
A method for the separation of paramagnetic, ferrimagnetic and haematite magnetic subfabrics using high-field torque magnetometry


In this study, the contribution of the paramagnetic, ferrimagnetic and haematite components to the magnetic anisotropy is separated by means of high-field torque magnetometry. Torque measurements at different fields, which are high enough to saturate the ferrimagnetic minerals, however, still low enough that the torque resulting from the haematite is linear with field, allow for the separation of the three magnetic anisotropy components. The method has been applied to haematite single crystals in which no paramagnetic or ferrimagnetic components have been found contribute to the torque signal. The mean direction of the poles to the crystallographic basal plane in the haematite single crystals is subparallel to the minimum-susceptibility direction measured in low-field. The separation analysis has also been applied to highly deformed red beds from the Lower Glarus nappe complex (Switzerland). No ferrimagnetic phases are present in the rocks and, therefore, they cannot contribute to the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. The magnetic fabric arises from a paramagnetic subfabric carried by the phyllosilicate minerals and haematite, in which the basal planes of both phases are in the cleavage plane. The measured magnetic lineation seen in low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility appears to be an apparent lineation that arises from a weak girdling of haematite and the paramagnetic minerals conforming the roc

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