2,740 research outputs found

    Conceptions of democracy in teachers and school managers in Spain

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    La comunicación plantea la problemática de las concepciones de democracia de docentes y directivos de centros escolares españoles. Presenta algunos trabajos relacionados sobre el tema realizados en otros contextos diferentes del español, en los que se arguye que priman concepciones estrechas y conservadoras sobre la democracia. Luego aborda la traducción en la práctica de estas concepciones presentando los distintos niveles de participación en escuelas que, según la literatura existente, puede ir de la modificación de cuestiones estructurales del centro a una mera consulta formal a estudiantes. Finalmente, la comunicación plantea la relevancia del tema y la necesidad de abordar un estudio de la temática en el ámbito españolThis paper is about the conceptions of democracy of teachers and managers of spanish schools. It presents some related works on the subject realized in other contexts, in wich it is said that most conceptions of democracy in schools are related with weak and conservative significances. Then, it is approached the translation in practice of these conceptions presenting the different levels of participation in schools that, according to the existing literature, can go from the modification of the status quo to the mere consultation to students. Finally, the paper raises the relevance of the topic and the need to address a study of the issue in the spanish contex

    The principle of participatory parity in Fraser’s theory: Some reflections for education

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    Esta comunicación desarrolla la concepción de justicia social como paridad de participación de Nancy Fraser. Parte de la hipótesis de que existe una relación fundamental entre justicia social y democracia en su teoría, que fue abordada solo de manera tangencial en los trabajos existentes en educación. La comunicación desarrolla esta relación y la sitúa en nuestro campo con la intención de contribuir a una educación para la justicia social que sea cada vez más democráticaThis paper develops the conception of social justice as parity of participation of Nancy Fraser. The hypothesis is that there exists a fundamental relationship between social justice and democracy in her theory, that has only been tangentially addressed by the existing work in education. The paper develops this relationship and places it in the domain of education with the intention of contributing to an education for social justice that is also increasingly more democrati

    On numerical simulation of powder compaction process: powder transfer modelling and characterisation

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    A numerical model for the powder transfer stage in powder metallurgy cold compaction processes, and the corresponding material characterisation procedure, are proposed. They have been designed on the basis of the following requirements: robust and consistent computational mechanics ingredients, reliability of the obtained results for practical processes in powder metallurgy and industrial viability in the sense that characterisation of any mixture doesn't require either much effort or much time of the enduser. The starting point is a previously developed numerical model for powder compaction, formulated in terms of the large plastic deformation theory, which requires calibration of four parameters controlling the evolution of the yield surface. This calibration, which had been successfully carried out in the past in a range of moderate to high densities, is now extended to very low densities in order to make numerical simulations able to deal with compaction processes involving relevant powder transfer stages. To circumvent the difficulties inherent to direct measurements of very low powder densities, a simple apparatus, which allows studying the powder motion in the chamber, has been designed to provide an indirect way of calibration. On this basis, a set of calibration experiments is proposed. The proposed methodology appears to be simple and industrially viable. Although in the work it is applied to the specific constitutive model used by the authors, it also appears available for other families of constitutive models for powder compaction. As a relevant result, this would allow the same constitutive model to be used, via only the appropriated material characterisation, for simulation of densification in powder transfer stages as well as in pure compaction stage

    Cognitive and personality variables as predictors of sexism against women in Spanish adolescents

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    Previous research on the antecedents of sexism against women have not considered simultaneously the effects of sex, personality, and cognitive variables (need for closure and critical thinking disposition) in relation to sexism. We evaluated whether in adolescence, these indicators could predict sexist attitudes towards women using structural models. The sample comprised 709 Spanish high-school students (mean age = 16.79). 51.5% were female. Sex (being male), need for closure and critical thinking were the most relevant predictors of sexism. The disposition to think critically is as relevant as the motivational dimension of cognition (need for closure) to predict sexism. Multi-group structural models by sex were estimated, and a moderator effect was found between openness to experience and sexism. We suggest future lines of research to disentangle the effects of personality and cognition on sexism and to guide intervention programs to reduce sexist attitudes among adolescents

    Una panorámica de la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico en Uruguay

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    Este trabajo busca profundizar en el conocimiento de la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico en Uruguay, con dos miradas específicas: una a Montevideo y otra a la aportación de las escuelas públicas y privadas. Para ello se realiza una explotación especial de la base de datos del Programa de Evaluación Nacional de Logros Educativos Aristas 2017 desarrollado por el Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa de Uruguay. La muestra, por tanto, está constituida por 15.356 estudiantes de 247 escuelas. En primer lugar, se estima la segregación con los 6 índices más habituales: Disimilitud (ID), Gorard (IG), Raíz Cuadrada (IH), Aislamiento (A), Brecha por Centiles (CGI) e índice Inclusión socioeconómica (IIS). También se estiman los perfiles de segregación y, por último, se analiza la descomposición de la segregación en escuelas públicas y privadas, todo ello tanto para Uruguay en general como para Montevideo en particular. Los resultados apuntan a que Uruguay tiene una segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico promedio de 0,56 (ID), 0,46 (IG), 0,31 (IA), 0,43 (IH), 0,42 (CGI) y 0,53 (IIS), lo cual puede ser considerado como alto. Asimismo se halló que la segregación presenta valores medio-bajos para los estudiantes de familias con menos nivel socioeconómico y muy alto para los de más nivel. El análisis de la segregación en escuelas públicas y privadas apunta a una muy alta concentración de estudiantes de mayor nivel socioeconómico en las escuelas privadas. No se han detectado diferencias importantes en el estudio de Montevideo. La principal conclusión de este estudio es que Uruguay debe tomar medidas para limitar la segregación escolar de los estudiantes con mayores recursos, asegurando la equidad también en las escuelas privadas

    The Use of Network Theory in Heritage Cities

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    This paper aims to demonstrate how the use of Network Theory can be applied to a very interesting and complex urban situation: The parts of a city which may have some patrimonial value, but because of their lack of relevant architectural elements, they are not considered to be historic in a conventional sense. In this paper, we use the suburb of La Villaflora in the city of Quito, Ecuador as our case study. We first propose a system of indicators as a tool to characterize and quantify the historic value of a geographic area. Then, we apply these indicators to the suburb of La Villaflora and use Network Theory to understand and propose actions

    Influence of the n-dodecane chemical mechanism on the CFD modelling of the diesel-like ECN Spray A flame structure at different ambient conditions

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    [EN] Encouraged by the diversity of n-dodecane chemical mechanisms currently available, this investigation focuses on analysing the impact of using different fuel oxidation schemes on the diesel-like Engine Combustion Network (ECN) Spray A flame structure, simulated by means of an Unsteady Flamelet Progress Variable (UFPV) combustion model. The present research discusses systematically the characteristics of four n-dodecane chemical mechanisms in perfectly stirred reactors and counterflow laminar diffusion flames (flamelets) before the final evaluation in turbulent reacting sprays in order to describe the effects of adding different physical levels of complexity to the ignition of the mixtures. In addition, this analysis is complemented with the description of the effect of the boundary conditions on the flame structure. Results evidence the extreme importance of the low temperature chemistry including the period for which the cool flame extends. The different prediction of this stage between mechanisms leads to noticeable different laminar flame structures which in turn produce substantially distinct turbulent flames, especially in the vicinity of the lift-off length (LOL) in terms of reactivity and positioning in the Z-T map. Finally, simulations confirm the strong effect of the boundary conditions, especially for the ambient temperature, on the ignitable mixtures which directly impacts on the soot precursors formation. (C) 2019 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Authors acknowledge that this work was possible thanks to the Ayuda para la Formacion de Profesorado Universitario (FPU 14/03278) belonging to the Subprogramas de Formacion y de Movilidad from the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte from Spain. This work was partially funded by the Government of Spain through CHEST Project (TRA2017-89139-C2-1-R).Payri, F.; García-Oliver, JM.; Novella Rosa, R.; Pérez-Sánchez, EJ. (2019). Influence of the n-dodecane chemical mechanism on the CFD modelling of the diesel-like ECN Spray A flame structure at different ambient conditions. Combustion and Flame. 208:198-218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.06.032S19821820

    Una panorámica de la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico en Uruguay

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    Este trabajo busca profundizar en el conocimiento de la segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico en Uruguay, con dos miradas específicas: una a Montevideo y otra a la aportación de las escuelas públicas y privadas. Para ello se realiza una explotación especial de la base de datos del Programa de Evaluación Nacional de Logros Educativos Aristas 2017 desarrollado por el Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa de Uruguay. La muestra, por tanto, está constituida por 15.356 estudiantes de 247 escuelas. En primer lugar, se estima la segregación con los 6 índices más habituales: Disimilitud (ID), Gorard (IG), Raíz Cuadrada (IH), Aislamiento (A), Brecha por Centiles (CGI) e índice Inclusión socioeconómica (IIS). También se estiman los perfiles de segregación y, por último, se analiza la descomposición de la segregación en escuelas públicas y privadas, todo ello tanto para Uruguay en general como para Montevideo en particular. Los resultados apuntan a que Uruguay tiene una segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico promedio de 0,56 (ID), 0,46 (IG), 0,31 (IA), 0,43 (IH), 0,42 (CGI) y 0,53 (IIS), lo cual puede ser considerado como alto. Asimismo se halló que la segregación presenta valores medio-bajos para los estudiantes de familias con menos nivel socioeconómico y muy alto para los de más nivel. El análisis de la segregación en escuelas públicas y privadas apunta a una muy alta concentración de estudiantes de mayor nivel socioeconómico en las escuelas privadas. No se han detectado diferencias importantes en el estudio de Montevideo. La principal conclusión de este estudio es que Uruguay debe tomar medidas para limitar la segregación escolar de los estudiantes con mayores recursos, asegurando la equidad también en las escuelas privadas

    Meristematic cell proliferation and ribosome biogenesis are decoupled in diamagnetically levitated Arabidopsis seedlings

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    Background: Cell growth and cell proliferation are intimately linked in the presence of Earth’s gravity, but are decoupled under the microgravity conditions present in orbiting spacecraft. New technologies to simulate microgravity conditions for long-duration experiments, with stable environmental conditions, in Earth-based laboratories are required to further our understanding of the effect of extraterrestrial conditions on the growth, development and health of living matter. Results: We studied the response of transgenic seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana, containing either the CycB1-GUS proliferation marker or the DR5-GUS auxin-mediated growth marker, to diamagnetic levitation in the bore of a superconducting solenoid magnet. As a control, a second set of seedlings were exposed to a strong magnetic field, but not to levitation forces. A third set was exposed to a strong field and simulated hypergravity (2 g). Cell proliferation and cell growth cytological parameters were measured for each set of seedlings. Nucleolin immunodetection was used as a marker of cell growth. Collectively, the data indicate that these two fundamental cellular processes are decoupled in root meristems, as in microgravity: cell proliferation was enhanced whereas cell growth markers were depleted. These results also demonstrated delocalisation of auxin signalling in the root tip despite the fact that levitation of the seedling as a whole does not prevent the sedimentation of statoliths in the root cells. Conclusions:In our model system, we found that diamagnetic levitation led to changes that are very similar to those caused by real- [e.g. on board the International Space Station (ISS)] or mechanically-simulated microgravity [e.g. using a Random Positioning Machine (RPM)]. These changes decoupled meristematic cell proliferation from ribosome biogenesis, and altered auxin polar transport