549 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary education: photographic rally in the natural environment

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónCada vez es más conocido lo atractivas que son las actividades en el Medio Natural, en general y en la escuela, en particular, por lo tanto llevarse parte de la educación fuera del aula puede ser algo muy positivo. Teniendo como objetivo convertir la educación en algo atractivo y conseguir que los conocimientos se obtengan mediante la vivencia y así hacerlos más significativos, se ve conveniente el uso del rally fotográfico como una herramienta de enseñanza. Esta actividad puede proporcionar diversas posibilidades para abordar distintos objetivos. El enfoque y las características que se le da lo harán adecuado a un grupo u otro, pudiendo ser escolares o adultos. Esta actividad facilita un trabajo multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar en el que se integran varias materias. El conocimiento del entorno urbano, como el natural proporcionan un desarrollo más integral del alumno. Se proponen una serie de pasos para su elaboración y diferentes ejemplos.ES

    El primer proyecto de publicación de un catálogo de moneda andalusí en España: Discurso y Tablas de Medallas Árabes de Miguel de Casiri

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    A través del análisis de documentación textual, iconográfica y monetaria conservada en la Real Academia de la Historia, en el Archivo Histórico de la Universidad de Sevilla y en el Archivo de la Fundación Universitaria Española, fondo Campomanes, se reconstruye la génesis y elaboración del primer proyecto de publicación de un catálogo de moneda árabe en España, Discurso y Tablas de Medallas Árabes, llevado a cabo por Miguel de Casiri junto a Pedro Rodríguez de Campomanes y Martín de Ulloa, bajo el auspicio de la Real Academia de la Historia. Se presentan aquí tanto materiales inéditos como análisis numismático de las piezas en dicha publicación recogidas así como la influencia posterior de la misma.Through the analysis of textual, iconographic and monetary documents preserved in the Royal Academy of History, the Historical Archives of the University of Seville and the Archive of the Spanish University Foundation, Fund Campomanes, we reconstruct the genesis and development of the first draft publication of a catalog of Arab coinage in Spain, Discurso y Tablas de Medallas Árabes, conducted by Miguel de Casiri along with Pedro Rodríguez de Campomanes and Martin de Ulloa, under the auspices of the Royal Academy of History. Both materials and numismatic analysis of the parts contained in this publication are presented here unedited, as well as the subsequent influence of the same

    Fatum y Providencia en Séneca

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    El sabio, como proyecto de vida, según Séneca

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    Séneca en contexto

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    A method for the separation of paramagnetic, ferrimagnetic and haematite magnetic subfabrics using high-field torque magnetometry

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    In this study, the contribution of the paramagnetic, ferrimagnetic and haematite components to the magnetic anisotropy is separated by means of high-field torque magnetometry. Torque measurements at different fields, which are high enough to saturate the ferrimagnetic minerals, however, still low enough that the torque resulting from the haematite is linear with field, allow for the separation of the three magnetic anisotropy components. The method has been applied to haematite single crystals in which no paramagnetic or ferrimagnetic components have been found contribute to the torque signal. The mean direction of the poles to the crystallographic basal plane in the haematite single crystals is subparallel to the minimum-susceptibility direction measured in low-field. The separation analysis has also been applied to highly deformed red beds from the Lower Glarus nappe complex (Switzerland). No ferrimagnetic phases are present in the rocks and, therefore, they cannot contribute to the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. The magnetic fabric arises from a paramagnetic subfabric carried by the phyllosilicate minerals and haematite, in which the basal planes of both phases are in the cleavage plane. The measured magnetic lineation seen in low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility appears to be an apparent lineation that arises from a weak girdling of haematite and the paramagnetic minerals conforming the roc

    Evidence for weak ferromagnetic moment within the basal plane of hematite natural crystals at low temperature

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    Lowerature magnetization of hematite within the basal plane has been studied in a collection of natural crystals by means of torque magnetometry. Comparison between the torque curves at room temperature and at 77 K allows identification of a weak ferromagnetic moment constrained within the basal plane at temperatures well below the Morin transition. Annealing the samples produces the expected reduction of the weak ferromagnetic moment, but there is also a relationship between the ferromagnetic moment before and after annealing. Lowerature measurements after the annealing experiment reveal the presence of a weak ferromagnetic moment that survives the annealing. This observation suggests the magnetic structure of natural hematite crystals below the Morin transition can still be a carrier of magnetization. Key Points A weak ferromagnetic (WFM) moment is detected below the Morin transition The WFM lies within the basal plane Natural Hematite is not a pure AF below TM ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.Peer Reviewe

    El hallazgo de moneda califal de Fontanar (Córdoba)

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    Análisis del hallazgo de dírhams califales aparecidos en el Fontanar, en los arrabales occidentales de Córdoba.This text deals witn the analysis of dirhams from the Caliphate age found in El Fontanar, in the western outskirts of Córdoba

    Socrative in Higher Education: Game vs. Other Uses

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    The integration of clickers in Higher Education settings has proved to be particularly useful for enhancing motivation, engagement and performance; for developing cooperative or collaborative tasks; for checking understanding during the lesson; or even for assessment purposes. This paper explores and exemplifies three uses of Socrative, a mobile application specifically designed as a clicker for the classroom. Socrative was used during three sessions with the same group of first-year University students at a Faculty of Education. One of these sessions—a review lesson—was gamified, whereas the other two—a collaborative reading activity seminar, and a lecture—were not. Ad-hoc questionnaires were distributed after each of them. Results suggest that students welcome the use of clickers and that combining them with gamification strategies may increase students’ perceived satisfaction. The experiences described in this paper show how Socrative is an effective means of providing formative feedback and may actually save time during lessons.S