951 research outputs found

    Mg II Absorber Number Density at z~0.05: Implications for Omega_DLA Evolution

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    An unbiased sample of 147 quasar/AGN spectra, obtained with the FOS/HST, has been searched for intervening MgII absorbers over the redshift range 0<z<0.15. The total redshift path searched is 18.8, with the survey being 80% complete to a 5-sigma rest-frame equivalent width, W_r(2796), of 0.6 Ang. Main results of this work are: [1] Four systems were found, with a mean redshift of =0.06, yielding a redshift number density dN/dz=0.22(+0.12)(-0.09) for absorbers with W_r(2796)>0.6 Ang. This is consistent with the value expected if these systems do not evolve from higher redshifts (z=2.2). [2] No systems with W_r(2796)<0.6 Ang were found. It is a 2-sigma result to have a null detection of smaller W_r(2796) systems. If this implies a turnover in the low W_r(2796) region of the equivalent width distribution at z~0, then there is at least a 25% reduction in the average galaxy gas cross section from z<0.2 galaxies. [3] These systems have strong FeII absorption and are good candidates for damped Ly-alpha absorbers DLAs (see Rao & Turnshek 2000, ApJS, 130, 1). This translates to a redshift number density of dN/dz=0.08(+0.09)(-0.05) for DLAs at z~0. In tandem with the data analyzed by Rao & Turnshek, these results indicate that the redshift number density of DLAs does not evolve from z~4 to z~0. If the HI mass function does not evolve from z~0.5 to z~0, then the cosmological HI mass density is also deduced to not evolve from z~4 to z~0. These z~0 results for MgII absorption-selected DLAs are at odds with those based upon 21-cm emission from HI galaxies by a factor of five to six.Comment: 23 pages, 7 Figures, accepted to ApJ. Replaced version includes additional figures and tables and substantial modifications to the tex

    Strongly star-forming rotating disks in a complex merging system at z = 4,7 as revealed by ALMA

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    We performed a kinematical analysis of the [CII] line emission of the BR 1202-0725 system at z~4,7 using ALMA observations. The most prominent sources of this system are a quasar and a submillimeter galaxy, separated by a projected distance of about 24 kpc and characterized by very high SFR, higher than 1000 Msun/yr. However, the ALMA observations reveal that these galaxies apparently have undisturbed rotating disks, which is at variance with the commonly accepted scenario in which strong star formation activity is induced by a major merger. We also detected faint components which, after spectral deblending, were spatially resolved from the main QSO and SMG emissions. The relative velocities and positions of these components are compatible with orbital motions within the gravitational potentials generated by the QSO host galaxy and the SMG, suggesting that they are smaller galaxies in interaction or gas clouds in accretion flows of tidal streams. We did not find any clear spectral evidence for outflows caused by AGN or stellar feedback. This suggests that the high star formation rates might be induced by interactions or minor mergers with these companions, which do not affect the large-scale kinematics of the disks, however. Our kinematical analysis also indicates that the QSO and the SMG have similar Mdyn, mostly in the form of molecular gas, and that the QSO host galaxy and the SMG are seen close to face-on with slightly different disk inclinations: the QSO host galaxy is seen almost face-on (i~15), while the SMG is seen at higher inclinations (i~25). Finally, the ratio between the black hole mass of the QSO, obtained from XShooter spectroscopy, and the Mdyn of the host galaxy is similar to value found in very massive local galaxies, suggesting that the evolution of black hole galaxy relations is probably better studied with dynamical than with stellar host galaxy masses.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Superluminous Supernova in High Surface Density Molecular Gas within the Bar of a Metal-rich Galaxy

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    We report the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of the metal-rich host galaxy of superluminous supernova (SLSN) PTF10tpz, a barred spiral galaxy at z = 0.03994. We find the CO(1–0) emission to be confined within the bar of the galaxy. The distribution and kinematics of molecular gas in the host galaxy resemble gas flows along two lanes running from the tips of the bar toward the galaxy center. These gas lanes end in a gaseous structure in the inner region of the galaxy, likely associated with an inner Lindblad resonance. The interaction between the large-scale gas flows in the bar and the gas in the inner region plausibly leads to the formation of massive molecular clouds and consequently massive clusters. This in turn can result in formation of massive stars, and thus the likely progenitor of the SLSN in a young, massive cluster. This picture is consistent with SLSN PTF10tpz being located near the intersection regions of the gas lanes and the inner structure. It is also supported by the high molecular gas surface densities that we find in the vicinity of the SLSN, surface densities that are comparable with those in interacting galaxies or starburst regions in nearby galaxies. Our findings therefore suggest in situ formation of massive stars due to the internal dynamics of the host galaxy and also lend support to high densities being favorable conditions for formation of SLSN progenitors

    Reconciling the local galaxy population with damped Ly-alpha cross sections and metal abundances

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    A comprehensive analysis of 355 high-quality WSRT HI 21-cm line maps of nearby galaxies shows that the properties and incident rate of Damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) absorption systems observed in the spectra of high redshift QSOs are in good agreement with DLAs originating in gas disks of galaxies like those in the z~0 population. Comparison of low-z DLA statistics with the HI incidence rate and column density distribution f(N) for the local galaxy sample shows no evidence for evolution in the integral "cross section density" below z~1.5, implying that there is no need for a hidden population of galaxies or HI clouds to contribute significantly to the DLA cross section. Compared with z~4, our data indicates evolution of a factor of two in the comoving density along a line of sight. We find that dN/dz(z=0)=0.045 +/- 0.006. The idea that the local galaxy population can explain the DLAs is further strengthened by comparing the properties of DLAs and DLA galaxies with the expectations based on our analysis of local galaxies. The distribution of luminosities of DLA host galaxies, and of impact parameters between QSOs and the centres of DLA galaxies, are in good agreement with what is expected from local galaxies. Approximately 87% of low z DLA galaxies are expected to be fainter than L* and 37 per cent have impact parameters less than 1'' at z=0.5. The analysis shows that some host galaxies with very low impact parameters and low luminosities are expected to be missed in optical follow up surveys. The well-known metallicity-luminosity relation in galaxies, in combination with metallicity gradients in galaxy disks, cause the expected median metallicity of low redshift DLAs to be low (~1/7 solar), which is also in good agreement with observations of low z DLAs. (Abridged)Comment: 22 pages, 22 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Fixed typo

    Dynamical Friction and the Distribution of Dark Matter in Barred Galaxies

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    We use fully self-consistent N-body simulations of barred galaxies to show that dynamical friction from a dense dark matter halo dramatically slows the rotation rate of bars. Our result supports previous theoretical predictions for a bar rotating within a massive halo. On the other hand, low density halos, such as those required for maximum disks, allow the bar to continue to rotate at a high rate. There is somewhat meager observational evidence indicating that bars in real galaxies do rotate rapidly and we use our result to argue that dark matter halos must have a low central density in all high surface brightness disk galaxies, including the Milky Way. Bars in galaxies that have larger fractions of dark matter should rotate slowly, and we suggest that a promising place to look for such candidate objects is among galaxies of intermediate surface brightness.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 3 figures, Accepted by Ap.J.L., revised copy, includes an added paragrap

    The 1000 Brightest HIPASS Galaxies: HI Mass Function and Omega_HI

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    We present a new accurate measurement of the HI mass function of galaxies from the HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalog, a sample of 1000 galaxies with the highest HI peak flux densities in the southern hemisphere (Koribalski et al. 2003). This sample spans nearly four orders of magnitude in HI mass (from log M_HI/M_sun=6.8 to 10.6, H0=75) and is the largest sample of HI selected galaxies to date. We develop a bivariate maximum likelihood technique to measure the space density of galaxies, and show that this is a robust method, insensitive to the effects of large scale structure. The resulting HI mass function can be fitted satisfactorily with a Schechter function with faint-end slope alpha=-1.30. This slope is found to be dependent on morphological type, with later type galaxies giving steeper slopes. We extensively test various effects that potentially bias the determination of the HI mass function, including peculiar motions of galaxies, large scale structure, selection bias, and inclination effects, and quantify these biases. The large sample of galaxies enables an accurate measurement of the cosmological mass density of neutral gas: Omega_HI=(3.8 +/- 0.6) x 10^{-4}. Low surface brightness galaxies contribute only 15% to this value, consistent with previous findings.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, 16 pages, including 17 figures. Corrected typos and reference

    Potential contribution of cereal and milk based fermented foods to dietary nutrient intake of 1-5 years old children in Central province in Zambia

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    Zambia is still facing undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies despite fortification and supplementation programmes stressing the need for additional solutions. Fermented foods have the potential to improve nutrient intake and, therefore, could have an important role in food based recommendations (FBRs) to ensure adequate intake of nutrients for optimal health of populations. Secondary dietary intake data was used in Optifood, a linear programming software to develop FBRs, for children aged 1–3 and 4–5 years in Mkushi district of Zambia. Three scenarios per age group were modeled to determine FBRs based on: (1) FBRs based on local available foods (2) FBR and Mabisi, a fermented milk beverage, and (3) FBR with Munkoyo, a cereal fermented beverage. The scenarios were compared to assess whether addition of Mabisi or Munkoyo achieved a better nutrient intake. FBRs based on only locally available non-fermented foods did not meet ≄70% of recommended nutrient intake (RNI) for calcium, fat, iron and zinc, so-called problem nutrients. The addition of Munkoyo to the FBRs did not reduce the number of problem nutrients, but after adding Mabisi to the FBR’s only iron (67% of RNI) in the 1–3 year age group and only zinc (67% of RNI) in the 4–5 year age group remained problem nutrients. Mabisi, a fermented milk product in combination with the local food pattern is a good additional source of nutrients for these age groups. However, additional nutrition sensitive and cost-effective measures would still be needed to improve nutrient intake, especially that of iron and zinc.</p

    Analogue modelling of basin inversion: a review and future perspectives

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    Basin inversion involves the reversal of subsidence in a basin due to compressional tectonic forces, leading to uplift of the basin's sedimentary infill. Detailed knowledge of basin inversion is of great importance for scientific, societal, and economic reasons, spurring continued research efforts to better understand the processes involved. Analogue tectonic modelling forms a key part of these efforts, and analogue modellers have conducted numerous studies of basin inversion. In this review paper we recap the advances in our knowledge of basin inversion processes acquired through analogue modelling studies, providing an up-to-date summary of the state of analogue modelling of basin inversion. We describe the different definitions of basin inversion that are being applied by researchers, why basin inversion has been historically an important research topic and what the general mechanics involved in basin inversion are. We subsequently treat the wide range of different experimental approaches used for basin inversion modelling, with attention to the various materials, set-ups, and techniques used for model monitoring and analysing the model results. Our new systematic overviews of generalized model results reveal the diversity of these results, which depend greatly on the chosen set-up, model layering and (oblique) kinematics of inversion, and 3D along-strike structural and kinematic variations in the system. We show how analogue modelling results are in good agreement with numerical models, and how these results help researchers to better understand natural examples of basin inversion. In addition to reviewing the past efforts in the field of analogue modelling, we also shed light on future modelling challenges and identify a number of opportunities for follow-up research. These include the testing of force boundary conditions, adding geological processes such as sedimentation, transport, and erosion; applying state-of-the-art modelling and quantification techniques; and establishing best modelling practices. We also suggest expanding the scope of basin inversion modelling beyond the traditional upper crustal “North Sea style” of inversion, which may contribute to the ongoing search for clean energy resources. It follows that basin inversion modelling can bring valuable new insights, providing a great incentive to continue our efforts in this field. We therefore hope that this review paper will form an inspiration for future analogue modelling studies of basin inversion.</p

    Dark Matter and Stellar Mass in the Luminous Regions of Disk Galaxies

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    We investigate the correlations among stellar mass (M_*), disk scale length (R_d), and rotation velocity at 2.2 disk scale lengths (V_2.2) for a sample of 81 disk-dominated galaxies (disk/total >= 0.9) selected from the SDSS. We measure V_2.2 from long-slit H-alpha rotation curves and infer M_* from galaxy i-band luminosities (L_i) and g-r colors. We find logarithmic slopes of 2.60+/-0.13 and 3.05+/-0.12 for the L_i-V_2.2 and M_*-V_2.2 relations, somewhat shallower than most previous studies, with intrinsic scatter of 0.13 dex and 0.16 dex. Our direct estimates of the total-to-stellar mass ratio within 2.2R_d, assuming a Kroupa IMF, yield a median ratio of 2.4 for M_*>10^10 Msun and 4.4 for M_*=10^9-10^10 Msun, with large scatter at a given M_* and R_d. The typical ratio of the rotation speed predicted for the stellar disk alone to the observed rotation speed at 2.2R_d is ~0.65. The distribution of R_d at fixed M_* is broad, but we find no correlation between disk size and the residual from the M_*-V_2.2 relation, implying that this relation is an approximately edge-on view of the disk galaxy fundamental plane. Independent of the assumed IMF, this result implies that stellar disks do not, on average, dominate the mass within 2.2R_d. We discuss our results in the context of infall models of disk formation in cold dark matter halos. A model with a disk-to-halo mass ratio m_d=0.05 provides a reasonable match to the R_d-M_* distribution for spin parameters \lambda ranging from ~0.04-0.08, and it yields a reasonable match to the mean M_*-V_2.2 relation. A model with m_d=0.1 predicts overly strong correlations between disk size and M_*-V_2.2 residual. Explaining the wide range of halo-to-disk mass ratios within 2.2R_d requires significant scatter in m_d values, with systematically lower m_d for galaxies with lower M∗M_*.Comment: 18 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, Accepted to ApJ, Table 1 updated, otherwise minor change

    Estimation of the Space Density of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    The space density of low surface brightness and tiny gas-rich dwarf galaxies are estimated for two recent catalogs: The Arecibo Survey of Northern Dwarf and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies (Schneider, Thuan, Magri & Wadiak 1990) and The Catalog of Low Surface Brightness Galaxy, List II (Schombert, Bothun, Schneider & McGaugh 1992). The goals are (1) to evaluate the additions to the completeness of the Fisher and Tully (1981) 10 Mpc Sample and (2) to estimate whether the density of galaxies contained in the new catalogs adds a significant amount of neutral gas mass to the the inventory of HI already identified in the nearby, present-epoch universe. Although tiny dwarf galaxies (M_HI < ~10^7 solar masses) may be the most abundant type of extragalactic stellar system in the nearby Universe, if the new catalogs are representative, the LSB and dwarf populations they contain make only a small addition (<10%) to the total HI content of the local Universe and probably constitute even smaller fractions of its luminous and dynamical mass.Comment: 27 pages; LaTex; 8 encapsulated postscript figures; 1 table. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
