669 research outputs found

    The Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE), inorganic aragonite precipitation and seawater chemistry : Insights from the Middle - Late Cambrian Port au Port Group, Newfoundland

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the following bodies for funding this research: Shell Brazil through the ‘BG05: UoA-UFRGS_SWB Sedimentary Systems’ project at UFRGS, the Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society and the University of Aberdeen. LAMIR, BGS and EPMA staff are also thanked for their assistance with stable isotope and electron microprobe analysis. Dr Ilse Kamerling and Dr. D. Kemp are thanked for their assistance with pXRF analysis, Marianna Skupinska with collection of point count data and Prof. D. McIlroy is thanked for his assistance during fieldwork. Reviews by Dr C. Pederson, Prof. P. Swart and two anonymous reviewers helped improve the manuscript significantly.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Glacial facies associations in a Neoproterozoic back-arc setting, Zavkhan Basin, western Mongolia

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    Diamictites, many of glacial origin, are globally distributed in the Neoproterozoic. Recently, two relatively thin diamictites in the Maikhan Uul Member at the base of the Neoproterozoic Tsagaan Oloom Formation from the Zavkhan Basin of western Mongolia have been identified as being of glacial origin. The Mongolian diamictites form a series of backstepping units within the transgressive systems tract of two major depositional sequences associated with sea-level changes. In each case the diamictites of the transgressive systems tract are abruptly overlain by deeper water, upward shoaling highstand systems tracts consisting of thinly bedded sandstones and shales in sequence 1 and thinly bedded, dark carbonates in sequence 3. The fact that the sequences conform closely to depositional models established at other localities suggests that all are related to major ice ages and that the depositional sequences they have generated provide a valuable tool for global correlation in this part of the stratigraphic column. Available stratigraphic and isotope geochemical information presented by Brasier et al. (1996, this issue) suggests that both diamictites are likely to be of Sturtian age. A riftogenic setting and Sturtian age for the diamictites provide a link with eastern Australia and western America. It is possible, therefore, that these diamictites formed during the breakup of a supercontinental assembly including Siberia, Australia and Laurentia c. 750-725 Ma B

    Detecting ancient life : Investigating the nature and origin of possible stromatolites and associated calcite from a one billion year old lake

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    ATB acknowledges the hospitality of the North West Highlands Geopark in July 2017. DW acknowledges funding from the Australian Research Council via the Future Fellowship scheme (FT 140100321).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Can Life develop in the expanded habitable zones around Red Giant Stars?

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    We present some new ideas about the possibility of life developing around sub-giant and red giant stars. Our study concerns the temporal evolution of the habitable zone. The distance between the star and the habitable zone, as well as its width, increases with time as a consequence of stellar evolution. The habitable zone moves outward after the star leaves the main sequence, sweeping a wider range of distances from the star until the star reaches the tip of the asymptotic giant branch. If life could form and evolve over time intervals from 5×1085 \times 10^8 to 10910^9 years, then there could be habitable planets with life around red giant stars. For a 1 M⊙_{\odot} star at the first stages of its post main-sequence evolution, the temporal transit of the habitable zone is estimated to be of several 109^9 years at 2 AU and around 108^8 years at 9 AU. Under these circumstances life could develop at distances in the range 2-9 AU in the environment of sub-giant or giant stars and in the far distant future in the environment of our own Solar System. After a star completes its first ascent along the Red Giant Branch and the He flash takes place, there is an additional stable period of quiescent He core burning during which there is another opportunity for life to develop. For a 1 M⊙_{\odot} star there is an additional 10910^9 years with a stable habitable zone in the region from 7 to 22 AU. Space astronomy missions, such as proposed for the Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) and Darwin should also consider the environments of sub-giants and red giant stars as potentially interesting sites for understanding the development of life

    The laurentian record of neoproterozoic glaciation, tectonism, and eukaryotic evolution in Death Vally, California

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    Neoproterozoic strata in Death Valley, California contain eukaryotic microfossils and glacial deposits that have been used to assess the severity of putative Snowball Earth events and the biological response to extreme environmental change. These successions also contain evidence for syn-sedimentary faulting that has been related to the rifting of Rodinia, and in turn the tectonic context of the onset of Snowball Earth. These interpretations hinge on local geological relationships and both regional and global stratigraphic correlations. Here we present new geological mapping, measured stratigraphic sections, carbon and strontium isotope chemostratigraphy, and micropaleontology from the Neoproterozoic glacial deposits and bounding strata in Death Valley. These new data enable us to refine regional correlations both across Death Valley and throughout Laurentia, and construct a new age model for glaciogenic strata and microfossil assemblages. Particularly, our remapping of the Kingston Peak Formation in the Saddle Peak Hills and near the type locality shows for the first time that glacial deposits of both the Marinoan and Sturtian glaciations can be distinguished in southeastern Death Valley, and that beds containing vase-shaped microfossils are slump blocks derived from the underlying strata. These slump blocks are associated with multiple overlapping unconformities that developed during syn-sedimentary faulting, which is a common feature of Cyrogenian strata along the margin of Laurentia from California to Alaska. With these data, we conclude that all of the microfossils that have been described to date in Neoproterozoic strata of Death Valley predate the glaciations and do not bear on the severity, extent or duration of Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth events

    Third-Party Effects in Stakeholder Interviews

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    This paper examines the effect of having a third-party scientific expert present in stakeholder interviews. The study was conducted as part of a larger project on stakeholder engagement for natural resource management in the Verde Valley region of Arizona. We employed an experimental design, conducting stakeholder interviews both with and without an identified scientific expert present. Our sample consisted of 12 pairs of interviewees (24 total participants) who we matched based on their occupation, sex, and spatial proximity. For each pair, the scientific expert was present as a third party in one interview and absent in the other. We used a word-based coding strategy to code all interview responses for three known areas of sensitivity among the study population (risk, gatekeeping, and competence). We then performed both quantitative and qualitative analyses to compare responses across the two interview groups. We found that the presence of a scientific expert did not have a statistically significant effect on the mention of sensitive topics among stakeholders. However, our qualitative results show that the presence of a scientific expert had subtle influences on the ways that stakeholders discussed sensitive topics, particularly in placing emphasis on their own credibility and knowledge. Our findings indicate that researchers may be able to pursue collaborative, interdisciplinary research designs with multiple researchers present during interviews without concerns of strongly influencing data elicitation on sensitive topics. However, researchers should be cognizant of the subtle ways in which the presence of a third-party expert may influence the credibility claims and knowledge assertions made by respondents when a third-party expert is present during stakeholder interviews

    Complexities underlying the breeding and deployment of Dutch elm disease resistant elms

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    Dutch elm disease (DED) is a vascular wilt disease caused by the pathogens Ophiostoma ulmi and Ophiostoma novo-ulmi with multiple ecological phases including pathogenic (xylem), saprotrophic (bark) and vector (beetle flight and beetle feeding wound) phases. Due to the two DED pandemics during the twentieth century the use of elms in landscape and forest restoration has declined significantly. However new initiatives for elm breeding and restoration are now underway in Europe and North America. Here we discuss complexities in the DED 'system' that can lead to unintended consequences during elm breeding and some of the wider options for obtaining durability or 'field resistance' in released material, including (1) the phenotypic plasticity of disease levels in resistant cultivars infected by O. novo-ulmi; (2) shortcomings in test methods when selecting for resistance; (3) the implications of rapid evolutionary changes in current O. novo-ulmi populations for the choice of pathogen inoculum when screening; (4) the possibility of using active resistance to the pathogen in the beetle feeding wound, and low attractiveness of elm cultivars to feeding beetles, in addition to resistance in the xylem; (5) the risk that genes from susceptible and exotic elms be introgressed into resistant cultivars; (6) risks posed by unintentional changes in the host microbiome; and (7) the biosecurity risks posed by resistant elm deployment. In addition, attention needs to be paid to the disease pressures within which resistant elms will be released. In the future, biotechnology may further enhance our understanding of the various resistance processes in elms and our potential to deploy trees with highly durable resistance in elm restoration. Hopefully the different elm resistance processes will prove to be largely under durable, additive, multigenic control. Elm breeding programmes cannot afford to get into the host-pathogen arms races that characterise some agricultural host-pathogen systems

    Paleoecology and paleoceanography of the Athel silicilyte, Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary, Sultanate of Oman

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    The Athel silicilyte is an enigmatic, hundreds of meters thick, finely laminated quartz deposit, in which silica precipitated in deep water (>~100–200 m) at the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary in the South Oman Salt Basin. In contrast, Meso-Neoproterozoic sinks for marine silica were dominantly restricted to peritidal settings. The silicilyte is known to contain sterane biomarkers for demosponges, which today are benthic, obligately aerobic organisms. However, the basin has previously been described as permanently sulfidic and time-equivalent shallow-water carbonate platform and evaporitic facies lack silica. The Athel silicilyte thus represents a unique and poorly understood depositional system with implications for late Ediacaran marine chemistry and paleoecology. To address these issues, we made petrographic observations, analyzed biomarkers in the solvent-extractable bitumen, and measured whole-rock iron speciation and oxygen and silicon isotopes. These data indicate that the silicilyte is a distinct rock type both in its sedimentology and geochemistry and in the original biology present as compared to other facies from the same time period in Oman. The depositional environment of the silicilyte, as compared to the bounding shales, appears to have been more reducing at depth in sediments and possibly bottom waters with a significantly different biological community contributing to the preserved biomarkers. We propose a conceptual model for this system in which deeper, nutrient-rich waters mixed with surface seawater via episodic mixing, which stimulated primary production. The silica nucleated on this organic matter and then sank to the seafloor, forming the silicilyte in a sediment-starved system. We propose that the silicilyte may represent a type of environment that existed elsewhere during the Neoproterozoic. These environments may have represented an important locus for silica removal from the oceans

    Human Computation and Convergence

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    Humans are the most effective integrators and producers of information, directly and through the use of information-processing inventions. As these inventions become increasingly sophisticated, the substantive role of humans in processing information will tend toward capabilities that derive from our most complex cognitive processes, e.g., abstraction, creativity, and applied world knowledge. Through the advancement of human computation - methods that leverage the respective strengths of humans and machines in distributed information-processing systems - formerly discrete processes will combine synergistically into increasingly integrated and complex information processing systems. These new, collective systems will exhibit an unprecedented degree of predictive accuracy in modeling physical and techno-social processes, and may ultimately coalesce into a single unified predictive organism, with the capacity to address societies most wicked problems and achieve planetary homeostasis.Comment: Pre-publication draft of chapter. 24 pages, 3 figures; added references to page 1 and 3, and corrected typ

    Laser-Spectroscopic Investigation of OH-Radical Concentrations in the Exhaust Plane of Jet Engines

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    Hydroxyl radical (OH) emissions are relevant for oxidation reactions in the post flame chemistry of exhaust gases emitted from jet engines. No direct measurements of OH concentrations are available to date due to the low abundance and the short lifetime of this radical species. The first application of a combined technique based on Raman scattering and laser_induced fluorescence (LIF) spectrometry is presented here for measurements in the exhaust gases of a commercial jet engine operated in a test rig. From the measurements, upper limits for OH concentrations in the exit plane were determined in the range of 90 ppbv for take off and 80 ppbv for ap_idle. The values are significantly below the predictions of model calculations based on HONO and HNO3 in_flight concentration measurements presented recently. Possibilities for further increase of the detection sensitivity for OH are discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86750/1/Sick34.pd
