloud, along the light path to AV 95. We derive a D/H ratio ranging from 1. 106^{-6} to 1.1 105^{-5}.Comment: 34 pages, 10 tables, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&