1,945 research outputs found

    The role of the oxide shell in the chemical functionalization of plasmonic gallium nanoparticles

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    S. Catalán-Gómez, M. Briones, A. Redondo-Cubero, F. J. Palomares, F. Nucciarelli, E. Lorenzo, J. L. Pau, "The role of the oxide shell in the chemical functionalization of plasmonic gallium nanoparticles", SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Proc. SPIE 10231 (16 May 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2265665; Copyright 2017 Society of Photo‑Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.Plasmonic Ga nanoparticles (NPs) were thermally oxidized at low temperature in order to increase the native Ga 2 O 3 shell thickness and to improve their stability during the chemical functionalization. The optical, structural and chemical properties of the oxidized NPs have been studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry, scanning electron microscopy, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. A clear redshift of the peak wavelength is observed with the increasing annealing time due to the Ga 2 O 3 thickness increase, and barely affecting the intensity of the plasmon resonance. This oxide layer enhances the stability of the NPs upon immersion in ethanol or water. The surface sensitivity properties of the as-grown and oxidized NPs were investigated by linking a thiol group from 6-Mercapto-1-hexanol through immersion. Ellipsometric spectra at the reversal polarization handedness (RPH) condition are in agreement with the Langmuir absorption model, indicating the formation of a thiol monolayer on the NPs

    Basketball game-related statistics that discriminate between teams season-long success

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    The aim of the present study was to identify the game-related statistics that discriminate between season-long successful and unsuccessful basketball teams participating in the Spanish Basketball League (LEB1). The sample included all 145 average records per season from the 870 games played between the 2000-2001 and the 2005-2006 regular seasons. The following game-related statistics were gathered from the official box scores of the Spanish Basketball Federation: 2- and 3-point field-goal attempts (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), defensive and offensive rebounds, assists, steals, turnovers, blocks (both made and received), and fouls (both committed and received). To control for season variability, all results were normalized to minutes played each season and then converted to z-scores. The results allowed discrimination between best and worst teams' performances through the following game-related statistics: assists (SC=0.47), steals (SC=0.34), and blocks (SC=0.30). The function obtained correctly classified 82.4% of the cases. In conclusion, season-long performance may be supported by players' and teams' passing skills and defensive preparation

    Identification of Cinnabar by non-Destructive Techniques on a Human Mandible from Carrer Paris Chalcolithic Hypogeum (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain)

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    The Carrer Paris site is located in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona, Spain). It is a Chalcolithic hypogeum dated between 3800-4100 BP with more than 60 individuals distributed in four burial levels. We study the remains of Individual 5 from burial level II. It is an adult skeleton, preserved in anatomical position and buried with Campaniform pottery. During the excavation, we identified red pigment on the mandibular symphysis region of the individual 5. In this work we present the preservation state and conservation methodology to restore the individual 5 cranium and mandible. At the same time, we present the results of the pigment composition analyzed by non-destructive methods. These analyses were conducted directly on the pigments and the bone surface with environment electronic microscopy (ESEM-EDS) X-ray micro-diffraction (µ-DRX) before the conservation treatments. The objective of the analysis was to characterize the pigments, the bone and the clays to apply the best methodology to conserve the pieces. The combination of both techniques allows us to analyze the area of interest without removing samples. These analyses were performed directly, without affecting the bone and pigments and assuring the integral preservation of the objects. The results reach us new data on the use of pigment in funerary rituals during the Chalcolithic.L’hypogée du Chalcolithique de la Rue Paris (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Espagne) a été daté entre 3800 et 4100 BP. Les restes anthropologiques fouillés étaient distribués sur quatre niveaux et dépassaient les 60 individus. Ceux étudiés ici proviennent du deuxième niveau d’inhumation et appartiennent à un squelette adulte (individu 5), préservé en connexion anatomique et inhumé avec de la céramique campaniforme. Au cours de la fouille, des restes de matière colorante rouge ont été identifiés sur la région de la symphyse mentonnière. Dans ce travail sont présentés l’état de conservation et la méthodologie de restauration du crâne et de la mandibule de l’individu 5. De même, sont présentés les résultats des analyses non destructices faites directement sur les matières colorantes et l’os. Les analyses ont été réalisées avant la restauration du crâne et de la mandibule à l’aide d’un microscope électronique à balayage environnemental (ESEM-EDS) et micro-diffraction de rayons X (µ-DRX). L’objectif des analyses est la caractérisation des pigments, de l’os et du sédiment afin de choisir la meilleure méthodologie à appliquer pour la conservation des pièces. La combinaison de ces techniques favorise l’analyse des zones d’intérêt sans la prise d’échantillons. Ces analyses ont été faites directement sans abîmer l’os ni les pigments et, en conséquence, la préservation intégrale des objets est assurée. Les résultats obtenus apportent une information importante à propos de l’utilisation de quelques matières colorantes dans les rituels funéraires au Chalcolithique

    Effect of a Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet on Circulating Myokine Levels Compared with the Effect of Bariatric Surgery or a Low-Calorie Diet in Patients with Obesity

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    The preservation of muscle mass and muscle function after weight loss therapy is currently a considerable challenge in the fight against obesity. Muscle mass secretes proteins called myokines that have relevant functions in the regulation of metabolism and health. This study was aimed to evaluate whether a very low-calorie ketogenic (VLCK) diet may modulate myokine levels, in addition to changes in body composition, compared to a standard, balanced low-calorie (LC) diet or bariatric surgery in patients with obesity. Body composition, ketosis, insulin sensitivity and myokines were evaluated in 79 patients with overweight/obesity after a therapy to lose weight with a VLCK diet, a LC diet or bariatric surgery. The follow-up was 6 months. The weight loss therapies induced changes in myokine levels in association with changes in body composition and biochemical parameters. The effects on circulating myokine levels compared to those at baseline were stronger after the VLCK diet than LC diet or bariatric surgery. Differences reached statistical significance for IL-8, MMP2 and irisin. In conclusion, nutritional interventions or bariatric surgery to lose weight induces changes in circulating myokine levels, being this effect potentially most notable after following a VLCK diet

    Dissecting the long-term emission behaviour of the BL Lac object Mrk 421

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    We report on long-term multiwavelengthmonitoring of blazar Mrk 421 by the GLAST-AGILE Support Program of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (GASP-WEBT) collaboration and Steward Observatory, and by the Swift and Fermi satellites. We study the source behaviour in the period 2007–2015, characterized by several extreme flares. The ratio between the optical, X-ray and γ -ray fluxes is very variable. The γ -ray flux variations show a fair correlation with the optical ones starting from 2012.We analyse spectropolarimetric data and find wavelengthdependence of the polarization degree (P), which is compatible with the presence of the host galaxy, and no wavelength dependence of the electric vector polarization angle (EVPA). Optical polarimetry shows a lack of simple correlation between P and flux and wide rotations of the EVPA.We build broad-band spectral energy distributions with simultaneous near-infrared and optical data from the GASP-WEBT and ultraviolet and X-ray data from the Swift satellite. They show strong variability in both flux and X-ray spectral shape and suggest a shift of the synchrotron peak up to a factor of ∼50 in frequency. The interpretation of the flux and spectral variability is compatible with jet models including at least two emitting regions that can change their orientation with respect to the line of sight. manuscrip

    Usefulness of multimodal MR imaging in the differential diagnosis of HaNDL and acute ischemic stroke

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Syndrome of transient Headache and Neurological Deficits with cerebrospinal fluid Lymphocitosis (HaNDL) is a rare disease which can present with focal neurological deficits and mimic stroke. A neurologist-on-duty faced with a HaNDL patient in the first hours might erroneously decide to use thrombolytic drugs, a non-innocuous treatment which has no therapeutic effect on this syndrome.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>We present a case where neuroimaging, together with the clinical picture, led to a presumed diagnosis of HaNDL avoiding intravenous thrombolysis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This report shows the usefulness of multimodal MR imaging in achieving early diagnosis during an acute neurological attack of HaNDL. Our experience, along with that of others, demonstrates that neuroimaging tests reveal the presence of cerebral hypoperfusion in HaNDL syndrome</p

    Comparison of body mass index (BMI) with the CUN-BAE body adiposity estimator in the prediction of hypertension and type 2 diabetes

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    Background Obesity is a world-wide epidemic whose prevalence is underestimated by BMI measurements, but CUN-BAE (Clínica Universidad de Navarra - Body Adiposity Estimator) estimates the percentage of body fat (BF) while incorporating information on sex and age, thus giving a better match. Our aim is to compare the BMI and CUN-BAE in determining the population attributable fraction (AFp) for obesity as a cause of chronic diseases. Methods We calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient between BMI and CUN-BAE, the Kappa index and the internal validity of the BMI. The risks of arterial hypertension (AHT) and diabetes mellitus (DM) and the AFp for obesity were assessed using both the BMI and CUN-BAE. Results 3888 white subjects were investigated. The overall correlation between BMI and CUN-BAE was R2 = 0.48, which improved when sex and age were taken into account (R2 > 0.90). The Kappa coefficient for diagnosis of obesity was low (28.7 %). The AFp was 50 % higher for DM and double for AHT when CUN-BAE was used. Conclusions The overall correlation between BMI and CUN-BAE was not good. The AFp of obesity for AHT and DM may be underestimated if assessed using the BMI, as may the prevalence of obesity when estimated from the percentage of BF

    Integrando escalas y métodos LTER para comprender la dinámica global de un espacio protegido de montaña: el Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido.

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    Los espacios protegidos, por el hecho de albergar una gran geo-biodiversidad y asegurar una baja intervención humana, constituyen lugares muy adecuados para el seguimiento de organismos y procesos a escala ecológica, así como para la obtención de series temporales largas a escala geológica. En el marco de la red LTER-España, el Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido (PNOMP) y el Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología-CSIC están impulsando estudios para la detección de cambios a distintas escalas mediante variados métodos y aproximaciones. Destacamos aquí los más consolidados, entre los que se encuentran los análisis de registros de sedimentos en lagos, espeleotemas en cuevas, la dinámica de uno de los pocos glaciares activos de la Península ibérica, el análisis físico-químico de aguas corrientes e ibones de alta montaña, el registro del cambio climático actual en árboles longevos, la afección que éste ejerce sobre masas actuales de pinos en el límite superior del bosque y de abetales en zonas húmedas, la matorralización de algunos pastos y los procesos mecanicistas que subyacen, la reorganización de la diversidad florística en pastos tras el abandono paulatino o drástico de la ganadería, la biodiversidad de las comunidades alpinas y la dinámica poblacional de especies amenazadas o indicadoras de hábitats o de motores de cambio global. Los seguimientos ecológicos actuales muestran que tanto el cambio climático como el de usos del suelo están teniendo una considerable trascendencia en la fisionomía y la estructura de algunos de los ambientes más icónicos y frecuentes del parque (deterioro del glaciar, termofilización de la flora en cumbres alpinas, densificación del bosque en su límite superior, pérdida de productividad en algunos pastos supraforestales, etc.). También sugieren una importante variabilidad espacial en los procesos (por ej. en el PNOMP conviven pastos matorralizados y pastos muy estables), y evidencian que los cambios observados no siempre siguen los paradigmas establecidos (por ej., las especies amenazadas mantienen dinámicas poblacionales estables). La integración de resultados parciales proporcionados por cada aproximación relativiza la importancia de las percepciones que cada estudio destaca por separado, y permite medir los cambios actuales en el marco de referencia de los cambios a escala geológica.Predecir la resistencia y resiliencia de los ecosistemas o las poblaciones de seres vivos para enfrentarse a los futuros cambios ambientales es complicado, no sólo por la falta de conocimientos disponibles sino también porque las respuestas que observamos no siempre son tan rápidas o lineales como se espera. La modelización constituye una herramienta cada vez más utilizada, pero requiere de evidencias reales para validar sus pronósticos, por lo que la observación de los procesos que actúan en el PNOMP ha de incluir un esfuerzo continuado de monitorización multiescalar y multidisciplinar de los distintos componentes de la geo, hidro-, crio- y biosfera, sin olvidar el componente humano. Entender la complejidad supone conectar las interacciones que existen entre todos los sistemas y ponderar sus efectos según las escalas de trabajo

    Changes in Present and Future Circulation Types Frequency in Northwest Iberian Peninsula

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    The aim of the work described herein was to study projection scenarios in order to find changes in the synoptic variability of the northwest Iberian Peninsula in the 21st century. To this end, we investigated the changes in the frequency of the different circulation types computed for the study area using three different models used in the IPCC 4th assessment report. The circulation types were computed using the procedure known as Lamb circulation types. The control simulation for the late 20th century was evaluated objectively from the results obtained using data from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, as to evaluate the ability of the model to reproduce the present climate. We have compared not only seasonal mean sea level pressure fields but also the mean seasonal frequency of circulation types. The results for the end of the 21st century show a decrease in the frequency of cyclonic, W, and SW circulation types in the spring and summer months. This trend also appears in the autumn, with a concomitant increase in the anticyclonic types