4,543 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Rydberg States of Nitric Oxide Probed By Two-Color Resonant Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy

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    Two-color resonant four-wave mixing (TC-RFWM) spectroscopy has been used to probe highly excited v = 0 and v = 1 Rydberg states of nitric oxide. Transitions to n = 16-30, v = 0, Rydberg states, and the 8p, 9p, 7f, 8f, 8s, and 9s, v = 1 Rydberg states from the A (2)Sigma(+), v\u27 = 0 and 1 states have been recorded. The decay rate of the 8p and 9p, v = 1 states has been extracted from the observed line profiles by using a recently developed model for the excitation of quasibound resonances in TC-RFWM spectroscopy. Transitions from the A (2)Sigma(+), v\u27 = 1 state to the X (2)Pi(3/2), v = 10 state have also been observed, allowing an absolute calibration of the TC-RFWM signal intensity. This calibration is used to determine an excited-state absorption cross section for the 9p, v = 1 Rydberg state. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(98)01625-0]

    The development and validation of the Person-centred Practice Inventory-Student instrument: A Modified Delphi Study

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    From PubMed via Jisc Publications RouterBackground Global health care policy and regulatory requirements indicate that nursing students must be prepared for person-centred practice. Despite this, there is no evidence of a theoretically derived instrument to measure students' perceptions of person-centred practice.Objectives To adapt the Person-centred Practice Inventory-Staff instrument for use with healthcare students and to test the adapted instrument.Design This study involved a two-phased, modified Delphi Technique. In Phase 1 students' views about items in the Person-centred Practice Inventory-Staff were explored to gain consensus about items for inclusion in an adapted student version. In Phase 2, the psychometric properties of the adapted instrument were tested.Setting A UK university.Participants Pre-registration nursing students.Methods Phase 1 involved an iterative process including three focus groups (n = 13) followed by Delphi surveys (Round 1: n = 382; Round 2: n = 144). Thematic analysis was used to analyse students' comments and consensus percentages were calculated after each Delphi round. Phase 2 involved a survey using the adapted instrument (n = 532). The measurement model was analysed using confirmatory factor analysis.Results The results indicated stability in the measurement model with this sample. Item correlation scores were between 0.22 and 0.74 with no evidence of collinearity and factor loadings ranged from 0.44–0.86. Fit indices indicated goodness of fit between the observed data and the respective domains in the Person-centred Practice Framework (chi-squared to degrees of freedom ratio of <3, root mean square estimations of approximation 0.06 for all domains and between 0.05 and 0.07 at 90% confidence interval. Comparative fit index estimates ranged from 0.90–0.97).Conclusion This study provides initial validation of the Person-centred Practice Inventory-Student instrument which is offered as a measure of students' perceptions of their person-centred practice. The instrument has utility in assessing the efficacy of curricula in preparing students as person-centred practitioners.100pu

    Continuity of heavy Rydberg behaviour in the ungerade ion-pair states of H 2

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    Heavy Rydberg behaviour and absolute quantum defects are reported for resonances in the ungerade manifold of H2 above the (1s, 3l) dissociation limit. The continuity of the vibrational progression of the B\u27\u27B-bar state through the crossing with the 3p asymptote is demonstrated and a predominantly diabatic picture of the vibrational motion emerges, indicating that the ion-pair resonances possess little 61Σu+ state character

    Effects of model chemistry and data biases on stratospheric ozone assimilation

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    The innovations or observation minus forecast (O&amp;ndash;F) residuals produced by a data assimilation system provide a convenient metric of evaluating global analyses. In this study, O&amp;ndash;F statistics from the Global Ozone Assimilation Testing System (GOATS) are used to examine how ozone assimilation products and their associated O&amp;ndash;F statistics depend on input data biases and ozone photochemistry parameterizations (OPP). All the GOATS results shown are based on a 6-h forecast and analysis cycle using observations from SBUV/2 (Solar Backscatter UltraViolet instrument-2) during September&amp;ndash;October 2002. Results show that zonal mean ozone analyses are more independent of observation biases and drifts when using an OPP, while the mean ozone O&amp;ndash;Fs are more sensitive to observation drifts when using an OPP. In addition, SD O&amp;ndash;Fs (standard deviations) are reduced in the upper stratosphere when using an OPP due to a reduction of forecast model noise and to increased covariance between the forecast model and the observations. Experiments that changed the OPP reference state to match the observations by using an &quot;adaptive&quot; OPP scheme reduced the mean ozone O&amp;ndash;Fs at the expense of zonal mean ozone analyses being more susceptible to data biases and drifts. Additional experiments showed that the upper boundary of the ozone DAS can affect the quality of the ozone analysis and therefore should be placed well above (at least a scale height) the region of interest

    Masculinity as Governance: police, public service and the embodiment of authority, c. 1700-1850

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    About the book: Public Men offers an introduction to an exciting new field: the history of masculinities in the political domain and will be essential reading for students and specialists alike with interests in gender or political culture. By building upon new work on gender and political culture, these new case studies explore the gendering of the political domain and the masculinities of the men who have historically dominated it. As such, Public Men is a major contribution to our understanding of the history of Britain between the Eighteenth and the Twentieth centuries

    Having a voice: a collaborative research project exploring the challenges and assets of people experiencing homelessness

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    Purpose: This study aimed to understand the lived experience of people who have experienced homelessness and professional stakeholders’ views about the challenges faced by this client group. The study sought to identify measures to improve the current situation for both individuals experiencing homelessness and professionals working with them. Design/methodology: Peer researchers with lived experience of multiple and complex needs conducted semi-structured interviews/surveys with 18 participants (eight individuals experiencing homelessness and street activity and ten professional stakeholders). The authors of the paper conducted a thematic analysis of the data. Findings: This paper offers insights into both the current challenges and assets for people who are or have been homeless in an urban setting. Key findings include the need for a coordinated partnership approach to address pathways to support, and the importance of developing opportunities for meaningful activity and building on local resources including giving homeless people a voice. These findings are discussed within the context of current policy (Housing First) and legislation (Homelessness Reduction Act 2017) and the impact on integrated care for people who have experienced homelessness. Research Limitations: The views explored in this study are specific to one city centre in the West Midlands; thus, generalisability may be limited. Originality/value: This study presents a participatory research approach with peer researchers exploring the perspective of individuals experiencing homelessness and wider stakeholders. The findings of this research are considered with reference to the provisions of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017

    Using ‘sport in the community schemes’ to tackle crime and drug use among young people: Some policy issues and problems

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    This is a PDF version of an article published in European physical education review © Sage, 2004. The definitive version is available at www.sagepub.com.This article discusses the effectiveness of sport in the community schemes such as the Positive Futures initative and Summer Splsh/Splash Extra in reducing crime and drug use amongst young people

    Imaging gravity waves in lower stratospheric AMSU-A radiances, Part 2: Validation case study

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    Two-dimensional radiance maps from Channel 9 (~60&ndash;90 hPa) of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU-A), acquired over southern Scandinavia on 14 January 2003, show plane-wave-like oscillations with a wavelength &lambda;<sub><i>h</i></sub> of ~400&ndash;500 km and peak brightness temperature amplitudes of up to 0.9 K. The wave-like pattern is observed in AMSU-A radiances from 8 overpasses of this region by 4 different satellites, revealing a growth in the disturbance amplitude from 00:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC and a change in its horizontal structure between 12:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC. Forecast and hindcast runs for 14 January 2003 using high-resolution global and regional numerical weather prediction (NWP) models generate a lower stratospheric mountain wave over southern Scandinavia with peak 90 hPa temperature amplitudes of ~5&ndash;7 K at 12:00 UTC and a similar horizontal wavelength, packet width, phase structure and time evolution to the disturbance observed in AMSU-A radiances. The wave&apos;s vertical wavelength is ~12 km. These NWP fields are validated against radiosonde wind and temperature profiles and airborne lidar profiles of temperature and aerosol backscatter ratios acquired from the NASA DC-8 during the second SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE II). Both the amplitude and phase of the stratospheric mountain wave in the various NWP fields agree well with localized perturbation features in these suborbital measurements. In particular, we show that this wave formed the type II polar stratospheric clouds measured by the DC-8 lidar. To compare directly with the AMSU-A data, we convert these validated NWP temperature fields into swath-scanned brightness temperatures using three-dimensional Channel 9 weighting functions and the actual AMSU-A scan patterns from each of the 8 overpasses of this region. These NWP-based brightness temperatures contain two-dimensional oscillations due to this resolved stratospheric mountain wave that have an amplitude, wavelength, horizontal structure and time evolution that closely match those observed in the AMSU-A data. These comparisons not only verify gravity wave detection and horizontal imaging capabilities for AMSU-A Channel 9, but provide an absolute validation of the anticipated radiance signals for a given three-dimensional gravity wave, based on the modeling of Eckermann and Wu (2006)

    Practical Implementation of a General Numerical Lifting-Line Method

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    A general numerical lifting-line method provides corrections to overcome the singularities inherent in the lifting-line downwash integrals in certain cases. These singularities have previously limited the scope of lifting-line theory to straight wings not in sideslip; in all other cases, more traditional numerical approaches to solving Prandtl\u27s hypothesis fail to grid converge. However, this general numerical lifting-line method grid converges even for swept wings and wings in sideslip. In the current work, we apply the general numerical lifting-line method to any number of wings with arbitrary geometry. We also provide a dimensional derivation of the basic general numerical lifting-line equations and discuss how airfoil section properties can be corrected for sweep. We develop a linearized system of equations and a nonlinear improvement method to solve the general numerical lifting-line equations. Results show that placing the lifting-line on the wing locus of aerodynamic centers, as done by others, may not yield the most accurate results. Comparisons with published data reveal that the general numerical lifting-line method can accurately predict the lift distribution for swept wings
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