11 research outputs found
ModĂ©lisation de la production de biomasse de la tomate sous lâeffet des principaux paramĂštres climatiques de la serre Monochapelle
In modern horticulture, the use of plant growth models is very important. Due to the complexity of factors involved in crop production and their interactions, our level of analysis and decision-making gradually improves according to model quality and its calibration with local conditions. In Agadir region, producers rely on their experience to make decisions on crop management and generally the quality component of the environment remains the weak point of this approach. In our study, we used a classical model of plant biomass production and introduced other physical equations to improve the model to relatively reflect the field reality. The results showed that developed models correctly simulate the biomass accumulation in tomato under the Monospan greenhouse. However, their efficiency has been improved by the introduction of key climatic factors involved in improving the greenhouse environment. Thus, in adverse climatic periods for plant growth (summer and winter periods), greenhouse operators can rely on net radiation data to simulate biomass accumulation and estimate production losses and cost. Similarly, the use of models of prevention against greenhouse bio-aggressors is another way of feeding tested models in order to develop a more robust global model which integrates a maximum of data necessary to produce decision taking information for sustainable management of horticultural production.
Keywords: Biomass model, greenhouse environment, sustainable production, cost, bio-aggressors, tomato.En horticulture moderne, lâutilisation des modĂšles de croissance des plantes est trĂšs importante. En raison de la complexitĂ© des facteurs et leurs interactions, notre niveau dâanalyse et de prise de dĂ©cision sâamĂ©liorent progressivement en fonction de la qualitĂ© du modĂšle et de son calibrage avec les conditions locales. Dans la rĂ©gion dâAgadir, les producteurs de tomate se basent sur leur expĂ©rience pour prendre les dĂ©cisions sur lâexploitation et gĂ©nĂ©ralement la composante qualitĂ© de lâenvironnement reste le point noir de cette approche. Dans notre Ă©tude, nous avons essayĂ© dâexploiter un modĂšle classique de la production de la biomasse des plantes et dâintroduire dâautres Ă©quations physiques pour amĂ©liorer le rendement du modĂšle dĂ©veloppĂ© et traduire relativement la rĂ©alitĂ© du terrain. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les modĂšles Ă©laborĂ©s simulent correctement lâaccumulation de biomasse chez la tomate conduite sous serre Monochapelle. Cependant, leur efficience a Ă©tĂ© amĂ©liorĂ©e par lâintroduction de facteurs climatiques clĂ©s intervenant dans lâamĂ©lioration de lâenvironnement de la serre. Ainsi, en pĂ©riodes climatiques dĂ©favorables pour la croissance de plantes (pĂ©riodes estivale et hivernale), les serristes peuvent se baser sur les donnĂ©es du rayonnement net pour simuler lâaccumulation de la biomasse et avoir une estimation des pertes de production et des dĂ©penses y affectĂ©es. De mĂȘme, lâexploitation des modĂšles de prĂ©vention contre les bio-agresseurs sous serre est un autre moyen dâalimenter les modĂšles testĂ©s afin de dĂ©velopper un modĂšle global plus robuste et qui intĂšgre un maximum de donnĂ©es nĂ©cessaires pour produire des informations de prise de dĂ©cision pour sâinscrire dans une logique de gestion dâune production horticole raisonnĂ©e et durable.
Mots clés: ModÚle de biomasse, environnement de la serre, production durable, dépenses, bio-agresseurs, tomate
The Impact of Motor Starting on the Quality of the Industrial Electricity Network
The use of electric motors in the industrial sector has become increasingly important, especially with the development of power electronics. However, the use of these motors poses many problems, including the starting problem. Our work focuses on the study of the impact of the starting of electric motors on the quality of the industrial electricity grid, such as voltage drops during and after the starting, increasing the starting current to exorbitant values, and the starting time becoming too long. Besides, we propose solutions for these problems, such as compensation of the reactive power, insertion of VFD, and lag in the starting time of the motors. In the end, do a comparative study between these different solutions to justify the choice that is the insertion of VFD