575 research outputs found

    Assessing urban system vulnerabilities to flooding to improve resilience and adaptation in spatial planning

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    Fluvial, pluvial and coastal flooding are the most frequent and costly natural hazard. Cities are social hubs and life in cities is reliant on a number of services and functions such as housing, healthcare, education and other key daily facilities. Urban flooding can cause significant disruption to these services and wider impacts on the population. These impacts may be short or long with a variably spatial scale: urban systems are spatially distributed and the nature of this can have significant effects on flood impacts. From an urban-planning perspective, measuring this disruption and its consequences is fundamental in order to develop more resilient cities. Whereas the assessment of physical vulnerabilities and direct damages is commonly addressed, new methodologies for assessing the systemic vulnerability and indirect damages at the urban scale are required. The proposed systemic approach recognizes the city as a collection of sub-systems or functional units (such as neighborhoods and suburbs), interconnected through the road network, providing key daily services to inhabitants (e.g., healthcare facilities, schools, food shops, leisure and cultural services). Each city is part of broader systems—which may or may not match administrative boundaries—and, as such, needs to be connected to its wider surroundings in a multi-scalar perspective. The systemic analysis, herein limited to residential households, is based on network-accessibility measures and evaluates the presence, the distribution among urban units and the redundancy of key daily services. Trying to spatially sketch the existence of systemic interdependences between neighborhoods, suburbs and municipalities, the proposed method highlights how urban systemic vulnerability spreads beyond the flooded areas. The aim is to understand which planning patterns and existing mixed-use developments are more flood resilient, thereby informing future urban development and regeneration projects. The methodology has been developed based on GIS and applied to an Italian municipality (Noale) in the metropolitan area of Venice, NE Italy

    Introduction:Religious Dimensions of Conspiracy Theories

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    In this introduction to Religious Dimensions of Conspiracy Theories, the editors explain the rationale for the book and introduce a set of definitions and methodological principles for the study of conspiracy theories and religion. In order to better understand both the continuities and discontinuities between old and new forms of conspiracy theories, especially as they connect with ‘religion’, ‘magic’, and ‘the occult’, the introduction advocates a historical and comparative approach operating in dialogue with disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, media studies, and psychology. It also provides a short introduction to the book’s chapters, which include cases spanning from the 2nd century BCE to the present day and locations as diverse as Zambia, Japan, Italy, and Norway

    An observational and numerical case study of a flash sea storm over the Gulf of Genoa

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    International audienceDuring the night between the 8 and 9 December 2006 the seawall of the Savona harbour (Liguria Region in north west of Italy) was overtopped by waves. In this work the "Savona flash sea storm" has been studied by analyzing the data recorded by meteo-marine observing stations and the data produced by high resolution meteo-marine numerical models. The data show that, due to the presence of a fast moving low pressure system, the event was characterized by a rapid transition and interaction between two different regimes of winds and related sea states. The results of the study suggest that the most damaging dynamics of the event could be correlated to a bi-modal structure of the wave spectrum. Based on this the authors suggest that a deeper study of the spectral structure of sea storms could lead to define new operational forecasting tools for the preventive evaluation of sea storms damaging potential

    Elliptic flow in Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV: hybrid model assessment of the first data

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    We analyze the elliptic flow parameter v_2 in Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV and in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} =200 GeV using a hybrid model in which the evolution of the quark gluon plasma is described by ideal hydrodynamics with a state-of-the-art lattice QCD equation of state, and the subsequent hadronic stage by a hadron cascade model. For initial conditions, we employ Monte-Carlo versions of the Glauber and the Kharzeev-Levin-Nardi models and compare results with each other. We demonstrate that the differential elliptic flow v_2(p_T) hardly changes when the collision energy increases, whereas the integrated v_2 increases due to the enhancement of mean transverse momentum. The amount of increase of both v_2 and mean p_T depends significantly on the model of initialization.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Microscopic Black Hole Pairs in Highly-Excited States

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    We consider the quantum mechanics of a system consisting of two identical, Planck-size Schwarzschild black holes revolving around their common center of mass. We find that even in a very highly-excited state such a system has very sharp, discrete energy eigenstates, and the system performs very rapid transitions from a one stationary state to another. For instance, when the system is in the 100th excited state, the life times of the energy eigenstates are of the order of 10−3010^{-30} s, and the energies of gravitons released in transitions between nearby states are of the order of 102210^{22} eV.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, uses RevTe

    Construction of Ultradense Linkage Maps with Lep-MAP2 : Stickleback F-2 Recombinant Crosses as an Example

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    High-density linkage maps are important tools for genome biology and evolutionary genetics by quantifying the extent of recombination, linkage disequilibrium, and chromosomal rearrangements across chromosomes, sexes, and populations. They provide one of the best ways to validate and refine de novo genome assemblies, with the power to identity errors in assemblies increasing with marker density. However, assembly of high-density linkage maps is still challenging due to software limitations. We describe Lep-MAP2, a software for ultradense genome-wide linkage map construction. Lep-MAP2 can handle various family structures and can account for achiasmatic meiosis to gain linkage map accuracy. Simulations show that Lep-MAP2 outperforms other available mapping software both in computational efficiency and accuracy. When applied to two large F-2-generation recombinant crosses between two nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) populations, it produced two high-density (similar to 6 markers/cM) linkage maps containing 18,691 and 20,054 single nucleotide polymorphisms. The two maps showed a high degree of synteny, but female maps were 1.5-2 times longer than male maps in all linkage groups, suggesting genome-wide recombination suppression in males. Comparison with the genome sequence of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) revealed a high degree of interspecific synteny with a low frequency (Peer reviewe

    A matter of words: NLP for quality evaluation of Wikipedia medical articles

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    Automatic quality evaluation of Web information is a task with many fields of applications and of great relevance, especially in critical domains like the medical one. We move from the intuition that the quality of content of medical Web documents is affected by features related with the specific domain. First, the usage of a specific vocabulary (Domain Informativeness); then, the adoption of specific codes (like those used in the infoboxes of Wikipedia articles) and the type of document (e.g., historical and technical ones). In this paper, we propose to leverage specific domain features to improve the results of the evaluation of Wikipedia medical articles. In particular, we evaluate the articles adopting an "actionable" model, whose features are related to the content of the articles, so that the model can also directly suggest strategies for improving a given article quality. We rely on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and dictionaries-based techniques in order to extract the bio-medical concepts in a text. We prove the effectiveness of our approach by classifying the medical articles of the Wikipedia Medicine Portal, which have been previously manually labeled by the Wiki Project team. The results of our experiments confirm that, by considering domain-oriented features, it is possible to obtain sensible improvements with respect to existing solutions, mainly for those articles that other approaches have less correctly classified. Other than being interesting by their own, the results call for further research in the area of domain specific features suitable for Web data quality assessment

    Hemophilia gene therapy knowledge and perceptions: Results of an international survey

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    Background Hemophilia gene therapy is a rapidly evolving therapeutic approach in which a number of programs are approaching clinical development completion. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate knowledge and perceptions of a variety of health care practitioners and scientists about gene therapy for hemophilia. Methods This survey study was conducted February 1 to 18, 2019. Survey participants were members of the ISTH, European Hemophilia Consortium, European Hematology Association, or European Association for Hemophilia and Allied Disorders with valid email contacts. The online survey consisted of 36 questions covering demographic information, perceptions and knowledge of gene therapy for hemophilia, and educational preferences. Survey results were summarized using descriptive statistics. Results Of the 5117 survey recipients, 201 responded from 55 countries (4% response rate). Most respondents (66%) were physicians, and 59% were physicians directly involved in the care of people with hemophilia. Among physician respondents directly involved in hemophilia care, 35% lacked the ability to explain the science of adeno-associated viral gene therapy for hemophilia, and 40% indicated limited ability or lack of comfort answering patient questions about gene therapy for hemophilia based on clinical trial results to date. Overall, 75% of survey respondents answered 10 single-answer knowledge questions correctly, 13% incorrectly, and 12% were unsure of the correct answers. Conclusions This survey highlighted knowledge gaps and educational needs related to gene therapy for hemophilia and, along with other inputs, has informed the development of "Gene Therapy in Hemophilia: An ISTH Education Initiative.

    A High-Quality Assembly of the Nine-Spined Stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) Genome

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    The Gasterosteidae fish family hosts several species that are important models for eco-evolutionary, genetic, and genomic research. In particular, a wealth of genetic and genomic data has been generated for the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), the "ecology's supermodel," whereas the genomic resources for the nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) have remained relatively scarce. Here, we report a high-quality chromosome-level genome assembly of P. pungitius consisting of 5,303 contigs (N50 = 1.2Mbp) with a total size of 521 Mbp. These contigs were mapped to 21 linkage groups using a high-density linkage map, yielding a final assembly with 98.5% BUSCO completeness. A total of 25,062 protein-coding genes were annotated, and about 23% of the assembly was found to consist of repetitive elements. A comprehensive analysis of repetitive elements uncovered centromere-specific tandem repeats and provided insights into the evolution of retrotransposons. A multigene phylogenetic analysis inferred a divergence time of about 26 million years ago (Ma) between nine- and three-spined sticklebacks, which is far older than the commonly assumed estimate of 13 Ma. Compared with the three-spined stickleback, we identified an additional duplication of several genes in the hemoglobin cluster. Sequencing data from populations adapted to different environments indicated potential copy number variations in hemoglobin genes. Furthermore, genome-wide synteny comparisons between three- and nine-spined sticklebacks identified chromosomal rearrangements underlying the karyotypic differences between the two species. The high-quality chromosome-scale assembly of the nine-spined stickleback genome obtained with long-read sequencing technology provides a crucial resource for comparative and population genomic investigations of stickleback fishes and teleosts.Peer reviewe
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