1,593 research outputs found

    Treatment of laboratory wastes by heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2

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    La contaminación ambiental causada por la generación de desechos peligrosos es un problema creciente y globalizado. Los residuos peligrosos, una vez emitidos, pueden permanecer en el ambiente durante cientos de años. En diversos laboratorios universitarios se trabaja con distintas sustancias químicas y se efectúan una serie de operaciones que conllevan a la generación de residuos que, en la mayoría de los casos, son peligrosos para la salud y el ambiente; dentro de estos residuos están los generados en los procedimientos de la coloración de Gram.En este trabajo, se presenta una alternativa para el tratamiento de los residuos de la tinción de Gram vía Fotocatálisis Heterogénea (FH). Se utilizó TiO2 P-25 de la casa comer-cial Evonik® y como fuente de radiación una lámpara germicida; además, se usaron como técnicas de análisis la espectroscopia UV – Vis acompañada de mediciones de DQO.Dada la naturaleza de estos residuos, se determinó tratarlos en concentraciones menores a las reales (diluidas al 10 %), con dosificaciones de TiO2 según la literatura en procesos con colorantes; alcanzando en 2 horas una degradación alrededor del 70 % y una reducción de la DQO del 40 %, mostrando la viabilidad de la posible implementación de este proceso en su eliminación.Environmental pollution caused by hazardous waste is a growing and globalized prob-lem. Such waste, once emitted, can remain in the environment for hundreds of years. Chem-ical substances are handled and several operations are carried out in different university laboratories, which generates waste that in most cases is dangerous to human health and the environment. Some of these residues include those produced during Gram staining pro-cedures.This paper presents an alternative for treating residues of Gram staining by Heteroge-neous Photocatalysis (HP). Evonik® TiO2 P-25 was used, and the radiation source was a germicidal lamp. In addition, UV-Vis spectroscopy together with COD measurements were used as analytical techniques.In view of the nature of these residues, it was decided to treat them in concentrations lower than real ones (diluted to 10 %), with TiO2 dosages according to the literature on dy-ing processes. Within 2 hours, a degradation of around 70 % and a reduction of 40 % of the COD were achieved, which shows the feasibility of the implementation of this process to eliminate said wastes

    Semi-supervised learning towards automated segmentation of PET images with limited annotations: Application to lymphoma patients

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    The time-consuming task of manual segmentation challenges routine systematic quantification of disease burden. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) hold significant promise to reliably identify locations and boundaries of tumors from PET scans. We aimed to leverage the need for annotated data via semi-supervised approaches, with application to PET images of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL). We analyzed 18F-FDG PET images of 292 patients with PMBCL (n=104) and DLBCL (n=188) (n=232 for training and validation, and n=60 for external testing). We employed FCM and MS losses for training a 3D U-Net with different levels of supervision: i) fully supervised methods with labeled FCM (LFCM) as well as Unified focal and Dice loss functions, ii) unsupervised methods with Robust FCM (RFCM) and Mumford-Shah (MS) loss functions, and iii) Semi-supervised methods based on FCM (RFCM+LFCM), as well as MS loss in combination with supervised Dice loss (MS+Dice). Unified loss function yielded higher Dice score (mean +/- standard deviation (SD)) (0.73 +/- 0.03; 95% CI, 0.67-0.8) compared to Dice loss (p-value<0.01). Semi-supervised (RFCM+alpha*LFCM) with alpha=0.3 showed the best performance, with a Dice score of 0.69 +/- 0.03 (95% CI, 0.45-0.77) outperforming (MS+alpha*Dice) for any supervision level (any alpha) (p<0.01). The best performer among (MS+alpha*Dice) semi-supervised approaches with alpha=0.2 showed a Dice score of 0.60 +/- 0.08 (95% CI, 0.44-0.76) compared to another supervision level in this semi-supervised approach (p<0.01). Semi-supervised learning via FCM loss (RFCM+alpha*LFCM) showed improved performance compared to supervised approaches. Considering the time-consuming nature of expert manual delineations and intra-observer variabilities, semi-supervised approaches have significant potential for automated segmentation workflows

    Risk behaviors of 15–21 year olds in Mexico lead to a high prevalence of sexually transmitted infections: results of a survey in disadvantaged urban areas

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    BACKGROUND: Due to the fact that adolescents are more likely to participate in high-risk behaviors, this sector of the population is particularly vulnerable to contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and resultant health problems. METHODS: A survey was carried out among adolescents from poor homes in 204 small-urban areas of Mexico. Information was collected in relation to risk behaviors and socio-economic environment. A sub-group of the participants also provided blood and urine samples which were analyzed to detect sexually transmitted infections. RESULTS: The presence of Chlamydia was detected in nearly 8% of participants who had stated that they were sexually active (18%) and approximately 12% were positive for herpes type 2-specific antibodies. For both, a greater proportion of girls resulted positive compared to boys. The presence of these biological outcomes of sexual risk behavior was associated with other risk behaviors (smoking), but not with self-reported indicators of protected sex (reported use of condom during most recent sexual activity). CONCLUSION: The results presented in this study show a startlingly high prevalence of HSV-2 among sexually active Mexican adolescents in poor urban areas, suggesting that this group has participated to a great extent in risky sexual practices. The relationships between socioeconomic environment and adolescent risk behavior need to be better understood if we are to design preventive interventions that modify the determinants of risk behaviors

    Phylogenetic relationships of cone snails endemic to Cabo Verde based on mitochondrial genomes

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    Background: Due to their great species and ecological diversity as well as their capacity to produce hundreds of different toxins, cone snails are of interest to evolutionary biologists, pharmacologists and amateur naturalists alike. Taxonomic identification of cone snails still relies mostly on the shape, color, and banding patterns of the shell. However, these phenotypic traits are prone to homoplasy. Therefore, the consistent use of genetic data for species delimitation and phylogenetic inference in this apparently hyperdiverse group is largely wanting. Here, we reconstruct the phylogeny of the cones endemic to Cabo Verde archipelago, a well-known radiation of the group, using mitochondrial (mt) genomes. Results: The reconstructed phylogeny grouped the analyzed species into two main clades, one including Kalloconus from West Africa sister to Trovaoconus from Cabo Verde and the other with a paraphyletic Lautoconus due to the sister group relationship of Africonus from Cabo Verde and Lautoconus ventricosus from Mediterranean Sea and neighboring Atlantic Ocean to the exclusion of Lautoconus endemic to Senegal (plus Lautoconus guanche from Mauritania, Morocco, and Canary Islands). Within Trovaoconus, up to three main lineages could be distinguished. The clade of Africonus included four main lineages (named I to IV), each further subdivided into two monophyletic groups. The reconstructed phylogeny allowed inferring the evolution of the radula in the studied lineages as well as biogeographic patterns. The number of cone species endemic to Cabo Verde was revised under the light of sequence divergence data and the inferred phylogenetic relationships. Conclusions: The sequence divergence between continental members of the genus Kalloconus and island endemics ascribed to the genus Trovaoconus is low, prompting for synonymization of the latter. The genus Lautoconus is paraphyletic. Lautoconus ventricosus is the closest living sister group of genus Africonus. Diversification of Africonus was in allopatry due to the direct development nature of their larvae and mainly triggered by eustatic sea level changes during the Miocene-Pliocene. Our study confirms the diversity of cone endemic to Cabo Verde but significantly reduces the number of valid species. Applying a sequence divergence threshold, the number of valid species within the sampled Africonus is reduced to half.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [CGL2013-45211-C2-2-P, CGL2016-75255-C2-1-P, BES-2011-051469, BES-2014-069575, Doctorado Nacional-567]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Machine Learning in the Nuclear Medicine: Part 2-Neural Networks and Clinical Aspects

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    COPYRIGHT © 2021 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.This article is the second part in our machine learning series. Part 1 provided a general overview of machine learning in nuclear medicine. Part 2 focuses on neural networks. We start with an example illustrating how neural networks work and a discussion of potential applications. Recognizing that there is a spectrum of applications, we focus on recent publications in the areas of image reconstruction, low-dose PET, disease detection, and models used for diagnosis and outcome prediction. Finally, since the way machine learning algo- rithms are reported in the literature is extremely variable, we conclude with a call to arms regarding the need for standardized reporting of design and outcome metrics and we propose a basic checklist our community might follow going forward

    Casimir energy in spherical cavities

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    We calculate the Casimir energy at spherical cavities within a host made up of an arbitrary material described by a possibly dispersive and lossy dielectric response. To that end, we add to the coherent optical response a contribution that takes account of the incoherent radiation emitted by the host in order to guarantee the detailed balance required to keep the system at thermodynamic equilibrium in the presence of dissipation. The resulting boundary conditions allow a conventional quantum mechanical treatment of the radiation within the cavity from which we obtain the contribution of the cavity walls to the density of states, and from it, the thermodynamic properties of the system. The contribution of the cavity to the energy diverges as it incorporates the interaction energy between neighbor atoms in a continuum description. The change in the energy of an atom situated at the center of the cavity due to its interaction with the fluctuating cavity field is however finite. We evaluate the latter for a simple case.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of QFEXT07. To be published in J. Phys.

    Quince (Cydonia oblonga) in vitro plant root formation through an automated temporary inmersion system, and its acclimation

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    Artículo científicoQuince (Cydonia oblonga) is a non-traditional fruit tree found in Costa Rica that has therapeutic and nutritional properties; however its slow growth and root formation prevents the production of a homogeneous population when using conventional farming techniques. Hence, the aim of this research project was to generate uniform plant material in a reduced time span using a temporary immersion bioreactor system (RITAS ®). A semisolid rooting MS culture medium supplemented with 0.1 mg L-1 NAA; 0.3 mg L-1 IBA and 3% sucrose (pH 6.5), developed in the Centro de Investigación en Biotecnología (CIB), Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR), in Cartago, was used as a reference medium. Four different variations in the sucrose concentration (1%, 2%, 3%, and 4%) were performed in liquid medium. Each trial was evaluated with in vitro plants which had been previously exposed to the culture medium of the corresponding treatments, in a stationary mode and for a 15 day long period, and with in vitro plants without any previous treatment (a total of eight treatments). The comparison of the root formation percentages evidenced the clear effect of sucrose concentration used, with the best results obtained when using the 2% sucrose trial with no pre-treatment (73.3%). The in vitro plants were acclimated in cylinders made out of peat, have previously been disinfected with fungicide, and placed in a humidity chamber at a 20.5°C average temperature and a 75,5% relative humidity for the establishment of weekly fertilizing cycles. The acclimation process generated an 80% survival rate, since several seedlings experienced stem strangulation caused by a fungal attack. The conidiophores identified through optical and scanning electron microscopy evidenced the presence of Cladosporium spp., which was controlled with carbendazim and iprodione fungicides

    Respondent-Driven Sampling of Injection Drug Users in Two U.S.–Mexico Border Cities: Recruitment Dynamics and Impact on Estimates of HIV and Syphilis Prevalence

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    Respondent-driven sampling (RDS), a chain referral sampling approach, is increasingly used to recruit participants from hard-to-reach populations, such as injection drug users (IDUs). Using RDS, we recruited IDUs in Tijuana and Ciudad (Cd.) Juárez, two Mexican cities bordering San Diego, CA and El Paso, TX, respectively, and compared recruitment dynamics, reported network size, and estimates of HIV and syphilis prevalence. Between February and April 2005, we used RDS to recruit IDUs in Tijuana (15 seeds, 207 recruits) and Cd. Juárez (9 seeds, 197 recruits), Mexico for a cross-sectional study of behavioral and contextual factors associated with HIV, HCV and syphilis infections. All subjects provided informed consent, an anonymous interview, and a venous blood sample for serologic testing of HIV, HCV, HBV (Cd. Juárez only) and syphilis antibody. Log-linear models were used to analyze the association between the state of the recruiter and that of the recruitee in the referral chains, and population estimates of the presence of syphilis antibody were obtained, correcting for biased sampling using RDS-based estimators. Sampling of the targeted 200 recruits per city was achieved rapidly (2 months in Tijuana, 2 weeks in Cd. Juárez). After excluding seeds and missing data, the sample prevalence of HCV, HIV and syphilis were 96.6, 1.9 and 13.5% respectively in Tijuana, and 95.3, 4.1, and 2.7% respectively in Cd. Juárez (where HBV prevalence was 84.7%). Syphilis cases were clustered in recruitment trees. RDS-corrected estimates of syphilis antibody prevalence ranged from 12.8 to 26.8% in Tijuana and from 2.9 to 15.6% in Ciudad Juárez, depending on how recruitment patterns were modeled, and assumptions about how network size affected an individual’s probability of being included in the sample. RDS was an effective method to rapidly recruit IDUs in these cities. Although the frequency of HIV was low, syphilis prevalence was high, particularly in Tijuana. RDS-corrected estimates of syphilis prevalence were sensitive to model assumptions, suggesting that further validation of RDS is necessary