198 research outputs found

    On the distribution of Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Plagusiidae) along the Tunisian coast

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    The subtropical crab, Percnon gibbesi is established along the Tunisian coasts. This crab was recorded by underwater observation from Malloula, Tabarka, El-Haouaria, Yasmine Hammamet, Monastir marina and the Kuriat Islands. These new observations increase the known distribution of P. gibbesi in the south Mediterranean basin

    Carcinome épidermoïde Primitif de la Prostate: A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature

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    Le cancer de la prostate est la tumeur maligne la plus fréquente chez l’homme. La grande majorité des tumeurs de la prostate est représentée par l’adénocarcinome prostatique (jusqu’à 95%). Le carcinome épidermoïde primitif est très rare et ne représente que 0,5% à 1% des carcinomes prostatiques. Jusqu’à 2014 seulement 24 cas ont été décrits dans la littérature. Nous rapportons un nouveau cas de carcinome épidermoide primitif de la prostate chez un jeune âgé de 48 ans diagnostiqué à un stade métastatique. Malgré une chimiothérapie à base de Cisplatine et Métoxantrone, le décès est survenu 2 mois après le diagnostic. A travers cette observation et une revue de la littérature, nous discutons les différents aspects cliniques, histologiques, thérapeutiques et pronostiques de cette tumeur.Mots clés: prostate; carcinome épidermoïde; histologie; métastases; traitement multimodalEnglish Title: Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the prostate: a case report and review of literatureEnglish AbstractProstate cancer is the most frequent malignant cancer in men, with the majority (nearly 95%) of prostate cancers being adenocarcinomas. Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the prostate is rare, representing only 0.5% to 1% of all prostatic carcinomas. Till 2014, only 24 cases have been published in the literature. We report a new case of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the prostate occurring in a young 48-years-old man and diagnosed at a metastatic stage. Despite of the chemotherapy based on Cisplatine and Méitoxantrone, death occurred two months after the diagnosis. Based on this observation and referring to literature review, we discuss the various clinical, histological, therapeutic and prognostic features of this rare tumour.Keywords: prostate; squamous cell carcinoma; histology; metastases; multimodal treatmen

    Genetic structure and variability within and among populations of the fat-tailed Barbarine sheep breed using microsatellites markers

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    This study investigates the genetic diversity and the structure of the most dominant native fat-tailed Tunisian sheep breed (Barbarine, BAR) using microsatellite markers. Blood samples from 183 BAR animals, belonging to 4 subpopulations according to phenotypic traits, were collected across all regions in Tunisia. BAR animals and 31 Appenninica Italian sheep breed (APP) used as an out-group were genotyped at 17 microsatellites loci. A total of 270 alleles were identified with average gene diversity equal to 0.812. The mean observed heterozygosity (0.745) and allelic richness (8.09) estimates were high within BAR breed highlighting notable levels of genetic diversity. The low FIS (0.078) and FIT (0.084) values indicate low level of inbreeding within this breed while a low FST estimate (0.007) shows that the subpopulations are not genetically differentiated. The clustering analysis performed with ‘structure’ detected the absence of substructures and the clear uniqueness of the BAR. Tomiuk and Loeschcke’s DTL genetic distance values confirmed the distinction between APP and BAR breeds. Results arising from our microsatellites analysis represent a starting point for the valorization of this indigenous Tunisian sheep breed. A suggestion was made to monitor its genetic variability and for the preservation of this breed for the next generations.Keywords: Tunisian Barbarine sheep breed, microsatellite markers, genetic variability, population structureAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(1), pp. 44-54, 1 January, 201

    Antiferromagnetic Excitations and Van Hove Singularities in YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x}

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    We show that in quasi-two-dimensional dd-wave superconductors Van Hove singularities close to the Fermi surface lead to novel magnetic quasi-particle excitations. We calculate the temperature and doping dependence of dynamical magnetic susceptibility for YBCO and show that the proposed excitations are in agreement with inelastic neutron scattering experiments. In addition, the values of the gap parameter and in-plane antiferromagnetic coupling are much smaller than usually believed.Comment: REVTeX, 4 pages + 3 PostScript (compressed) figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. B (Rap. Comm.

    Automatic Generation of Questionnaires for Supporting Users during the Execution of Declarative Business Process Models

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    When designing an imperative business process (BP) model, analysts have to face many design requirements (e.g., managing uncertainty, optimizing conflicting objective functions). To facilitate such design, declarative BP models are increasingly used. However, how to execute a given declarative model can be quite challenging since there are typically several variants related to such model, each one presenting different degree of goodness. To support users working on declarative models while a high flexibility is maintained, we propose removing the worst variants from the source declarative model at design time while keeping the best variants. This way, the variants which are kept are narrowed down incrementally during run-time. For managing these variants during run-time we suggest to build upon configurable BP models. To configure such models, we additionally propose to automatically generate questionnaires. The results over a real case study are promising

    Widespread Wolbachia infection in terrestrial isopods and other crustaceans

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    Wolbachia bacteria are obligate intracellular alpha-Proteobacteria of arthropods and nematodes. Although widespread among isopod crustaceans, they have seldom been found in non-isopod crustacean species. Here, we report Wolbachia infection in fourteen new crustacean species. Our results extend the range of Wolbachia infections in terrestrial isopods and amphipods (class Malacostraca). We report the occurrence of two different Wolbachia strains in two host species (a terrestrial isopod and an amphipod). Moreover, the discovery of Wolbachia in the goose barnacle Lepas anatifera (subclass Thecostraca) establishes Wolbachia infection in class Maxillopoda. The new bacterial strains are closely related to B-supergroup Wolbachia strains previously reported from crustacean hosts. Our results suggest that Wolbachia infection may be much more widespread in crustaceans than previously thought. The presence of related Wolbachia strains in highly divergent crustacean hosts suggests that Wolbachia endosymbionts can naturally adapt to a wide range of crustacean hosts. Given the ability of isopod Wolbachia strains to induce feminization of genetic males or cytoplasmic incompatibility, we speculate that manipulation of crustacean-borne Wolbachia bacteria might represent potential tools for controlling crustacean species of commercial interest and crustacean or insect disease vectors.This research was funded by a European Research Council Starting Grant (FP7/2007-2013 grant 260729 EndoSexDet) to RC and a Comité Mixte de Coopération Universitaire Franco-Tunisien grant to DB and FCC

    Reconstruction of discontinuous parameters in a second order impedance boundary operator

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    International audienceWe consider the inverse problem of retrieving the coefficients of a second order boundary operator from Cauchy data associated with the Laplace operator at a measurement curve. We study the identifiability and reconstruction in the case of piecewise continuous parameters. We prove in particular the differentiability of the Khon-Vogelius functional with respect to the discontinuity points and employ the result in a gradient type minimizing algorithm. We provide validating numerical results discussing in particular the case of unknown number of discontinuity points

    Review of alien marine macrophytes in Tunisia

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    In the present study, the list of alien marine macrophytes introduced into Tunisia was updated in the light of available data and new observations. A total of 27 alien marine macrophytes have been recorded so far from Tunisia: 18 Rhodophyta, 3 Ochrophyta, 5 Chlorophyta and 1 Magnoliophyta. For each species, the locality (-ies), the year (or) period and the source of the first observation in Tunisia are given. The distribution and the status (casual, cryptogenic, established or questionable) of species in Tunisia were evaluated and, where appropriate, discussed. Among them, Hypnea cornuta is reported for the first time from Tunisia. Fourteen alien marine macrophytes are established, whereas seven cryptogenic and two casual species require further investigation. Eleven species are considered as invasive or potentially invasive in the Mediterranean Sea: Acrothamnion preissii, Asparagopsis armata, A. taxiformis Indo-Pacific lineage, Hypnea cornuta, Lophocladia lallemandii, Womersleyella setacea, Caulerpa chemnitzia, C. cylindracea, C. taxifolia, Codium fragile subsp. fragile and Halophila stipulacea. Finally, the case of four questionable species is also discussed.The project “MAnagement of Port areas in the MEDiterranean Sea Basin (MAPMED)” has been funded by ENPI CBC MED Cross-Border Cooperation. This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme