250 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the LSA-SAF gross primary production product derived from SEVIRI/MSG data (MGPP)

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    The objective of this study is to describe a completely new 10-day gross primary production (GPP) product (MGPP LSA-411) based on data from the geostationary SEVIRI/MSG satellite within the LSA SAF (Land Surface Analysis SAF) as part of the SAF (Satellite Application Facility) network of EUMETSAT. The methodology relies on the Monteith approach. It considers that GPP is proportional to the absorbed photosynthetically active radiation APAR and the proportionality factor is known as the light use efficiency ε. A parameterization of this factor is proposed as the product of a εmax, corresponding to the canopy functioning under optimal conditions, and a coefficient quantifying the reduction of photosynthesis as a consequence of water stress. A three years data record (2015–2017) was used in an assessment against site-level eddy covariance (EC) tower GPP estimates and against other Earth Observation (EO) based GPP products. The site-level comparison indicated that the MGPP product performed better than the other EO based GPP products with 48% of the observations being below the optimal accuracy (absolute error < 1.0 g m−2 day−1) and 75% of these data being below the user requirement threshold (absolute error < 3.0 g m−2 day−1). The largest discrepancies between the MGPP product and the other GPP products were found for forests whereas small differences were observed for the other land cover types. The integration of this GPP product with the ensemble of LSA-SAF MSG products is conducive to meet user needs for a better understanding of ecosystem processes and for improved understanding of anthropogenic impact on ecosystem services.The objective of this study is to describe a completely new 10-day gross primary production (GPP) product (MGPP LSA-411) based on data from the geostationary SEVIRI/MSG satellite within the LSA SAF (Land Surface Analysis SAF) as part of the SAF (Satellite Application Facility) network of EUMETSAT. The methodology relies on the Monteith approach. It considers that GPP is proportional to the absorbed photosynthetically active radiation APAR and the proportionality factor is known as the light use efficiency epsilon. A parameterization of this factor is proposed as the product of a epsilon(max), corresponding to the canopy functioning under optimal conditions, and a coefficient quantifying the reduction of photosynthesis as a consequence of water stress. A three years data record (2015-2017) was used in an assessment against site-level eddy covariance (EC) tower GPP estimates and against other Earth Observation (EO) based GPP products. The site-level comparison indicated that the MGPP product performed better than the other EO based GPP products with 48% of the observations being below the optimal accuracy (absolute error <1.0 g m(-2) day(-1)) and 75% of these data being below the user requirement threshold (absolute error <3.0 g m(-2) day(-1)). The largest discrepancies between the MGPP product and the other GPP products were found for forests whereas small differences were observed for the other land cover types. The integration of this GPP product with the ensemble of LSA-SAF MSG products is conducive to meet user needs for a better understanding of ecosystem processes and for improved understanding of anthropogenic impact on ecosystem services.Peer reviewe

    Angiotensin II infusion promotes ascending aortic aneurysms: attenuation by CCR2 deficiency in apoE−/− mice

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    AngII (angiotensin II) induces atherosclerosis and AAAs (abdominal aortic aneurysms) through multiple proposed mechanisms, including chemotaxis. Therefore, we determined the effects of whole-body deficiency of the chemokine receptor CCR2 (CC chemokine receptor 2) on these diseases. To meet this objective, apoE (apolipoprotein E)−/− mice that were either CCR2+/+ or CCR2−/−, were infused with either saline or AngII (1000 ng·kg−1 of body weight·min−1) for 28 days via mini-osmotic pumps. Deficiency of CCR2 markedly attenuated both atherosclerosis and AAAs, unrelated to systolic blood pressure or plasma cholesterol concentrations. During the course of the present study, we also observed that AngII infusion led to large dilatations that were restricted to the ascending aortic region of apoE−/− mice. The aortic media in most of the dilated area was thickened. In regions of medial thickening, distinct elastin layers were discernable. There was an expansion of the distance between elastin layers in a gradient from the intimal to the adventitial aspect of the media. This pathology differed in a circumscribed area of the anterior region of ascending aortas in which elastin breaks were focal and almost transmural. All regions of the ascending aorta of AngII-infused mice had diffuse medial macrophage accumulation. Deficiency of CCR2 greatly attenuated the AngII-induced lumen dilatation in the ascending aorta. This new model of ascending aortic aneurysms has pathology that differs markedly from AngII-induced atherosclerosis or AAAs, but all vascular pathologies were attenuated by CCR2 deficiency

    Livestock grazing and biodiversity : effects on CO2 exchange in semi-arid Karoo ecosystems, South Africa

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Data used in this study can be obtained upon request and will be made available through the FLUXNET database.Livestock use in semi-arid South African ecosystems has not been extensively studied in relation to the Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide (CO2). We present four years of measurements from twinned eddy-covariance towers in Nama-Karoo, South Africa, to investigate the carbon fluxes and the impact of grazing intensity on NEE. The design contrasted NEE at a long-term site grazed at recommended levels (LG) with a long-term heavily grazed (EG) site that had been rested for 10 years, and was monitored for two years after which intensive grazing was reintroduced for this experiment. This allowed for the quantification of long-term NEE trends on “recovering” vegetations (years I, II) and short-term responses to an intensified land use (years III, IV). The results showed that the net release of CO2 was slightly higher at LG than on “recovering” vegetation at the EG site, where near-neutral exchange was observed during years I and II. However, after grazing was reintroduced to the EG site, differences between sites was reduced but not eliminated. These findings suggest that there is a somewhat higher carbon sequestration potential at the resting EG site than at the LG site, apparently associated with the dominance of unpalatable drought-tolerant grass species and local elimination of many palatable shrubs. Reduction of this sink potential by reintroduction of high-intensity grazing indicates the sensitivity of C-sequestration in this “recovering” system to heavy grazing, but underlines continued resilience of NEE under far heavier grazing than in the LG system. These data suggest notable trade-offs in these ecosystems between carbon storage, biodiversity, and livestock production with rainfall variability being a critical inter-annual driver.This study suggests that long-term resting of previously over-utilized southern African semi-arid vegetation supports enhanced carbon sequestration potential, even if over-utilization has transformed vegetation composition (i.e. has caused degradation through reduced plant species richness). However, this enhanced carbon sequestration potential can be quickly negated by the reintroduction of grazing, even after 10 years of resting. Achievement of carbon sequestration is dependent on average to above-average precipitation and its distribution throughout the year, with sink activity evident mainly after seasonal rains during the warm season.he German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), research programs SPACES and SPACES II (Science Partnerships for the Assessment of Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa), projects ARS AfricaE and EMSAfrica.https://www.elsevier.com/locate/scitotenvhj2024Geography, Geoinformatics and MeteorologySDG-15:Life on lan

    Global Research Alliance N2O chamber methodology guidelines: considerations for automated flux measurement

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions are highly episodic in response to nitrogen additions and changes in soil moisture. Automated gas sampling provides the necessary high temporal frequency to capture these emission events in real time, ensuring the development of accurate N2O inventories and effective mitigation strategies to reduce global warming. This paper outlines the design and operational considerations of automated chamber systems including chamber design and deployment, frequency of gas sampling, and options in terms of the analysis of gas samples. The basic hardware and software requirements for automated chambers are described, including the major challenges and obstacles in their implementation and operation in a wide range of environments. Detailed descriptions are provided of automated systems that have been deployed to assess the impacts of agronomy on the emissions of N2O and other significant greenhouse gases. This information will assist researchers across the world in the successful deployment and operation of automated N2O chamber systems

    Inhibition of plasmin-mediated TAFI activation may affect development but not progression of abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    Objective: Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) reduces the breakdown of fibrin clots through its action as an indirect inhibitor of plasmin. Studies in TAFI-deficient mice have implicated a potential role for TAFI in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) disease. The role of TAFI inhibition on AAA formation in adult ApoE-/- mice is unknown. The aim of this paper was to investigate the effects of TAFI inhibition on AAA development and progression. Methods: Using the Angiotensin II model of AAA, male ApoE-/- mice were infused with Angiotensin II 750ng/kg/min with or without a monoclonal antibody inhibitor of plasmin-mediated activation of TAFI, MA-TCK26D6, or a competitive small molecule inhibitor of TAFI, UK-396082. Results: Inhibition of TAFI in the Angiotensin II model resulted in a decrease in the mortality associated with AAA rupture (from 40.0% to 16.6% with MA-TCK26D6 (log-rank Mantel Cox test p = 0.16), and 8.3% with UK-396082 (log-rank Mantel Cox test p = 0.05)). Inhibition of plasmin-mediated TAFI activation reduced the incidence of AAA from 52.4% to 30.0%. However, late treatment with MA-TCK26D6 once AAA were already established had no effect on the progression of AAA in this model. Conclusions: The formation of intra-mural thrombus is responsible for the dissection and early rupture in the angiotensin II model of AAA, and this process can be prevented through inhibition of TAFI. Late treatment with a TAFI inhibitor does not prevent AAA progression. These data may indicate a role for inhibition of plasmin-mediated TAFI activation in the early stages of AAA development, but not in its progression

    Differential Roles of Cardiomyocyte and Macrophage Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor γ in Cardiac Fibrosis

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    OBJECTIVE—Cardiac fibrosis is an important component of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor γ (PPARγ) ligands repress proinflammatory gene expression, including that of osteopontin, a known contributor to the development of myocardial fibrosis. We thus investigated the hypothesis that PPARγ ligands could attenuate cardiac fibrosis

    Vanin-1 Pantetheinase Drives Smooth Muscle Cell Activation in Post-Arterial Injury Neointimal Hyperplasia

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    The pantetheinase vanin-1 generates cysteamine, which inhibits reduced glutathione (GSH) synthesis. Vanin-1 promotes inflammation and tissue injury partly by inducing oxidative stress, and partly by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) expression. Vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) contribute to neointimal hyperplasia in response to injury, by multiple mechanisms including modulation of oxidative stress and PPARγ. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that vanin-1 drives SMC activation and neointimal hyperplasia. We studied reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and functional responses to platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and the pro-oxidant diamide in cultured mouse aortic SMCs, and also assessed neointima formation after carotid artery ligation in vanin-1 deficiency. Vnn1−/− SMCs demonstrated decreased oxidative stress, proliferation, migration, and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity in response to PDGF and/or diamide, with the effects on proliferation linked, in these studies, to both increased GSH levels and PPARγ expression. Vnn1−/− mice displayed markedly decreased neointima formation in response to carotid artery ligation, including decreased intima:media ratio and cross-sectional area of the neointima. We conclude that vanin-1, via dual modulation of GSH and PPARγ, critically regulates the activation of cultured SMCs and development of neointimal hyperplasia in response to carotid artery ligation. Vanin-1 is a novel potential therapeutic target for neointimal hyperplasia following revascularization

    Scaled momentum spectra in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

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    Charged particle production has been studied in neutral current deep inelastic ep scattering with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 0.44 fb(-1). Distributions of scaled momenta in the Breit frame are presented for particles in the current fragmentation region. The evolution of these spectra with the photon virtuality, Q(2), is described in the kinematic region 10 <Q(2) <41000 Ge V-2. Next-to-leading-order and modified leading-log-approximation QCD calculations as well as predictions from Monte Carlo models are compared to the data. The results are also compared to e(+)e(-) annihilation data. The dependences of the pseudorapidity distribution of the particles on Q(2) and on the energy in the gamma p system, W, are presented and interpreted in the context of the hypothesis of limiting fragmentation