341 research outputs found

    Soil and water pollution in a banana production region in tropical Mexico

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    The effects of abundant Mancozeb (Mn, Zn— bisdithiocarbamate) applications (2.5 kg ha-1week-1 for 10 years) on soil and surface-, subsurface- and groundwater pollution were monitored in a banana production region of tropical Mexico. In soils, severe manganese accumulation was observed, wheras the main metabolite ethylenethiourea was near the detection limit. Surface and subsurface water was highly polluted with ethylenethiourea, the main metabolite of Mancozeb (22.5 and 4.3 lg L-1, respectively), but not with manganese. In deep ground water, no ethylenethiourea was detected. The level of pollution in the region presents a worrisome risk for aquatic life and for human health

    Caracterización química y cuantificación del rendimiento de extracción de pigmento en siete accesiones mexicanas de Bixa orellana

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    Achiote (Bixa orellana) is a plant used for obtaining a natural dye rich on carotenoids (mainly bixin and norbixin); it is also the plant species with the highest content of tocotrienols in nature. In the present work, the pigment extraction yield of seven Mexican accessions of Bixa orellana was quantified. Also color parameters and content of tocotrienols, tocopherols, norbixin, bixin, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity were evaluated in the corresponding annatto extracts. The highest percentage of pigment extraction yield was obtained with KOH (4.84%). Accessions 43 (L*= 4.01 ± 0.79, C*= 7.33 ± 1.07, h= 25.76 ± 6.35) and 50 (L*= 3.17 ± 0.64, C*= 6.81 ± 0.53, h= 26.41 ± 4.41) had the lowest color values, meaning these accessions had a darker and redder color. Four accessions showed the highest content of bixin: accession 48 (3.1%), 45 (2.6%) 43 (2.4%) and 47 (2.2%). Accession 50 had showed the highest content of total phenolic compounds and of tocotrienols (T3), mainly the isoform δ-T3 (5.03 ± 0.64 mg g−1 Seed Dry Weight), as well as the highest antioxidant capacity.El achiote (Bixa orellana) es una planta utilizada para obtener un colorante natural rico en carotenoides (principalmente bixina y norbixina); además, es la especie vegetal con el mayor contenido de tocotrienoles. En este trabajo, se determinó el rendimiento de extracción de pigmento de siete accesiones mexicanas de Bixa orellana. También se evaluaron los parámetros de color y el contenido de tocotrienoles, tocoferoles, norbixina, bixina, compuestos fenólicos totales y la capacidad antioxidante en extractos de annato. El mayor porcentaje de rendimiento de extracción de pigmento fue obtenido con KOH (4.847905%). Las accesiones 43 (L*= 4.01 ± 0.79, C*= 7.33 ± 1.07, h= 25.76 ± 6.35) y 50 (L*= 3.17 ± 0.64, C*= 6.81 ± 0.53, h= 26.41 ± 4.41) presentaron los valores más bajos de los párametros de color, lo que significa que estas accesiones tuvieron un color más oscuro y más rojo. Cuatro accesiones mostraron el mayor contenido de bixina: accesión 48 (3.1%), 45 (2.6%) 43 (2.4%) and 47 (2.2%). La accession 50 mostró el mayor contenido de compuestos fenólicos totales y de tocotrienoles (T3), principalmente la isoforma δ-T3 (5.03 ± 0.64 mg g-1 Peso Seco), así como también la mayor capacidad antioxidante.Fil: Raddatz Mota, D.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Pérez Flores, L. J.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Carrari, Fernando Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Insani, Ester Marina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Asis, Ramón. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Mendoza Espinoza, J. A.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Díaz de León Sánchez, F.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Rivera Cabrera, F.. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; Méxic

    Exploring quantum quasicrystal patterns: a variational study

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    We study the emergence of quasicrystal configurations produced purely by quantum fluctuations in the ground-state phase diagram of interacting bosonic systems. By using a variational mean-field approach, we determine the relevant features of the pair interaction potential that stabilize such quasicrystalline states in two dimensions. Unlike their classical counterpart, in which the interplay between only two wave vectors determines the resulting symmetries of the solutions, the quantum picture relates in a more complex way to the instabilities of the excitation spectrum. Moreover, the quantum quasicrystal patterns are found to emerge as the ground state with no need of moderate thermal fluctuations. The study extends to the exploration of the excitation properties and the possible existence of super-quasicrystals, i.e. supersolid-like quasicrystalline states in which the long-range non-periodic density profile coexist with a non-zero superfluid fraction. Our calculations show that, in an intermediate region between the homogeneous superfluid and the normal quasicrystal phases, these exotic states indeed exist at zero temperature. Comparison with full numerical simulations provides a solid verification of the variational approach adopted in this work.Comment: 10 pages, 6 Figure

    NADH-based kinetic model for acetone-butanol-ethanol production by Clostridium

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    We present in this work a kinetic model of the acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation based on enzyme kinetics expressions. The model includes the effect of the co-substrate NADH as a modulating factor of cellular metabolism. The simulations obtained with the model showed an adequate fit to the experimental data reported by several authors, matching or improving the results observed with previous models. In addition, this model does not require artificial mathematical strategies such as on-off functions to achieve a satisfactory fit of the ABE fermentation dynamics. The parametric sensitivity allowed to identify the direct glucose → acetyl-CoA → butyryl-CoA pathway as being more significant for butanol production than the acid re-assimilation pathway. Likewise, model simulations showed that the increase in NADH, due to glucose concentration, favors butanol production and selectivity, finding a maximum selectivity of 3.6, at NADH concentrations above 55 mM and glucose concentration of 126 mM. The introduction of NADH in the model would allow its use for the analysis of electrofermentation processes with Clostridium, since the model establishes a basis for representing changes in the intracellular redox potential from extracellular variables

    Quality of Life in Brain Cancer: Clinical Validation of the Mexican-Spanish Version of the EORTC QLQ-BN20 Questionnaire

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    Background: Overall survival (OS) of patients with Brain Cancer (BC) is slowly increasing. The disease itself and its treatments deeply impact patient Health-related quality of life (HRQL). Therefore, valid and reliable instruments are needed. In this study, the Mexican-Spanish version of the QLQ-BN20 instrument is psychometrically and clinically validated.Methods: Patients with brain cancer (BC) (primary or metastatic) evaluated at a tertiary cancer center, were invited to respond to the questionnaire, as well as the core-module QLQ-C30. Tests to demonstrate the instrument's internal consistency, the association of HRQL scales with clinical variables and OS were investigated.Results: One hundred and nineteen patients were included in this cohort: 77 women and 42 men (mean age, 46.2 years). Patients answered both instruments in < 30 min.Good convergent [all correlation coefficients (CC) > 0.37] and discriminant validity was observed and was associated with significant overlap (CC 0.007–0.68). All four multi-item scales of QLQ-BN20 also demonstrated good reliability (Cronbach α > 0.7). Several scales of the QLQ-BN20 were significantly associated with performance status and a modified Recursive Partition Analysis. Of the possible scale correlations, 40 of 161 (24.8%) scales in both instruments, were significantly (directly or inversely) correlated. Visual disorders, Motor dysfunction, Seizures and Weakness of the legs presented association with OS (p < 0.05).Conclusion: The Mexican-Spanish version of the BN20 instrument is valid and reliable and can be used in clinical trials in patients with BC. Some HRQL scales were associated with OS and could therefore be incorporated in future studies of prognostic models

    First survey of Wolf-Rayet star populations over the full extension of nearby galaxies observed with CALIFA

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    The search of extragalactic regions with conspicuous presence of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars outside the Local Group is challenging task due to the difficulties in detecting their faint spectral features. In this exploratory work, we develop a methodology to perform an automated search of WR signatures through a pixel-by-pixel analysis of integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data belonging to the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey, CALIFA. This technique allowed us to build the first catalogue of Wolf-Rayet rich regions with spatially-resolved information, allowing to study the properties of these complexes in a 2D context. The detection technique is based on the identification of the blue WR bump (around He II 4686 {\AA}, mainly associated to nitrogen-rich WR stars, WN) and the red WR bump (around C IV 5808 {\AA} and associated to carbon-rich WR stars, WC) using a pixel-by-pixel analysis. We identified 44 WR-rich regions with blue bumps distributed in 25 galaxies of a total of 558. The red WR bump was identified only in 5 of those regions. We found that the majority of the galaxies hosting WR populations in our sample are involved in some kind of interaction process. Half of the host galaxies share some properties with gamma-ray burst (GRB) hosts where WR stars, as potential candidates to being the progenitors of GRBs, are found. We also compared the WR properties derived from the CALIFA data with stellar population synthesis models, and confirm that simple star models are generally not able to reproduce the observations. We conclude that other effects, such as the binary star channel (which could extend the WR phase up to 10 Myr), fast rotation or other physical processes that causes the loss of observed Lyman continuum photons, are very likely affecting the derived WR properties, and hence should be considered when modelling the evolution of massive stars.Comment: 33 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    A Spectroscopic Study of the Near-IR [SIII] Lines in a Sample of HII Galaxies: chemical abundances

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    A detailed spectroscopic study, from lambda 3700 A to 1 um, was performed for a sample of 34 HII galaxies in order to derive fundamental parameters for their HII regions and ionizing sources, as well as gaseous metal abundances. All the spectra included the nebular [SIII]9069,9532 A lines, given their importance in the derivation of the S/H abundance and relevant ionization diagnostics. A systematic method was followed to correct the near-IR [SIII] line fluxes for the effects of the atmospheric transmission.A comparative analysis of the predictions of the empirical abundance indicators R23 and S23 has been performed. The relative hardness of their ionizing sources was studied using the eta parameter, and exploring the role played by metallicity. For 22 galaxies of the sample a direct value of te[SIII] was derived, along with their ionic and total S/H abundances. Their ionic and total O/H abundances were derived using direct determinations of te[OIII].For the rest of the objects, the total S/H abundance was derived using S23. The abundance range covered by our sample goes from 1/20 solar up to solar metallicity. The mean S/O ratio derived is log (S/O)=-1.68+/-0.20 dex, 1 sigma below the solar S/O value. The S/O abundance ratio shows no significant trend with O/H over the range of abundance covered in this work, in agreement with previous findings.There is a trend for HII galaxies with lower gaseous metallicity to present harder ionizing spectra. We compared the distribution of the ionic ratios O+/O++ vs. S+/S++ derived for our sample with the predictions of a grid of photoionization models performed for different stellar effective temperatures. This analysis indicates that a large fraction of galaxies in our sample seem to be ionized by extremely hard spectra.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the A&A, minor gramatical corrections include

    Imprints of galaxy evolution on H ii regions Memory of the past uncovered by the CALIFA survey

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    H ii regions in galaxies are the sites of star formation and thus particular places to understand the build-up of stellar mass in the universe. The line ratios of this ionized gas are frequently used to characterize the ionization conditions. We use the Hii regions catalogue from the CALIFA survey (~5000 H ii regions), to explore their distribution across the classical [OIII]/Hbeta vs. [NII]/Halpha diagnostic diagram, and how it depends on the oxygen abundance, ionization parameter, electron density, and dust attenuation. We compared the line ratios with predictions from photoionization models. Finally, we explore the dependences on the properties of the host galaxies, the location within those galaxies and the properties of the underlying stellar population. We found that the location within the BPT diagrams is not totally predicted by photoionization models. Indeed, it depends on the properties of the host galaxies, their galactocentric distances and the properties of the underlying stellar population. These results indicate that although H ii regions are short lived events, they are affected by the total underlying stellar population. One may say that H ii regions keep a memory of the stellar evolution and chemical enrichment that have left an imprint on the both the ionizing stellar population and the ionized gasComment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publishing in A&

    Dynamics of systems with isotropic competing interactions in an external field: a Langevin approach

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    We study the Langevin dynamics of a ferromagnetic Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian with a competing long-range repulsive term in the presence of an external magnetic field. The model is analytically solved within the self consistent Hartree approximation for two different initial conditions: disordered or zero field cooled (ZFC), and fully magnetized or field cooled (FC). To test the predictions of the approximation we develop a suitable numerical scheme to ensure the isotropic nature of the interactions. Both the analytical approach and the numerical simulations of two-dimensional finite systems confirm a simple aging scenario at zero temperature and zero field. At zero temperature a critical field hch_c is found below which the initial conditions are relevant for the long time dynamics of the system. For h<hch < h_c a logarithmic growth of modulated domains is found in the numerical simulations but this behavior is not captured by the analytical approach which predicts a t1/2t^1/2 growth law at T=0T = 0